Connect from excel to oracle using oracle instant client - oracle

What are the steps to be taken to use oracle instant client to connect from excel to oracle database. I have the unzipped basic instant client folder. The OS used is Windows XP.
Here is my connection string:
strConnection = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=servername;
I have done the following :
Set environment path for ORACLE_HOME, PATH and TNS_ADMIN
In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE I have create a key with name Oracle with String name ORACLE_HOME and set the variable..
But when I try to connect from Excel I am getting error as oracle client and networking not found.

Install the ODBC supplement?


How to find Host from ODBC DSN?

I have a System DSN ( name =appdsn) configured in ODBC DataSources 64 Bit in Windows 10.
This connects to an Oracle database 11g.
I could not locate the responsible tnsnames. ora to this DSN.
Is there any way to locate with the help of DSN name?

UFT connection with Redshift

We are getting error while trying to connect UFT with Redshift:
Dim dbConnection
Srvname = "Driver={Amazon Redshift (x64)};Server=serverName; Database=DBName; UID=****; PWD=****; Port=****;"
Set dbConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbConnection.Open Srvname
Error coming as:
Datasource name not found and no default driver specified.
But with all same credential we can able to connect redshift with "SQL Workbench".
SQL Workbench is using a different Connector (most probably JDBC or some other technology). The ADODB.Connection Object is trying uses the ODBC Drivers installed for the Operating System, so first things frist you need to install the ODBC Driver.
After this is don, depending on your credential management policy, you may need to simply use the proper Connection String or configure stuff in the ODBC wizard of Microsoft Windows.
SQL Workbench uses Amazon Redshift JDBC compatible driver. Try downloading ODBC driver. Follow the below link

Set up workflow connection MySQL ODBC

How do I set up a connection using MySQL ODBC Connector 5.3 within the Informatica Powercenter Workflow Manager?
Under Connections -> Relational, I can create a new ODBC connection, but the only place I can specify something is within the Connect String, and it is not as obvious what to put in here.
Connect string = ODBC DSN Name
Data source must be defined in ODBC Data Source Administator in windows' Administrative Tools

Fatal two-task communication protocol error in oracle 10 g

I'm using QTP 10.
Trying to connect to Oracle DB via oracle client 10.2(windows xp).
I had prev oracle 9i & i've upgraded it to 10.2 thought it would resolve.
But still i'm getting "fatal two-task communication protocol error".
Is there any solution for that .
i see the same client version is working with windows 7 & oracle 10.2.
Appreciate your help..
I am using ADODB to connect to Oracle 10 and 11 from QTP (from VBScript in generall).
The code to connect is:
Set connection = createobject("adodb.connection") "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};" + _
host - is a server name where Oracle is running
1521 - is a port number (1521 is default port, but could be different on your system)
database_sid - is a SID of the database
You need to ask your database administrator for these values.
This code requires Oracle Instant Client.
You need to download proper package for your system (Win 32, Win 64 etc.) from here:
Unpack it to any directory and place this directory in a PATH environment variable.
and then, the code to execute queries and get results looks like this:
Set rs = createobject("adodb.recordset") "SELECT fieldname FROM table WHERE etc.", connection
while not rs.eof
value = rs.fields( "fieldname" )

Odbc connection not working if not defined as DSN entry

I have a problem with installing ODBC driver under Windows (7, 64bit) to connect to Oracle database. They kind of work - I mean I can define a DSN entry and open connection using "DSN=foobar" connection string but I can't use something more generic like passing full connection string to OdbcConnection or basing it on tnsnames.ora file. In both cases I get
"Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
What client software are you using? The answer is probably going to be, use ADO
