Analyze Local Network Traffic, Update Quota with tshark and BASH [duplicate] - bash

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How do I calculate network utilization for both transmit and receive
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a slightly weird problem and I really hope someone can help with this:
I go to university and the wireless network here issues every login a certain quota/week (mine is 2GB). This means that every week, I am only allowed to access 2GB of the Internet - my uploads and downloads together must total at most 2GB (I am allowed access to a webpage that tells me my remaining quota). I'm usually allowed a few grace KB but let's not consider that for this problem.
My laptop runs Ubuntu and has the conky system monitor installed, which I've configured to display (among other things, ) my remaining wireless quota. Originally, I had conky hit the webpage and grep for my remaining quota. However, since my conky refreshes every 5 seconds and I'm on the wireless connection for upwards of 12 hours, the checking of the webpage itself kills my wireless quota.
To solve this problem, I figured I could do one of two things:
Hit the webpage much less frequently so that doing so doesn't kill my quota.
Monitor the wireless traffic at my wireless card and keep subtracting it from 2GB
(1) is what I've done so far: I setup a cron job to hit the webpage every minute and store the result in file on my local filesystem. Conky then reads this file - no need for it to hit the webpage; no loss of wireless quota thanks to conky.
This solution is a win by a factor of 12, which is still not enough. However, I'm a fan of realtime data and will not reduce the cron frequency further.
So, the only other solution that I have is (2). This is when I found out about wireshark and it's commandline version tshark. Now, here's what I think I should do:
daemonize tshark
set tshark to monitor the amount (in KB or B or MB - I can convert this later) of traffic flowing through my wireless card
keep appending this traffic information to file1
sum up the traffic information in the file1 and subtract it from 2GB. Store the result in file2
set conky to read file2 - that is my remaining quota
setup a cron job to delete/erase_the_contents_of file1 every Monday at 6.30AM (that's when the weekly quota resets)
At long last, my questions:
Do you see a better way to do this?
If not, how do I setup tshark to make it do what I want? What other scripts might I need?
If it helps, the website tells me my remaining quota is KB
I've already looked at the tshark man page, which unfortunately makes little sense to me, being the network-n00b that I am.
Thank you in advance.

Interesting question. I've no experience using tshark, so personally I would approach this using iptables.
Looking at:
[root#home ~]# iptables -nvxL | grep -E "Chain (INPUT|OUTPUT)"
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 9763462 packets, 1610901292 bytes)
we see that iptables keeps a tally of the the bytes that passes through the each chain. So one can presumably go about monitoring your bandwidth usage by:
When your system starts up, retrieve your remaining quota from the web
Zero the byte tally in iptables (Use the -z option)
Every X seconds, get usage from iptables and deduct from quota
Here are some examples of using iptables for IP accounting.
There are some drawbacks to this approach. First of all you need root access to run iptables, which means you need conky running as root, or run a cron daemon which writes the current values to a file which conky has access to.
Also, not all INPUT/OUTPUT packets may count towards your bandwidth allocation, e.g. intranet access, DNS, etc. One can filter out only relevant connections by matching them and placing them in a separate iptables chain (examples in the link given above). An easier approach (if the disparity is not too large) would be to occasionally grab your real time quota from the web, reset your values and start again.
It also gets a little tricky when you have existing iptables rules which are either complicated or uses custom chains. You'll then need some knowledge of iptables to retrieve the right values.


ftrace: output through GPIO

I am doing some research and need to collect all the kernel function calls within a certain time span, e.g. 60 seconds. I am using Raspberry Pi 4B.
I've tried to use the function tracer ftrace and read the trace_pipe via
echo function > current_tracer
echo 1 > tracing_on
cat trace_pipe > /home/pi/trace/test.txt
This method seems to be too slow and too much data gets lost due to overfilled buffer: approx. 50-60M data points get lost and I only get about 3 M data points. So that's not a good statistics.
I also tried to use trace-cmd:
trace-cmd record -p function sleep 60
With trace-cmd about 20 M data points get lost, which is much better, but still not good enough to build a good statistics. Furthermore the file I get by doing
trace-cmd report > /home/pi/trace/test_trace-cmd.txt
is about 5-6 Gb and takes a few minutes to write. I don't have an intention to make this file smaller (I assume it is impossible). But I just can't wait for so long.
I also worry about producing too much overhead to the system by saving such big trace files. Is it the case?
I am wondering, if it would possible to direct the output of the trace_pipe (or maybe of some other tracing file) to some I/O pin, so that I can connect some logic analyser to this pin and read the data flow by some other device? There will be no need to save the tracing file on the raspberry itself then. I also hope I can reduce the amount of data getting lost.

