Can Subccategories be included in the menus directly? - magento

Hi I just want to know that how can i add Subccategories in the Navigation menus without making the parent category to show up there Any Ideas???
thanks in advance

This will take quite a bit of surgery to make this happen in a programatic fashion. You'll need to override the Mage_Catalog_Block_Navigation::_renderCategoryMenuItemHtml() method.
Alternatively, you might be able to hide the parent categories using your skin's CSS? The ul#nav li elements have quite specific class and id values that should allow you to show or hide them. However I suspect given the complexity of the fly-out nav, you may find it more efficient to rewrite the PHP. It probably comes down to where your proficiency lies.


Comic navigation in joomla?

I have a joomla site and would like to integrate some old unfinished webcomics to it, so I can pick them up where I stopped in a CMS that won't leave me in an absolute frothing rage (thanks, wordpress).
I've got some experience with Joomla and I believe it would be a pretty good platform for managing multiple comics... except for the small issue of horrid navigation between pages/articles. Joomla's integrated article navigation is a humble but passable start, but if you intend to use categories to organize chapters then getting from the end of one to the beginning of the next is... yeah. This is a pity, as Joomla's category and article management options are beautiful for archiving and presentation, and adding gantry 5 to it means a great deal of control over the reading experience. Basically, joomla has pretty much everything I want, except for the navigation.
Ideally, what I'd like to be able to accomplish for comic navigation in joomla is:
Clickable full-article-image leading to next article/page
Prev/next article buttons (already available)
Prev/next category buttons (do we have those?)
The latter two in a module I can choose where to publish (optional)
And this is it, basically. I understand that implementing the first could be very hard without some major template customization, in which case I'd be willing to insert the image as a link in the article body... but only if there was one single code I could use, like the one that generates the next category article button. Because I'm not willing to create hundreds of menu items to generate links page-by-page.
So is any of this doable?
This is a quick answer but too much for a comment. I'm assuming since you are on SO that you don't mind coding (as opposed to just configuring).
I think you need to do two things. First you need to create a pagination.php for your template. This will let you really super control what the pagination looks like. You can have images, special css and js, whatever you want. You can also add the "last" and "first" options.
I think you need to make a new plugin to replace the core pagenavigation plugin and that also generates the previous/next category links. (Or I guess you could make one just to do categorynavigation depending on what you want.) HOWEVER, it seems to me that there is data on the sibling links that is already being generated in the content category model so you might be able to use that. (Check the code; I think there was never a UI for it, but it is there. Even if it isn't there, siblings are very easy to obtain in nested sets)
The other thing you can really think about if you go that route is changing the whole thing somewhat to use a module that gets the current ID and category ID from JInput. You might also be able to use JPagination. The important thing, however is that you make sure to do the caching the way the pagination that is there does it. In other words you really want to cache the whole list in the order you want so you are not running so many queries and slowing your site down. You may want to look at the categories and category modules to get some ideas about the queries to do.
Hope that gets you started, but it is definitely something you can do without too much trouble.

splitting up attribute options by letter in layered navigation

I have a custom attribute, that is a drop down option.
There are several options to chose from, approx 100
What I'm looking to do, is rather have a long list of these options in the layered navigation, is to possibly have them grouped by letter.
such as A-G, H-L etc
Is this possible to do? Has anyone done this before?
I'm using Magento v1.6.1
You can do all this in your own layered navigation template code:
Although that is a very old post, the code works fine in recent Magento versions. You'll have to roll your sleeves up and write your own loop to put things into your groups but the above approach should get you started.

Joomla : Which module is this part of?

I am working on Joomla 1.5 right now and was wondering if there is a way to figure out, from the UI, on which module this is part of ? Eg, there is a picture viewer on the home page and I want to know which module is triggering it.
I do it the hard way no, where I goto all modules and check if each had anything to do with it. But was wondering if there is an easier, faster way.
Thank you :)
In Joomla 1.5 you can simply add ?tp=1 to the url to force the system to show you the template positions. You should just about be able to make out the name of the position in question. From there go to the module manager and filter the list by position.
It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out - the module will have rotator, slideshow or similar in its name/type.
It is probably set to show on the home menu item only too.
In my experience, this is an issue with most CMS - Drupal, Wordpress, and Joomla included. And it can be very frustrating. My approach is normally:
Search the module listing for something likely. So, in your example, I'd search for 'picture', 'viewer' 'gallery', etc. and, hopefully, a likely-looking modue would turn up in the listing. Usually, viewing its settings screen makes it obvious whether that module is the relevant one or not.
If that fails, I usually look at the source (easiest with firebug), and identify something that is likely to be fairly unique - e.g. a class name or a specific attribute in the markup. Once I have that, I resort to find/grep on the command line to identify the origin.
If you find yourself with a lot of extensions, and this becomes a regular problem, you could think about modifying templates to include a comment that identifies their module.

WP7 Changing 1 layout element based on another

Having no luck here trying to find a solution to this.
I've set up a looping selector based on this guide. (I also used the ListLoopingDataSource class in Part 2 in order to have strings in my looping list).
What I want to be able to do is then change another element (an image box/placeholder) on my layout, based on what is currently selected in the looping selector.
No real idea how to do this, the onSelectionChanged event is kind of abstracted and not really useful? I'm not sure how to programmatically change images either, it doesn't look like I can access a resource from the code base, only from the xaml.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I found that I could do this by using binding.

changing navigation in magento dynamically

I want to know that can i change the navigation menu dynamically,i am having two tabs on the basis of which i want to render the navigation menu.How can it be done
Thanks in advance
For usability reasons, the global navigation generally shouldn't change. Users will expect to see the same options available to them and will get confused (and leave) if they aren't.
Could you explain the requirement more?
Usability issues aside, try adding all necessary items to the top nav, then use Javascript to toggle between tabs. If you don't want to change the navigation PHTML files to add IDs to them, you can use the existing classes to target which nav items to show and which to hide.
Since Magento stores cannot function without JS anyway, you should be pretty safe with that solution. Preferably, you can change the top nav's template (I believe app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/template/links.phtml in 1.4) to use IDs for those LIs as well, in which case you can target those instead.
