Programming idiom to parse a string in multiple-passes - algorithm

I'm working on a Braille translation library, and I need to translate a string of text into braille. I plan to do this in multiple passes, but I need a way to keep track of which parts of the string have been translated and which have not, so I don't retranslate them.
I could always create a class which would track the ranges of positions in the string which had been processed, and then design my search/replace algorithm to ignore them on subsequent passes, but I'm wondering if there isn't a more elegant way to accomplish the same thing.
I would imagine that multi-pass string translation isn't all that uncommon, I'm just not sure what the options are for doing it.

A more usual approach would be to tokenize your input, then work on the tokens. For example, start by tokenizing the string into a token for each character. Then, in a first pass generate a straightforward braille mapping, token by token. In subsequent passes, you can replace more of the tokens - for example, by replacing sequences of input tokens with a single output token.
Because your tokens are objects or structs, rather than simple characters, you can attach additional information to each - such as the source token(s) you translated (or rather, transliterated) the current token from.

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What do I do in ANTLR if I want to parse something which is extremely configurable?

I'm writing a grammar to recognise simple mathematical expressions. I have it working for English.
Now I want to expand the grammar to support i18n. Therefore, the digits, radix separator and so forth depend on the user's locale.
What is the best way to do this in ANTLR?
What I'm currently considering is something like this:
lexer grammar ExpressionLexer;
options {
superClass = AbstractLexer;
DIGIT: . {isDigit(getText())}?;
// ... and so on for other tokens ...
abstract class AbstractLexer(input: CharStream, symbols: Symbols) extends Lexer(input) {
fun isDigit(codePoint: Int): Boolean = symbols.isDigit(codePoint)
// ... and so on for other tokens ...
Alternative approaches I am considering:
(b) I gather every possible digit and every possible separator in every possible locale, and jam all of those into the one grammar, and then check isDigit after that.
(c) I make a different lexer for every single numbering system and somehow align them all to emit the same token types in the same order, so they can be swapped in and out (sounds like it might be the most pure and correct solution? but not the most enjoyable.)
(And on a side tangent, how do people in European countries which use comma for the decimal separator deal with writing function calls with more than one parameter?)
I recommend doing that in two steps:
Parse the main language structure (e.g. (digits+ separator)+), regardless of what a digit or a separator is.
Do a semantic check against the user's locale if the digits that were given actually match what's allowed. Same for the separator.
This way you don't need to do all kind of hacks, add platform code and so on.
For your side question: programming usually uses the english language, including the number format. In strings you can use any format you want, but that doesn't affect the surrounding code.
Note that since ANTLR v4.7 and up, there is more possible w.r.t. Unicode inside ANTLR's lexer grammar:
So you could define a lexer rule like this:
: [\p{Digit}]
which will match both ٣ and 3.

Abbreviating a UUID

What would be a good way to abbreviate UUID for use in a button in a user interface when the id is all we know about the target?
GitHub seems to abbreviate commit ids by taking 7 characters from the beginning. For example b1310ce6bc3cc932ce5cdbe552712b5a3bdcb9e5 would appear in a button as b1310ce. While not perfect this shorter version is sufficient to look unique in the context where it is displayed. I'm looking for a similar solution that would work for UUIDs. I'm wondering is some part of the UUID is more random than another.
The most straight forward option would be splitting at dash and using the first part. The UUID 42e9992a-8324-471d-b7f3-109f6c7df99d would then be abbreviated as 42e9992a. All of the solutions I can come up with seem equally arbitrary. Perhaps there is some outside the box user interface design solution that I didn't think of.
Entropy of a UUID is highest in the first bits for UUID V1 and V2, and evenly distributed for V3, V4 and V5. So, the first N characters are no worse than any other N characters subset.
For N=8, i.e. the group before the first dash, the odds of there being a collision within a list you could reasonably display within a single GUI screen is vanishingly small.
The question is whether you want to show part of the UUID or only ensure that unique strings are presented as shorter unique strings. If you want to focus on the latter, which appears to be the goal you are suggesting in your opening paragraph:
(...) While not perfect this shorter version is sufficient to look unique in
the context where it is displayed. (...)
you can make use of hashing.
Hashing is the transformation of a string of characters into a usually
shorter fixed-length value or key that represents the original string.
Hashing is used to index and retrieve items in a database because it
is faster to find the item using the shorter hashed key than to find
it using the original value.
Hashing is very common and easy to use across many of popular languages; simple approach in Python:
import hashlib
import uuid
encoded_str = uuid.UUID('42e9992a-8324-471d-b7f3-109f6c7df99d').bytes
hash_uuid = hashlib.sha1(encoded_str).hexdigest()
Expectedly, a small change in string will result in a different string correctly showing uniqueness.
# Second digit is replaced with 3, rest of the string remains untouched
encoded_str_two = uuid.UUID('43e9992a-8324-471d-b7f3-109f6c7df99d').bytes
hash_uuid_two = hashlib.sha1(encoded_str_two).hexdigest()
After thinking about this for a while I realised that the short git commit hash is used as part of command line commands. Since this requirement does not exist for UUIDs and graphical user interfaces I simply decided to use ellipsis for the abbreviation. Like so 42e9992...

