Using Inconsolata in Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

Anybody knows how to use the Inconsolata font in Visual studio 2010? While working nicely in Visual studio 2008, in 2010 it doesn't show up in the font selection box - presumably because it is not in TTF format...

It seems that I've found more or less working solution:

Edit: see Dmitry's comment below for updated links.
Google's TTF offering of Inconsolata (tested revision) appears in my VS2010 Fonts list and allows me to change sizes.
EDIT: See user1151080's comment below.


Font looks sharper in VS Code compared to Visual Studio

Probably better to show by image here:
The color, the sharpness of the text, everything seems better in VS Code than in Visual Studio.
Is there any settings I can play with, or this is just how it is?
I found this question while I was trying to solve this problem myself, same font looking much more readable in VS Code compared to Visual Studio.
What worked for me in Visual Studio 2019 is extension called Text Sharp.
I use Consolas, and these settings finally made the font look the same in both editors:

How can I disable this pop-up that appears during hover in the Visual Studio editor?

I've already turned off many options in Visual Studio 2017, but I can't suppress this annoying pop-up. (Not this specific one, but all of them, for all the API's)
Can someone please show me the setting I need?
Check this old post How do I turn off code tooltips in Visual Studio 2010. In it a workaround is provided but you will probably make a new extension from the source for it to work in Visual Studio 2017.
Looks like there is no setting for this except for the C/C++ language.

How to enable ligatures in FiraCode for Visual Studio 2015

I downloaded the FiraCode font's and have selected that as my font in Visual Studio. However the ligatures are not showing and the wiki doesn't have any special instruction for visual studio, although they imply it works because it is listed in their WORKS column for editor support.
Anyone have the missing step(s) to display the ligatures in visual studio 2015?
Before it will work you will need to close and restart Visual Studio.
I ran into the same problem and this fixed it (details)
After installing the font and restarting Visual Studio, it works for the most part. The way that Visual Studio handles tokenization in the syntax highlighting breaks the ligatures containing dashes (such as <!-- -->).

Visual Studio 2008 theme for Visual Studio 2010

i'm working on Visual Studio 2008 for a long time and i like the default theme of VS2008. But when working with Visual Studio 2010 the default color scheme look different and i really don't like it. I found this post to change the color scheme but there are no ready style look like VS2008, anyone can suggest me a link to download VS2008 style for VS2010 ?
I think you'll find the below blog useful:
In addition if found the following styles for vs2010 to look like vs2008:
Keep in my mind you need to install vs extension as prerequisite -
Update: Since the above links haven't satisfied the answer, I'm adding another source I've found to support the question.
The following link help you change your visual studio 2010 to looks like 2008.
Source: Is there a way to make Visual Studio 2010 look more like VS 2008?

Is there a Visual Studio color scheme similar to Webmatrix?

Webmatrix has a clean color scheme. Is there a similar one for Visual Studio?
Webmatrix color scheme for visual studio.
The Windows Aero theme for VS2010 is the closest I was able to get using the themes that are built into the Theme plug-in. Of course you could start there and customize further to get even closer.
For anyone looking for the theme editor, it can be found at: Visual Studio Color Theme Editor
