gnu arm assembler command line macro fails with "Invalid identifier for .ifdef" - gcc

My toolchain is a recent version of arm-gcc.
I have a piece of code in an assembly file which must be conditionally included/assembled.
Assembly instr1
Assembly instr2
Encapsulated code is a recent addition.
I have tried both:
gcc -x assembler-with-cpp --defsym MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 <along with other necessary options>
gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -D MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 <along with other necessary options>
The -D results in "Invalid identifier for .ifdef " and ".endif without .if" errors.
The --defsym results in "MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 : No such file or directory", "unrecognized option --defsym" errors.

The gcc binary drives the compilation process by invoking a number of other programs in sequence to actually perform the various stages of work (compiling, assembling, linking).
When you say:
gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -D MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 ...
you are asking it to run the source through the C preprocessor, and then run the result through the assembler.
The C preprocessor step will turn:
.ifdef 1
before passing it to the assembler, which then can't make sense of it. This is why you get the "invalid identifier" error. It also explains why using C preprocessor #ifdef fixes the problem.
--defsym doesn't work because it's an option to the assembler, not the gcc driver program. (The gcc driver does understand and pass through some options to some of the programs it invokes, but not all.)
You can, however, pass arbitrary options through to the assembler using the
syntax, which tells the gcc driver to pass those option(s) through to the assembler (as a list of space-separated options).
For example:
gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -Wa,--defsym,MACRO_FROM_CMDLINE=1 ...
to the list of options passed to as when gcc invokes it, and that's how to make your original .ifdef example work.
You can see the individual programs invoked by gcc, and the options it actually passes to them, by adding the -v option.
In this case, you should see something called cc1 (the actual GCC C compiler binary) invoked with the -E flag (preprocess only) to preprocess the input to a temporary file, and then as invoked on the temporary file to assemble it.

Strange, but it it turns out I needed to use the C syntax in the assembly file.
#ifdef MACRO
Assembly Instruction
Assembly Instruction
And the macro had to be passed using the -D option.


gfortran specify source file option

In gcc we have -x option that use to specify how to treat source file.
For example suppose we have a csourcecode file without any extension like .c.
In gcc simply using -x c before express csourcecode force compiler to use it as valid c source code.
gcc -x c csourcecode -o out
Is there any similar option for gfortran?
From the helpful gcc manual: [Note 1]
You can specify the input language explicitly with the -x option:
-x language
Specify explicitly the language for the following input files
(rather than letting the compiler choose a default based on the
file name suffix). This option applies to all following input
files until the next -x option. Possible values for language
f77 f77-cpp-input f95 f95-cpp-input
If you're using a Unix-y system and you took the precaution of installing the gcc documentation package (apt-get install gcc-doc on debian/ubuntu-like systems), then you could have found that information directly by typing
info gcc --index-search=x
because the GCC info files are index by option name. Most of the time you don't need to type --index-search=; info gcc x would suffice.
In case it's not obvious, gfortran is just another front-end for the Gnu compiler collection ("gcc" for short), and accepts any options that would be accepted by the gcc command.

