NSTreeController fetch predicate based on transient isRoot exceptions - cocoa

My document-based Cocoa application uses a NSOutlineView/NSTreeController combo, bound to the document's Core Data store. My NSTreeController has the fetch predicate isRoot == YES. isRoot is a transient boolean attribute with a default value of NO. My root model's awakeFromInsert calls:
[self setIsRoot:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
I'm able to add objects to the hierarchy just fine, but when I try to load a document I just saved, I get an exception:
[<NSDictionaryMapNode 0x1001a8190> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key isRoot.
I can work around this exception and successfully load a newly-saved document if I change the isRoot attribute to non-transient in the xcdatamodel, but based on my understanding of the transient flag it should not cause a problem, and this really isn't the kind of data that should be persisted.
I have also tried implementing -isRoot in the NSManagedObject subclasses to return the appropriate fixed value, as well as making the same setIsRoot: call within awakeFromFetch, both to no avail.
Is there some other subtlety I'm missing? I can't imagine that fetch predicates don't support transient attributes. I don't know much about the inner workings of Core Data but it seems interesting that it's trying to look up isRoot on the store-specific class and not my NSManagedObject subclass.

I can't imagine that fetch predicates
don't support transient attributes.
After a bit of research, I can tell you that they don't. See this document. Quote:
You cannot fetch using a predicate
based on transient properties
(although you can use transient
properties to filter in memory
I've put together a test project and can verify I get exactly the same error as you do.
When I need to filter out the root nodes in a tree, I use a fetch predicate of parent == nil instead of a transient attribute.
I understand your reaction - I too wanted way of having an attribute specifically called isRoot too. My guess is it's possible, but it'd take so much code it's just not worth the hassle.
Oh, and if you're dealing with core data any more than a little, mogenerator will make your life much easier.

Another option is to have a separate class for the top-level nodes, use that class name as "Entity Name" and leave "Fetch Predicate" blank. As long as the child nodes have the same values as the top-level node (I use a common superclass/entity inheritance), everything still works.

Have you made sure that the NSTreeController is set to control an entity rather than a class?
From your error, it looks like it might be set to a class with the default - NSMutableDictionary.
I'd also argue that maybe isRoot could be persisted. It depends on what you're trying to do with your app, of course, but if it's a tree view that gets loaded on app run I'd either make isRoot persist.


Core Data: Instantiating a "root object" in a document based application

I am creating a document based project using Core Data and have run into what may simply be a conceptual issue for me, as while I am not new to Cocoa, this is my first attempt to utilize Core Data. What I am trying to accomplish should be relatively simple: with each new document launched, I would like a new instance of one of my model objects created that serves as a "root" object.
What I have done is add an NSObjectController to my xib, set its mode to Entity Name (with the correct entity name provided), checked off "Prepares Content", and bound its managed object context to File's Owner with managedObjectContext as the model key path. To test this, I bound the title of my main window to the object controller, with controller key as selection and model key path as one of the keys in my entity.
I know I can create my root object programmatically, but am trying to adopt the mediator pattern as is recommended by Apple. I have seen the instructions in the department-employee tutorial under the "adopting the mediator pattern" section and the steps detailed are exactly what I believe I have done.
Any thoughts?
Perhaps I did not state the problem correctly. The models are created in Core Data and the relationships are setup as I need them to be (with a "root", children and leaves, using to-one parent relationships, to-many children relationships and an isLeaf boolean attribute). My issue is ensuring that this root object is instantiated as a singleton every time a new document is launched. There should be exactly a 1:1 relationship between the root object and the current document, that root object must always exist and be available without any user interaction to create it, and child nodes that are created and attached to the root are the data objects that are used and manipulated by the application.
I have implemented the above functionality programatically, but in keeping with Core Data principles, would like to adopt the mediator pattern completely and not manage any creation of data objects within my application logic.
If you want a "root" managed object like you would find in linked-list or tree, then you have to set that up in data model itself.
By default, a Core Data data model has no particular hierarchy among objects. Objects may be related but no object is logically "above" or "below" another one. You can reach in object in any relationship by starting with any other object and walking the relationship/s back to the desired object.
A hierarchy of managed objects needs a tree like structure like this:
... so that the "root" object is the sole Tree instances that has parent==nil.
Having said all this, I would point out that the Apple docs you refer to say that it is best NOT to use this type of built in hierarchy for most cases. It's just a simplification used for purposes of demonstration (and I think it is a bad one.)
The data model is intended to model/simulate the real-world objects, conditions or events that the app deals with. As such, the logical relationships between the entities/objects in the model/graph should reflect the real-world relationships. In this case, unless the real-world things you are modeling exist in a hierarchy with a real-world "root" object, condition or event, then your model shouldn't have one either.

