how it produce multiple token for each lexeme? - compiler-theory

I just started reading The Dragon Book and I'm finding difficulty in understanding some statements.
It says: "lexical analyser produce sequence of token for each lexeme in the source program". Can you please help me to understand the above line? I know about tokens and lexemes, but what is meant by producing multiple token for each lexeme....AFAIK LEXEME itself compromising a single token.
The complete quote is as follows:
"As the first phase of compiler, the main task of the Lexical Analyser is to read the input characters of the source program, group them into lexemes, and produce as output a sequence of tokens for each lexeme in the source program."
The above quote is from chapter 3..section 3.1 under the heading "role of lexical analyser" page number is 109

You are correct. Tokens usually correspond one-to-one with lexemes. Try re-parsing that sentence as the "...and produce as output a sequence of tokens for the lexemes in the source program." That is the meaning the authors intended, as I read it.


How do you get single embedding vector for each word (token) from RoBERTa?

As you may know, RoBERTa (BERT, etc.) has its own tokenizer and sometimes you get pieces of given word as tokens, e.g. embeddings ยป embed, #dings
Since the nature of the task I am working on, I need a single representation for each word. How do I get it?
sentence: "embeddings are good" --> 3 word tokens given
output: [embed,#dings,are,good] --> 4 tokens are out
When I give sentence to pre-trained RoBERTa, I get encoded tokens. At the end I need representation for each token. Whats the solution? Summing embed + #dings tokens point-wise?
I'm not sure if there is standard practice, but what I saw the others have done is to simply take the average of the sub-tokens embeddings. example:, Section 2.3 line 4

Macro contains a cycle

So I'm trying to make a lexical analyzer for scheme and when I run JFlex to convert the lever.flex file I get an error similar to this one for example:
Reading "lexer.flex"
Macro definition contains a cycle.
1 error, 0 warnings.
the macro it's referring to is this one:
definition = {variable_definition}
| {syntax_definition}
| \(begin {definition}*\)
| \(let-syntax \({syntax_binding}*\){definition}*\)
| \(letrec-syntax \({syntax_binding}*\){definition}*\)
all of the macros defined here have been implemented but fro some reason I can't get rid of this error and I don't know why its happening.
A lex/flex/JFlex style "definition" is a macro expansion, as that error message indicates. Recursive macro expansions are impossible, since macro expansion is not conditional; trying to expand
definition = ... \(begin {definition}*\) ...
will result in an infinitely long regular expression.
Do not mistake a lexical analyser for a general-purpose parser. A lexical analyser does no more than split an input into individual tokens (or "lexemes"), using regular expressions to identify each token. Tokens do not have structure (at least for the purposes of parsing); once a token is identified, it is a single indivisible object. If you find yourself writing lexical descriptions which match structured text, you have almost certainly pushed the lexical analysis beyond its limits.
Parsers use an algorithm which does allow recursive descriptions (but which has very limited forward lookahead) and which can create a recursive description of the input (such as a parse tree).

What are valid identifiers in R7RS-small?

R7RS-small says that all identifiers must be terminated by a delimiter, but at the same time it defines pretty elaborate rules for what can be in an identifier. So, which one is it?
Is an identifier supposed to start with an initial character and then continue until a delimiter, or does it start with an initial character and continue following the syntax defined in 7.1.1.
Here are a couple of obvious cases. Are these valid identifiers?
If they are not supposed to be valid, what is the purpose of saying that an identifier must be terminated by a delimiter?
|..ident..| are delimiters for symbols in R7RS, to allow any character that you cannot insert in an old style symbol (| is the delimiter).
However, in R6RS the "official" grammar was incorrect, as it did not allow to define symbols such that 1+, which led all implementations define their own rules to overcome this illness of the official grammar.
Unless you need to read the source code of a given implementation and see how it defines the symbols, you should not care too much about these rules and use classical symbols.
In the section 7.1.1 you find the backus-naur form that defines the lexical structure of R7RS identifiers but I doubt the implementations follow it.
I quote from here
As with identifiers, different implementations of Scheme use slightly
different rules, but it is always the case that a sequence of
characters that contains no special characters and begins with a
character that cannot begin a number is taken to be a symbol
In other words, an implementation will use a function like read-atom and after that it will classify an atom by backtracking with read-number and if number? fails it will be a symbol.

