Can I run a native OS installation as a virtual machine OS? - windows-7

I am using win7. I wish to use Fedora on my machine, but don't know just how much I will be needing either of my OS. I wish to install Ferdora and configure it as a dual boot system.
At the same time, when time calls for it, I want to run the same Fedora installation as a virtual machine on top of win7. Is there a way to do it?

VMWare Workstation supports this, but I've never tried in Windows.
Here's an article on their site (it discusses VMWare 5 and they're now on 7.1, so a newer one can probably be unearthed):


What's the best way to test older versions of IE on OSX?

I need to test a web application on older versions of Internet Explorer. I'm running OSX El Capitan locally.
My preference is to run a local VM (Virtual Box or VMWare) rather than use a service like, although I'm open to any suggestions or recommendations.
What's the best way to test older versions of IE on OSX?
You can download virtual machines with different versions of IE on them directly from Microsoft:
They have IE6 all the way up to Edge available. The virtual machines are available for VirtualBox, Vagrant, VMWare and Parallels.

To install Xcode in Windows XP

I would like to know if I can install Xcode with Windows XP.If possible please provide the document link also.Thank you very much for any help in advance...
It's certainly possible.
There are two routes;
Install OSx86 (aka iATKOS / Kalyway) on a second partition/disk and dual boot.
Run Mac OS X Server under VMWare.
The first route requires modifying (or using a pre-modified) image of Leopard that can be installed on a regular PC. This is not as hard as you would think, although your success/effort ratio will depend upon how closely the hardware in your PC matches that in Mac hardware - e.g. if you're running a Core 2 Duo on an Intel Motherboard, with a NVidia graphics card you are laughing. If you're running an AMD machine or something without SSE3 it gets a little more involved.
If you purchase (or already own) a version of Leopard then this is a gray area since the Leopard EULA states you may only run it on an "Apple Labeled" machine. As many point out if you stick an Apple sticker on your PC you're probably covered.
The second option is the more costly. The EULA for the workstation version of Leopard prevents it from being run under emulation and as a result there's no support in VMWare for this. Leopard server however CAN be run under emulation and can be used for desktop purposes. Leopard server and VMWare are expensive however.
If you're interested in option 1) I would suggest starting at Insanelymac and reading the OSx86 sections.
I do think you should consider whether the time you will invest is going to be worth the money you will save though. It was for me because I enjoy tinkering with this type of stuff and I started during the early iPhone betas, months before their App Store became available.
Alternatively you could pickup a low-spec Mac Mini from eBay. You don't need much horse power to run the SDK and you can always sell it on later if you decide to stop development or buy a better Mac.
No. You can not install XCode on a Windows machine. You need MacOS to run XCode.
Although you can install VMWare Server on your windows machine and then install MacOS on that virtual server and can install the XCode on that MacOS server.
But to install MacOS(VMWare server) and start working on it. your hardware must support virtualization.
To install VMWare following links might be useful.
Or there is always Google.
YOu can check if your CPU supports virtualization here.
Since Xcode is an software of Mac OS so its not possible to run Xcode without Mac OS. And for Mac OS you can dual boot your computer with a Mac OS or simply you can just use VMWare to install Mac OS in your laptop or PC. Just the necessary requirement for installing Mac OS through Dual boot or through VMWare is that you need really high configuration in your laptop or PC, Like atleast you require 5th Generation core processor with atleast 4 cores also you require more than 4GB RAM for better functioning of Mac OS. Mac OS can be installed with 2nd generation processors, Dual core, and 2 GB RAM but it will take too much time. Which is not worth installing Mac OS in your laptop or PC. And even after installing you won't be able to use Xcode efficiently with such a low configuration. So it is recommended to have 5th Generation processor with 4 core and atleast 4GB RAM.
If you have this configuration than you need some files and software to install Mac OS in your Laptop.
For installation through VMWare you can prefer to this video:
And I have the required file for the same as in video but not uploaded to the internet.

I have a windows pc, can I develop with LAMP?

