How can I prevent the cracking of Mac OS apps? - macos

I have developed a small app for OS X and I provided it in the Mac App Store. Some weeks later I found a cracked version of my app on It seems for me the code signing of Apple is not strong enough to prevent cracks. Are there any other techniques to make the life harder for the crackers? Maybe binary checksums? How can I implement it easily?

As always, my answer is "make better content" rather than try to battle it out with an endless cat and mouse game.
Few reasons:
Even the biggest players, were big companies dedicated to creating copy protection schemes always fail, you have very little chance of success
If you make a mistake, you will bite the only hand that feeds you. In other words, malfunctioning copy protection does not bother crackers but will bother your paying customers.
Focusing on making your application better and serving your customers better will get you more paying customers than any copy protection scheme.
What I mean with make better content is focusing on doing what you are good at. Or as Notch, creator of MineCraft puts it:
Wasting money on trying to stop pirates or laying a guilt-trip on them
are not approaches favored by Notch. Instead he prefers to offer
online-only services that will add something to the game experience
including level saving, centralized skins, friends lists and secure
name verification for multiplayer. He hopes that these subtle feature
additions can help to tempt pirates into become customers.

Apple's (or anyone's) code signing validates authenticity, it doesn't prevent cracks. Authenticity checks can be bypassed easily. If you search for ways to prevent cracking here on SO, you'll generally find answers about spending time on enriching the application rather than preventing cracking of the software. As long as the code runs on the a user's computer, they will be able to modify how it is executed.


More accurate identification of running applications on Mac OS

By using runningApplications of NSWorkspace, it is possible to get a list of running apps on Mac OS as NSRunningApplication objects, and from this get additional information like what application is in the foreground.
It is possible to identify the running application using their name (localizedName), but I'm sure that can be spoofed by rogue applications. Other things like bundleIdentifier seem better, but I believe that too could be spoofed.
I would imagine that pretty much all of the metadata could be spoofed for applications outside of the public app store, but for any apps gotten from the app store things like bundleIdentifier should be safe ways to identify an app, right?
If we include arbitrary apps that someone downloads from the Internet, is there any better way to identify an app as to filter out rogue apps? I realize that there may be no solution that has no drawbacks, but looking for a best-effort attempt.
As you mention, all of these things can be pretty easily spoofed. Having written a product that does exactly what you're describing professionally, the solution is relatively straightforward: fingerprint every version of every popular app into a massive database, and then fingerprint each app you discover on the machine and look them up in your database. When you discover an app you've never seen before, flag it for adding to your database.
Maintaining that database is very large and ongoing endeavor. That's where most of the value of the product is. The agent code is not that complicated. The up-to-date database is what customers pay for. It's a pretty hard space to get into.
You're correct that you can verify signatures to make sure that things downloaded from MAS or part of the OS are what they claim to be. This will get you started, but isn't nearly enough; there's just so much that doesn't come from MAS.
The other headache is that you can see what "apps" are currently running in NSWorkspace, but it's pretty messy what it means. A lot of things that you don't think of as "apps" show up in runningApplications, like MobileDeviceUpdater and nbagent. On the other hand, things like mysqld aren't. Fingerprinting from runningApplications can miss things that aren't in that list, or malicious apps could lie about their bundle path to make themselves look legitimate. You can use tools like lsof to see what files a process really has open, but it gets more and more complicated.
Best of luck; it's a deep rabbit hole with dozens of corner cases, and very little documentation.

Non-MAS App: Implement license validation, or don't?

