How to change rigs spine rotation in unity3d, using camera rotation? - animation

I have a rigged 3d model of a person with animations that i made. It is a player model in a first person shooter. I want this model to "bow", when looking down or do the opposite, when looking up. To achieve this, i decided, instead of making an animation for each degree the player might decide looking at, to rotate models spine, depending on the angle of the camera. In scene view, i can easily change rotation value and get the results i want, however, when game is running, those parameters seem to be "locked" and no matter what script i tried, i cant seem to change the rotation value. I figured, perhaps, when animation is playing, i cant change things it effects, so made a body mask to excluded torso from animations and spines rotation was still locked away from me. Is there a way to rotate models spine, when its doing its normal, lets say, idle, animation? is there actually another easy way to achieve this?

You have to update in LateUpdate(). Unity's animator does it's changes to the transform in Update(). By doing it in LateUpdate() it will be handled after the animation has made it's changes.


A-Frame camera rotation using lookAt()

Word up SO,
I'm trying to pull together something akin to an 'anchor look' component in A-Frame – the idea was supposed to be like a combination of aframe-href-component and aframe-look-at-component, where clicking a link to an anchor (Link) would make the camera "look at" the entity whose id="" matches the anchor.
I thought I had a working concept just by modifying the look-at component a bit, i.e. poll for hash updates and Object3D.lookAt() the anchor, but there seems to be a problem I wasn't accounting for that probably comes from my poor understanding of Euler/quaternion/etc:
When the camera's rotation gets updated by lookAt(), it seems to lose its previous rotational reference – dragging the camera has strange rotation results, and the results get stranger the more you've rotated the camera before calling lookAt().
I've set up a basic codepen at containing my version of the component to demonstrate; what is causing this and what is the proper way?
You know the perspective camera nested in a group, when you drag the mouse to change the rotation, the group rotation changed, but the perspective camera didn't. the rotation would be strange if the perspective camera rotation is not (0,0,0).
It's very hard to set camera rotation, If you really want to do that, you need to look deep int the implementation of camera control and modify.

Pivot for an animation in Unity3D (4.3)

What I want to do:
When a unit lands after falling I want to give it a slight animation of being "squeezed" to the ground and then going back to normal. (Say a slime blob falls and lands, it would get squeezed a little)
Using Pivot "Top Left" on all my sprites the issue that when I scale the sprite in the animation it doesn't scale to the bottom but to the top. My current temporary workaorund is also translating the sprite downwards to counteract that and make it look slike the sprite is being squeezed to the floor. However, there should be some better solution that works with multiple spritesizes and so on.
One thing would be changing the pivot point for just this animation, or maybe a movement thats percentual since the scaling is too. How would I do these though?

