Logic for software verification - logic

I'm looking at the requirements for automated software verification, i.e. a program that takes in code (ordinary procedural code written in languages like C and Java), generates a bunch of theorems saying that each loop must eventually halt, no assertion will be violated, there will never be a dereference of a null pointer etc., then passes same to a theorem prover to prove they are actually true (or else find a counterexample indicating a bug in the code).
The question is what kind of logic to use. The two major positions seem to be:
First-order logic is just fine.
First-order logic isn't expressive enough, you need higher order logic.
Problem is, there seems to be a lot of support for both positions. So which one is right? If it's the second one, are there any available examples of things you want to do, that verifiers based on first-order logic have trouble with?

You can do everything you need in FOL, but it's a lot of extra work - a LOT! Most existing systems were developed by academics / people with not a lot of time, so they are tempted to take short cuts to save time / effort, and thus are attracted to HOLs, functional languages, etc. However, if you want to build a system that is to be used by hundreds of thousands of people, rather than merely hundreds, we believe that FOL is the way to go because it is far more accessible to a wider audience. There's just no substitute for doing the work; we've been at this for 25 years now! Please take a look at our project (http://www.manmademinions.com)
Regards, Aaron.

In my practical experience, it seems to be "1. First-order logic is just fine". For examples of complete specifications for various functions written entirely in a specification language based on first-order logic, see for instance ACSL by Example or this case study.
First-order logic has automated provers (not proof assistants) that have been refined over the years to handle well properties that come from program verification. Notable automated provers for these uses are for instance Simplify, Z3, and Alt-ergo. If these provers fail and there is no obvious lemma/assertion you can add to help them, you still have the recourse of starting up a proof assistant for the difficult proof obligations. If you use HOL on the other hand, you cannot use Simplify, Z3 or Alt-ergo at all, and while I have heard of automated provers for high-order logic, I have never heard them praised for their efficiency when it comes to properties from programs.

We've found that FOL is fine for most verification conditions, but higher order logic is invaluable for a small number, for example for proving properties about summation of the elements in a collection. So our theorem prover (used in Perfect Developer and Escher C Verifier) is basically first order, but with the ability to do some higher order reasoning as well.


How do programmers test their algorithm in TopCoder or other competitions?

Good programmers who write programs of moderate to higher difficulty in competitions of TopCoder or ACM ICPC, have to ensure the correctness of their algorithm before submission.
Although they are provided with some sample test cases to ensure the correct output, but how does it guarantees that program will behave correctly? They can write some test cases of their own but it won't be possible in all cases to know the correct answer through manual calculation. How do they do it?
Update: As it seems, it is not quite possible to analyze and guarantee the outcome of an algorithm given tight constraints of a competitive environment. However, if there are any manual, more common traits which are adopted while solving such problems - should be enough to answer the question. Something like best practices..
In competitions, the top programmers have enough experience to read the question, and think of some test cases that should catch most of the possibilities for input.
It catches most of the bugs usually - but it is NOT 100% safe.
However, in real life critical applications (critical systems on air planes or nuclear reactors for example) there are methods to PROVE some piece of code does what it is supposed to do.
This is the field of formal verification - which is way too complex and time consuming to be done during a contest, but for some systems it is used because mistakes could not be tolerated.
Some additional information:
Formal verification basically consists of 2 parts:
Manual verification - in here we use proving systems such as Hoare logic and manually prove the program does what we wants it to do.
Automatic model checking - modeling the problem as state machine, and use Model Checking tools to verify that the module does what it is supposed to do (or not doing something "bad").
Specifying "what it should do" is usually done with temporal logic.
This is often used to verify correctness of hardware models as well. For example Intel uses it to ensure they won't get the floating point bug again.
Picture this, imagine you are a top programmer.Meaning you know a bunch of algorithms and wouldn't think think twice while implementing them.You know how to modify an already known algorithm to suit the problem's needs.You are strong with estimating time and complexity and you expect that in the worst case your tailored algorithm would run within time and memory constraints.
At this level you simply think and use a scratchpad for about five to ten minutes and have a super clear algorithm before you start to code.Once you finish coding, you hit compile and there is usually no compilation error.Because the code is so intuitive to you.
Then based on the algorithm used and data structures used, you expect that there might be
one of the following issues.
a corner case
an overflow problem
A corner case is basically like you have coded for the general case, however when say N=1, the answer is different from others.So you generally write it as a special case.
An overflow is when intermediate values or results overflow a data type's limits.
You make note of any problems which arise at this point, and use this data during Challenge phase(as in TopCoder).
Once you have checked against these two, you hit Submit.
There's a time element to Top Coder, so it's not possible to test every combination within that constraint. They probably do the best they can and rely on experience for the rest, just as one does in real life. I don't know that it's ever possible to guarantee that a significant piece of code is error free forever.