During the past weeks, I developed and published a small OS X utility app that sells for ~$3 in the Mac App Store. However, due do French export laws for apps that include encryption mechanisms, the app is not available in the French app store.
(It ships and uses libssh2 and implements SCP over SSH, and therefor does not use "encryption mechanisms that are provided by the operating system" - the registration process for that is all in French and neither Apple nor the French government seems to be able to help with that.)
As I got a bunch of emails asking why the app is not available in the French Mac App Store by now, I thought about offering a non-MAS version of the app. Coming to my initial question, I'm not sure if I want to spend time on implementing any kind of license key check etc., or just offer that version completely without DRM / license checks as it surely will be cracked either way. (The Mac App Store version is available as a torrent for quite some time now, so whoever wants to steal the app will do no matter what I finally do.)
So, I'd like to ask you guys how you handle this, or how you would handle this if you were in my situation? Spend time on implementing a license key check that will be cracked either way, or just offer a non-DRM version that'll sell in France to make everyone happy?
Disclaimer: Original thread from HN (
Update to finish this up:
I finally decided to implement a license validation for the Mac App Store version that is very hassle-free for the user. In the best case, he doesn't even notice this, in the worst case (where no receipt is found within the app bundle) the app will trigger the storeagent to download the receipt and then successfully relaunch. Pretty simple.
For the non-Mac App Store version (which I've introduced because of the French App Store issue explained above) I stick with a 3rd-party contractor who handles all the licensing for me.
I guess this way is a good tradeoff between security and positive user experience. Thanks for your input.
In my experience, if you are going to sell the software, you should consider a very lightweight license checker. As you pointed out, people will break your DRM if they are sufficiently motivated, so you can't hope to prevent intentional piracy. However, having a simple system that reminds users who download the software online that they should pay for it (and if it makes sense providing a basic trial system) is a reasonable approach.
However, don't spend too much time implementing the system, and make sure you thoroughly test the key system before every release, because trying to explain to users that you accidentally made it impossible for them to use the software that they have paid for is something you never want to do.
Bigger than the question of whether it's going to be hacked is whether the overhead of managing the licensing will overwhelm the profit. For example, I've seen people with very inexpensive apps basically have a checkbox for users who bought the app in order to turn off the reminders in trial versions. Very shareware-like, but considering the cost and potential review hassle of a problem with licensing, it might be worth considering that approach.
If you want to put in a bit more effort, there are a couple of open source libraries, including Aquatic Prime that provide more sophisticated protection , but require integration with whatever type of online store you are using. Since it's reasonably widely used in the community, store systems like FastSpring provide built-in integration with it. Also, it looks like the open-source Potion Store supports it out of the box. I've not used it personally.
Beyond that, my experience is that they are a large pain to create/debug/support and unless your app is expensive enough to require special features like partial-enabling, expiring licenses, region testing, real-time revocation, etc., it is likely not worth the effort to do anything custom.

What is the most secure manner of making a trial version of an OS X app?

I am interested in making a trial version of an application I am distributing via the Mac App Store. What is the most secure manner of doing so? Simply writing the first run date into user defaults seems a little easy to circumvent.
It's better to make trial versions be feature-limited rather than time-limited - features you can just actually leave out of your trial version's code, whereas you can't leave out "the rest of time eternal". You can try to artificially make your app stop working after a period of time, but rest assured that someone who wants to will find a way to bypass that restriction.
If you're dead-set on making it time-trial based, though, store a timestamp somewhere obscure in a non-obvious (e.g. basic encryption) format, and check against it. Yes, it'll get circumvented by someone determined, but it's not worth your time to try to prevent that.
Just do something that's "good enough" to encourage the mostly-honest users to pay for the app, and ignore the hardcore reverse engineers; they're a tiny segment of the market who probably wouldn't pay for your app no matter what you did (except possibly, they might pay for it if you didn't lock it down in the first place, as a matter of principle - some of them are fickle like that).

I've found my software as cracked download on Internet, what to do?

