magento example module - magento

I'm reading through chapter 4 of the magento developers guide which explains how to build a shipping module I've built the config.xml put it in the proper place, put the MagentoBook_ShippingModule.xml file where it needs to go then it tells me I can configure it in the admin panel but it doesn't show up do I need to reboot the server or something for it to take effect ?

Ok well I found the answer on this thread you have to refresh magento's cache


How to add simple custom form to magento admin panel

First of all let me clear what i want to do, here is my problem. I have my magento project running on server. Now my client is asking me to add a module like this, please have a look
Also he want that he can manage images and color codes from the Magento Admin panel. I have not much experience in magento extension development.
Please provide me reference if there is any magento extension already exist so that i can use that other wiase how to do it.
If you want a Magento frontend view which is admin manageable (with your own custom database tables) try this piece I wrote: link. Hope it suits you.
You should add a custom module to add that.
Check this link

Missing HTML Head section from admin system->configuration->Design in magento

During development i found that in system configuration->Design HTML Head section is missing.
I had gone through many tutorial but not get the solution of this problem.
I had clear the cache and perform indexing.
Disable all the install module.
I am using magento
If you have added new layout in your cms section . And added Mage/Page module config.xml in local, then also add system xml there.I thing this will work for you.

Sage Pay Payment Failure in Magento

I am setting up a megento shop but while testing I get the following error when paying by card using ebizmarts Sage Pay module:
Payment has failed, please reload checkout page and try again. Your card has not been charged.
Does anyone know the solution to this problem?
There is a support forum for the free plugin here and if you are using the PRO module, you can just use the contact form here
Also, the problem you mention is described on the Wiki here
From what I can see and for whatever reason, Magento was loading the "info.phtml" file from the theme/default/checkout/onepage/review folder, rather than the one in the sagepaysuite folder.
I copied in the above code to the relevant position to the default info.html file, and it's working now.
The staging server was loading the sagepaysuite/checkout/review/info.phtml file correctly, hence it was working.

Magento checkout cart feature control

I have a site, 1.5 magento, and the cart functionality (and the customer account functionality) seem to be disabled. When i attempt to go to the url 'checkout/cart', just the homepage displays.
Ive checked all the usual suspects..including:
checked the url_rewrites table (there is one entry in their referencing checkout/cart...but goes from checkout/cart to checkout/cart, so dont see this is an issue, but did edit it just to rule it out)
enabling/disabling of the module itself, looking at both the etc/modules files and removing, and checking the module listing in system->config->advanced area.
trying to step through the code..try detect where the change over of pagedata occurs - struggling here.
looking for certain terms in the codebase...and database SQL file.
the htaccess file, looking for a rewrite
local/community modules..and any rewriting of the checkout
Im starting to think a hack is in place here to show the homepage when visiting checkout url. The url : remains in the address bar, but i see homepage data.
Anyone know where else i can check...or easily locate the cause of this issue?
Many thanks
Did you look in backend under Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout ?
There is a field called "Enable One-Page Checkout" which has to be enabled. If you disable it, your store will just run fine but neither registered customers nor guests can check out anymore.
Turns out this was rewrites added to the rewrite table manually. Didnt find them at first.

Joomla 1.6 backend admin area blank

For some reason, when I log into my joomla 1.6 backend, it is now empty, displaying only a logout button. Any Ideas?
I just went through the same problem but on J!1.7.3. There may be many, many reasons but please check using just URL if you can see for example:
[YourDomainHere]/administrator/index.php?option=com_content or
If content is listing and you're missing just Admin-menu and sub-navigation in back-end --> this means you messed-up with access levels and viewing access.
If you can't see content listing - ignore the rest of this post :-)
...with access levels and viewing access. To check that, try entering [YourDomainHere]/administrator/index.php?option=com_users&view=levels and enter each position in the list. Joomla backend navigation module usually has Access set to Special, so focus on this one. When enter Special - manager, author and super administrator should be ticked. If everything empty in any from the list - this is your issue :)
You need to add manager, author and super administrator to your Special access level. Obviously you can't see Save button, so you need to use database. [wrrr :) sounds scary?] Not a big deal, just go there using for example phpMyAdmin and find _viewlevels table. In there just edit Special and add [6,2,8] values to set up manager, author, super.....
Update database. Try to log-in one more time (close browser and clean cache before).
I hope if this wasn't helpful for you, will be for somebody else.
p.s. There may be a way of 'saving' changes in you joomla access levels with URL. Then you don't need to go to DB .. but I don't know if this is feasible at all :)
Check the rewrite of htaccess and the $mosConfig_absolute_path variable in config.php
Apparently, the Bluestork Template (admin template) has some security issues. In my case there were some missing files in the template folder /administrator/templates/bluestork/ that caused the administrator screen to appear blank. I've copied a clean version of the template in the bluestork folder and after that I was able to see the backend admin area.
I've removed the bluestork templates entirely for now, which seems to be the best option. Joomla installs 2.5.8, 2.5.6, 2.5.2, 1.7.0, 1.6.3 are affected. The Blustork Template is a target for hacks with old Joomla.
this happening becoz of admin user lost his permissions. see below article to fix this issue
