Bookmarks in Visual Studio editor - visual-studio-2010

I'm looking for a plugin/addin for Visual Studio in order to bookmark a line of code.
For example bookmark line xx in file yy with mark "(1)" with keyboard shortcut alt+1 and then just pressing ctrl+1 in order to move to the line (1).
Is there anything like this?

CTRL+K, CTRL+K Create a bookmark
CTRL+K, CTRL+N Next Bookmark
CTRL+K, CTRL+P Previous Bookmark

A better solution to standard bookmarks...
Go to Tools/Options/Environment/Task List and add a new tag to record them. I wanted to use the phrase MARK but this word is too common in my code, so I'm using BOOKMARK set as low priority.
Whenever I want to leave a bookmark I just type //BOOKMARK: this is a bookmark, and that's it, simple!
To view them just open the Task List window and sort by priority or description and scroll down.
This is hugely better than standard bookmarks because they ...
are 'pinned' with the actual code and don't drift
can be shared with your own multiple environments and with other developers
are never lost if you suffer a problem with Visual Studio
are still searchable and readable in other editors eg notepad
you could create different tags to group different types of bookmarks together


how to come back when you are reading code in Xcode?

I have been developing in zend studio and there is a feature I miss a lot in Xcode. When you are reading code in a main function and you want to go in a specific function to read something, you can click in the left area of your current line of code were your are, and a flag-mark appears in that line of code, so you can go anywere else in the code and it will be very easy to come back to that line of code you were before because there is a flag and you only have to click on it and you automatically go back. Does Anybody know a similar way to do this in Xcode?
Unfortunately, this feature was present in earlier versions of Xcode (up to Xcode3 IIRC) and was called "Bookmarks", but it was removed since then.
You can use breakpoints (and disable them) as a workaround, even if it's not perfect. I personally prefer using other tricks, like "Open Quickly" and named tabs.
Alternate trick 1 : "Open Quickly"
One trick is to use Command+Shift+O (or "File" menu > "Open Quickly") to quickly open a file. In the field that appears, you can type:
The name or parts of the name of a file.
Typing "MainViewController" will propose to jump to the MainViewController.h or MainViewController.m file.
Typing "MainVC" will work too, as well as "MainViewCtrl", as long as the order of the letters you type is the same as the full name.
Very handy to just type "ContTVCell" to open the ContactsTableViewCell.h file that is hidden deep in subgroups of my project for example
Similarly, you may also type the name or parts of the name of a symbol, especially a method name.
For example, typing tvcellforrow will list you all the definitions of -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: it could find in your project and let to jump to the one you want
When typing (parts of) the name of a file, adding : followed by a number at the end will allow you to directly jump at the corresponding line
For example, typing mvc:50 will propose you to jump to line 50 of MainViewController.h or MainViewController.m
Another trick : using (named) tabs
Don't forget that you can open tabs in Xcode, which can be very handy in this kind of situation.
When you are editing a file at some interesting position, you can create a new tab to browse elsewhere and go at any other place… and then go back to your first tab to find the code where you left it at the time you switched to the other tab.
Don't forget that you can name your tabs (simply double-click on their title) to give them a more explicit title. You may then quite think of them as "named bookmarks" somehow
Likewise, don't forget that you can detach tabs in separate windows too, if you prefer (for example to keep them around and visible on your secondary screen while you edit another part of your code)
You can even combine this with the "Open Quickly" trick presented above: once you made the "Open Quickly" field appear and typed something into it, instead of just validating using the enter key:
use Alt+Shift+enter to let Xcode present you a small widget that let you choose where you want the file to open (in the current tab, in another tab, in the assistant editor, in a dedicated window…)
use Alt+enter to open the file using the alternate navigation defined in Xcode preferences (Xcode > Preferences > Navigation > Optional Navigation). By default, the behavior when opening a file while using the Alt key is to open the file in the Assistant Editor. Personally I changed that in my Xcode preferences as I prefer to make Xcode open the file in a separate tab instead, which makes Alt+clic much more useful.
Sure, all those tricks with "Open Quickly…" and "Tabs" do not replace the bookmarks feature that you are missing. But they are still nice alternate ways to jump quickly to any position in your code, even any specific line of any specific file in your project, wherever you are in Xcode (even without having to have the Project Navigator visible on the left part of your window), and let you have multiple editors in different tabs to go quickly back to a part of interest in your code
its on top of your editor i have added two pics just check them.
When you navigate to another place in Xcode, say, open a different file, or Command-click and jump to definition, you can go forward and back by swiping right or left on the trackpad with two fingers.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+⌘+→ to go forward, or Ctrl+⌘+← to go back.
Finally, you can click triangular buttons at the top left in your edit area.
There is a go back button at the top left of the editor!
If that is not good enough, whar I do is misuse breakpoints to set flags in my code. The breakpoint navigator thus becomes a table of flags. It isn't much but there you are.

What is the keyboard shortcut to type fast in Visual Studio?

I am not sure what is the best way to word my question correctly in single line. But basically I have seen quite a few video tutorials now where the coder types really fast using some sort of shortcut to fill in the automatic text(prolly intellisense stuff) It looks very similar to Linux command line tab where you only type half of your text and when you hit tab it either fills in the gap or show you the remaining options.
Hope that makes sense.
Pressing Ctrl+Space completes the current variable/class you are typing.
Typing things like ctor and then pressing the Tab key twice tells Visual Studio to insert a constructor for you. (Also works with for for a for loop, cw for a Console.WriteLine();, etc.)
For a full list, please refer to the official reference from MSDN.
I believe its Ctrl-Space, which is pretty common among most IDE's

Block selecting text or selecting multiple text at once

Does Visual Studio (any version) offer the ability to select text in either a block or select several snippets at once, to either change or delete? To be clear I'm referring to the actual text-editor interface.
you can certainly do block selection by hold down the Alt key while doing a selection
Go to opening or closing brace and press Ctrl+Shift+].