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
So, after 6 months of hard work finally released my application. Today I found the first web site where people download it cracked, and I was wondering if any of you fellow programmers know how to react to such stuff?
Is there anything the software author can do to get the cracked version offline, or I'm just boned and shouldn't create anymore software, but just work on client's projects? What's your advice? Anybody with experience in that?
edit: programming is what I do- so no question about whether or not continuing, just is that clients pay per project in real money, and I still don't know if indie development would pay at least for the time invested, and now with the cracked download I'm trying to evaluate what to do, and if there's way to react
post discussion: As I see how much interest this question generated I'd say even if not purely programming topic the community needed to say what they think. And I'd say this page became a very good read for any programmer interested in the topic.
Ok, I've been selling software online for almost 10 years. I have had several products marketed to both individuals and businesses.
I am always shocked when I see developers are happy that someone thought their software was worth stealing. I mean, didn't you already know that? Why else would you spend time creating it if you didn't think it was worth anything?
I'd wager you would not say, "Wow, I had some great stuff and feel honored someone went to all the trouble of taking it." if someone broke into your house and stole your property. Stealing is stealing no matter if it is a Porsche 911 turbo, music, software or a pack of gum.
There is also another popular myth that pirated versions do not impact sales. I have done a few different experiments myself and also have friends in the industry that have seen significant revenue impacts due to piracy.
In fact, I had one product that I could always tell when it was keygen'd because sales would immediately dive as much as 70%. I was using partial key verification, and when I updated the verification to make the bogus codes stop working sales immediately went back to normal. I assume you would call thousands of dollars a month a significant impact on sales?
In one experiment I used the partial key verification to redirect customers who entered a pirated key to a special web page that explained they were stealing.
Guess what? Over 50% of people who went to that page bought the software. That almost brought sales back to pre-keygen levels.
Those people would have stolen the software if the code would have worked for them. This is a product with a fully functional 30 day trial, so they had already fully tested the software. Also, the product was under $20 USD, so it wasn't an expensive one.
Other people I know have tried the redirect bogus codes to a web page technique with similar (and sometimes significantly better) results.
I do agree that some people will never buy your software, and you have to balance protecting unauthorized use and inconveniencing honest customers.
But don't be fooled into thinking piracy isn't a big problem and not worth investing a reasonable amount of effort to prevent. People aren't as honest as most of us would like to think.
First I want to say, as I stated in my comment below, I am not going to get into an argument or debate about this--especially one based on semantics. I have debated this for years in person, at conferences, and in private forums. I've heard all the arguments before.
Now I will try to answer some of the constructive questions.
I tried my own experiment on two different products.
One was an Outlook add-in to manage various hidden security settings. It was purchased by both individuals and companies. The numbers above are for that product.
I also did another experiment on a business targeted product that translated database schemas to various formats. This product had slightly less (around 10% less, so 40%) conversion from the page I redirected the bogus keys to.
I also am aware of several business owners that did the same experiment and discussed the results with me in private. These were a wide range of products. Some had a vertical market and some were very horizontal. Their conversion rate on the bogus key page was between 20% and 70%. Even at the low end that's a significant amount of extra revenue.
You may want to add something like this:
If someone thought your product was good enough to be worth their time to crack it, you must be doing something right. Remember that there are more honest people in the world than dishonest and you won't get the dishonest people to buy your product whatever you do. So concentrate on keeping your honest customers happy.
I saw this interesting response today:
Contact the site owner. They should remove the incriminated download. If they don't you'll have to sue them.
Anyway you should accept piracy as a natural part of your software lifecircle.
I have to admit that I haven't read all the answers and the slew of comments, but here my view on the topic:
Concentrate on making it as easy as possible to pay for the software. Think of Steam and iTunes. Dishonest people will always go to great lengths to avoid paying, but I think most people would gladly pay you if you make it easy enough.
Keep the price low. If the price is low enough (say $5), it falls below the threshold of "practically free", and people will start thinking "$5 is nothing, I might as well pay".
These two combined will prevent your honest customers from trying to get a hacked copy of your software.
The most elegant solution I've seen was putting text along the lines on "cracks, warez, keygens, torrent files, free downloads etc. harm the publisher of this software" in small text at the bottom of all your web pages. It games the PageRank and (hopefully) causes users searching to cheat you to be sent to your site.
