Is BFS is possible using backtracking? - data-structures

I need to implement the Sudoku using DFS/BFS. And my doubt is if i used bfs for implementing the sudoku.Do i need to use only recursive method or have to use both recursive/backtracking?

Using BFS for sudoku sounds like a bad idea because of the memory requirement; you'll have to store a lot of partial solutions in memory.
As for your second question, backtracking is the name of an algorithm that searches the search tree in a depth-first order, while recursion is the programming method most commonly used to implement a backtracking algorithm, so I'm not sure what's the distinction between the two you're asking about.


Breadth First Search vs Greedy Algorithm

In a reputable Algorithmic book , it was mentioned that breadth first search is a greedy algorithm. But I searched for it but I found many links that doesn't say so.
My question:
Is breadth first search a Greedy Algorithm and why ?
Can you give me a notable reference for your answer ?!
The term "greedy algorithm" refers to algorithms that solve optimization problems.
BFS is not specifically for solving optimization problems, so it doesn't make sense (i.e., it's not even wrong) to say that BFS is a greedy algorithm unless you are applying it to an optimization problem. In that case, the statement is true or not depending on how it is applied.
The "reputable algorithm book" probably refers to BFS in the context of a specific optimization problem, and is probably correct to say that it is a greedy algorithm in that context... which you have omitted in your question.
The simple answer is YES. To better understand this I would suggest reading on greedy vs heuristics algorithm.
Greedy algorithms supply an exact solution! Heuristic algorithms use probability and statistics in order to avoid running through all the possibilities and provide an "estimated best solution" (which means that if a better solution exists, it will be only slightly better).
A greedy algorithms follow locally optimal solution at each stage. While searching for the best solution, the best so far solution is only updated if the search finds a better solution. Whereas this is not always the case with heuristic algorithms (e.g. genetic, evolutionary, Tabu search, ant search, and so forth). Heuristic algorithms may update the best so far even if it's worse than the best so far to avoid getting trapped in a local optimal solution.
Therefore, in nutshell BFS/DFS generally fall under greedy algorithms.
I understand greedy as "try the best you've got for a given moment".
A BFS, when visiting a node, just adds its children to a queue. There isn't really a "better child" in a BFS since it travels the graph by covering layer by layer. When a node is visited, any order of its children can be added to the queue, so no child seem to be a better choice, hence it doesn't make sense to me that it is greedy, once there is no necessarily a better choice for each moment of the algorithm.
I think there's a confusion here.
Maybe you read BFS Greedy and you think it's Breadth First Search Greedy, but the truth is it's Best First Search Greedy. This is another way to call the usual Greedy algorithm applied to searches.

If memoization is top-down depth-first, and DP is bottom-up breadth-first, what are the top-down breadth-first / bottom-up depth-first equivalents?