Why would you bind the value of a NSProgressIndicator?

What's the point of binding the value of a NSProgressIndicator to your controller? It never seems to ask the controller for the value, except on startup. The only way to move the NSProgressIndicator seems to be by sending it #increaseBy:, which bypasses my binding. So, why would I bind?!
If your UI's bound value not updating, that means you either bungled the binding or your controller code is not modifying the bound value in a key-value-observing–compliant way. The most common problem is doing fooIvar = val rather than [self setFooIvar:val] or self.fooIvar = val.
Apple's answer to your problem:
[What to do if] Changing the value of a model property programmatically is not reflected in the user interface
If changes made to a model value programmatically are not being reflected in the user interface, this typically indicates that the model object is not key-value-observing compliant for the property, or that you are modifying the value in a manner that is bypassing key-value observing. You should ensure that:
The model class has automatic key-value observing enabled or implements manual key-value observing for the property.
That you are changing the value using an accessor method, or using a key-value-coding compliant method. Changing the value of an instance variable directly does not provide key-value observing change notifications.
If your model property is a collection, that you're modifying the content in a key-value-observing compliant manner. See “My collection controller isn’t displaying the current data” for more information.
For that answer and answers other common problems, see "Troubleshooting Cocoa Bindings."
You should also look at the examples provided by mmalc. They are a valuable resource.

Cocoa bindings: custom setter methods?

I'm using Cocoa bindings to manage a table of objects. I understand how bindings work but I've run into a slight problem. Managing the table of objects would be fine and dandy, except that those objects have to manage actual bluetooth hardware. I'm working off of a framework that provides a class representing a connection to this hardware, and have made another "manager" class the makes it key-value compliant. In other words, this manager class has to be able to connect and modify its "connect" status in its properties dictionary, be the delegate of this hardware and modify properties, and update the hardware with changes made.
However, whenever I set new values within the object itself, like in a "connect" method that would change the "connect" key's value to 2 (looking), (i.e. propertiesDict = newDict), the change is not seeming to be picked up by observers that it is bound to. I've looked at the observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: in the NSKeyValueObservingProtocol. However, I don't know what to do with the context argument.
I hope that makes sense... but if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.
Your question isn't totally clear, but if I'm understanding it correctly the issue might be because you need to send manual KVO notifications before and after you change a value in the embedded object. For instance, [self willChangeValueForKey:#"connected"]; and [self didChangeValueForKey:#"connected"];.
There are three ways to update a property/attribute in a KVO compatible way:
Using the property setter (specified in #property declaration or generated by #synthesize)
Calling -willChangeValueForKey: and -didChangeValueForKey: before and after you change the property value in any way.
Calling -setValueForKey:

observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: doesn't work properly with arrays

