DensityPlot command in mathematica - wolfram-mathematica

The info for DensityPlot says that the "default generates colorized grayscale output, in which larger values are shown lighter." What on earth is colorized grayscale? Is there a way to make it truly grayscale without the blue and purple colors that it generates? And when I do it, it appears a little pixellated. Is there a way to evaluate it at more points so that it doesnt look so choppy?

By colorized grayscale, I think they mean that it's monochrome, or maybe bichromatic - that is, there's a linear scale from one color to another, rather than fully varying across the whole color space. It's not a very good term, I agree.
Specifying ColorFunction->GrayLevel should give you pure grayscale. This is distinct from the built-in gradient GrayTones (ColorFunction->"GrayTones"), which appears to stop a bit short of pure black and white on the ends and is a bit warm. There are plenty of other built-in gradients - see the return value of ColorData["Gradients"]. You can also specify your own function, of course - it will take as input a real number from 0 to 1, and should return a color specification, e.g. the return values of GrayLevel, RGBColor, Hue, or CMYKColor.
To make it less choppy, as with basically all plotting functions, try specifying a higher value for PlotPoints (the number of initial sampling points) or MaxRecursion (how many times it can resample).


Algorithm to detect the change in visible luminosity in an image

I want a formula to detect/calculate the change in visible luminosity in a part of the image,provided i can calculate the RGB, HSV, HSL and CMYK color spaces.
E.g: In the above picture we will notice that the left side of the image is more bright when compared to the right side , which is beneath a shade.
I have had a little think about this, and done some experiments in Photoshop, though you could just as well use ImageMagick which is free. Here is what I came up with.
Step 1 - Convert to Lab mode and discard the a and b channels since the Lightness channel holds most of the brightness information which, ultimately, is what we are looking for.
Step 2 - Stretch the contrast of the remaining L channel (using Levels) to accentuate the variation.
Step 3 - Perform a Gaussian blur on the image to remove local, high frequency variations in the image. I think I used 10-15 pixels radius.
Step 4 - Turn on the Histogram window and take a single row marquee and watch the histogram change as different rows are selected.
Step 5 - Look out for a strongly bimodal histogram (two distimct peaks) to identify the illumination variations.
This is not a complete, general purpose solution, but may hold some pointers and cause people who know better to suggest improvememnts for you!!! Note that the method requires the image to have a some areas of high uniformity like the whiteish horizontal bar across your input image. However, nearly any algorithm is going to have a hard time telling the difference between a sheet of white paper with a shadow of uneven light across it and the same sheet of paper with a grey sheet of paper laid on top of it...
In the images below, I have superimposed the histogram top right. In the first one, you can see the histogram is not narrow and bimodal because the dotted horizontal selection marquee is across the bar-code area of the image.
In the subsequent images, you can see a strong bimodal histogram because the dotted selection marquee is across a uniform area of image.
The first problem is in "visible luminosity". It me mean one of several things. This discussion should be a good start. (Yes, it has incomplete and contradictory answers, as well.)
Formula to determine brightness of RGB color
You should make sure you operate on the linear image which does not have any gamma correction applied to it. AFAIK Photoshop does not degamma and regamma images during filtering, which may produce erroneous results. It all depends on how accurate results you want. Photoshop wants things to look good, not be precise.
In principle you should first pick a formula to convert your RGB values to some luminosity value which fits your use. Then you have a single-channel image which you'll need to filter with a Gaussian filter, sliding average, or some other suitable filter. Unfortunately, this may require special tools as photoshop/gimp/etc. type programs tend to cut corners.
But then there is one thing you would probably like to consider. If you have an even brightness gradient across an image, the eye is happy and does not perceive it. Rather large differences go unnoticed if the contrast in the image is constant across the image. Unfortunately, the definition of contrast is not very meaningful if you do not know at least something about the content of the image. (If you have scanned/photographed documents, then the contrast is clearly between ink and paper.) In your sample image the brightness changes quite abruptly, which makes the change visible.
Just to show you how strange the human vision is in determining "brightness", see the classical checker shadow illusion:
So, my impression is that talking about the conversion formulae is probably the second or third step in the process of finding suitable image processing methods. The first step would be to try to define the problem in more detail. What do you want to accomplish?