I would keep updating the software. Sure there must be some bugs to fix and new features to add that your customers asked? When a user has a pirated version and is happy with it finds out that your current version has more features that might be an incentive for him to buy the latest version.
Adding new features doesn't only make your existing customers happy, they also attract new customers.
There's nothing you can do. Once the software is out there, it's out there. Sure, you could send all sorts of legal threats and takedown notices to the sites in question. And then those who acquired the software will post it to other sites.
If the software hadn't already been made available for free, you could cram it full of DRM and copy protection and so on.... which just get cracked. Microsoft must have spent billions trying to prevent people from pirating Windows. I still know a good handful of people who run pirated versions of Windows 7 with no problems.
You can't prevent people from pirating your software. What you can do is make people feel your software is worth paying for. Some developers have noticed some effect simply from posting a polite and personal message on torrent sites. On the torrent for your software, post a comment saying you're the developer of this software, and while you're glad to see that people like it, the money from software sales goes directly to you and your dog and no one else, and you can't afford to keep making software if you don't get paid. So please consider buying a license.
Some companies try to combat piracy simply by treating their customers well. Make it something that people want to use. Sell it at a price that people are willing to pay. Provide extras for paying customers. Provide good support to people with a valid license.
Some people are going to pirate your software. There's nothing you can do to prevent it. And it only takes one copy to appear on one warez site, before it spreads and becomes impossible to take down. On the other hand, those people who pirated it most likely weren't prepared to pay for it anyway. If they hadn't been able to pirate it, they simply wouldn't have used it. So in that sense, you haven't lost anything. Remember who your paying customers are. They are the ones you have to satisfy in order to run a successful business. The ones who don't pay aren't your customers, so they're a lot less important.
You might find this blog post an interesting read too.
And finally, because some people find it hard to accept that the world isn't black and white, and like to think that anyone who doesn't equate software pirates with some kind of evil zombie demon hitler are secretly pirates themselves, let me be absolutely clear:
I do not condone piracy. I am not saying you should love software pirates or treat them like your own children. I am merely saying that it is an unavoidable fact of life, and too many companies spend huge amounts on "piracy prevention" which doesn't prevent pirates from using their software, but does make the software less convenient to use for paying customers.
Make you software work as SaaS in some cloud, so you'll be able to sell it for some traffic/features value, and will prevent it from cracking as it is.
This is obvious a highly personal reaction. I don't expect anyone else to share it: Celebrate! Someone thinks your software's worth stealing!
(a) It's impossible to prevent people from stealing your software,
(b) trying to only irritates your honest customers and
(c) people stealing your software means that you have solved the single biggest problem: obscurity. If no one knows of your program, no one's buying it. At least if someone's taken the trouble to crack your software, people know about your product. Another answer here offered several interesting ways of getting people to pay for your product.
Change your business model. Selling something that can be duplicated at zero cost and no limitations, isn't a smart idea.
Copyright and patents are only fake restrictions that can hardly work in the digital age.
The good news is that if somebody bothered to crack your software that means it is popular/useful enough that people actually really want to use it... so you must be selling some!
Secondly, there is a school of thought that says that usage of the cracked version may actually boost awareness of your product and result in MORE SALES long term... Try to think of it as a free marketing campaign... :-)
This reminds me of the autodesk/kinetix response, tho they claimed that the response was a complete accident, a byproduct of the crack itself.
A cracked version of 3DSMax had a nasty side behavior - each time it opened a model file it corrupted the vertex coordinates just a little bit more- not enough to be noticable on any given run, but over time, a lot of damage could take place. The cost of the program might be thousands, but the cost in time and dollars to repair the damage dwarfed that.
The mfgr claimed this was a complete accident/side effect of the crack, and to their credit here, I believe repaired something in their software - that said, they certainly delivered a powerful message to their user base......
Don't get the wrong idea - I'm not recommending this, especially since IANAL - on the other hand, I've always found it's an interesting anecdote
Just take what money you have, and move into another business. I gave up coding after the last bubble burst, and now own a couple of gas stations.
My staff have shotguns to protect our product, it seems to work better than vague legal threats and keygens/drm do in the software world.
It's not possible to make your software crack-proof.
However, there are legal things you can do. You can send cease-and-desist letters to the owner of the website to remove the cracked version from their website. You can also sue. You can contact the ISP of the owner of the website to let them know of the illegal activity of that website owner.
But in short--there's not really a whole lot you can do otherwise.
