Algorithm for activation key- Security - algorithm

I'm writing a software application that the user needs to buy a license for and activate it. I need suggestions on how to start about writing a powerful algorithm for code generation and of course, code checking. I know that people can reverse engineer the code and make a keygen, however, my question is two parts:
In general, regardless of the application being cracked this way, how can I start writing an algorithm to accept a certain Serial or String or a combination. (e.g is that the right thing? e.g: the first number is from 3-9 the second should be the first - 3, while the third number should be the second * + ....whatever...??)
What is the best approach for protecting a Desktop application from piracy without dealing with the internet. Is it the algorithm (make it harder to reverse engineer), protect the source code from being seen after application is installed somewhere?? ...??
PS: Maybe it is worth to mention that I am using Java as my development language.

It sounds like you might benefit from the public-key cryptography approach.
This can be broken down into two sub points:
A. Have you read this thread here on SO? It might give you some breadth on the issue.
B. As #Jaka said, it's not a great challenge (from what I've read) to produce human readable code from Java byte code. You can run your code through an obfuscator to make it more difficult for someone to produce human readable code from it, but if someone really wants to read your code, they'll almost always find a way. The best approach to combat this is to take the advice in the SO thread I linked to: make it easier for someone to buy your app than for someone to steal it.
(edited after stated he's using Java)

For the license keys you could use an encryption with public-private keys. In this way you could either embed the private key into the software and encrypt a string which would mean something to your software (like which features of your software are licensed). Or you could embed the public and give the software a string with special meaning and sign it with your private key. The software could then check if the signature is valid.
edit: labratmatt was faster with the public-private key answer :)
Obviously second part of your protection would need to deal with making your software hard to disassemble and debug (this is how crackers examine your software and try to bypass the protection with a patch or they try to figure out how they can make a keygen). This part is actually much harder and involves techniques like encryption the whole executable and wrap it inside a loader which decrypts it at runtime. The loader can also use various techniques to detect the presence of debuggers.
edit: Since you mentioned that the application is written in JAVA, then this encrypting and packing step is even more important as JAVA can easily be decompiled into a very human readable form. There are "obfuscator" programs which mess around with the classes so that the decompilers can't generate readable code, but cracking this is still much easier than cracking something compiled to machine code.
If you don't want to spend time with developing your own protection you can also use one of commercial protection software. There are quite a lot of them to choose from and they offer numerous protection schemes (dongles, time based licenses,...)
Lots of commercial software uses packages like FlexNet, HASP, Wibu-key

Suggestion: encrypt the part of the application that provides licensed-only functionality. The user needs a key you provide on purchase in order to use that portion of the code.
If you ever let the user run the code you want to protect before they've purchased, there is no significantly secure offline solution. At best, you can stop the most casual piracy.

You should also thing about doing it in a way that one key cannot be used on two different computers. Just to prevent a company buying one key and using it for many instalations.

Did you write your own JRE too? Building a secure, capable activation system that deals smoothly with the range of user scenarios you'll encounter (people with no network connection, a firewall, a proxy server etc) and has been thoroughly tested in the field takes considerable domain expertise and time.
As a supplier of such systems we do have as self-interest to declare, but we also have data - we see many companies who put their trust in a developer who says they can put together a licensing system, then later they come back to us as it never did what they needed. This article (of mine) expands on the issues:
Even if you did put a very powerful lock on your software, pirates would still find a way to crack it and put it on a torrent site. (case in point: Spore)
You are talking about DRM, and there's no easy way (if any) to lock pirates out of pirating your software. And besides, you are competing with free products that can do what your software does (always the case), so you should focus more on making your software easy to install and use, not hard to install and use for more than you intended.


How can I prevent the cracking of Mac OS apps?