Dominant "color" of an image

I have the following image:
What I want to do is "id" the individual strips based on their dominant color. What is the best approach to do this?
What I've done is used the image's value (HSV) and make a distribution on that value's occurrence. The problem is, for strip0 values [27=32191, 28=5433, others=8] strip1 values [26=7107, 27=23111, others=22]. I can't get a definitive distinction.
The project's main goal is to compare an actual yellow-colored paper to the strips and determine which strip is the most similar.
First, since you know the boundaries of each strip in the reference image, the only problem possible here is that your reference image is noisy. A relatively overkill way to handle that is clustering the colors in each strip and taking the cluster's centroid as the representative color of the strip. In order to get a more meaningful response here, consider the CIELAB colorspace for this step. Doing this, and converting the results back to RGB, for the first strip I get the rgb triplet (0.949375, 0.879872, 0.147898), and for the second strip (0.945324, 0.857322, 0.129756) (each channel in range [0, 1]).
When you get a new image, you perform the same operation. But there are a lot of problems here. For instance, how are you handling the white balance in this input image ? Supposing you have no such problem, then now it is only a matter of finding the nearest color to the one you just found by the same process. To find the nearest color you have to use a meaningful colorspace for such thing too, and CIELAB is recommended again since the well established Delta-E functions are defined on it. See for some such metrics, the simplest being the euclidean distance in CIELAB.
Calibrate your equipment. If you do not calibrate your equipment, you will have arbitrary errors between the test sample and the reference. Lighting is part of your equipment.
Use edge detection and your knowledge of the reference strip's geometry (strips are equal width) to determine sampling regions. For each sampling region, extract an internal patch.
For the test strip, compute an image where each pixel is the max difference within a sampling window (e.g. 5x5). This will let you identify a relatively homogeneous region which is dissimilar to the outside region (i.e. the paper). Extract a patch.
Use downsampling to find an integrated color for each patch per svnpenn's advice. You can look at other computation methods later, but this should work quite well.
For weights wh, ws, wv, compute similarity = whabs(h0-h1) + wsabs(s0-s1) + wv*abs(v0-v1) between the test color and each reference color. You can look at other distance measures later, but this should work quite well. Start with equal weights. One perk to this method is that it behaves well regardless of the dimension or combination of dimensions under which the reference strip varies.
Sort the results to find the most similar and second most similar matches. Note that similarity is set up so zero is an exact match, and a big number is a poor match. Use the ratio of these two results to estimate the quality of the most similar match - if the first two matches are very close, it's probably not a great match to either.
You can scan through all the colors and use a hashtable to keep track of how many pixels of each color there are.
Take those numbers and, remembering which colors they correspond to, sort them in decreasing order.
Look at the sorted list of numbers and find the difference between each consecutive pair of numbers. Keep track the indices in the list of the two numbers that resulted in each difference. Sort this difference list.
Look at the maximum number in the difference list. You now have the biggest drop-off between two sets of pixels. Go find which was the bigger one. Everything with this number of pixels and above is a dominant color. Everything below is a sub-dominant color. Now you know how many dominant colors you have, and what they are.
Should be pretty easy from there to do whatever it is you want to do.
The only time this wouldn't work is if some of the noise was of the same color as a strip, so much so that it corrupted your data.
In this case, you would use a different approach, which you can also use in the first case - looking at runs. Go through the pixels, and each time you find a new color, look at how many of the following pixels are of the same color.
Use the method described earlier to cluster the colors into dominant and non-dominant, for the same result.
In both cases, if you know that the picture is of vertical strips, you could limit the number of horizontal lines of colors you look at to make things go faster.
You could split the image into sections, then resize each section to one pixel. This is an example using the whole image
$ convert Y82IirS.jpg -resize 1x1 txt:
# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,1,255,srgb
0,0: (220,176, 44) #DCB02C srgb(220,176,44)
Average colour of an image