About a decade ago I created some software for sale that was quickly hacked. Then I created a version with a rather complex anti-hacking scheme in it with a scary (but meaningless) warning that only popped up when partial hacking was attempted--the warning threatened to destroy all data on the C: drive. That seemed to work (it's never been hacked--though its now completely obsolete), but only introduced some ugly support nightmares.
Contact Google with a DMCA notice, and have the page removed from the search index. This will make it difficult for people to find the pirated version.
My friend wrote this article describing how he handles this situation.
You never told us if the cracked version is from a demo version or not - but you should identify this directly from your builds.
Is my practice to identify customers in the build's with a ID constant in several places. That way I can find the source of the leak just downloading the cracked one.
Demo versions are prone to be cracked (but you should identify them too - one ID for tucows, other for major, etc). I don't have a easy way for that, except if you can consider online usage all the time.
I believe that widespread software piracy usually means you're charging way too much for the basic version of your product, and that you'll ultimately be able to make much more money by drastically lowering the price of this entry edition - the market may even want this edition priced free. The key is then to properly segment the market to figure out who is able to pay what.
As an example of this, look at Visual Studio vs Delphi/C++ Builder. The two used to be very competitive, with old Broderbund/Borland perhaps even ahead of Visual Studio at one time. And then Microsoft figured out they needed to give away a base version of Visual Studio that honestly has enough features for most of us to get by if we really needed to. The result? Delphi/C++ Builder completely lost the low end of the market where the students are that feed into the more-lucrative professional market. Now they're fading fast into irrelevance.
It's simple. In the old days, if you couldn't afford or didn't want the cops to protect your well, or if -- in fact -- the cops didn't care, know what you'd do?
If I were you, I'd increase prices by 5%. Then I'd release a fully-functional demo that says "Registered to [crack]" that accidentally cracks up and malfunctions.
Publish this new version everywhere. Bitorrent, edonkey, usenet, all the pirate sites you find. Drown out the competition!
Then direct cracked users to customer support and offer them a 5% discount if they register now and give the site where they downloaded the crack.
Use the crack as a promo code to drive sells.
I'd like to add, not paying for your software is like not paying your taxes. You may be getting ahead, but you are doing so by screwing everyone around you.
Just accept it. most people that are pirating your software probably wouldn't have bought it anyway. But that's not a reason to stop making software, pretty much every major piece of software gets cracked and pirated, but Adobe, major game studios, etc. are all still in business.
open source your software, then you won't have this problem :-)
I was so infuriated with some of comments and answers that justify software piracy that I had to write long rant: Is Software Piracy Stealing? .
Consider piracy as a business expense that comes with the territory of having a product that can be sold to thousands at near zero product cost. We can't have it all our way.
Just use basic protection to stop customers passing it around. Anything more is not worth the time and expense.
Don't make your paying customers jump through licensing hoops. Often I'll pay for a product, get driven crazy by the licensing scheme and seek out a cracked version.
Make trials not by period but by hours used. It's easy to get diverted and not have a chance to evaluate the software. Most people won't consider to ask for an extension.
Consider if you've pirated music CDs, movies, software etc. yourself and rest in peace knowing it somewhat evens out.
Always have different levels of your product. People don't want to pay big bucks for a product they only use 10% of.
Make the product fantastic. Customers will eagerly await the latest version and not want to wait for a crack to appear. The users of poor products think, "I hate this product, it's full of bugs, but I haven't found anything better yet". That's inviting piracy.
I find it disappointing how much people accept defeat nowadays and ignore ethical trespasses and things like fairness.
Make sure you properly version every update and version of teh product. Then store the hash of your executable file on a server and on first launch check to see if the exe file is altered. then you can take action if it is, like closing the program or deleting some of the file You installed so that the program won't start
I don't know for sure what I would do in your position, but at least one developer who found his cracked software available as a torrent emailed the host to complain -- not about the crack, but about the quality of the crack. It seems that the cracker didn't do a very good job and made the software less desirable. The developer was apparently horrified that his product, with his name, was going out to people and would ruin his product's good reputation, and demanded that if someone was going to crack it, that they needed to do a better job!
This story showed up on Slashdot:
Developer Demands Pirate Bay Not Remove Torrent
Also consider price. I have no idea what your software is but there are multiple markets for every product. For example Photoshop has a normal version that is a little out of the cost range of anyone wanting to touchup their vacation shots. For this reason they make elements, it doesn't do as much but it does serve a market. If your software is expensive and of limited personal use try releasing a home version. A trial version, an ad supported version.
What every you don't attempt to detect hacked versions. This type of DRM only annoys real users

