Preprocessor output - gcc

How do I view the output produced by the C pre-processor, prior to its conversion into an object file?
I want to see what the MACRO definitions do to my code.

gcc -E file.c
g++ -E file.cpp
will do this for you. The -E switch forces the compiler to stop after the preprocessing phase, spitting all it’s got at the moment to standard output.
Note: Surely you must have some #include directives. The included files get preprocessed, too, so you might get lots of output.
For Visual C++ the switch is /E which spits the preprocessor output to screen.

You can also call the C Preprocessor directly.
cpp infile outfile
Check out man cpp for more info.

For GCC,
gcc -E -dM file.c
g++ -E -dM file.cpp
should do the job. -dM, as GNU Preprocessor manual puts it, should generate a list of ‘#define’ directives for all the macros defined during the execution of the preprocessor, including predefined macros.

It depends on the compiler you use.
With GCC, you can specify the -E flag on the command-line to let the compiler produce the pre-processor output.

If using CLion by Jetbrains, you can use the action "clangd: Preprocess current TU"
So hit shift shift and start typing clangd...
Best assign it to a shortcut for simpler reuse in preferences->keymap:
Shout out to marcosbento
PS: TU means 'translation unit' (see here LLVM translation unit)

You can check out my script described here:
It formats the preprocessor output into a (hopefully) readable html document: lines that are different due to preprocessor are marked in the file.


Clean preprocessor conditionals from fortran code

I work with a very long Fortran code full of preprocessor (#if) conditionals, Is there any way to compile it and get a source file only with the fraction of the code where conditions are satisfied?
As mentioned by chw21, you can run the preprocessor directly. Either the cpp (with the right flags) or the fpp command, depending on your compiler.
Because you can be unsure about the right flags, you can also let the compiler do that for you. In GCC (gfortran) it is the -E flag, which will force the compiler to stop after preprocessing. You must redirect standard output to a file because the preprocessed code is returned to standard output.

Is there a method to make `gcc' dump/display all the flags in use while compiling code?

Do note this is different from
Get the compiler options from a compiled executable? which I did go through in detail.
Although -frecord-gcc-switches is great, it only captures the command line arguments.
For example, I am not interested in capturing -O2 which is usually passed in command line. I am more curious about recording all the flags like -fauto-inc-dec which are enabled by -O2.
(In contrast to the link above, do note that I have access to the source, the compiler and the build infrastructure. I just want to capture the flags during compilation. Not picky about any specific gcc version)
You can try -fverbose-asm. That dumps the optimisation options used in a comment at the top of the assembly file.

Detect when only preprocessing, i.e. gcc -E

I currently invoke clang or gcc as
when debugging macros.
It has occurred to me that the define is redundant. Is there an expression I could write in the source to detect when the compiler will stop after preprocessing, and so drop this definition from my build scripts?
#if magic
A look at the docs suggests not, but with luck I'm missing something.
Whatever solution you come up with is going to be compiler-specific, since the C standard does not have anything to say about separate preprocessing.
In gcc, you could implement the magic by adding a custom spec file:
%rename cpp old_cpp
%{E:-DPREPROCESSING} %(old_cpp)
You would need to tell gcc to use this spec file (-specs=/path/to/specfile), unless you compiled your own gcc with the above definition added to the built-in cpp spec. If you are using a Makefile, you could add the -specs option above to your CFLAGS.
(I should add that I don't think this is a particularly good idea. But it is possible.)

gnu arm assembler command line macro fails with "Invalid identifier for .ifdef"

My toolchain is a recent version of arm-gcc.
I have a piece of code in an assembly file which must be conditionally included/assembled.
Assembly instr1
Assembly instr2
Encapsulated code is a recent addition.
I have tried both:
gcc -x assembler-with-cpp --defsym MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 <along with other necessary options>
gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -D MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 <along with other necessary options>
The -D results in "Invalid identifier for .ifdef " and ".endif without .if" errors.
The --defsym results in "MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 : No such file or directory", "unrecognized option --defsym" errors.
The gcc binary drives the compilation process by invoking a number of other programs in sequence to actually perform the various stages of work (compiling, assembling, linking).
When you say:
gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -D MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 ...
you are asking it to run the source through the C preprocessor, and then run the result through the assembler.
The C preprocessor step will turn:
.ifdef 1
before passing it to the assembler, which then can't make sense of it. This is why you get the "invalid identifier" error. It also explains why using C preprocessor #ifdef fixes the problem.
--defsym doesn't work because it's an option to the assembler, not the gcc driver program. (The gcc driver does understand and pass through some options to some of the programs it invokes, but not all.)
You can, however, pass arbitrary options through to the assembler using the
syntax, which tells the gcc driver to pass those option(s) through to the assembler (as a list of space-separated options).
For example:
gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -Wa,--defsym,MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 ...
to the list of options passed to as when gcc invokes it, and that's how to make your original .ifdef example work.
You can see the individual programs invoked by gcc, and the options it actually passes to them, by adding the -v option.
In this case, you should see something called cc1 (the actual GCC C compiler binary) invoked with the -E flag (preprocess only) to preprocess the input to a temporary file, and then as invoked on the temporary file to assemble it.
Strange, but it it turns out I needed to use the C syntax in the assembly file.
#ifdef MACRO
Assembly Instruction
Assembly Instruction
And the macro had to be passed using the -D option.

Xcode -- Expand all macros in a file, without doing a full precompile?

I am trying to read some code that has a lot of macros in it. And often the macros are chained. Is there any way to see a version of the file where all the macros have been expanded -- without doing a full run of the preprocessor (which would also do stuff like expand #imports)? This would really help me read the code.
EDIT: Often the macros are defined in other files.
Not sure if there's a way to do this in Xcode, but you can use the compiler, specifically the -E option, which stops processing right after preprocessing.
cc -E foo.c
will print all the preprocessed results on stdout. And
cc -E foo.c -o foo.preproc
will dump the preprocessed output into foo.preproc.
As best I can tell, the answer to my question is that there is no way to do it. The best I can do is do a full precompile, then search for the part of the file that starts after all the #include statements.