I want to replace 'ld' with 'gcc' in my Makefile to link my kernel objects

In my project I have makefiles which build Solaris kernel modules, and they use gcc to compile files but use ld to link all .o files together into a kernel module. I am trying to include some coverage options like gcov (-fprofile-arcs) or tcov (-xprofile=tcov) in my build, hence I want to replace ld with gcc during linking also.
But as soon as I use replace gcc with ld, the builds start failing with lot of "undefined symbol" errors, even if I use some compile flags and get rid of these errors, the kernel module will not load into my Solaris kernel at all.
For example:
$ /usr/ccs/bin/ld -r -dy -Nstrmod/rpcmod -Nfs/nfs \
-Nmisc/rpcsec -Nmisc/klmmod -Nfs/zfs \
-o debug64/nfssrv \
debug64/nfs_server.o debug64/nfs_srv.o debug64/nfs3_srv.o \
debug64/nfs_acl_srv.o debug64/nfs_auth.o obj64/nfs41_srv.o \
obj64/ctl_ds_srv.o obj64/dserv_server.o
ld works fine but with gcc I get following errors:
/opt/gcc-4.4.4/bin/gcc -m64 -z muldefs \
-Lmod/rpcmod -Lfs/nfs -Lmisc/rpcsec \
-Lmisc/klmmod -Lfs/zfs \
-o obj64/nfssrv \
obj64/nfs_server.o obj64/nfs_srv.o obj64/nfs3_srv.o
obj64/nfs_acl_srv.o obj64/nfs_auth.o obj64/nfs41_srv.o
obj64/ctl_ds_srv.o obj64/dserv_server.o
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
hz obj64/nfs_server.o
p0 obj64/nfs_server.o
nfs_range_set obj64/nfs41_srv.o
getf obj64/nfs_server.o
log2 obj64/nfs4_state.o
main /usr/lib/amd64/crt1.o
stoi obj64/ctl_ds_srv.o
dmu_object_alloc obj64/dserv_server.o
nvpair_name obj64/nfs4_srv.o
__dtrace_probe_nfss41__i__destroy_encap_session obj64/nfs41_srv.o
__dtrace_probe_nfssrv__i__dscp_freeing_device_entries obj64/ctl_ds_srv.o
mod_install obj64/nfs_server.o
xdr_faststatfs obj64/nfs_server.o
xdr_WRITE3res obj64/nfs_server.o
svc_pool_control obj64/nfs_server.o
Warning the option -L allows to specify a path where to search for libraries, to specify a library you want to link with you (also) have to use the option -l
So a priori you have to add the options -lrpcmod -lnfs -lrpcsec -lklmmod -lzfs
More details in GCC Linking Options
By default, the GNU linker called through the gcc compiler driver will try to create a standard executable. Consequently, if you don't tell it otherwise, ld will use its default linker script, the C startup code and it will look for a main() routine and everything else that makes a valid executable.
I'm not too familiar with Solaris, but would bet this will not be suitable to build kernel modules. I would expect kernel modules will at least require some options like -ffreestanding, -nostdlibs and most likely a non-default linker script that's probably very different from the default one used for applications.
Even if you manage to link your kernel modules this way, I seriously doubt you will be finished. The gcov instrumentation routines most likely do not expect to live within a kernel driver but expect a proper C execution environment (e.g. it will at least expect to fopen() a file to fwrite() its findings). A kernel driver, however, does not have this comfort. You'll probably find yourself confronted with the problem to get the gcov data somehow out of your kernel modules.
Not saying this is not doable, but it certainly will be a lot of work.