Value as colour representation

Converting a value to a colour is well known, I do understand the following two approaches (very well described in changing rgb color values to represent a value)
Value as shades of grey
Value as brightness of a base colour (e.g. brightness of blue)
But what is the best algorithm when I want to use the full colour range ("all colours"). When I use "greys" with 8bit RGB values, I actually do have a representation of 256 shades (white to black). But if I use the whole range, I could use more shades. Something like this. Also this would be easier to recognize.
Basically I need the algorithm in Javascript, but I guess all code such as C#, Java, pseudo code would do as well. The legend at the bottom shows the encoding, and I am looking for the algorithm for this.
So having a range of values(e.g. 1-1000), I could represent 1 as white and 1000 as black, but I could also represent 1 as yellow and 1000 as blue. But is there a standard algorithm for this? Looking at the example here, it is shown that they use colour intervals. I do not only want to use greys or change the brightness, but use all colours.
This is a visual demonstration (Flash required). Given values a represented in a color scheme, my goal is to calculate the colours.
I do have a linear colour range, e.g. from 1-30000
-- Update --
Here I found that here is something called a LabSpace:
Lab space is a way of representing colours where points that are close to each other are those that look similar to each other to humans.
So what I would need is an algorithm to represent the linear values in this lab space.
There are two basic ways to specify colors. One is a pre-defined list of colors (a palette) and then your color value is an index into this list. This is how old 8-bit color systems worked, and how GIF images still work. There are lists of web-safe colors, eg, that typically fit into an 8-bit value. Often similar colors are adjacent, but sometimes not.
A palette has the advantage of requiring a small amount of data per pixel, but the disadvantage that you're limited in the number of different colors that can be on the screen at the same time.
The other basic way is to specify the coordinates of a color. One way is RGB, with a separate value for each primary color. Another is Hue/Saturation/Luminance. CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and sometimes blacK) is used for print. This is what's typically referred to as true color and when you use a phrase like "all colors" it sounds like you're looking for a solution like this. For gradients and such HSL might be a perfect fit for you. For example, a gradient from a color to grey simply reduces the saturation value. If all you want are "pure" colors, then fix the saturation and luminance values and vary the hue.
Nearly all drawing systems require RGB, but the conversion from HSL to RGB is straight forward.
If you can't spare the full 24 bits per color (8 bits per color, 32-bit color is the same but adds a transparency channel) you can use 15 or 16 bit color. It's the same thing, but instead of 8 bits per color you get 5 each (15 bit) or 5-6-5 (16 bit, green gets the extra bit because our eyes are more sensitive to shades of green). That fits into a short integer.
It depends on the purposes of your datasets.
For example, you can assign a color to each range of values (0-100 - red, 100-200 - green, 200-300 - blue) by changing the brightness within the range.
The example you gave does not create gradients. Instead, they use N preset colors from an array and pick the next color as umbr points out. Something like this:
a = { "#ffffff", "#ff00ff", "#ff0000", "#888888", ... };
c = a[pos / 1000];
were pos is your value from 1 to 30,000 and c is the color you want to use. (you'd need to better define the index than pos / 1000 for this to work right in all situations.)
If you want a gradient effect, you can just use the simple math shown on the other answer you pointed out, although if you want to do that with any number of points, it has to be done with triangles. You'll have a lot of work to determine the triangles and properly define every point.
In JavaScript, it will be dog slow. (with OpenGL it would be instantaneous and you would not even have to compute the gradients, and that would be "faster than realtime.")
What you need is a transfer function.
given a float number, a transfer function can generate a color.
see this:
and this:
the second article says that the isovalue is between [0,255]. But it doesn't have to be in that range.
Normally, we scale any float number to the [0,1] range, and apply transfer function to get the color value.