I have developed a small app for OS X and I provided it in the Mac App Store. Some weeks later I found a cracked version of my app on It seems for me the code signing of Apple is not strong enough to prevent cracks. Are there any other techniques to make the life harder for the crackers? Maybe binary checksums? How can I implement it easily?
As always, my answer is "make better content" rather than try to battle it out with an endless cat and mouse game.
Few reasons:
Even the biggest players, were big companies dedicated to creating copy protection schemes always fail, you have very little chance of success
If you make a mistake, you will bite the only hand that feeds you. In other words, malfunctioning copy protection does not bother crackers but will bother your paying customers.
Focusing on making your application better and serving your customers better will get you more paying customers than any copy protection scheme.
What I mean with make better content is focusing on doing what you are good at. Or as Notch, creator of MineCraft puts it:
Wasting money on trying to stop pirates or laying a guilt-trip on them
are not approaches favored by Notch. Instead he prefers to offer
online-only services that will add something to the game experience
including level saving, centralized skins, friends lists and secure
name verification for multiplayer. He hopes that these subtle feature
additions can help to tempt pirates into become customers.
Apple's (or anyone's) code signing validates authenticity, it doesn't prevent cracks. Authenticity checks can be bypassed easily. If you search for ways to prevent cracking here on SO, you'll generally find answers about spending time on enriching the application rather than preventing cracking of the software. As long as the code runs on the a user's computer, they will be able to modify how it is executed.

Executing a third-party compiled program on a client's computer

I'd like to ask for your advice about improving security of executing a compiled program on a client's computer. The idea is that we send a compiled program to a client but the program has been written and compiled by a third-party. How to make sure that the program won't make any harm to a client's operating system while running? What would be the best to achieve that goal and not decrease dramatically performance of executing a program?
I assume that third-party don't want to harm client's OS but it can happen that they make some mistake or their program is infected by someone else.
The program could be compiled to either bytecode or native, it depends on third-party.
There are two main options, depending on whether or not you trust the third party.
If you trust the 3rd party, then you just care that it actually came from them, and that it hasn't changed in transit. Code signing is a good solution here. If the third party signs the code, and you check the signature, then you can check nothing has changed in the middle, and prove it was them who wrote it.
If you don't trust the third party, then it is a difficult problem. The usual solution is to run code in a "sandbox", where it is allowed to perform a limited set of operations. This concept has been implemented for a number of languages - google "sandbox" and you'll find a lot about it. For Perl, see SafePerl, for Java see "Java Permissions". Variations exist for other languages too.
Depending on the language involved and what kind of permissions are required, you may be able to use the language's built in sandboxing capabilities. For example, earlier versions of .NET have a "Trust Level" that can be set to control how much access a program has when it's run (newer versions have a similar feature called Code Access Security (CAS)). Java has policy files that control the same thing.
Another method that may be helpful is to run the program using (Microsoft) Sysinternals process monitor, while scanning all operations that the program is doing.
If it's developed by a third party, then it's very difficult to know exactly what it's going to do without reviewing the code. This may be more of a contractual solution - adding penalties into the contract with the third-party and agreeing on their liability for any damages.
sign it. Google for 'digital signature' or 'code signing'
If you have the resources, use a virtual machine. That is -- usually -- a pretty good sandbox for untrusted applications.
If this happens to be a Unix system, check out what you can do with chroot.
The other thing is that don't underestimate the value of thorough testing. you can run the app (in a non production environment) and verify the following (escalating levels of paranoia!)
CPU/Disk usage is acceptable
doesn't talk to any networked hosts it shouldn't do - i.e no 'phone home capability'
Scan with your AV program of choice
you could even hook up pSpy or something to find out more about what it's doing.
additionally, if possible run the application with a low privileged user. this will offer some degree of 'sandboxing', i.e the app won't be able to interfere with other processes
..also don't overlook the value of the legal contracts with the vendor that may often give you some kind of recompense if there is a problem. of course, choosing a reputable vendor in the first place offers a level of assurance as well.

