Is there anything which can only be achieved by recursion? - algorithm

I am not sure but I had heard of an algorithm which can only be achieved by recursion. Does anyone know of such thing?

You can always simulate recursion by keeping your own stack. So no.

You need to clarify what kind of recursion you are talking about. There's algorithmic recursion and there's recursion in the implementation. It is true that any recursive algorithm allows for a straightforward non-recursive implementation - one can easily do it by using the standard trick of simulating the recursion with manual stack.
However, your question mentions algorithms only. If one assumes that it is specifically about algorithmic recursion, then the answer is yes, there are algorithms that are inherently and unavoidably recursive. In general case it is not possible to replace an inherently recursive algorithm with a non-recursive one. The simplest way to build an inherently recursive algorithm is to take an inherently recursive data structure first. For example, let's say we need to traverse a tree with only parent-to-child links (and no child-to-parent links). It is impossible to come up with a reasonable non-recursive algorithm to solve this problem.
So, that's one example for you: traversal of a tree, which has only parent-to-child links cannot be performed by a non-recursive algorithm.
Another example of an inherently recursive algorithm is the well-known QuickSort algorithm. QuickSort is always recursive, and it cannot be turned into a non-recursive algorithm simply because if you succeed in doing this it will no longer be QuickSort anymore. It will be a completely different algorithm. Granted, this sounds as an exercise in pure semantics, but nevertheless that's also something that is worth mentioning.

If I remember my algorithms correctly, there is nothing doable by recursion that cannot be done with a stack and a loop. I don't have the formal proof here at my fingertips, however.
Edit: it occurs to me that the answer, possibly, is that the only thing doable by recursion that is not doable with a stack+loop, is a stack overflow?

The following compares a recursive vs non-recursive implementations:
Given that recursion is in general less efficient, why would we use it? There are two situations where recursion is the best solution:
The problem is much more clearly solved using recursion: there are many problems where the recursive solution is clearer, cleaner, and much more understandable. As long as the efficiency is not the primary concern, or if the efficiencies of the various solutions are comparable, then you should use the recursive solution.
Some problems are much easier to solve through recursion: there are some problems which do not have an easy iterative solution. Here you should use recursion. The Towers of Hanoi problem is an example of a problem where an iterative solution would be very difficult. We'll look at Towers of Hanoi in a later section of this guide.

Are you just looking for a practical example of recursion? Recently my friends and I implemented the Haar Wavelet function (as an exercise to start learning Ruby), which seemed to require recursion. Unless anybody has an implementation of it without recursion?
I would imagine any time one doesn't know the depth of the stack one is iterating over, recursion is the logical way to go. Sure, it may be doable with some hacked up loops, but is that good code?


when to use bottom-up DP and when to use top-down DP

I have leant that two ways of DP, but I am confused now. How we choose in different condition? And I find that in most of time top-down is more natural for me. Can anyone tell me that how to make the choice.
PS: I have read this post older post but still get confused. Need help. Don't identify my questions as duplication. I have mentioned that they are different. I hope to know how to choose and when to consider problem from top-down or bottom-up way.
To make it simple, I will explain based on my summary from some sources
Top-down: something looks like: a(n) = a(n-1) + a(n-2). With this equation, you can implement with about 4-5 lines of code by making the function a call itself. Its advantage, as you said, is quite intuitive to most developers but it costs more space (memory stack) to execute.
Bottom-up: you first calculate a(0) then a(1), and save it to some array (for instance), then you continuously savea(i) = a(i-1) + a(i-2). With this approach, you can significantly improve the performance of your code. And with big n, you can avoid stack overflow.
A slightly longer answer, but I have tried to explain my own approach to dynamic programming and what I have come to understand after solving such questions. I hope future users find it helpful. Please do feel free to comment and discuss:
A top-down solution comes more naturally when thinking about a dynamic programming problem. You start with the end result and try to figure out the ways you could have gotten there. For example, for fib(n), we know that we could have gotten here only through fib(n-1) and fib(n-2). So we call the function recursively again to calculate the answer for these two cases, which goes deeper and deeper into the tree until the base case is reached. The answer is then built back up until all the stacks are popped off and we get the final result.
To reduce duplicate calculations, we use a cache that stores a new result and returns it if the function tries to calculate it again. So, if you imagine a tree, the function call does not have to go all the way down to the leaves, it already has the answer and so it returns it. This is called memoization and is usually associated with the top-down approach.
Now, one important point I think for the bottom-up approach is that you must know the order in which the final solution has to be built. In the top-down case, you just keep breaking one thing down into many but in the bottom-up case, you must know the number and order of states that need to be involved in a calculation to go from one level to the next. In some simpler problems (eg. fib(n)), this is easy to see, but for more complex cases, it does not lend itself naturally. The approach I usually follow is to think top-down, break the final case into previous states and try to find a pattern or order to then be able to build it back up.
Regarding when to choose either of those, I would suggest the approach above to identify how the states are related to each other and being built. One important distinction you can find this way is how many calculations are really needed and how a lot might just be redundant. In the bottom up case, you have to fill an entire level before you go to the next. However, in the top down case, an entire subtree can be skipped if not needed and in such a way, a lot of extra calculations can be saved.
Hence, the choice obviously depends on the problem, but also on the inter-relation between states. It is usually the case that bottom-up is recommended because it saves you stack space as compared to the recursive approach. However, if you feel the recursion isn't too deep but is very wide and can lead to a lot of unnecessary calculations by tabularization, you can then go for top-down approach with memoization.
For example, in this question:, if you see the discussions, it is mentioned that top-down is faster than bottom-up, basically, the binary tree approach with a cache versus the knapsack bottom up build-up. I leave it as an exercise to understand the relation between the states.
Bottom-up and Top-down DP approaches are the same for many problems in terms of time and space complexity. Difference are that, bottom-up a little bit faster, because you don't need overhead for recursion and, yes, top-down more intuitive and natural.
But, real advantage of Top-bottom approach can be on some small sets of tasks, where you don't need to calculate answer for all smaller subtasks! And you can reduce time complexity in this cases.
For example you can use Top-down approach with memorization for finding N-th Fibonacci number, where the sequence is defined as a[n]=a[n-1]+a[n-2] So, you have both O(N) time for calculating it (I don't compare with O(logN) solution for finding this number). But look at the sequence a[n]=a[n/2]+a[n/2-1] with some edge cases for small N. In botton up approach you can't do it faster than O(N) where top-down algorithm will work with complexity O(logN) (or maybe some poly-logarithmic complexity, I am not sure)
To add on to the previous answers,
Optimal time:
if all sub-problems need to be solved
→ bottom-up approach
→ top-down approach
Optimal space:
Bottom-up approach
The question Nikhil_10 linked (i.e doesn't require all subproblems to be solved. Hence the top-down approach is more optimal.
If you like the top-down natural then use it if you know you can implement it. bottom-up is faster than the top-down one. Sometimes Bottom-ups are easier and most of the times the bottom-up are easy. Depending on your situation make your decision.