What's the best way to nmap thousands of subnets in parallel from a script?

To inventory a port in part of a Class-A network, I scan that as a few thousand Class-C networks using nmap. I use parallel to run 32 subnet scan jobs at once.
A minimized version of the script:
while read subnet; do
echo nmap -Pn -p"$tcpport" "$subnet" >> /tmp/nmap_parallel.list;
done < $subnets
parallel -j32 < /tmp/nmap_parallel.list
echo "Subnet scan for port $tcpport complete."
Problem with this approach is the script stops at parallel.
Is there a better way to use parallel from a script?
Can't you send the commands to the background with & in order to process the others simultaneously? Something like below;
ports="20 21 22 25 80 443"
for p in $ports
nmap -Pn -p$p &
Nmap has built-in parallelism that should be able to handle scanning a Class-A network in a single command. In fact, because of Nmap's network status monitoring and feedback mechanisms, it is usually better to run just one instance of Nmap at a time. The bottleneck for Nmap is not the processor, so running multiple instances with parallel is not going to help. Instead, Nmap will send many probes at once and wait for responses. As new responses come in, new probes can be sent out. If Nmap gets a response for every probe, it increases the number of outstanding probes (parallelism) it sends. When it detects a packet drop, it decreases this number (as well as some other timing-related variables).
This adaptive timing behavior is discussed at length in the official Nmap Network Scanning book, and is based on public algorithms used in TCP.
You may be able to speed up your scan by adjusting some timing options and eliminating scan phases that do not matter to you. On the simple end, you can try -T4 to increase several timing-related settings at once, without exceeding the capability of a high-speed link. You can also try adding -n to skip the reverse-DNS name lookup phase, since you may not be interested in those results.
You have already used the -Pn flag to skip the host discovery phase; if you are only scanning one port, this may be a good idea, but it may also result in confusing output and slower scan times, since Nmap must assume that every host is up and do a real port scan. Remember the adaptive timing algorithms? They have slightly different behavior when doing host discovery that may result in faster scan times. If you don't like the default host discovery probes, you can tune them yourself. If I am scanning for port 22, I can use that as a host discovery probe with -PS22, which means my output will only show hosts with that port open or closed (not firewalled and not down). If you stick with -Pn, you should probably also use the --open option to only show hosts with your chosen ports open, otherwise you will have a lot of output to slog through.

Monitor network bytes/sec on Windows for single process/port from command line

I need to monitor average network bytes sent/received per second over a period of time from command line, but only for network traffic sent/received by a certain process or port.
I am currently able to monitor all network traffic using:
logman create counter -n CounterName -c "\Network Interface(*)\Bytes Total/sec" -f csv -o C:\output.log -si 1
which gives me a CSV of network total bytes/sec at 1 second intervals which I can then parse and determine an average, but I need to be able to monitor traffic only sent/received on a single port or by a single process (port would be better)
I've done a good amount of googling and can't find anything built in to Windows to do this. (I've looked at netstat also). I am open to any free third party tools that can do this, they just need to be able to be run from command line and produce some kind of log.
If you want to implement something yourself, you can write a Upper-Layer Windows Filter driver:

bash protect HD from excessive use

How do I avoid breaking the HD? I have a bash script running on an ubuntu machine, with this meta code:
sleep 60 seconds
if(directory is empty): exit
process file
delete file
The directory is network shared, and the computer is not doing anything else. Once per day a new file arrives and is processed. (I do know that can be replaced by watch). My concern is that is reading everytime - that can presumably be avoided by only having one script!? and is reading the same directory everytime. Is the directory really read from the HD, or is ubuntu somehow caching the dir in ram? -so it is only read when something changes? is it a problem that it is the same place on the HD that is read every time, or does it not matter because the HD is already spinning? If the HD never sleeps, does it matter if I set the loop time down to only one second?
Maybe the directory could be a pure ram dir - how do I do that? -or is there some simple way to check if something has arrived over the network without reading the directory?
Reading a file or directory once every sixty seconds is not excessive use.
Seriously, don't worry about it.
If it's really worrying you, you can rethink your strategy for detecting the file.
For example, do you really need to know, within sixty seconds, that the file has arrived? Can it arrive any time during the day? Can some parts of the day be considered unlikely?
Using information like that, you can adjust the timing of checks to suit. If the file is supposed to be delivered after 4pm, don't check for it at all before then.
Check for it every sixty seconds between 4pm and 5pm, then every ten minutes after that.
These are all business-related decisions that can be made but I would still suggest that it's unnecessary. Provided you regularly back up your disks (and have standby hardware if you need to be back up in a hurry), you shouldn't lose anything.
In fact, if you were really paranoid, you could dedicate an entire machine for this, whose sole purpose is to receive the file via FTP and, when it arrives, send it across to your real processing box.
Put nothing else on that machine and have a warm standby (exactly same software, IP address and so on but powered down) so that, if it fails, the standby can be activated in minutes.
The real processing machine is then only written to once a day - that's unlikely to affect the disk lifetime.
That's probably too paranoid for my liking but it shows that there are ways to mitigate almost any problem.