Get dominant colors from image discarding the background

What is the best (result, not performance) algorithm to fetch dominant colors from an image. The algorithm should discard the background of the image.
I know I can build an array of colors and how many they appear in the image, but I need a way to determine what is the background and what is the foreground, and keep only the second (foreground) in mind while read the dominant colors.
The problem is very hard especially for gradient backgrounds or backrounds with patterns (not plain)
Isolating the foreground from the background is beyond the scope of this particular answer, but...
I've found that applying a pixelation filter to an image will draw out a really good set of 'average' colours.
I sometimes use this approach to derive a pallete of colours with a particular mood. I first find a photograph with the general tones I'm after, pixelate and then sample from the resulting image.
(Thanks to Pietro De Grandi for the image, found on
The colour summarizer is a pretty sweet spot for info on this subject, not to mention their seemingly free XML Web API that will produce descriptive colour statistics for an image of your choosing, reporting back the following formatted with swatches in HTML or as XML...
what is the average color hue, saturation and value in my image?
what is the RGB colour that is most representative of the image?
what do the RGB and HSV histograms look like?
what is the image's human readable colour description (e.g. dark pure blue)?
The purpose of this utility is to generate metadata that summarizes an
image's colour characteristics for inclusion in an image database,
such as Flickr. In particular this tool is being used to generate
metadata for Flickr's Color Fields group.
In my experience though.. this tool still misses the "human-readable" / obvious "main" color, A LOT of the time. Silly machines!
I would say this problem is closer to "impossible" than "very hard". The only approach to it that I can think of would be to make the assumption that the background of an image is likely to consist of solid blocks of similar colors, while the foreground is likely to consist of smaller blocks of dissimilar colors.
If this assumption is generally true, then you could scan through the whole image and weight pixels according to how similar or dissimilar they are to neighboring pixels. In other words, if a pixel's neighbors (within some arbitrary radius, perhaps) were all similar colors, you would not incorporate that pixel into the overall estimate. If the neighbors tend to be very different colors, you would weight the pixel heavily, perhaps in proportion to the degree of difference.
This may not work perfectly, but it would definitely at least tend to exclude large swaths of similar colors.
As far as my knowledge of image processing algorithms extends , there is no certain way to get the "foreground"; it is only possible to get the borders between objects. You'll probably have to make do with an average, or your proposed array count method. In that, you'll want to give colours with higher saturation a higher "score" as they're much more prominent.

Mapping a list of numeric values to colors

I have a list of numeric values. I may normalize the values if needed.
I need to transform this list to a list of colors (in HSL, RGB or any other color model — I can always do conversion later).
For any given value the color must be the same every time.
The more different two given numeric values are, the more contrast corresponding values should be.
All used colors must be as contrast to each other as possible (this is a soft limitation, rough solution would do).
Note that list is rather large (thousands of numbers), so simply squeezing all numbers into a single color channel would produce too dense results.
You could consider using a 3D space-filling curve through your chosen colour space. I'll second Mark's CIELAB suggestion, wish I'd known about that last time I had to solve a similar problem.
Whatever algorithm you finally settle on, you might try the CIELAB color space. It normalizes the differences in human color perception, so that equal numeric spacing gives equal perceptual differences.
See: How to automatically generate N "distinct" colors?
It would be best to normalize your values, and run them through the code I suggested (where hue == your value), building a map/hash. (You can use a hash-style function instead, which is probably more efficient.)
You can "randomize" lightness (or brightness, depending on your model) and saturation using some predetermined bits of your number, for example.
Why not use shades of gray? Just calculate the min/max values and use that to translate each number into a different shade from white to black.
I know it's not colors, but in my opinion it'll be easier to interpret the results. I can tell what it means when something is darker vs. lighter, but who is to say that, for example, green is a higher value than orange?