Protecting Ruby Code

I'm developing a commercial project on an ARM based embedded board with a custom Linux kernel on it, using Ruby. Target workspace of the project and the device is a closed-environment, no ethernet, inernet, I/O devices etc... I want to protect my code/program so that; it'll only work on the specific machines I let (so; people cant just copy and paste my code/program on to their embedded boards and run it w/o permission). This can probably done with the machine's MAC address tho; I don't have any experience on the subject. I guess, just a simple if(device.MACAddr == "XX:XX....XX") wouldn't be depandable (not to mention people can just easily delete the check from my code). I can't use some ruby obfuscators, which I found thru google, beacuse; the device doesnt run ruby-external-C-libraries or such stuff, only pure ruby code.
So; what are your suggestions, what type of approach should I take?
you can't really protect it, its hard enough protecting native code! and even then that basically fails if someone really wants to copy the software.
basically do very little if anything to secure it, its mostly wasted time and effort
This is isomorphic to the problem of DRM. You're giving a person both a lock and the key to that lock, and trying to stop that person from using the key in a way you don't like.
Therefore, I suggest using the same methods that other DRM users do: put your terms in the license, and sue them if they violate it. You need to use the law to enforce the other terms of the license, anyway.

Implementing Licencing mechanism for a Software [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am thinking of implementing a good licensing mechanism that has a good resistance against piracy. The required mechanism should not use an internet connection at each and every time the software is used. I am thinking of a mechanism based on hardware IDs etc. Do you guys have any better suggestions? What are the parameters/algorithms/characteristics that I need to concern to make a hack proof license mechanism?
Ideally you need something that is OS independent.
I would recommend that you embed the license protection within your code or wrap your application within it in such a way that it cannot be run without the copy protection code having run first.
It would be best if your application needs a license key file in order to operate and that this isn't generated locally.
One way of doing this is that your application generates some form of image code based upon the hardware on it's initial run. This is supplied to you and in return you supply the license key which will allow the code to run. Best to base the hardware image around CPU and motherboard as these will change the least often.
Your app. should check against hardware image and license key whenever it is run.
If you want your app. license time limited then it should also keep track of how long it has run and embed it within the license key file.
Don't forget to encrypt the license file.
Also don't forget to make it more difficult to reverse compile your executable by use of a dotfuscator or similar.
Check this question: What copy protection technique do you use?
It also links to other related questions.
First of all, nothing is hackproof, so i wouldn't spend too much time on protecting your software.
The downside of a mechanism based on hardware IDs is when a user buys a new computer or upgrades most of his computer he needs to update the key too.
HWHash is a pretty good HardwareID implementation, but i guess there are more (free) solutions.
At work we use Hardlock and Hasp keys, but these are usbkey solutions which are not very efficient for small applications.
I am thinking of implementing a good licensing mechanism that has a good resistance against piracy. The required mechanism should not use an internet connection at each and every time the software is used.
Then how about a periodic online check of the licence?
When the user logs in the first time, the user verifies the install against his account and a licence file is stored on the users PC. This licence file is encrypted and contains all the data needed to uniquely identify the license. This is all stored on your server.
The licence file expires in set number of days or even months. Logging in after the file expires checks against the account and verifies its legitimacy. You might even consider generating a new licence file at this time.
There should be some smarts that give some leeway in the case that the users internet is down and the licence cannot be registered. Perhaps 7 days.
If the software is reinstalled on a new computer the user has to repeat the verification process.
As the others have stated there is no way to beat a determined pirate, since such a person will hack the code, but this should prevent or slow down casual piracy.
You can check out Microsoft's SLP - I haven't used it, but it definitely looks interesting (yknow, IF you're into MS stuff...)
One important point to note - no licensing mechanism will protect you from piracy, or even substantially reduce it. By definition, the licensing mechanism will be client-side - which is inherently breakable. Take a look at all what happened with DRM...
Your guideline should therefore be usability - the intent should be to use it as a general policy, the good guys will be comfortably limited to what they're supposed to be allowed to do, and the bad guys - well, the bad guys will get around your intent anyway, your best hope is to make it more work.
I'd be very wary of published software protection mechanisms, as they are much more likely to have published hacks. You are probably better off using some of the techniques to get a unique persistent ID and use this to roll your own protection mechanism. I also think that it is a poor idea to simple check the license whenever you run the program, as this leads the hacker to the location of your proection mechanism. IMO, your are better checking the license in a more random fashion, and more than once per session.
FWIW, I use hardware locks (hasp) for my high end desktop software, and device ID based licensing on mobile solutions. If you are selling small quantities of high cost software in a vertical market, IMHO, a good license protection mechanism makes sense, and hardware dongles work well. My experience has been that people will use more licenses than they purchase if this is not in place. For high volume, low cost software, I'd tend to live with the piracy based on increasing the size of the user base and product visibility.