How to collide .fbx animation in Unity

I am new to unity. I have two animation in .fbx format.They can move..Now i want when both will collide with each other a sound will produce.Is there any idea how i will do this.Thanks in advance
I think you need to read about how Physics work, and then how Trigger-Events and Colission detection is handled.
Read this here, and this. The first one gives you insight on how the Unity engine works. The latter provides a video tutorial on how to do Collision Detection.
If you don't want to do that and just want the code, I found this on a quick Google:
var crashSound : AudioClip; // set this to your sound in the inspector function
OnCollisionEnter (collision : Collision) {
// next line requires an AudioSource component on this gameobject5.
You can add a MeshCollider to the fbx meshes. Anyway, this is not a good idea because this will cause performance issues.
You can create an empty gameobject for each character, and add to them: the fbx animation and a simple collider (some cube, sphere, capsule, etc). Then, when you use a script for them, you attach it to the parent object and from there you handle the whole thing.
If you want that the collider moves from specific places from the animation (Like the punch movement, or a kick),then you can ask to your 3D animator/modeler to add a simple mesh on that points. For example, a sphere on one punch, which will move with the animation. Then, in Unity, you will hide the mesh of the sphere but add a mesh collider to it. :)
Hope it helps!
Most of the time, if you apply an animation to an object then you'll loose the physics reaction. Don't trust me? See here:
Obviously, animation are not part of Unity physics. Think about it... Unity physics decide position and rotation of objects accordingly to Newton and friends laws. How do you think these laws can accord to a keyframe arbitrary animation? They can't: hence the crazy results you get when you try.
How to solve it? Use Unity physics also for animation: learn to master rigidbody.AddForce and all the other stuff described here.
You may always want to keep the physics and the animation separated. That's how you get out of trouble.
If you really want to know: here's my personal experience on how to mediate physics with animation.
Sometimes, even binding a simple parameter to the physics and another
to an animation (or a script which mediates user input) may result in
catastrophic results. I've made a starship: rotation controller by
user mouse (by flagging "block rigidbody rotation"), direction and
speed by physics. It was inside a box collider. Imagine what happens
if a cube, orientated by a few degrees angles, meets a flat ground: it
should fall and rotate until one of the faces lays completely on the
ground. This was impossible, as I blocked any physics interaction with
the rotation of the body: as a result the box wanted to get flat on
the ground but couldn't. This tension eventually made it move forward
forever: something impossible in real world. To mediate this error,
I've made the "block rotation" parameter change dynamically according
to the user input: as the ship is moving the rotation is controlled by
the user but as soon as the user stop controlling the ship the
rotation parameter is given back to the physics engine. Another
solution would be to cast a ray down the collider, check if the ground
is near and avoid collisions if the ship is not moving (this is how
the banshee in Halo Combat Evolved is controlled, I think). When
playing videogames, always have a look at how your user input is
mediated into the physics engine: you may discover things which a
normal player normally wouldn't notice.

How to rotate/mirror a 3d animation?

I currently have a FBX animation model of a biped moving slightly forward (positive Z axis), turning around 180 degrees, and starting to run in the opposite direction (negative Z axis).
However, I would like to completely mirror such animation, in other words, start heading the negative Z axis, and the turning forward the positive Z axis. This, preferably through 3dsMax.
I know what you must be thinking, "Why the hell doesn't he just rotate the transform component/object of his animation character??". Well, unfortunately the current code I am working on depends that the characters movement should be independent of the actual animation, among other limitations.
Apparently, according to our 3d designer here, there is no trivial "Rotate Animation" option in 3dsMax (does that check?), so I am looking for possible scripts that could help me out. Anyone ever heard of such solution? Thanks in advance.
Create a dummy aligned to the root of your model.
Link the root of the model to that dummy.
With only the dummy selected, click the mirror button on the maintoolbar.
This will create a mirror image of the bones along with the animation on those bones. The only caveat is the names of the bones will also be mirrored. eg. the arm called 'right_arm' is now now on the left side.
If you need to preserve the animations to the original bones, look into using the animation mixer. This allows loading and saving animations onto characters. But it also has object mapping feature that allows objects of different names to load on saved animations.
So create a mapping. Save the mirrored animation. And load it back onto the original bones with that mapping.

How do I animate clouds?

I have 3 nice and puffy clouds I made in Photoshop, all the same size, now I would like to animate them so they appear like they were moving in the background. I want this animation to be the base background in all my scenes (menu,settings, score, game).
I'm using cocos2d, I have setup the menus and the buttons so the work but how do I accomplish this?
I was thinking to add this as a layer, any other suggestions?
Can anyone show me how some code how to make this please?
David H
A simple way to do it is with sine and cosine. Have slighly different parameters (period and amplitude) to ensure that the user doesn't realise (as easily) that they are programmatically animated.
You may also want to play with animating the opacity value. I'm not sure if layers have those, otherwise you'll have to add the clouds to separate nodes or images and applying it to them.
It's hard to be more specific without knowing what the images look like.
The simplest way to animate anything is to add the sprite to the scene, set the position and call something like...
[myClouds runAction:[CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:10 position:CGPointMake(200, 0)]];
This will slide the sprite 200px to the right over 10 seconds. As Srekel suggested, you can play around with some trig functions to get a more natural feel and motion paths, but you'll have to schedule a selector and iteratively reposition the elements.
The more difficult part of your questions is about getting the animation in the background of all scenes. Keep in mind that when you switch scenes, you're unloading one node hierarchy and loading a new one. The background cannot be shared. You CAN, however, duplicate the sprites and animation in all scenes, but when you transition between them there will be a jump.