Reason for the development of First Order Logic and PDDL

This might be a naive question, but i am really interested to know why logic was developed to be used in AI. In particular, what was the need to develop first order logic and PDDL in AI, if we could do the programming using simple atomic representation of states? Again, I realize this is a really basic question!!
So your question is about: why do we program/model on a first-order level instead of a propositional level? Simply because it is more concise.
You can make propositions like "All humans can think." with a first-order language and don't have to state "Alice can think. Bob can think. Carol can think. ...".
If you look at some PDDL planning problems from the IPC, there are sometimes ground versions that are formulated on a propositional level. And the files are much larger. You don't want to write those by hand.
I don't know about PDDL, but first order logic was developed before computers ever were invented, so it wasn't for use in AI. It tells you what arguments are valid.

What is more interesting or powerful: Curry, Mercury or Lambda-Prolog?

I would like to ask you about what formal system could be more interesting to implement from scratch/reverse engineer.
I've looked through some existing and open-source projects of logical/declarative programming systems. I've decided to make up something similar in my free time, or at least to catch the general idea of implementation.
It would be great if some of these systems would provide most of the expressive power and conciseness of modern academic investigations in logic and its relation with computational models.
What would you recommend to study at least at the conceptual level? For example, Lambda-Prolog is interesting particularly because it allows for higher order relations, but AFAIK is based on intuitionist logic and therefore lack the excluded-middle principle; that's generally a disadvantage for me.
I would also welcome any suggestions about modern logical programming systems which are less popular but more expressive/powerful.
Prolog was the first language which changed my point of view at programming. But later I found it to be not so high-level as I'd like to see it.
Curry - I've tried only Munster CC, and found it somewhat inconvenient. Actually, at this point, I decided to stop ignoring Haskell.
Mercury has many things which I wanted to see in Prolog. I have a really good expectation about the possibility to distinguish modes of rules. Programs written in Mercury should inspire compiler to do a lot of optimizations (I guess).
It generalizes lambda-prolog significantly, and it's a logical framework and a metalogical framework as well as a logic programming language. If you need a language with a heavy focus on logic as well as computation, it's the best I know of.
If I were to try to extend a logic based system, I'd choose Prolog Cafe as it is small, open sourced, standards compliant, and can be easily integrated into java based systems.
For the final project in a programming languages course I took, we had to embed a Prolog evaluator in Scheme using continuations and macros. The end result was that you could freely mix Scheme and Prolog code, and even pass arbitrary predicates written in Scheme to the Prolog engine.
It was a very instructive exercise. The first 12 lines of code (and and or) literally took about 6 hours to write and get correct. It was pretty much the search logic, written very concisely using continuations. The rest followed a bit more easily. Then once I added the unification algorithm, it all just worked.

Expert system for writing programs?

I am brainstorming an idea of developing a high level software to manipulate matrix algebra equations, tensor manipulations to be exact, to produce optimized C++ code using several criteria such as sizes of dimensions, available memory on the system, etc.
Something which is similar in spirit to tensor contraction engine, TCE, but specifically oriented towards producing optimized rather than general code.
The end result desired is software which is expert in producing parallel program in my domain.
Does this sort of development fall on the category of expert systems?
What other projects out there work in the same area of producing code given the constraints?
What you are describing is more like a Domain-Specific Language.
It wouldn't be called an expert system, at least not in the traditional sense of this concept.
Expert systems are rule-based inference engines, whereby the expertise in question is clearly encapsulated in the rules. The system you suggest, while possibly encapsulating insight about the nature of the problem domain inside a linear algebra model of sorts, would act more as a black box than an expert system. One of the characteristics of expert systems is that they can produce an "explanation" of their reasoning, and such a feature is possible in part because the knowledge representation, while formalized, remains close to simple statements in a natural language; matrices and operations on them, while possibly being derived upon similar observation of reality, are a lot less transparent...
It is unclear from the description in the question if the system you propose would optimize existing code (possibly in a limited domain), or if it would produced optimized code, in that case driven bay some external goal/function...
Well production systems (rule systems) are one of four general approaches to computation (Turing machines, Church recursive functions, Post production systems and Markov algorithms [and several more have been added to that list]) which more or less have these respective realizations: imperative programming, functional programming, rule based programming - as far as I know Markov algorithms don't have an independent implementation. These are all Turing equivalent.
So rule based programming can be used to write anything at all. Also early mathematical/symbolic manipulation programs did generally use rule based programming until the problem was sufficiently well understood (whereupon the approach was changed to imperative or constraint programming - see MACSYMA - hmmm MACSYMA was written in Lisp so perhaps I have a different program in mind or perhaps they originally implemented a rule system in Lisp for this).
You could easily write a rule system to perform the matrix manipulations. You could keep a trace depending on logical support to record the actual rules fired that contributed to a solution (some rules that fire might not contribute directly to a solution afterall). Then for every rule you have a mapping to a set of C++ instructions (these don't have to be "complete" - they sort of act more like a semi-executable requirement) which are output as an intermediate language. Then that is read by a parser to link it to the required input data and any kind of fix up needed. You might find it easier to generate functional code - for one thing after the fix up you could more easily optimize the output code in functional source.
Having said that, other contributors have outlined a domain specific language approach and that is what the TED people did too (my suggestion is that too just using rules).