What functionality should always be third-party? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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What prompts my question is this post from Jeff Atwood, and this post from Dare Obasanjo. It seems to me that there might be at least a few areas where third-party functionality is a better idea than custom code.
For example, should logging always be third-party? How about encryption? Or search?
I'm looking forward to everyone's feedback on this.
Edit: This question assumes that logging, encryption, and/or search isn't your core business.
Encryption should be third party most of the times, ...unless you're in the business of selling encryption systems.
Which is pretty much Mr. Atwood his point as I understood it, your core busines shouldn't be third party, so there's probably nothing that should always be third party...
My rule of thumb is to use (or at least consider) third-party for anything that's outside the core purpose of your business.
Encryption's always been the prototypical example of this. But it extends to other areas as well.
Writing logging code for troubleshooting during development is entirely different than writing logging code used for monitoring production systems.
It's all about choosing which areas of development actually add value to your project. Using third-party stuff removes the risk that that component is incomplete/buggy/etc. but comes with the risk that it may not be as flexible as what you need.
Another example would be developing an entire web forum for a website, when you can buy a solution for much cheaper.
"What functionality should always be third-party?"
None. there is always an exception or special case to overrule the egregious use of "always" when discussing an essentially engineering decision.
Further, the decision to go third party should almost never be made on basis of a given "functionality." There is no such thing as such a perfect library that you never need go anywhere else for that type of functionality.
Going third party is a decision that should be made based on
Cost of going third party vs cost of doing it in house
Development time required placed against deadlines (ie, it might be cheaper inhouse, but your development timeline might not allow it regardless)
Ease of integration, debugging, maintenance, upgrade paths - it may be that you can develop something that will "do the job, but barely" inhouse vs not much more money for something that will take care of you for years to come
Ease/cost of testing and proving - security packages are notoriously difficult to test well
However. There are some things where it's really tough to believe that going in house is better. For instance, you can write a competitor to OpenGL and DirectX, and in certain applications (scientific computing, etc) there are good reasons for considering such a path. But in general you wouldn't dream of it. Even though it's "free" it's still a third party dependency, and you could end up on the skids because of a bug which only affects how you use these graphics languages.
In other words, some incredibly complex or hard to prove/test things exist which should almost always go to a third party. Security is another one. Don't write your own hashing algorithm unless you are 1) certifiably crazy and 2) have at least 3 excellent business reasons to do so.
But "What functionality should always be third-party?" None. There's always an exception.
I fully agree that encryption should only be done by experts whenever possible. It should also be open source and have undergone a good deal of peer review.
It depends. Is there a 3rd party library available that suits your needs and most importantly, the language and/or API you work with. Then go for it.
If you have reasons to do your own version, make sure it's not just "not invented here". Also, if you haven't had an in depth look at the market's top five leading products for whatever you need, you haven't done your job thoroughly enough. There are good chances you will find what you are looking for, and even if you can't use it, you still learn something even from the library descriptions. At the minimum you will learn which features you would need and which you don't. If you also get the source code to one of the libraries, this should be your preferred choice over a competing library with no source code but possibly more features.
The area where I have consistently used third party controls was charting. It is a fairly common problem to have to chart some batch of data and the third party controls are mature and trustworthy.
I guess the answer depends upon the usage. If you are developing for profit, you would be likely to buy in components if the cost of using the component vs the cost of developing it results in more profit. This is particularly the case with large components when you do not have the in-house expertise to produce them.
A couple of good examples that I have used are the Infragistics controls and Dundas charts. Although we could have created these in-house, the costs in terms of time and lost opportunity would be huge compared to buying a couple of licenses.
Of course, sometimes we do this type of thing without even considering it as a component purchase. Streching the imagination a little, you could include the .NET framework, SQL Server, the Windows API, etc.