I have a pc running windows but I want to use a linux server. Is there a way for me to develop my website on my computer before I rent space on a server? Also its probably important to note that I have no linux experience. Should I just stick with wamp?
Unless you specifically and purposely use .NET features in your PHP Application, then an application developed in WAMP will work fine on a LAMP Server as long as you have included all the same PHP plugins.
PHP is independent from Linux or Windows. 99.9% of the time you have to knowingly use features from the host OS.
You should try ubuntu in a virtualbox, there are lots of well written guides that'll get you up and running.
For best performance, use coLinux. Install a linux distro like ubuntu (easier for beginners) and you should be ok.
Yes. I have developed and maintained a website like this before. My development environment was WAMP and the server was a LAMP shared server. Shouldn't be a problem till your site is using fairly basic libraries and they are available both for windows/linux.
However as others mentioned, its wiser to have the development environment as close possible to the production environment. You don't hit any surprises that way. And hey its not difficult and involves no cost:
You can use dual boot to have linux as other operating system.
Depending on your machine, you can just install VirtualBox and install a Linux VM.

MonoTouch on OS X VM within Windows?

We're getting into iOS development with MonoTouch. All of our machines are Mac Pros with Windows 7 installed via BootCamp. I'm not crazy about rebooting into OS X just to access the MonoTouch IDE. I'm wondering if it's legal and possible to install OS X on a VM within Windows (if I'm already on Apple hardware, it should be ok, right?). Any other issues with Apple's SDK in a VM (I heard they do some hardware checking of some sort). Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
You can't really run OSX on a VM under windows without going the hacking route. The only way to properly virtualize OSX is to run OSX Server under OSX itself, which is not what you want.
The best option for you is to do what I do: run OSX on your Mac, then use something like VMWare or Parallels to run the Windows you have on your BootCamp as a VM. Works beautifully.
Yup, Eduardo is right, running OSX under non-apple hardware is considered illegal according to apple's license. Moreover, you may run into some issues when creating your developer's account or sumbitting apps.
However, if you still want go the hack way, you can refer to osx86project or just search google for "how to create a hackintosh".

Developing Linux software on Windows

I want to write software for the Linux platform, but I would like to do this on a Windows OS. I'm only developing Linux software for a remote server of mine, so it wouldn't be worth it to switch to Linux just for that. I don't think it's as simple as using a cross-compiler, because I will be writing code that uses headers specifically for Linux, and I would like to test the programs on Windows. I don't want to use VirtalBox etc.
If possible, install the entire development environment on the linux server. Then install an Xserver (e.g XMing) and an ssh client (e.g putty) on your Windows box. Then run the dev. environment remotely.
The big pro of doing this is that the linux windows integrate seamlessly in the Windows enviornment. I used to work with dual platform development and had a virtual linux box on my PC. Still, I used ssh+X-forwarding to access it. This way I got full copy-paste support etc. between the environments.
Now WSL (also known as "Bash on Windows") exists, you can run native Linux binaries directly on Windows. With snapcraft you can package Linux applications entirely under Windows, without using a VM. Might be a better option. I made a super quick video to explain it.
CoLinux allows you to run linux side-by-side with Windows.
You could try VirtualBox and virtualize a Linux environment from within Windows. I do the reverse of what you are trying to do and run Windows from Linux, and it works quite well.
If you are familiar with .NET and C# you can use Mono for your client.
You can use Visual Studio to develop and the Mono runtime one Linux to run the application.
You do need to keep away from windows specific code.
Maybe Cygwin could help. You don't need an entire virtual machine and only the api is emulated.
You could use g++ in cygwin to target a linux binary. It's a pain to setup as you noted you'll need the entire toolchain (not just the compiler). I've used crosstool (domain name makes me giggle every time) in the past with success. It looks like someone did the work already
However I've never targeted linux from windows. I'd install a virtual linux box, way easier and you're likely going to want to do your testing on a real linux box before going live.
Cygwin isn't linux so you can't test your linux binaries there.
Out of curiosity what's keeping you from doing the development on linux? If the server the app runs on isn't mission critical you could even develop there.