Are these NotePad++ features available in TextMate?

I'm a NotePad++ user, new to TextMate.
There are some features that I really like in NP++ but couldn't figure out if TextMate support them.
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
View 2 text windows side by side
Drag a file onto another opened Window
For this one, I don't know how to generate a screenshot ;-p. Basically, you can drag a file from Windows Explorer and drop it into NP++ to have it opened.
A lot of long time TextMate users are leaving TextMate land, actually. So, I'm not sure it's the right time to move to TextMate.
Emacs and Vim both do what you want and more. If you can afford the learning curve it's definitely worth it.
As for your question:
View 2 text windows side by side
You can have two or more windows for the same document. Assuming you are in a "project" right-click your file in the drawer and choose Open "foo.ext" in New Window. The two "views" contents are more or less in sync but doing cool things like columnar editing tends to break the syncing.
Due to how Mac OS X manages windows, the new window will probably be too large/too small and/or placed in a less than useful place. I use ShiftIt system wide to manage my windows and in such a case have them the same size side by side.
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
What do you use this for? Is this visual highlight or non-contiguous selection?
Type ctrlw to select the word, then ⌘e to make the word your search term, then ⇧⌘f or Edit > Find > Find in Project… It will show all instances of the search term in another window. You can then "jump" to any occurence and do whatever you want.
If you only want to jump from occurence to occurence, select the word then type ⌘e then ⌘g to jump to the next occurence.
Another way is to type ctrls, a little text field appears at the bottom of your window where you can type a word and see its first occurence selected in real time. Repeatly typing ctrls will cycle through the occurences.
Drag a file onto another opened Window
You can drag & drop a file on TextMate's icon in the Dock. You can also right-click the file and choose Open with TextMate *or Open with…*. If you are in a "project" you can right-click and choose Add Existing Files…. Opening multiple files in TextMate will automatically create a "project" for you.
View 2 text windows side by side
I just tried this and it doesn't seem to recognize this functionality. the only time any sort of "add" icon came up was when I dragged the file into an open document and then released, but that resulted in adding the contents of the file into the document.
I just did a quick google search for "textmate split view" and it still doesn't seem to be supported according to some of the answers i found (one from macromates wiki).
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
This also doesn't seem to be supported. This post suggests using the command + f (find), put the word into find, then command + g to jump to the next instance of that word.
There are definitely some things that can be added to textmate to make it more robust. If you are looking for something similar and are on a windows machine, you should check out e text editor. I loved that editor when I was working on a windows machine - split view is supported, but not sure about the highlighting. One thing that e also beats out textmate is the real time regular expression highlighting.

Textmate tab and de-tab selected block

Recently switched to Textmate on Mac for coding. On PC when ever I want to tab in or out a block of code I just highlight and press tab or shift+tab to move it in our out. It's very useful when you are adding an extra loop or conditional statement to a block of code to keep everything tidy and neatly indented.
On Textmate however when I try this it just replaces my selected text with a tab. So is there a way to do tab and de-tab lines of code in textmate?
Indent: Alt+Tab
Un-Indent: Shift+Alt+Tab
the hotkey is command-left bracket to move left and command-right bracket to move right
(the buttons next to 'p')
heres a link to more hotkeys and such
You can use Shift+Tab to decrease indent; You just need to make and assign a macro. You can reuse this technique to accomplish a great many things.
Enter some text, and intend them, this is mostly for feedback.
Click the Record Macro Button
Use ⇧+⌥+⇥ (aka; Shift + Option + Tab) to decrease the indentation.
Click the record button to stop recording the macro.
Use the Edit menu or ⌃+⌘+M to save your macro;
Saving will prompt you to create a new bundle*, or add your macro to an existing bundle.
Add a Key Equivalent by clicking in the field and pressing ⇧+⇥
Your bundle-macro should look like the one below, simply Save and you're done! TextMate will now decrease indent on ⇧+⇥
*: (as noted by u/PatrickT) Sadly the create new bundle functionality has not yet been implemented, and you must choose to add to an existing bundle. You can still create a bundle via Bundles -> Edit Bundles then Command + N.
As an alternative, you can change the keybindings, see Link
Here is what I did:
Install Link
Go to File -> Open -> User Key Bindings, this will create/edit ~/Libary/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
Add a binding, for the action enter shiftRight: (indent) manually (this is a TextMate specific action and not in the pre-populated actions list)
Choose a shortcut, I used cmd+alt+right
Do the same for the action shiftLeft: (un-indent, I used cmd+alt+left)
Save and then restart TextMate
I used a shortcut with arrow keys as my right hand is already on the arrow keys when I am selecting multiple lines, so this is a good fit.
The reason why I did it was because I have a german keyboard and alt+tab/alt+shift+tab don't work for me since I am using Witch for app-switching using these exact shortcuts.
EDIT: cmd+alt+left/right don't work when you have multiple tabs open, as they are used for navigate to next or previous tab in TextMate... seems this cannot be changed or overridden (I tried Setting Shortcut Keys in Textmate). Looking for an alternative shortcut now.