Does any divide-and-conquer algorithm use recursion

I am arguing with a fellow student, as he wants to convince me that there is a possibility that a divide-and-conquer algorithm can be implemented without the use of recursion.
Is this truly the case?
Any algorithm that can be implemented with recursion can also be implemented non-recursively.
Recursion and iteration are equally expressive: recursion can be replaced by iteration with an explicit stack, while iteration can be replaced with tail recursion. Which approach is preferable depends on the problem under consideration and the language used.
There's an important thing to understand: using or not recursion is an implementation decision. Recursion is not necessary to add computing power (at least not to a Turing complete language). Look up "Tail recursion" for an easy example of how to transform a recursive function to a non recursive one (in the case of a divide-et-impera algorithm you can remove at most 1 of the recursive calls with this method).
A function/algorithm that is computable with recursion is computable also without it. What matters is if the language with which you implement the algorithm is Turing complete or not.
Let's make an example. The mergesort algorithm can be implemented also in a non recursive way using a queue as an auxiliary data structure to keep track of the various merges.

Are there any reason to choose iterative algorithms over recursive ones

I am more comfortable with implementing recursive methods over iterative ones. While studying for the exam, i implemented a recursive BFS(Breadth-First Search) using Queues, but while searching online for a recursive BFS that uses Queues, i kept on reading that BFS is an iterative algorithm not a recursive one. So is there any reason to choose one over the other?
Iterative is more efficient for the computer. Recursive is more efficient for the programmer and more elegant (perhaps).
The problem with recursive is each recursive call pushes the state/frame onto the call stack, which can quickly lead to resource exhaustion (stack overflow!) for deep recursion. But, the solutions are often easier to code and read.
Iterative performs better because it's all done in the local frame. However, converting recursive to iterative can reduce readabiity due to the introduction of variables to cater for the progression of the algorithm.
Chose whatever implementation is easiest to code and maintain. Only worry if you have a demonstrated problem.
Iterative and recursive both have same time complexity.difference is: recursive programs need more memory as each recursive call pushes state of the program into stack and stackoverflow may occur.but recursive code is easy to write and manage.You can reduce the space complexity of recursive program by using tail recursion.
Iterative implementations are usually faster. One example is fibonacci series. It's faster to implement it in a simple loop over a recursive solution.
More discussion here Recursion or Iteration?

Is BFS is possible using backtracking?

I need to implement the Sudoku using DFS/BFS. And my doubt is if i used bfs for implementing the sudoku.Do i need to use only recursive method or have to use both recursive/backtracking?
Using BFS for sudoku sounds like a bad idea because of the memory requirement; you'll have to store a lot of partial solutions in memory.
As for your second question, backtracking is the name of an algorithm that searches the search tree in a depth-first order, while recursion is the programming method most commonly used to implement a backtracking algorithm, so I'm not sure what's the distinction between the two you're asking about.

fp growth algorithm

I have to implement FP-growth algorithm using any language. The code should be a serial code with no recursion. Is it possible to implement such algorithm without recursion? I am not looking for code, I just need an explanation of how to do it.
FPGrowth is a recursive algorithm. Like some other people said here, you can always transform an algorithm into a non recursive algorithm by using a stack. But I don't see any good reasons to do that for FPGrowth.
By the way, if you want a Java implementation of FPGrowth and other frequent pattern mining algorithms such as Apriori, HMine, Eclat, etc., you can check my website. I have implemented more than 40 algorithms for frequent pattern mining, association rule mining, etc.:
I don't know what is the algorithm you talking about. But everyting what is possible with recursion it is possible also without it. You can implement such kind of algorithms using stack.
Here is an very clear explanation of how the code works. It looks like you have to build a tree and validate it.
Assuming by "FP growth Algorithm" you mean frequent Pattern growth algorithm, I would point you over to this document that gives a decent explanation on how it works.
I wonder though, is this homework related?
You can probably visit to get something over FP Tree.
This is for longest frequent itemset mining.
You can take look at the concept & implemenntation FP growth algoithm in Mahout