Recovery from optical media ignoring read errors

I have backups of files archived in optical media (CDs and DVDs). These all have par2 recovery files, stored on separate media. Even in cases where there are no par2 files, minor errors when reading on one optical drive can be read fine on another drive.
The thing is, when reading faulty media, the read time is very, very long, because devices tend to retry multiple times.
The question is: how can I control the number of retries (ie set to no retries or only one try)? Some system call? A library I can download? Do I have to work on the SCSI layer?
The question is mainly about Linux, but any Win32 pointers will be more than welcome too.
man readom, a program that comes with cdrecord:
Do not abort if the high level error checking in readom found an
uncorrectable error in the data stream.
Switch the drive into a mode where it ignores read errors in
data sectors that are a result of uncorrectable ECC/EDC errors
before reading. If readom completes, the error recovery mode of
the drive is switched back to the remembered old mode.
Set the retry count for high level retries in readom to #. The
default is to do 128 retries which may be too much if you like
to read a CD with many unreadable sectors.
The best tool avaliable is dd_rhelp. Just
dd_rhelp /dev/cdrecorder /home/myself/DVD.img
,take a cup of tea and watch the nice graphics.
The dd_rhelp rpm package info:
dd_rhelp uses ddrescue on your entire disc, and attempts to gather the maximum
valid data before trying for ages on badsectors. If you leave dd_rhelp work
for infinite time, it has a similar effect as a simple dd_rescue. But because
you may not have this infinite time, dd_rhelp jumps over bad sectors and rescue
valid data. In the long run, it parses all your device with dd_rescue.
You can Ctrl-C it whenever you want, and rerun-it at will, dd_rhelp resumes the
job as it depends on the log files dd_rescue creates. In addition, progress
is shown in an ASCII picture of your device being rescued.
I've used it a lot myself and Is very, very realiable.
You can install it from DAG to Red Hat like distributions.
Since dd was suggested, I should note that I know of the existence and have used sg_dd, but my question was not about commands (1) or (1m), but about system calls (2) or libraries (3).
Another linux command-line utility that is of help, is sdparm. The following flag seems to disable hardware retries:
sudo sdparm --set=RRC=0 /dev/sr0
where /dev/sr0 is the device for the optical drive in my case.
While checking whether hdparm could modify the number of retries (doesn't seem so), I thought that, depending on the type of error, lowering the CD-ROM speed could potentially reduce the number of read errors, which could actually increase the average read speed. However, if some sectors are completely unreadable, then even lowering the CD-ROM speed won't help.
Since you are asking about driver level access, you should look into SCSI commands, or perhaps an ASPI like API. On windows VSO software (developers of blindread/blindwrite below) have developed a much better API, Patin-Couffin, that provides locked low level access:
That might get you started. However, at the end of the day, the drive is interfaced with SCSI commands, even if it's actually USB, SATA, ATA, IDE, or otherwise. You might also look up terms related to ATAPI, which was one of the first specifications for this CD-ROM SCSI layer interface.
I'd be surprised if you couldn't find a suitable linux library or example of dealing with the lower level commands using the above search terms and concepts.
Older answer:
Blindread/blindwrite was developed in the heyday of cd-rom protection schemes often using intentionally bad sectors or error information to verify the original CD.
It will allow you to set a whole slew of parameters, including retries. Keep in mind that the CD-ROM drive itself determines how many times to retry, and I'm not sure that this is settable via software for many (most?) CD-ROM drives.
You can copy the disk to ISO format, ignoring the errors, and then use ISO utilities to read the data.
Take a look at the ASPI interface. Available on both windows and linux.
dd(1) is your friend.
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image bs=2352 conv=noerror,notrunc
The drive may still retry a bit, but I don't think you'll get any better without modifying firmware.
