How to find Host from ODBC DSN? - oracle

I have a System DSN ( name =appdsn) configured in ODBC DataSources 64 Bit in Windows 10.
This connects to an Oracle database 11g.
I could not locate the responsible tnsnames. ora to this DSN.
Is there any way to locate with the help of DSN name?


Connecting to Oracle PDB via ODBC

I have a LOCAL Oracle 19c database. I am trying to get ADO to connect to it. The first step is to get ODBC working. I have one PDB container called orclpdb, which is what I want to use. I can connect from SQL*Plus...
Y:\INSTALL_UNZIP\bin\sqlplus.exe acs/<Password>#localhost:1521/orclpdb
I go into the 64-bit ODBC Administrator, and had to fight a little bit (adding OCI_LIB32 and TNS_ADMIN paths), but finally got the ODBC Admin tool to connect, but ONLY to the root/system database. My root question is 'How do I get ODBC administrator to connect to a specific container DB?
Within the ODBC Administrator, the TNS Service Name field dropdown only shows ORCL, not orclpdb. Again, I can connect using ORCL, but as system/.
UPDATE: Due to issues such as this, I switched most apps to Devart's Oracle Data Access components to Delphi. They have a DIRECT mode, which does not need SQL*Net or TNS stuff
Make sure your TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file has an entry for the PDB (orclpdb).

ODBC connection through DSN

Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 127: The specified procedure could not be found. (XODBC64, C:\WINDOWS\System32\xodbc\xodbc64.dll).
Unable to connect using the DSN named "XXXXXX". Check that the DSN exists and is a valid connection.
I am trying to connect to an ODBC through Tableau 9.2, does anyone know if this is possible or is this something I could solve?
I have tested the DSN and it works.

Microdoft ODBC for oracle defined source not being picked up by application and throwing SQLConnect() failed

I have a 32 bit .net exe (on a win 7 machine) which runs and writes data to an oracle db. For this application to access the DB I have created a ODBC source (Microsoft ODBC for Oracle) under System DSN of odbcad32.exe from c:\windows\syswow64.
Instead of picking this source the application is picking a default connection source for the user. Please see below. (from sqlnet.ORA)
Fatal NI connect error 12560, connecting to:
The application (exe) is obviously not able to connect to the correct DB and throws a
ERROR SQLConnect() Failed.
Could anyone help let me know what could be missing? Am I missing any environment variables or
Are you able to test the connection in the Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration? If the application is 32bit, you're using the correct odbcad32.exe. I would check your tnsnames.ora in your $ORACLE_HOME and verify the database information looks correct there.

SSIS: ODBC Connection Issue in BIDS 2008

I have an oracle DB i need to talk to so i installed the drivers and added it to the system DSN Data Sources. IM ON SQL SERVER 2008 R2 64bit
In BIDS, I can see the name of the DataSource, however when i go to enter it in the connection manager I get the following error:
TITLE: Connection Manager
Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. ERROR [IM014] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
Any Ideas on how to resolve this?
I can connect to the Oracle DB through SQL Plus so i know i have connectivity.
When you installed the 11g client, I assume you did a custom install and installed the ODBC driver, right? And you set your ODBC DSN up using the Oracle Driver, not the Microsoft Driver? Did you test the DSN with the ODBC wizard?
The Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. ERROR [IM014] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
this error can be resolved by using a 32 bit driver for oracle connectivity and setting the package runtime properties to set 64 bit runtime= false.
also create a odbc dsn by using the 32 bit oracle driver.on 64 bit machines search for odbc32.exe. the path for it is the following C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
run this as an administrator and use this DSN in your SSIS package and the issue will be resolved.

Connect from excel to oracle using oracle instant client

What are the steps to be taken to use oracle instant client to connect from excel to oracle database. I have the unzipped basic instant client folder. The OS used is Windows XP.
Here is my connection string:
strConnection = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=servername;
I have done the following :
Set environment path for ORACLE_HOME, PATH and TNS_ADMIN
In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE I have create a key with name Oracle with String name ORACLE_HOME and set the variable..
But when I try to connect from Excel I am getting error as oracle client and networking not found.
Install the ODBC supplement?