I just read this short post about mental models for Recursive Memoization vs Dynamic Programming, written by professor Krishnamurthi. In it, Krishnamurthi represents memoization's top-down structure as a recursion tree, and DP's bottom-up structure as a DAG where the source vertices are the first – likely smallest – subproblems solved, and the sink vertex is the final computation (essentially the graph is the same as the aforementioned recursive tree, but with all the edges flipped). Fair enough, that makes perfect sense.
Anyways, towards the end he gives a mental exercise to the reader:
Memoization is an optimization of a top-down, depth-first computation
for an answer. DP is an optimization of a bottom-up, breadth-first
computation for an answer.
We should naturally ask, what about
top-down, breadth-first
bottom-up, depth-first
Where do they fit into
the space of techniques for avoiding recomputation by trading off
space for time?
Do we already have names for them? If so, what?, or
Have we been missing one or two important tricks?, or
Is there a reason we don't have names for these?
However, he stops there, without giving his thoughts on these questions.
I'm lost, but here goes:
My interpretation is that a top-down, breadth-first computation would require a separate process for each function call. A bottom-up, depth-first approach would somehow piece together the final solution, as each trace reaches the "sink vertex". The solution would eventually "add up" to the right answer once all calls are made.
How off am I? Does anyone know the answer to his three questions?
Let's analyse what the edges in the two graphs mean. An edge from subproblem a to b represents a relation where a solution of b is used in the computation of a and must be solved before it. (The other way round in the other case.)
Does topological sort come to mind?
One way to do a topological sort is to perform a Depth First Search and on your way out of every node, process it. This is essentially what Recursive memoization does. You go down Depth First from every subproblem until you encounter one that you haven't solved (or a node you haven't visited) and you solve it.
Dynamic Programming, or bottom up - breadth first problem solving approach involves solving smaller problems and constructing solutions to larger ones from them. This is the other approach to doing a topological sort, where you visit the node with a in-degree of 0, process it, and then remove it. In DP, the smallest problems are solved first because they have a lower in-degree. (Smaller is subjective to the problem at hand.)
The problem here is the generation of a sequence in which the set of subproblems must be solved. Both top-down breadth-first and bottom-up depth-first can't do that.
Top-down Breadth-first will still end up doing something very similar to the depth-first counter part even if the process is separated into threads. There is an order in which the problems must be solved.
A bottom-up depth-first approach MIGHT be able to partially solve problems but the end result would still be similar to the breadth first counter part. The subproblems will be solved in a similar order.
Given that these approaches have almost no improvements over the other approaches, do not translate well with analogies and are tedious to implement, they aren't well established.
#AndyG's comment is pretty much on the point here. I also like #shebang's answer, but here's one that directly answers these questions in this context, not through reduction to another problem.
It's just not clear what a top-down, breadth-first solution would look like. But even if you somehow paused the computation to not do any sub-computations (one could imagine various continuation-based schemes that might enable this), there would be no point to doing so, because there would be sharing of sub-problems.
Likewise, it's unclear that a bottom-up, depth-first solution could solve the problem at all. If you proceed bottom-up but charge all the way up some spine of the computation, but the other sub-problems' solutions aren't already ready and lying in wait, then you'd be computing garbage.
Therefore, top-down, breadth-first offers no benefit, while bottom-up, depth-first doesn't even offer a solution.
Incidentally, a more up-to-date version of the above blog post is now a section in my text (this is the 2014 edition; expect updates.

fp growth algorithm

I have to implement FP-growth algorithm using any language. The code should be a serial code with no recursion. Is it possible to implement such algorithm without recursion? I am not looking for code, I just need an explanation of how to do it.
FPGrowth is a recursive algorithm. Like some other people said here, you can always transform an algorithm into a non recursive algorithm by using a stack. But I don't see any good reasons to do that for FPGrowth.
By the way, if you want a Java implementation of FPGrowth and other frequent pattern mining algorithms such as Apriori, HMine, Eclat, etc., you can check my website. I have implemented more than 40 algorithms for frequent pattern mining, association rule mining, etc.:
I don't know what is the algorithm you talking about. But everyting what is possible with recursion it is possible also without it. You can implement such kind of algorithms using stack.
Here is an very clear explanation of how the code works. It looks like you have to build a tree and validate it.
Assuming by "FP growth Algorithm" you mean frequent Pattern growth algorithm, I would point you over to this document that gives a decent explanation on how it works.
I wonder though, is this homework related?
You can probably visit to get something over FP Tree.
This is for longest frequent itemset mining.
You can take look at the concept & implemenntation FP growth algoithm in Mahout

