Dynamically read the columns of the :NEW object in an oracle trigger - oracle

I have an oracle trigger that needs to copy values from the updated table to another table.
The problem is that the columns aren't known when the trigger is created. Part of this system allows the table schema to be updated by the application. (don't ask).
Essentially what I want to do is pivot the table to another table.
I have a stored procedure that will do the pivot, but I can't call it as part of the trigger because it does a select on the table being updated. Causing a "mutating" error.
What would be ideal would be to create a dynamic scripts that reads all the column names from user_tab_cols for the updated table, and reads the value from the :new object.
But of course...I can't :)
:NEW doesn't exist at the point the dynamic script is executed. So something like the following would fail:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE `insert into pivotTable values(:NEW.' || variableWithColumnName ||')';
So, I'm stuck.
I can't read from the table that was updated, and I can't read the value that was updated from the :NEW object.
Is there anyway to accomplish this other than rebuilding the trigger each time the schema is changed?

No. You'll need to rebuild the trigger whenever the table changes.
If you want to get really involved, you could write a procedure that dynamically generated the DDL to CREATE OR REPLACE the trigger by reading user_tab_columns. You could then create a DDL trigger that fired when the table was altered, submitted a job via dbms_job that called the procedure to recreate the trigger. That works but it's a rather large number of moving parts which means that it can fail in all sorts of subtle and spectacular ways particularly if the application that is making schema changes on the fly decides to add columns in the middle of the day.


What's a way I can save a trigger "template" in oracle?

Let's say I created a table test_table in development just to test a trigger, this trigger would then be reused in many other tables (future and existing).
So I code the trigger, test it, all good! But at the moment, if I want to replicate it, I will have to copy it from test_table's triggers and edit it.
So if someone deletes the table accidentally, the trigger is gone, and I don't have it saved nowhere else. Or if I just want to delete random test tables in our database, I can't.
What's a recommended way to save a trigger as a "template" in oracle? So I can reuse it in other tables and have it not be dependant of a random test table, or any table.
There are a lot of ways you can keep a copy of your TRIGGER SQLText.
Here's a few examples.
In Version Control:
You can use any of the many version control tools to maintain a versioned history for any code you like, including SQL, PL/SQL, etc. You can rewind time, view differences over time, track changes to the template, even allow concurrent development.
As a Function:
If you want the template to live in the database, you can create a FUNCTION (or PACKAGE)that takes as parameters the target USER and TABLE, and it replaces the USER and TABLE values in its template to generate the SQLTEXT required to create or replace the template TRIGGER on the target TABLE. You can make it EDITIONABLE as needed.
In a Table:
You can always just create a TABLE that holds template TRIGGER SQLText as a CLOB or VARCHAR2. It would need to be somewhere where it isn't likele to be "randomly" deleted, though. You can AUDIT changes to the TABLE's data, to see the template change over time. Oracle has tons of auditing options.
In the logs:
You can just log (all) DDL out. If you ENABLE_DDL_LOGGING, the log xml will have a copy of every DDL statement, categorized, along with when and where it came from.

Dynamically Evaluate Pseudo Records (:OLD, :NEW) in Oracle Trigger

Problem: I have a table to which a customer may add columns. This table might have hundreds of columns of varying data types depending on how insane the customer is. I need to deploy an AFTER UPDATE trigger against this table to insert a row in another table for each column value that has changed.
Table_A, Row 1: Key_Value=1, Col1=123, Col2="foo"...Coln="bar"
Table_B, Row 1: Key_Value=1, ColName="Col1", ColValue=123
Table_B, Row 2: Key_Value=1, ColName="Col2", ColValue="foo"
Table_B, Row 3: Key_Value=1, ColName="Coln", ColValue="bar"
Since I do not know what columns they may create and this trigger must be deployed with the application, I need to evaluate the OLD vs NEW pseudo records dynamically (if :new.columns[1] != :old.columns[1] then...) to see what has changed and log only the changed columns. The only examples I have been able to find require referencing the columns in the pseudo records explicitly (if :new.col1 != :old.col1 then...).
Question: Is there a way to do this in Oracle?
Caveats: No, this is not for auditing purposes, so I cannot use Oracle's built-in auditing. No, we are not going to rewrite our app because you know how to do it better, this is the way it needs to work for better or worse.
Any helpful comments are welcome. All snarkey DBA drivel is not. Thanks in advance.
No. You can't dynamically reference columns in the :new or :old pseudorecord.
The closest you're likely to come is to write code that dynamically generates the entire trigger body by querying the data dictionary and making static references to columns in the pseudorecord. That code, however, would need to be run every time a column was added or removed from the table. Normally, that would be done as part of normal release management. If you are saying that people are adding and removing columns from this table without going through a release process, you could write a DDL trigger that submitted a job via dbms_job that called the procedure that rebuilt the trigger. That would be a lot of moving pieces and it would be a pain to troubleshoot when something inevitably goes wrong but if you're not open to alternate ways of implementing the functionality, that's complexity you'll have to live with.

