WP7 Changing 1 layout element based on another - windows-phone-7

Having no luck here trying to find a solution to this.
I've set up a looping selector based on this guide. (I also used the ListLoopingDataSource class in Part 2 in order to have strings in my looping list).
What I want to be able to do is then change another element (an image box/placeholder) on my layout, based on what is currently selected in the looping selector.
No real idea how to do this, the onSelectionChanged event is kind of abstracted and not really useful? I'm not sure how to programmatically change images either, it doesn't look like I can access a resource from the code base, only from the xaml.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I found that I could do this by using binding.


Unable to identify element in Blue Prism using XPath

I have spied an input text box using the Application Modeller of Blue Prism and was able to successfully highlight the text box using the below XPath:
I wanted to use a more robust XPath and to achieve that I was trying to use the below XPath:
The above XPath was identifying the element correctly in Chrome but was getting the below error message when trying the same in Blue Prism:
Error - Highlighting results - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Let me know if I am doing anything incorrectly.
Sorry for replying to a pretty old one! The workaround we've devised for this scenario (where making the path dynamic requires too long of a loop / search) is to use Jquery snippets. If the page is using jquery it is trivial to execute these queries very quickly using the blue prism capability of executing javascript functions.
And we put in an enhancement request, because it'd be supremely useful functionality.
Update: As a user points out below, the vanilla js querySelector method is probably safer and more future proof than using jquery if it is possible to be used.
Blue Prism does not fully support the XPath spec; alas the construct you're attempting to use here won't work.
Alternatively, you can set the Path attribute of an application modeler entry to be Dynamic, which allows you to insert dynamic parameters from the process/object level to pinpoint elements you'd like to interact with.
Unfortunately Blue Prism doesn't actually use "real" XPaths, but only an extremely limited subset: Absolute paths without wildcards. (Note: It is technically possible to match the XPath to a string with wildcards, but this seemingly causes BP to check every single element in the document, and is so slow it is almost never the right solution.)
For cases where an element can't be robustly identified via the BP application modeler (maybe because it requires complex or dynamic selectors), my workaround is to inject a JS snippet. JS can select elements much more reliably, and it can then generate the BluePrism path for that element.
Returning data from JS to BluePrism is not trivial, but one of the nicer solutions is to have JS create a <script id="_output"> element, put JSON inside it, then have BluePrism read the contents of this element.

Section View in Windows8 Listview?

How can i implement a Section View(like in IOS) in Windows8 ListView ?
I want to break down the Listview into different Sections.
Any Directions ?
ListViews have a property called groupDataSource that lets you define how the items are grouped. You might want to look at the Grid App template in Visual Studio, which has data already set up in this way. You can also take a look at this tutorial: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465464.aspx
If you want any more info, you will have to be a bit more specific with your line of questioning.
In my Netflix post on codefoster.com I tried to show grouping in its simplest form. When you have a JS array, you simply make a Binding.List out of it and then you just call createGrouped sending it two lambda functions telling it how to group. Then like #Paul said, you'll get those different sections automatically in your ListView. Hope that helps.

Drag&Drop list that sets model properties based on order?

I'm trying to implement a list of items on a web page in which each item on the list is reorder-able via drag and drop. The current placement of an item within the list should set an 'interest' property on the item's model.
I've never built anything like this before and not really sure where to start or what approach to take. Any guidance would be very helpful!
You can use acts_as_list gem to simplify reorder process at backend, and jQuery.sortable at frontend
I found this walkthrough which was very helpful:

injecting magento block to head via observed event

what magento frontend events can should I observe if I want the chance to inject blocks to the ("head" block) ?
and while in the observer's code, how do I check if the current layout has some handle (e.g. not_logged_in) set.
Give the
event a try. The Layout object and its child blocks should be instantiated by the point that event fires.
There's only ever one Layout object, and you can grab the handles in play with
// get the layout->get the updates manager->get the handles
$handles = Mage::getSingleton('core/layout')->getUpdate()->getHandles();
If you're working on front-end code and trying to stick to magento conventions, it's probably better to add a layout.xml file to your module, and use the layout file to add your blocks. It's less fun than figuring out something new though!
I appreciate the plug on the blog, but clockworkgeek is correct. The best way to accomplish this is to use a layout file to add the blocks you need. It is also possible for those blocks to change their own rendering behavior based on arbitrary code.
If there is a reason why you cannot use layouts, please elaborate a bit in your question and we'll be happy to help.

Getting NSTextField by tag number?

I've got a bunch of NSTextFields on a window (tagged 1-8) and I'm wondering if it's possible to access each individual text field programatically by its tag number so I can then get/set its value?
I'm a newbie and while I know how to access these fields by name, doing it by tag number will make things an awful lot simpler for what I'm trying to achieve in this particular instance.
Thanks a lot :-)
the_fourth_textview = [the_superview_containing_all_textfields viewWithTag:4];