Algorithm for activation key- Security

I'm writing a software application that the user needs to buy a license for and activate it. I need suggestions on how to start about writing a powerful algorithm for code generation and of course, code checking. I know that people can reverse engineer the code and make a keygen, however, my question is two parts:
In general, regardless of the application being cracked this way, how can I start writing an algorithm to accept a certain Serial or String or a combination. (e.g is that the right thing? e.g: the first number is from 3-9 the second should be the first - 3, while the third number should be the second * + ....whatever...??)
What is the best approach for protecting a Desktop application from piracy without dealing with the internet. Is it the algorithm (make it harder to reverse engineer), protect the source code from being seen after application is installed somewhere?? ...??
PS: Maybe it is worth to mention that I am using Java as my development language.
It sounds like you might benefit from the public-key cryptography approach.
This can be broken down into two sub points:
A. Have you read this thread here on SO? It might give you some breadth on the issue.
B. As #Jaka said, it's not a great challenge (from what I've read) to produce human readable code from Java byte code. You can run your code through an obfuscator to make it more difficult for someone to produce human readable code from it, but if someone really wants to read your code, they'll almost always find a way. The best approach to combat this is to take the advice in the SO thread I linked to: make it easier for someone to buy your app than for someone to steal it.
(edited after stated he's using Java)
For the license keys you could use an encryption with public-private keys. In this way you could either embed the private key into the software and encrypt a string which would mean something to your software (like which features of your software are licensed). Or you could embed the public and give the software a string with special meaning and sign it with your private key. The software could then check if the signature is valid.
edit: labratmatt was faster with the public-private key answer :)
Obviously second part of your protection would need to deal with making your software hard to disassemble and debug (this is how crackers examine your software and try to bypass the protection with a patch or they try to figure out how they can make a keygen). This part is actually much harder and involves techniques like encryption the whole executable and wrap it inside a loader which decrypts it at runtime. The loader can also use various techniques to detect the presence of debuggers.
edit: Since you mentioned that the application is written in JAVA, then this encrypting and packing step is even more important as JAVA can easily be decompiled into a very human readable form. There are "obfuscator" programs which mess around with the classes so that the decompilers can't generate readable code, but cracking this is still much easier than cracking something compiled to machine code.
If you don't want to spend time with developing your own protection you can also use one of commercial protection software. There are quite a lot of them to choose from and they offer numerous protection schemes (dongles, time based licenses,...)
Lots of commercial software uses packages like FlexNet, HASP, Wibu-key
Suggestion: encrypt the part of the application that provides licensed-only functionality. The user needs a key you provide on purchase in order to use that portion of the code.
If you ever let the user run the code you want to protect before they've purchased, there is no significantly secure offline solution. At best, you can stop the most casual piracy.
You should also thing about doing it in a way that one key cannot be used on two different computers. Just to prevent a company buying one key and using it for many instalations.
Did you write your own JRE too? Building a secure, capable activation system that deals smoothly with the range of user scenarios you'll encounter (people with no network connection, a firewall, a proxy server etc) and has been thoroughly tested in the field takes considerable domain expertise and time.
As a supplier of such systems we do have as self-interest to declare, but we also have data - we see many companies who put their trust in a developer who says they can put together a licensing system, then later they come back to us as it never did what they needed. This article (of mine) expands on the issues:
Even if you did put a very powerful lock on your software, pirates would still find a way to crack it and put it on a torrent site. (case in point: Spore)
You are talking about DRM, and there's no easy way (if any) to lock pirates out of pirating your software. And besides, you are competing with free products that can do what your software does (always the case), so you should focus more on making your software easy to install and use, not hard to install and use for more than you intended.