Oracle audit trigger code used for multiple tables with different table names

I have a requirement to populate an audit column with current timestamp only if there are any updates to the table. Here is the trigger. Trigger works fine
create or replace TRIGGER test.Audit_Trigger
:NEW.column_dtm := current_timestamp;
Instead of adding same trigger for every table (around 1000 tables means 1000 triggers) with only change in table name, is there any other better way to accomplish this task?
It would be nice if you could write a schema level trigger to do this, but unfortunately Oracle only supports schema level triggers for DDL, not for DML.
You could generate triggers on each table quite easily using dynamic SQL, but assuming your DB version is reasonably recent (9i or later I think), a better alternative might be to talk to your DBA about turning on fine grained auditing for table updates.


Please suppose you have, in Oracle Database, a BEFORE UPDATE TRIGGER.
If fires only when in a particular column is assigned a certain value (in example, the string 'SUBSTITUTE'` is inserted as update in the ALPHA column), otherwise it does not fire.
This trigger does many queries and, under certain conditions, updates some records of the triggered table.
Being a BEFORE UPDATE TRIGGER, could it cause MUTATING TABLE error?
You can assume that the body of the trigger does not update the ALPHA column, but could update other columns and/or insert new records in the same table, using :OLD values.
The update of the ALPHA column to the string value 'SUBSTITUTE' provokes the trigger fire.
A mutating table is a table that is currently being modified by an update, delete, or insert statement. If your before-update for-each-row trigger tries to modify the table that is defined against then it will get an ORA-04091: table X is mutating, trigger/function may not see it error. Here's a SQL Fiddle with a trivial example.
You'd get the same with an after-update trigger depending on what you're doing; and you can't make it statement-level if you need to act depending on the :new.alpha value.
Both the 'does many queries' part and the update suggest that perhaps a trigger is not the right tool here; this is quite vague though, and what the right tool is depends on what you're doing. A procedure that makes all the necessary changes and is called instead of the simple update might be one solution, for example.

INSERT trigger for inserting record in same table

I have a trigger that is fire on inserting a new record in table in that i want to insert new record in the same table.
My trigger is :
create or replace trigger inst_table
after insert on test_table referencing new as new old as old
for each row
df_name varchar2(500);
df_desc varchar2(2000);
df_name := :new.name;
df_desc := :new.description;
if inserting then
FOR item IN (SELECT pid FROM tbl2 where pid not in(1))
insert into test_table (name,description,pid) values(df_name,df_desc,item.pid);
end if;
its give a error like
ORA-04091: table TEST_TABLE is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
i think it is preventing me to insert into same table.
so how can i insert this new record in to same table.
Note :- I am using Oracle as database
Mutation happens any time you have a row-level trigger that modifies the table that you're triggering on. The problem, is that Oracle can't know how to behave. You insert a row, the trigger itself inserts a row into the same table, and Oracle gets confused, cause, those inserts into the table due to the trigger, are they subject to the trigger action too?
The solution is a three-step process.
1.) Statement level before trigger that instantiates a package that will keep track of the rows being inserted.
2.) Row-level before or after trigger that saves that row info into the package variables that were instantiated in the previous step.
3.) Statement level after trigger that inserts into the table, all the rows that are saved in the package variable.
An example of this can be found here:
Hope that helps.
I'd say that you should look at any way OTHER than triggers to achieve this. As mentioned in the answer from Mark Bobak, the trigger is inserting a row and then for each row inserted by the trigger, that then needs to call the trigger to insert more rows.
I'd look at either writing a stored procedure to create the insert or just insert via a sub-query rather than by values.
Triggers can be used to solve simple problems but when solving more complicated problems they will just cause headaches.
It would be worth reading through the answers to this duplicate question posted by APC and also these this article from Tom Kyte. BTW, the article is also referenced in the duplicate question but the link is now out of date.
Although after complaining about how bad triggers are, here is another solution.
Maybe you need to look at having two tables. Insert the data into the test_table table as you currently do. But instead of having the trigger insert additional rows into the test_table table, have a detail table with the data. The trigger can then insert all the required rows into the detail table.
You may again encounter the mutating trigger error if you have a delete cascade foreign key relationship between the two tables so it might be best to avoid that.
