How do I animate clouds? - animation

I have 3 nice and puffy clouds I made in Photoshop, all the same size, now I would like to animate them so they appear like they were moving in the background. I want this animation to be the base background in all my scenes (menu,settings, score, game).
I'm using cocos2d, I have setup the menus and the buttons so the work but how do I accomplish this?
I was thinking to add this as a layer, any other suggestions?
Can anyone show me how some code how to make this please?
David H

A simple way to do it is with sine and cosine. Have slighly different parameters (period and amplitude) to ensure that the user doesn't realise (as easily) that they are programmatically animated.
You may also want to play with animating the opacity value. I'm not sure if layers have those, otherwise you'll have to add the clouds to separate nodes or images and applying it to them.
It's hard to be more specific without knowing what the images look like.

The simplest way to animate anything is to add the sprite to the scene, set the position and call something like...
[myClouds runAction:[CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:10 position:CGPointMake(200, 0)]];
This will slide the sprite 200px to the right over 10 seconds. As Srekel suggested, you can play around with some trig functions to get a more natural feel and motion paths, but you'll have to schedule a selector and iteratively reposition the elements.
The more difficult part of your questions is about getting the animation in the background of all scenes. Keep in mind that when you switch scenes, you're unloading one node hierarchy and loading a new one. The background cannot be shared. You CAN, however, duplicate the sprites and animation in all scenes, but when you transition between them there will be a jump.


Building custom Shapes in Konva

I've been asked to build something similar to this so that customers can draw basics shapes of kitchen tops. Similar to that in the image below but also have dimensions.
It looks like konva has support for basic shapes like rectangle and circle etc and it also includes a transformer which allows for resizing. However, I think if I want to build a custom shape like the one in green and have individual sizing i.e. resize each individual line. I am going to have to build something myself.
I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I have seen an example where someone has used a "line" class which takes a series of points and then sets the attribute to closed which fills in the shape. Obviously I would need to extend this to allow the custom resizing. However, Im not sure this is the correct path to head down?
Any suggestions?
How about using rectangles and having an option to snap them together. It should be fairly simple to do the edge detection and snapping. Then show the result as a Konva.Line around the perimeter.
Then you can show all the control handles for the rectangles except those on the sides where another Rect has joined.

WebVR - update scene independently for each eye

I try to implement a scene, where an object is updated in different way for each eye (eg. I want to project opposite rotation of box for each eye).
I have demo application written with WebGL using Three.js as described in Google Developers tutorial.
But there is only one scene, containing one mesh, with single update function. I can't find way to implement separation of update, so it's done seperately for each eye (just as rendering is done) and wonder if it's even possible.
Anybody has any experiences with similar case?
Your use case is rather unusual (and may I say, eye-watering), so basically the answer is no: Three.js has abstracted away the left/right eye dichotomy of VR. Internally it renders the scene using an array of 2 camera's, with the correct left/eye setting.
Fortunately, every object has an onBeforeRender(renderer, scene, camera, ...) event. If you hook that event, and find a way to distinguish the left/right eye camera you should be able to modify the orientation just before it gets rendered.
A (perhaps too) simple way to distinguish the camera's would be to keep a track of the index with a counter.

How to change rigs spine rotation in unity3d, using camera rotation?

I have a rigged 3d model of a person with animations that i made. It is a player model in a first person shooter. I want this model to "bow", when looking down or do the opposite, when looking up. To achieve this, i decided, instead of making an animation for each degree the player might decide looking at, to rotate models spine, depending on the angle of the camera. In scene view, i can easily change rotation value and get the results i want, however, when game is running, those parameters seem to be "locked" and no matter what script i tried, i cant seem to change the rotation value. I figured, perhaps, when animation is playing, i cant change things it effects, so made a body mask to excluded torso from animations and spines rotation was still locked away from me. Is there a way to rotate models spine, when its doing its normal, lets say, idle, animation? is there actually another easy way to achieve this?
You have to update in LateUpdate(). Unity's animator does it's changes to the transform in Update(). By doing it in LateUpdate() it will be handled after the animation has made it's changes.

How to apply animation to different objects

I have a cupboard with 9 boxes. On one of them I have animation, which open / close box. It is only change X coordinate of the box, but I can't apply this animation to another boxes, because animation will move it to the coordinate of the first box.
In the debug mode parameter Keep Original Position XZ are disabled. Can't understand, what is wrong.
Should I create 9 similar animations for 9 boxes?
I know that it is possible to animate stuffs using relative positions on the UI when using the anchors, but there does not seem to be any clean solution for 3D objects... This post offers what seem to be the "best" solution for now (it uses an empty parent transform to move the animated object correctly...)
You should be able to apply the animation to any object. I would recommend making a prefab of the "box" with the animation attached, then using the prefab for each. Honestly I don't have much experience with animations of 3D objects, but even my 2D animations are in a 3D space, and each object animates properly with the same animations individually regardless of their location.

Clip (don't render) anything outside of a cube / box, like Godus

I've been trying to work out how to clip / not render anything that falls outside of a box, exactly like how Godus works (pictured below: notice the clipping at the back)…
Originally, I experimented with constructive solid geometry (CSG) to manually split and clip every object that falls on the box boundary. However, this is hugely computationally intensive and isn't feasible for a system where I want to be able to scroll around and have the clipped area update in realtime.
Is there a way to achieve this in a way that runs in realtime without modification of the objects, perhaps with shaders or something else? I'm new to shaders and still don't quite understand them enough to know how to implement this myself.
I appreciate the help!
Can the camera go outside of the box? If not, just put a big cube around the area you want and give its inside faces a material.
If the camera can go outside of the box (which would be weird, since you'd be able to see through the back of the meshes) one thing you might try is using vertex colors to make all faces outside of your box the same solid color as the background.