Difference between back tracking and dynamic programming

I heard the only difference between dynamic programming and back tracking is DP allows overlapping of sub problems, e.g.
fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib (n-2)
Is it right? Are there any other differences?
Also, I would like know some common problems solved using these techniques.
There are two typical implementations of Dynamic Programming approach: bottom-to-top and top-to-bottom.
Top-to-bottom Dynamic Programming is nothing else than ordinary recursion, enhanced with memorizing the solutions for intermediate sub-problems. When a given sub-problem arises second (third, fourth...) time, it is not solved from scratch, but instead the previously memorized solution is used right away. This technique is known under the name memoization (no 'r' before 'i').
This is actually what your example with Fibonacci sequence is supposed to illustrate. Just use the recursive formula for Fibonacci sequence, but build the table of fib(i) values along the way, and you get a Top-to-bottom DP algorithm for this problem (so that, for example, if you need to calculate fib(5) second time, you get it from the table instead of calculating it again).
In Bottom-to-top Dynamic Programming the approach is also based on storing sub-solutions in memory, but they are solved in a different order (from smaller to bigger), and the resultant general structure of the algorithm is not recursive. LCS algorithm is a classic Bottom-to-top DP example.
Bottom-to-top DP algorithms are usually more efficient, but they are generally harder (and sometimes impossible) to build, since it is not always easy to predict which primitive sub-problems you are going to need to solve the whole original problem, and which path you have to take from small sub-problems to get to the final solution in the most efficient way.
Dynamic problems also requires "optimal substructure".
According to Wikipedia:
Dynamic programming is a method of
solving complex problems by breaking
them down into simpler steps. It is
applicable to problems that exhibit
the properties of 1) overlapping
subproblems which are only slightly
smaller and 2) optimal substructure.
Backtracking is a general algorithm
for finding all (or some) solutions to
some computational problem, that
incrementally builds candidates to the
solutions, and abandons each partial
candidate c ("backtracks") as soon as
it determines that c cannot possibly
be completed to a valid solution.
For a detailed discussion of "optimal substructure", please read the CLRS book.
Common problems for backtracking I can think of are:
Eight queen puzzle
Map coloring
DP problems:
This website at MIT has a good collection of DP problems with nice animated explanations.
A chapter from a book from a professor at Berkeley.
One more difference could be that Dynamic programming problems usually rely on the principle of optimality. The principle of optimality states that an optimal sequence of decision or choices each sub sequence must also be optimal.
Backtracking problems are usually NOT optimal on their way! They can only be applied to problems which admit the concept of partial candidate solution.
Say that we have a solution tree, whose leaves are the solutions for the original problem, and whose non-leaf nodes are the suboptimal solutions for part of the problem. We try to traverse the solution tree for the solutions.
Dynamic programming is more like BFS: we find all possible suboptimal solutions represented the non-leaf nodes, and only grow the tree by one layer under those non-leaf nodes.
Backtracking is more like DFS: we grow the tree as deep as possible and prune the tree at one node if the solutions under the node are not what we expect.
Then there is one inference derived from the aforementioned theory: Dynamic programming usually takes more space than backtracking, because BFS usually takes more space than DFS (O(N) vs O(log N)). In fact, dynamic programming requires memorizing all the suboptimal solutions in the previous step for later use, while backtracking does not require that.
DP allows for solving a large, computationally intensive problem by breaking it down into subproblems whose solution requires only knowledge of the immediate prior solution. You will get a very good idea by picking up Needleman-Wunsch and solving a sample because it is so easy to see the application.
Backtracking seems to be more complicated where the solution tree is pruned is it is known that a specific path will not yield an optimal result.
Therefore one could say that Backtracking optimizes for memory since DP assumes that all the computations are performed and then the algorithm goes back stepping through the lowest cost nodes.
IMHO, the difference is very subtle since both (DP and BCKT) are used to explore all possibilities to solve a problem.
As for today, I see two subtelties:
BCKT is a brute force solution to a problem. DP is not a brute force solution. Thus, you might say: DP explores the solution space more optimally than BCKT. In practice, when you want to solve a problem using DP strategy, it is recommended to first build a recursive solution. Well, that recursive solution could be considered also the BCKT solution.
There are hundreds of ways to explore a solution space (wellcome to the world of optimization) "more optimally" than a brute force exploration. DP is DP because in its core it is implementing a mathematical recurrence relation, i.e., current value is a combination of past values (bottom-to-top). So, we might say, that DP is DP because the problem space satisfies exploring its solution space by using a recurrence relation. If you explore the solution space based on another idea, then that won't be a DP solution. As in any problem, the problem itself may facilitate to use one optimization technique or another, based on the problem structure itself. The structure of some problems enable to use DP optimization technique. In this sense, BCKT is more general though not all problems allow BCKT too.
Example: Sudoku enables BCKT to explore its whole solution space. However, it does not allow to use DP to explore more efficiently its solution space, since there is no recurrence relation anywhere that can be derived. However, there are other optimization techniques that fit with the problem and improve brute force BCKT.
Example: Just get the minimum of a classic mathematical function. This problem does not allow BCKT to explore the state space of the problem.
Example: Any problem that can be solved using DP can also be solved using BCKT. In this sense, the recursive solution of the problem could be considered the BCKT solution.
Hope this helps a bit.
In a very simple sentence I can say: Dynamic programming is a strategy to solve optimization problem. optimization problem is about minimum or maximum result (a single result). but in, Backtracking we use brute force approach, not for optimization problem. it is for when you have multiple results and you want all or some of them.
Depth first node generation of state space tree with bounding function is called backtracking. Here the current node is dependent on the node that generated it.
Depth first node generation of state space tree with memory function is called top down dynamic programming. Here the current node is dependant on the node it generates.