What's the most effective workflow between people who develop algorithms and developers?

We are developing software with pattern recognition in video. We have 7 mathematicians who are creating algorithms. Plus we have 2 developers that maintain / develop the application with these algorithms. The problem is that mathematicians are using different development tools to create algorithm like Matlab, C, C++. Also because they are not developers the don't give much concerns for memory management or multi-threading. This one of the reason why the app. has a lot of bugs.
If in your company you have similar situation, how do you deal with it? What's the best tools you can recommend to create algorithms? What communication supposed to be between mathematicians and developers? What's in your opinion the most effective to work with high-level tools?
I am not sure whether you devs are rewriting the mathematician's stuff or if you just have to interface to it so I am not sure if my answer is of any use.
However: I work together with a bunch of phd candidates and postdocs on a machine learning library and am a student myself. In that process, I came to translate a lot of algorithms from python/numpy to C++/blas.
This process can be quite tedious - especially with numerical and stochastic algorithms, it is hard to find bugs.
So here is what I did: Get some sample inputs and calculate the results with the python code. Generate unit tests out of these for C++ and then start coding them in C++.
Checking concrete sample inputs with the outputs is essential in this setting.
I agree with Makach.
Let the guys who are creating the algorithms use the tools that they are most familiar with. Because there are two separate (and equally important) tasks to work on in this project. First, there is the creating of an efficient, elegant and appropriate mathematically sound algorithm, then there is the twistedly difficult task of translating it into CPU-speak. The mathimaticians should focus on their first task, and to make it easier for them, allow them to use the toosl they are comfortable with. In terms of man hours, it is a much more efficient use of their time to write MATLAB code, than it would be to have them learn a new programming language.
Your task is to unearth the (presumably) brilliant mathematics that are buried within the gibberish code.
That part is just a perspective on the problem at hand. Here's the actual answer.
Communication, mutual respect, and teaching/learning.
Communication & Mutual Respect
You must communicate with them often. Work closely with them and ask them questions whenever you come across something you're not sure of. This is much easier when there is mutual respect, which means that if you spend all your time criticizing their coding abilities, then they will be forced to spend all their time criticizing your math abilities. Instead, try quick learning-sessions. ("Lunch & Learn" is a fairly common tactic)
The first and most important piece of wisdom to impart to them is commenting. Have them comment the crap out of their code. Tell them that the comments are much more important than the code quality, and that as long as their comments are right, they can leave the rest up to you guys. Because they can. They don't need to have their code look beautiful, for be the fastest, they just need it to make sense to you guys.
To continue this mutual learning scenario, if you notice some very simple very common mistakes they are making, (nothing NEARLY as complicated as multithreading) just give them a quick heads up. "That way works (or doesn't) but here's a way to do it that is a little different but it will make your lives much much easier." Encourage them to reciprocate by trying to notice which nuances or parts of their algorithms which you and your team are having difficulty with and teach a little tutorial about it.
Once you guys get the communication flowing, you'll find it easier and easier to shape their coding style to what is best for your team, and they will also find it easier to understand why you don't see it the same way they do.
Also, as mentioned by Kekoav, make sure they provide a few fully loaded test cases.
That means for something like
A -> B -> C -> D -> Solution
They would provide you all the values for A, then what it looks like at B, then what it looks like at C and so on. So that you can be certain that not only is it correct at the end, but it's also correct at every step of the way. Try to have them provide examples that are regular, and also a few of them that are unusual, so that you can be certain your code covers edge cases.
I'd recommend the devs spend a few hours getting used to Matlab, especially the Matlab debugger. If their background is CS then they'll already be familiar with vectors and matrices theoretically if not practically. Other than the matrix being the default data structure, Matlab is C-like and easy enough to interpret for translation into another language.
I have been working with a physics professor lately, and have a little experience with this(although admittedly I'm no expert).
I have had to translate a lot of Matlab code into another language. It has been difficult because a lot of(most) of the operations are absent, including when it comes to precision, and working with matrices and vectors. A good math library needs to be found, or created to fit your needs.
The best way that I have found is to do the following:
Get the algorithm to work correctly in the new language.
Create some tests to verify that the algorithm is producing desired output. Have your mathematicians verify that your converted solution in fact works, and that you have covered all bases with your tests.
Then after it is working, and you can trust your tests, optimize the algorithm to be good coding style, have good design and performance characteristics. Use your regression tests to make sure you aren't breaking anything.
I normally start with a verbatim copy of their algorithms into the other language, and then work from there, regardless of if I do a lot of tests.
It is important to get a working copy first, in case the performance is really not an issue and you need to move on to other things and can come back later to make it faster.
This is your job. How you deal with this is what identifies you as a system developer.
Communicate with your colleagues. Draw and explain, have meetings, agree upon and set standards requirements, follow your plans and talk to your project manager. Make sure that your relevant colleagues are joining up on meetings. Have 1-1 talks etc etc
You cannot blame it on the mathematicians for developers creating bugs. It's their job to worry about implementation, not the mathematicians.