If you can buy it cheaper than you can build it, and the bought functionality meets your business requirements, then buy it.
There is not a definitive answer to this question because just like anything else in software development it depends on the situation. I would say that if the following 3 items are true than you shouldn't think about doing it yourself...
If it's not core to your business or expertise.
If someone else has written it for you and it is being used in widespread communities.
If it meets your needs and requirements or it can be extended to meet your requirements fairly easily.
This question is the inverse of the question: what software should you create?
Which is obviously silly.
For both there is no one answer, it depends on the needs of your business. Do you need to build a better search engine for the entire internet? Almost certainly not. But if you are Google in the late 90s, you do. 3rd vs. 1st party is just a matter of which office you work in, every 3rd party is a 1st party to themselves.
If all you need is good enough: use something off the shelf.
Either you'll create something lower quality or you'll waste money and effort on something that doesn't matter that much, or both.
If it's the foundation of your business: build it yourself.
If you can build something better, and you can build a business out of that better thing, then do!
Don't forget that the time is a big issue for writing all things by your hand, it is not that you cannot do that but the problem comes from your customers or company they always want to find the fastest way to build their system. But if you have a non-profit project you can try building things by yourself. For e.g you can use JQuery or Dojo as your ajax toolkit if you are writing web applications and you want to set some ajax functionality, it will take time to build those things by your hand :)
But you also must be careful when using a third-party libraries, you must trust them because they can contain malicious code, or they are very poorly written and can cause you headache.
Your own encryption function? dont even think about it but I think you probably meant some kind of wrapper for existing functions.
3rd party component advantages:
Alot of functionality
Fully tested (hopefully!)
Doesnt take time to develop so can be cheaper (but..)
Is it really flexible enough for that next akward customer requirement
Distribution can be expensive
Ties you into 3rd party company which can be a pain when they make a new release to fix bugs
You dont learn to do the task yourself
Whether you use a third party component is going to depend on your application and the requirements. Something like graphing is going to take ages to get right so would be a good third party component to use.
Anything that is outside your core business is a good candidate for third party solutions. You want to spend your development time creating that core functionality that is unique(ish) and can not be purchased and used in a cost effective manor.
For example, lets look at web gridview control. Can you develop and extend a gridview yourself? Sure you can, but to develop, code, and test you grid view is going to take X amount of time and resources, which you can translate in to dollars. Now you have factor in reoccurring costs for support, maintenance, and bug fixes.
Now lets use the arbitrary amount I remember reading in some mag about the average US developer making $40 per hour including their benefits. There are whole web control suites available for around another approximated $800 per developer license. If your developer spends more than say 25 hours total on this one control, you could have purchased a whole suite and spent 5 hours integrating and testing.
Now hopefully I didn't get too confusing there, but the general gist is if you can buy it off the self it will probably save time and money, and instead focus on things you can't get off the self which are usually your money makers.
I'd say for writing boiler plate code, or redundant code which is copy and paste almost every time should be done through a library. For me, validation code almost always has me making stupid mistakes, because it's boring. Spring.NET is amazing for this. I'm so glad my boss encouraged me to try it.
seems you have all the answers you need, but i would just like to throw my opinion in here along with everyone else's. clients pay you to make applications that work specifically for them, and that's usually why they go to you; something they need isn't found in any other product on the market. thus, your focus should be on developing that specific part they need.
undoubtedly your application will need to do other things as well. maybe it will need to connect to a database, or encrypt certain lines. this is where third-party libraries come into play. you don't want to waste time writing a new driver for a database, or a new encryption scheme that might have holes you don't have time to test. you want to use the ones that already exist, and have been extensively tested and optimized.
remember, the faster you finish, the less they will have to pay. this makes them happy and want to come back to you. this also means you make more because even though they pay less, you can work on more projects, which means more money.
in conclusion, you should rely on third-party libraries in miscellaneous modules.