I have an object that implements the indexed accessor methods for a key called contents. In those accessors, I call willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey: and didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey: when I modify the underlying array.
I also have a custom view object that is bound to contents via an NSArrayController. In observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: the only value in the change dictionary for the NSKeyValueChangeKindKey I ever see is NSKeyValueChangeSetting. When I'm adding objects to the array, I expect to see NSKeyValueChangeInsertion.
Recreating my view's internal representation of the objects it observes every time I insert a single item -- particularly when I'm bulk loading hundreds of items -- presents quite a performance problem, as you'd imagine. What am I doing wrong that Cocoa seems to think I'm setting a completely new array each time I add or remove a single item?
(Note to all readers: I hate using answers for this, too, but this discussion is too long for comments. The downside, of course, is that it ends up not sorted chronologically. If you don't like it, I suggest you complain to the Stack Overflow admins about comments being length-limited and plain-text-only.)
I don't understand what you mean by implementing array accessors in the view.
Implement accessors, including indexed accessors, for the mutable array property that you've exposed as a binding.
Bindings is built on top of KVO.
And KVC.
All bindings are implemented using observeValueForKeyPath:
Overriding that is one way, sure. The other way is to implement accessors in the object with the bindable property (the view).
My custom view provides a binding that the app binds to an array -- or in this case, an array controller. Accessor methods apply to KVC, not KVO.
Cocoa Bindings will call your view's accessors for you (presumably using KVC). You don't need to implement the KVO observe method (unless, of course, you're using KVO directly).
I know this because I've done it that way. See PRHGradientView in CPU Usage.
Curiously, the documentation doesn't mention this. I'm going to file a documentation bug about it—either I'm doing something fragile or they forgot to mention this very nice feature in the docs.
It absolutely matters that I'm getting a set message on every array update. I wouldn't have posted it as a question if it didn't matter.
There are quite a large number of people who engage in something called “premature optimization”. I have no way of knowing who is one of them without asking.
I have an object that implements the indexed accessor methods for a key called contents. In those accessors, I call willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey: and didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey: when I modify the underlying array.
Don't do that. KVO posts the notifications for you when you receive a message to one of those accessors.
I also have a custom view object that is bound to contents via an NSArrayController. In observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: the only value in the change dictionary for the NSKeyValueChangeKindKey I ever see is NSKeyValueChangeSetting. When I'm adding objects to the array, I expect to see NSKeyValueChangeInsertion.
For one thing, why are you using KVO directly? Use bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options: to bind the view's property to the array controller's arrangedObjects (I assume) property, and implement array accessors (including indexed accessors, if you like) in the view.
For another, remember that arrangedObjects is a derived property. The array controller will filter and sort its content array; the result is arrangedObjects. You could argue that permuting the indexes from the original insertion into a new insertion would be a more accurate translation of the first change into the second, but setting the entire arrangedObjects array was probably simpler to implement (something like [self _setArrangedObjects:[[newArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:self.filterPredicate] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:self.sortDescriptors]]).
Does it really matter? Have you profiled and found that your app is slow with wholesale array replacement?
If so, you may need to bind the view directly to the array's content property or to the original array on the underlying object, and suffer the loss of free filtering and sorting.
I call the KVO methods manually for reasons outside the scope of this issue. I have disabled automatic observing for this property. I know what I'm doing there.
I don't understand what you mean by implementing array accessors in the view. Bindings is built on top of KVO. All bindings are implemented using observeValueForKeyPath: My custom view provides a binding that the app binds to an array -- or in this case, an array controller. Accessor methods apply to KVC, not KVO.
It absolutely matters that I'm getting a set message on every array update. I wouldn't have posted it as a question if it didn't matter. I call something like
[[modelObject mutableArrayValueForKey:#"contents"] addObjectsFromArray:hundredsOfObjects];
On every insertion, my view observes a whole new array. Since I'm potentially adding hundreds of objects, that's O(N^2) when it should to be O(N). That is completely unacceptable, performance issues aside. But, since you mention it, the view does have to do a fair amount of work to observe a whole new array, which significantly slows down the program.
I can't give up using an array controller because I need the filtering and sorting, and because there's an NSTableView bound to the same controller. I rely on it to keep the sorting and selections in sync.
I solved my problem with a complete hack. I wrote a separate method that calls the KVO methods manually so that only one KVO message is sent. It's a hack, I don't like it, and it still makes my view reread the entire array -- although only once, now -- but it works for now until I figure out a better solution.