Is there anything which can only be achieved by recursion?

I am not sure but I had heard of an algorithm which can only be achieved by recursion. Does anyone know of such thing?
You can always simulate recursion by keeping your own stack. So no.
You need to clarify what kind of recursion you are talking about. There's algorithmic recursion and there's recursion in the implementation. It is true that any recursive algorithm allows for a straightforward non-recursive implementation - one can easily do it by using the standard trick of simulating the recursion with manual stack.
However, your question mentions algorithms only. If one assumes that it is specifically about algorithmic recursion, then the answer is yes, there are algorithms that are inherently and unavoidably recursive. In general case it is not possible to replace an inherently recursive algorithm with a non-recursive one. The simplest way to build an inherently recursive algorithm is to take an inherently recursive data structure first. For example, let's say we need to traverse a tree with only parent-to-child links (and no child-to-parent links). It is impossible to come up with a reasonable non-recursive algorithm to solve this problem.
So, that's one example for you: traversal of a tree, which has only parent-to-child links cannot be performed by a non-recursive algorithm.
Another example of an inherently recursive algorithm is the well-known QuickSort algorithm. QuickSort is always recursive, and it cannot be turned into a non-recursive algorithm simply because if you succeed in doing this it will no longer be QuickSort anymore. It will be a completely different algorithm. Granted, this sounds as an exercise in pure semantics, but nevertheless that's also something that is worth mentioning.
If I remember my algorithms correctly, there is nothing doable by recursion that cannot be done with a stack and a loop. I don't have the formal proof here at my fingertips, however.
Edit: it occurs to me that the answer, possibly, is that the only thing doable by recursion that is not doable with a stack+loop, is a stack overflow?
The following compares a recursive vs non-recursive implementations:
Given that recursion is in general less efficient, why would we use it? There are two situations where recursion is the best solution:
The problem is much more clearly solved using recursion: there are many problems where the recursive solution is clearer, cleaner, and much more understandable. As long as the efficiency is not the primary concern, or if the efficiencies of the various solutions are comparable, then you should use the recursive solution.
Some problems are much easier to solve through recursion: there are some problems which do not have an easy iterative solution. Here you should use recursion. The Towers of Hanoi problem is an example of a problem where an iterative solution would be very difficult. We'll look at Towers of Hanoi in a later section of this guide.
Are you just looking for a practical example of recursion? Recently my friends and I implemented the Haar Wavelet function (as an exercise to start learning Ruby), which seemed to require recursion. Unless anybody has an implementation of it without recursion?
I would imagine any time one doesn't know the depth of the stack one is iterating over, recursion is the logical way to go. Sure, it may be doable with some hacked up loops, but is that good code?