Configure clang-check for c++ standard libraries

I am trying to run Ale as my linter, which in turn uses clang-check to lint my code.
$ clang-check FeatureManager.h
Error while trying to load a compilation database:
Could not auto-detect compilation database for file "FeatureManager.h"
No compilation database found in /home/babbleshack/ or any parent directory
json-compilation-database: Error while opening JSON database: No such file or directory
Running without flags.
/home/babbleshack/FeatureManager.h:6:10: fatal error: 'unordered_map' file not found
#include <unordered_map>
1 error generated.
Error while processing /home/babbleshack/FeatureManager.h.
Whereas compiling with clang++ returns only a warning.
$ clang++ -std=c++11 -Wall FeatureManager.cxx FeatureManager.h
clang-5.0: warning: treating 'c-header' input as 'c++-header' when in C++ mode, this behavior is deprecated [-Wdeprecated]
There are no flags to clang-check allowing me to set compilation flags.
Took a while to figure this out, but you can do
clang-check file.cxx -- -Wall -std=c++11 -x c++
or if you are using clang-tidy
clang-tidy file.cxx -- -Wall -std=c++11 -x c++
To get both working with ALE, I added the following to my vimrc
let g:ale_cpp_clangtidy_options = '-Wall -std=c++11 -x c++'
let g:ale_cpp_clangcheck_options = '-- -Wall -std=c++11 -x c++'
If you want ALE to work for C as well, you will have to do the same for g:ale_c_clangtidy_options and g:ale_c_clangcheck_options.
I was getting stumped by a similar error message for far too long:
/my/project/src/util.h:4:10: error: 'string' file not found [clang-diagnostic-error]
#include <string>
I saw other questions suggesting that I was missing some critical package, but everything already seemed to be installed (and my code built just fine, it was only clang-tidy that was getting upset).
Passing -v showed that my .h file was being handled differently:
$ clang-tidy ... src/*.{h,cc} -- ... -v
clang-tool ... -main-file-name ... -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9 ... -x c++ ... /tmp/copy/src/
clang-tool ... -main-file-name util.h ... -x c-header /my/project/src/util.h
As Kris notes the key distinction is the -x c-header flag, which is because clang assumes a .h file contains C, not C++, and this in turn means that the system C++ includes weren't being used to process util.h.
But the -main-file-name flag also stood out to me as odd; why would a header file ever be the main file? While digging around I also came across this short but insightful answer that header files shouldn't be directly compiled in the first place! Using src/*.cc instead of src/*.{h,cc} avoids the problem entirely by never asking Clang to try to process a .h on its own in the first place!
This does introduce one more wrinkle, though. Errors in these header files won't be reported by default, since they're not the files you asked clang-tidy to look at. This is where the "Use -header-filter=. to display errors from all non-system headers.*" message clang-tidy prints comes in. If I pass -header-filter=src/.* (to only include my src headers and not any other header files I'm including with -I) I see the expected errors in my header files. Phew!
I'm not sure whether to prefer -x c++ or -header-filter=.* generally. A downside of -header-filter is you have to tune the filter regex, rather than just passing in the files you want to check. But on the other hand processing header files in isolation is essentially wasteful work (that I expect would add up quickly in a larger project).

gcc - compile, generate assembly with inline source without calling objdump

I'm using gcc -save-temps to generate assembly and I added -fverbose-asm but that option does NOT generate what I want; it's some weird debug-ish comments.
To get the assembly + inline source, I'm doing gcc -g followed by objdump -S.
Since -save-temps generates the assembly anyway, is there a way to configure it to output the inline source that objdump -S produces?
The GNU C compiler (gcc) produces assembly output if you specify the option -S during compilation. Note that this output is not like the output of objdump -S in the source code is not interspersed with the assembly. To get such output, there is currently no way around creating an object file and then disassembling it. Consider filing a bug report if you would like to have such a feature.

Preprocessor output

How do I view the output produced by the C pre-processor, prior to its conversion into an object file?
I want to see what the MACRO definitions do to my code.
gcc -E file.c
g++ -E file.cpp
will do this for you. The -E switch forces the compiler to stop after the preprocessing phase, spitting all it’s got at the moment to standard output.
Note: Surely you must have some #include directives. The included files get preprocessed, too, so you might get lots of output.
For Visual C++ the switch is /E which spits the preprocessor output to screen.
You can also call the C Preprocessor directly.
cpp infile outfile
Check out man cpp for more info.
For GCC,
gcc -E -dM file.c
g++ -E -dM file.cpp
should do the job. -dM, as GNU Preprocessor manual puts it, should generate a list of ‘#define’ directives for all the macros defined during the execution of the preprocessor, including predefined macros.
It depends on the compiler you use.
With GCC, you can specify the -E flag on the command-line to let the compiler produce the pre-processor output.
If using CLion by Jetbrains, you can use the action "clangd: Preprocess current TU"
So hit shift shift and start typing clangd...
Best assign it to a shortcut for simpler reuse in preferences->keymap:
Shout out to marcosbento
PS: TU means 'translation unit' (see here LLVM translation unit)
You can check out my script described here:
It formats the preprocessor output into a (hopefully) readable html document: lines that are different due to preprocessor are marked in the file.