How to construct two objects, with each other as a parameter/member

I have two classes that each need an instance of each other to function. Ordinarily if an object needs another object to run, I like to pass it in the constructor. But I can't do that in this case, because one object has to be instantiated before the other, and so therefore the second object does not exist to be passed to the first object's constructor.
I can resolve this by passing the first object to the second object's constructor, then calling a setter on the first object to pass the second object to it, but that seems a little clunky, and I'm wondering if there's a better way:
backend = new Backend();
panel = new Panel(backend);
I've never put any study into MVC; I suppose I'm dealing with a model here (the Backend), and a view or a controller (the Panel). Any insights here I can gain from MVC?
It's time to take a look at MVC. :-) When you have a model-view-controller situation, the consensus is that the model shouldn't be aware of the view-controller (MVC often plays out as M-VC), but the view is invariably aware of the model.
If the model needs to tell the view something, it does so by notifying its listeners, of which it may have multiples. Your view should be one of them.
In a circular construction scenario I'd use a factory class/factory method. I would normally make the construction logic private to the factory (using friend construct, package level protection or similar), to en sure that no-one could construct instances without using the factory.
The use of setter/constructor is really a part of the contract between the two classes and the factory, so I'd just use whichever's convenient.
As has been pointed out, you really should try to find a non-circular solution.
First of all, contrary to what others has said here, there's no inherent problem with circular references. For example, an Order object would be expected to have a reference to the Customer object of the person who placed the Order. Similarly, it would be natural for the Customer object to have a list of Orders he has placed.
In a refernce-based language (like Java or C#) there's no problem, at all. In a value-based language (like C++), you have to take care in designing them.
That said, you design of:
backend = new Backend();
panel = new Panel(backend);
It pretty much the only way to do it.
It's better to avoid circular references. I would personally try to rethink my objects.
panel = new Panel(backend);
You do this in this routine something like
Public Sub Panel(ByVal BackEnd as BackEnd)
Me.MyBackEnd = BackEnd
BackEnd.MyPanel = Me
End Sub
You don't need BackEnd.SetPanel
It is better to use Proxies. A proxy links one object to another through raising a Event. The parent hands the child a proxy. When the child needs the parent it calls a GetRef method on the proxy. The proxy then raises a event which the parent uses to return itself to the proxy which then hands it to the child.
The use of the Event/Delegate mechanism avoids any circular reference problems.
So you have (assuming that the backend is the 'parent' here)
Public Sub Panel(ByVal BackEnd as BackEnd)
Me.MyBackEnd = BackEnd.Proxy
BackEnd.MyPanel = Me
End Sub
Public Property MyBackEnd() as BackEnd
Set (ByVal Value as BackEnd)
priBackEndProxy = BackEnd.Proxy
End Set
Return priBackEndProxy.GetRef
End Get
End Property
Here is a fuller discussion on the problem of circular references. Although it is focused on fixing it in Visual Basic 6.0.
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Also another solution is aggregating Panel and BackEnd into another object. This is common if both elements are UI Controls and need to behave in a coordinated manner.
Finally as far as MVC goes I recommend using a a Model View Presenter approach instead.
Basically you have your Form Implement a IPanelForm interface. It registers itself with a class called Panel which does all the UI logic. BackEnd should have events that Panel can hook into for when the model changes. Panel handles the event and updates the form through the IPanelForm interface.
User clicks a button
The form passes to Panel that the user clicked a button
Panel handles the button and retrieves the data from the backend
Panel formats the data.
Panel uses IPanelForm Interface to show the data on the Form.
I've been delaying implementing the lessons learned here, giving me plenty of time to think about the exact right way to do it. As other people said, having a clear separation where the backend objects have listeners for when their properties change is definitely the way to go. Not only will it resolve the specific issue I was asking about in this question, it is going to make a lot of other bad design smells in this code look better. There are actually a lot of different Backend classes (going by the generic class names I used in my example), each with their own corresponding Panel class. And there's even a couple of places where some things can be moved around to separate other pairs of classes into Backend/Panel pairs following the same pattern and reducing a lot of passing junk around as parameters.
The rest of this answer is going to get language specific, as I am using Java.
I've not worried a whole lot about "JavaBeans," but I have found that following basic JavaBean conventions has been very helpful for me in the past: basically, using standard getters and setters for properties. Turns out there's a JavaBean convention I was unaware of which is really going to help here: bound properties. Bound properties are properties available through standard getters and setters which fire PropertyChangeEvents when they change. [I don't know for sure, but the JavaBeans standard may specify that all properties are supposed to be "bound properties." Not relevant to me, at this point. Be aware also that "standard" getters and setters can be very non-standard through the use of BeanInfo classes to define a JavaBean's exact interface, but I never use that, either.] (The main other JavaBean convention that I choose to follow or not as appropriate in each situation is a no-argument constructor; I'm already following it in this project because each of these Backend objects has to be serializable.)
I've found this blog entry, which was very helpful in cluing me into the bound properties/PropertyChangeEvents issue and helping me construct a plan for how I'm going to rework this code.
Right now all of my backend objects inherit from a common class called Model, which provides a couple of things every backend in this system needs including serialization support. I'm going to create an additional class JavaBean as a superclass of Model which will provide the PropertyChangeEvent support that I need, inherited by every Model. I'll update the setters in each Model to fire a PropertyChangeEvent when called. I may also have JavaBean inherited by a couple of classes which aren't technically Models in the same sense as these but which could also benefit from having other classes registered as listeners for them. The JavaBean class may not fully implement the JavaBean spec; as I've said, there are several details I don't care about. But it's good enough for this project. It sounds like I could get all this by inheriting from java.awt.Component, but these aren't components in any sense that I can justify, so I don't want to do that. (I also don't know what overhead it might entail.)
Once every Model is a JavaBean, complete with PropertyChangeEvent support, I'll do a lot of code cleanup: Models that are currently keeping references to Panels will be updated and the Panels will register themselves as listeners. So much cleaner! The Model won't have to know (and shouldn't have known in the first place) what methods the Panel should call on itself when the property updates.
