How to enable ligatures in FiraCode for Visual Studio 2015 - visual-studio

I downloaded the FiraCode font's and have selected that as my font in Visual Studio. However the ligatures are not showing and the wiki doesn't have any special instruction for visual studio, although they imply it works because it is listed in their WORKS column for editor support.
Anyone have the missing step(s) to display the ligatures in visual studio 2015?

Before it will work you will need to close and restart Visual Studio.
I ran into the same problem and this fixed it (details)

After installing the font and restarting Visual Studio, it works for the most part. The way that Visual Studio handles tokenization in the syntax highlighting breaks the ligatures containing dashes (such as <!-- -->).


Visual Studio Color Format Redundant Code

I have Visual Studio installed in one PC in which text editor is format redundant code by color (as shown in the screen shot).
I want to activate this in visual studio copy installed on another PC.
That is not a Visual Studio feature, it is one of ReSharper Code Inspection features, hence you'll need to install ReSharper on the computer where you'd like to see this code coloring...
This is a visual studio (mine is 2015) feature and should be enabled. By default it should be enabled, but am not sure what version of visual studio you are using. You can enable it by going to Visual Studio -> Tools menu -> Options

How can I disable this pop-up that appears during hover in the Visual Studio editor?

I've already turned off many options in Visual Studio 2017, but I can't suppress this annoying pop-up. (Not this specific one, but all of them, for all the API's)
Can someone please show me the setting I need?
Check this old post How do I turn off code tooltips in Visual Studio 2010. In it a workaround is provided but you will probably make a new extension from the source for it to work in Visual Studio 2017.
Looks like there is no setting for this except for the C/C++ language.

Visual Studio 2013 - How to turn off auto-indentation in code editor?

There is a post that goes on about Visual Studio with 'intelligent' word wrap in How to make word wrap respect indentation in Visual Studio?
However - its a personal preference and can make code more unreadable in some cases.
In Visual Studio 2013 - this auto-indentation is default behavior.
How do you in Visual Studio 2013 turn this off?, so we get word-wrapping going back to the previous way - all-left aligned?
There doesn't appear to be an option in Visual Studio Options, or maybe I am missing something. If it is missing in Visual Studio Options, does anyone know of an add-in that will reset this auto-indentation?
I have VS2010 but try this:
Options/Text Editor/C#/Tabulations and then at identation block select none.
PS. You have to expand the options, if you select text editor it will show only the general options for text editor.

Visual Studio 2010 stopped displaying IntelliSense suggestions

I am having an issue with my Visual Studio 2010 IntelliSense, which stopped working recently.
It had worked earlier.
I had gone through the following steps
Visual Studio C# IntelliSense not automatically displaying
but that too not worked on my system.
Here I am attaching the screenshot for your reference,
Thanking in advance
This is a known feature/bug (feature with a bug?), which can be resolved by restarting Visual Studio.
It appears, that this behaviour is shown by Visual Studio if you press Ctrl + Alt + Space.
I'd recommend resetting your setting like Dai suggestested, if a VS-retart does not work.
Additional information:
VS2010 Bug: Intellisense shows empty text field and stops working correctly
You can try resetting the visual studio by using visual studio command prompt. take visual studio command prompt and enter this command devenv /resetsettings

Visual Studio: Error when removing a project

Does anyone know what extension causes this whenever you remove a project from a solution in Visual Studio 2010?
Microsoft Visual Studio
Visual Studio has encountered an unexpected error.
I've been having this problem for a while.
I have installed four extensions from the Online Gallery:
I Hate #Regions v1.2.6
Productivity Power Tools v10.0.20626.18
Visual Studio Background Customizer v1.0
Visual Studio Color Theme Editor v1.3
For me, the offending extension is Productivity Power Tools.
I have just confirmed this by turning off all of my extensions, then enabling one (and only one) at a time, removing a project from a solution, and then attempting to save the solution.
With Productivity Power Tools as the only enabled extension, I received the "Visual Studio has encountered an unexpected error" message.
Hope this helps.
