Can I create an Oracle view that automatically checks for new monthly tables? - oracle

I'm wondering if its possible to create a view that automatically checks if there is a new monthly created table and if there is include that one?
We have a new table created each month and each one ends with the number of the month, like
table for January: table_1
table for February: table_2
Is it possible to create a view that takes data from all those tables and also finds when there is a new one created?

No, a view's definition is static. You would have to replace the view each month with a new copy that included the new table; you could write a dynamic PL/SQL program to do this. Or you could create all the empty tables now and include them all in the view definition; if necessary you could postpone granting any INSERT access to the future tables until they become "live".
But really, this model is flawed - see Michael Pakhantsov's answer for a better alternative - or just have one simple table with a MONTH column.

Will be possible if you instead of creating new table each month will create new partition for existing table.
If you have oracle SE without partitioning option you can create two tables: LiveTable and ArchiveTable. Then each month you need move rows from Live to ArchiveTable and clean live table. In this case you need create view just from two tables.

Another option is to create the tables in another schema with grants to the relevant user and create public synonyms to them.
As the monthly tables get created in the local schema, they'll "out-precedence" the public synonyms and the view will pick them up. It will still get invalidated and need recompiling, but the actual view text should need changing, which may be simpler from a code-control point of view.

You can write a procedure or function that looks at USER_TABLES or ALL_TABLES to determine if a table exists, generate dynamic sql, and return a ref cursor with the data. The same can be done with a pipelined function.


How to add new column to oracle editioning view

Oracle EBS R12.2.9
I have to add a new column to an editioning view of a custom table in oracle EBS R12.2.9.
Table was created like this...
From AMTO: create table amto.mci_jjtest1(a number)
From APPS: exec ad_zd_table.upgrade('AMTO', 'MCI_JJTEST1') -- This creates editioning view and also synonym under APPS
Now, new column B number with data type, needs to be added to the table, and the editioning view needs to be modified to add that column to the editioning view. Kindly let me know what commands and steps, I need to follow. I understand the traditional approach, where we would alter table to add column, and create or replace view to add the column to the SELECT, Not sure how to add column to table and editioning view the correct recommended way. Please suggest.
For table alterations - after running the DDL run below script to regenerate the editioning view for syncing any table changes.

Dynamically read the columns of the :NEW object in an oracle trigger

I have an oracle trigger that needs to copy values from the updated table to another table.
The problem is that the columns aren't known when the trigger is created. Part of this system allows the table schema to be updated by the application. (don't ask).
Essentially what I want to do is pivot the table to another table.
I have a stored procedure that will do the pivot, but I can't call it as part of the trigger because it does a select on the table being updated. Causing a "mutating" error.
What would be ideal would be to create a dynamic scripts that reads all the column names from user_tab_cols for the updated table, and reads the value from the :new object.
But of course...I can't :)
:NEW doesn't exist at the point the dynamic script is executed. So something like the following would fail:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE `insert into pivotTable values(:NEW.' || variableWithColumnName ||')';
So, I'm stuck.
I can't read from the table that was updated, and I can't read the value that was updated from the :NEW object.
Is there anyway to accomplish this other than rebuilding the trigger each time the schema is changed?
No. You'll need to rebuild the trigger whenever the table changes.
If you want to get really involved, you could write a procedure that dynamically generated the DDL to CREATE OR REPLACE the trigger by reading user_tab_columns. You could then create a DDL trigger that fired when the table was altered, submitted a job via dbms_job that called the procedure to recreate the trigger. That works but it's a rather large number of moving parts which means that it can fail in all sorts of subtle and spectacular ways particularly if the application that is making schema changes on the fly decides to add columns in the middle of the day.

How to create a table identical to other table in structure and constraints in Oracle?

I want to create a table (lets say table_copy) which has same columns as other table (lets call it table_original) in Oracle database, so the query will be like this :
create table table_copy as (select * from table_original where 1=0);
This will create a table, but the constraints of table_original are not copied to table_copy, so what should be done in this case?
Only NOT NULL constraints are copied using Create Table As Syntax (CTAS). Others should be created manually.
You might however query data dictionary view to see the definitions of constraints and implement them on your new table using PL/SQL.
The other tool that might be helpful is Oracle Data Pump. You could import the table using REMAP_TABLE option specifying the name for the new table.
Use a database tool to extract the DDL needed for the constraints (SQL Developer does the job). Edit the resulting script to match the name of the new class.
Execute the script.
If you need to do this programmatically you can use a statement like this:

VB6 Audit Trail

was wondering if anyone had any insight on creating an audit trail process in VB6?
I have an application that gets populated with existing data with the use of 3 or 4 classes. The user can then modify any data they wish on this application. Then the data is saved into tables used for a queue. Basically exact copies of the tables the data came from. My problem is I need to create an audit trail.
What is the best practice for this? Compare every control (text box, radio, check box) on the application which is around 100? Or can I utilize the text_changed event of the text boxes? Really have no idea where to start on this one.
Oh and to make it fun, using a Pervasive DB v9.
Thanks for any help.
This should always be done inside the DB.
Something like this (cribbed in part from post to the pervasive forum, I haven't actually used Pervasive):
create trigger insTrig
before insert on table1
referencing new as new_rec
for each row
insert into table2 values (new_rec.co1,new_rec.col2,new_rec.col3,...)#
create trigger delTrig
before delete on table1
referencing old as new_rec
for each row
insert into table2 values (new_rec.co1,new_rec.col2,new_rec.col3,...)#
create trigger updTrig
after update on table1
referencing new as new_rec
for each row
insert into table2 values (new_rec.co1,new_rec.col2,new_rec.col3,...)#

ORACLE :Are grants removed when an object is dropped?

I currently have 2 schemas, A and B.
B has a table, and A executes selects inserts and updates on it.
In our sql scripts, we have granted permissions to A so it can complete its tasks.
grant select on B.thetable to A
Now, table 'thetable' is dropped and another table is renamed to B at least once a day.
rename someothertable to thetable
After doing this, we get an error when A executes a select on B.thetable.
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Is it possible that after executing the drop + rename operations, grants are lost as well?
Do we have to assign permissions once again ?
someothertable has no grants.
The daily process that inserts data into 'thetable' executes a commit every N insertions, so were not able to execute any rollback. That's why we use 2 tables.
Thanks in advance
Yes, once you drop the table, the grant is also dropped.
You could try to create a VIEW selecting from thetable and granting SELECT on that.
Your strategy of dropping a table regularly does not sound quite right to me though. Why do you have to do this?
There are better ways than dropping the table every day.
Add another column to thetable that states if the row is valid.
Put an index on that column (or extend your existing index that you use to select from that table).
Add another condition to your queries to only consider "valid" rows or create a view to handle that.
When importing data, set the new rows to "new". Once the import is done, you can delete all "valid" rows and set the "new" rows to "valid" in a single transaction.
If the import fails, you can just rollback your transaction.
Perhaps the process that renames the table should also execute a procedure that does your grants for you? You could even get fancy and query the dictionary for existing grants and apply those to the renamed table.
No :
"Oracle Database automatically transfers integrity constraints, indexes, and grants on the old object to the new object."
You must have another problem
Another approach would be to use a temporary table for the work you're doing. After all, it sounds like it is just the data is transitory, at least in that table, and you wouldn't keep having to reapply the grants each time you had a new set of data/create the new table