how to test my Grammar antlr4 successfully? [duplicate]

I have been starting to use ANTLR and have noticed that it is pretty fickle with its lexer rules. An extremely frustrating example is the following:
grammar output;
FILEPATH: ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|':'|'\\'|'/'|' '|'-'|'_'|'.')+ ;
NEWLINE: '\r'? '\n' ;
TITLE: ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|' ')+ ;
This grammar will not match something like:
Oddly if I change TITLE to be TITLE: 'x' ; it still fails this time giving an error message saying "mismatched input 'x' expecting 'x'" which is highly confusing. Even more oddly if I replace the usage of TITLE in test with FILEPATH the whole thing works (although FILEPATH will match more than I am looking to match so in general it isn't a valid solution for me).
I am highly confused as to why ANTLR is giving such extremely strange errors and then suddenly working for no apparent reason when shuffling things around.
This seems to be a common misunderstanding of ANTLR:
Language Processing in ANTLR:
The Language Processing is done in two strictly separated phases:
Lexing, i.e. partitioning the text into tokens
Parsing, i.e. building a parse tree from the tokens
Since lexing must preceed parsing there is a consequence: The lexer is independent of the parser, the parser cannot influence lexing.
Lexing in ANTLR works as following:
all rules with uppercase first character are lexer rules
the lexer starts at the beginning and tries to find a rule that matches best to the current input
a best match is a match that has maximum length, i.e. the token that results from appending the next input character to the maximum length match is not matched by any lexer rule
tokens are generated from matches:
if one rule matches the maximum length match the corresponding token is pushed into the token stream
if multiple rules match the maximum length match the first defined token in the grammar is pushed to the token stream
Example: What is wrong with your grammar
Your grammar has two rules that are critical:
FILEPATH: ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|':'|'\\'|'/'|' '|'-'|'_'|'.')+ ;
TITLE: ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|' ')+ ;
Each match, that is matched by TITLE will also be matched by FILEPATH. And FILEPATH is defined before TITLE: So each token that you expect to be a title would be a FILEPATH.
There are two hints for that:
keep your lexer rules disjunct (no token should match a superset of another).
if your tokens intentionally match the same strings, then put them into the right order (in your case this will be sufficient).
if you need a parser driven lexer you have to change to another parser generator: PEG-Parsers or GLR-Parsers will do that (but of course this can produce other problems).
This was not directly OP's problem, but for those who have the same error message, here is something you could check.
I had the same Mismatched Input 'x' expecting 'x' vague error message when I introduced a new keyword. The reason for me was that I had placed the new key word after my VARNAME lexer rule, which assigned it as a variable name instead of as the new keyword. I fixed it by putting the keywords before the VARNAME rule.

Programming idiom to parse a string in multiple-passes

I'm working on a Braille translation library, and I need to translate a string of text into braille. I plan to do this in multiple passes, but I need a way to keep track of which parts of the string have been translated and which have not, so I don't retranslate them.
I could always create a class which would track the ranges of positions in the string which had been processed, and then design my search/replace algorithm to ignore them on subsequent passes, but I'm wondering if there isn't a more elegant way to accomplish the same thing.
I would imagine that multi-pass string translation isn't all that uncommon, I'm just not sure what the options are for doing it.
A more usual approach would be to tokenize your input, then work on the tokens. For example, start by tokenizing the string into a token for each character. Then, in a first pass generate a straightforward braille mapping, token by token. In subsequent passes, you can replace more of the tokens - for example, by replacing sequences of input tokens with a single output token.
Because your tokens are objects or structs, rather than simple characters, you can attach additional information to each - such as the source token(s) you translated (or rather, transliterated) the current token from.
Check out some basic compiler theory..
Lexical Analysis
Parsing/Syntax Analysis