How do you check for a changing value within a string

I am doing some localization testing and I have to test for strings in both English and Japaneses. The English string might be 'Waiting time is {0} minutes.' while the Japanese string might be '待ち時間は{0}分です。' where {0} is a number that can change over the course of a test. Both of these strings are coming from there respective property files. How would I be able to check for the presence of the string as well as the number that can change depending on the test that's running.
I should have added the fact that I'm checking these strings on a web page which will display in the relevant language depending on the location of where they are been viewed. And I'm using watir to verify the text.
You can read elsewhere about various theories of the best way to do testing for proper language conversion.
One typical approach is to replace all hard-coded text matches in your code with constants, and then have a file that sets the constants which can be updated based on the language in use. (I've seen that done by wrapping the require of that file in a case statement based on the language being tested. Another approach is an array or hash for each value, enumerated by a variable with a name like 'language', which lets the tests change the language on the fly. So validations would look something like this
b.div(:id => "wait-time-message).text.should == WAIT_TIME_MESSAGE[language]
To match text where part is expected to change but fall within a predictable pattern, use a regular expression. I'd recommend a little reading about regular expressions in ruby, especially using unicode regular expressions in ruby, as well as some experimenting with a tool like Rubular to test regexes
In the case above a regex such as:
/Waiting time is \d+ minutes./ or /待ち時間は\d+分です。/
would match the messages above and expect one or more digits in the middle (note that it would fail if no digits appear, if you want zero or more digits, then you would need a * in place of the +
Don't check for the literal string. Check for some kind of intermediate form that can be used to render the final string.
Sometimes this is done by specifying a message and any placeholder data, like:
[ :waiting_time_in_minutes, 10 ]
Where that would render out as the appropriate localized text.
An alternative is to treat one of the languages as a template, something that's more limited in flexibility but works most of the time. In that case you could use the English version as the string that's returned and use a helper to render it to the final page.

Parsing free format text in Cocoa

My Cocoa app needs to parse free format text entered via NSTextView. The result of the process should be a collection of keyword strings which can then be displayed for review to the user and optionally persisted using Core Data.
I looked at NSScanner but from the samples in Apple's documentation it looks like it's not capable of presenting a list of keyword strings from a given string. Its focus seems to be more on finding a particular occurrence of a given string within another string.
Are there alternatives?
EDIT: To make this clearer: all words in the entered text are potential keywords, so basically all words delimited by spaces should be considered. Lets assume that the user can specify a minimum required length for a string to be considered a keyword to eliminate irrelevant words like "to", "of", "in" etc. Once the parsing is done, a list of parsed keywords should be presented (possibly using a table view). The user can then select or reject each keyword. Rejected keywords will be stored so the parsing can be made smarter as more texts are scanned.
You can absolutely use NSScanner to do this. All NSScanner does is go through a string character by character. It is up to you to decide what the keyword boundaries are and to interpret them using the scanner.
I suggest reading more about NSScanner in Apple's String Programming Guide.

O(n) string handling in Scheme

Background: I've been writing a little interpreter in Scheme (R5RS).
The reader/lexer takes a (sometimes long) string from input and tokenises it. It does this by matching the first few characters of the string against some token and returning the token and the remaining unmatched part of the string.
Problem: to return the remaining portion of the string, a new string is created every time a token is read. This means the reader is O(n^2) in the number of tokens present in the string.
Possible solution: convert the string to a list, which can be done in time O(n), then pull tokens from the list instead of the string, returning the remainder of the list instead of the remainder of the string. But this seems terribly inefficient and artificial.
Question: am I imagining it, or is there just no other way to do this efficiently in Scheme due to its purely functional outlook?
Edit: in R5RS Scheme, there isn't a way to return a pointer into a string. The "substring" function is the only function which extracts an object which is itself a string. But the Scheme standard insists this be a newly allocated string. Why? Because strings are not immutable in Scheme R5RS, e.g. see the "string-set!" function!!
One solution suggested below which works is to store an index into the string. Then one can read off the characters one at a time from that index until a token is read. Too bad the regexp library I'm using for the tokenisation requires an actual string not an index into one...
Consider making a shared-substring implementation of strings (this is how Java does it, for example). So when you want to grab a substring of a given string, rather than copying the characters, simply keep a pointer to (some location in) those characters, and a length.
