How to efficiently identify a binary file - algorithm

What's the most efficient way to identify a binary file? I would like to extract some kind of signature from a binary file and use it to compare it with others.
The brute-force approach would be to use the whole file as a signature, which would take too long and too much memory. I'm looking for a smarter approach to this problem, and I'm willing to sacrifice a little accuracy (but not too much, ey) for performance.
(while Java code-examples are preferred, language-agnostic answers are encouraged)
Edit: Scanning the whole file to create a hash has the disadvantage that the bigger the file, the longer it takes. Since the hash wouldn't be unique anyway, I was wondering if there was a more efficient approach (ie: a hash from an evenly distributed sampling of bytes).

An approach I found effective for this sort of thing was to calculate two SHA-1 hashes. One for the first block in a file (I arbitrarily picked 512 bytes as a block size) and one for the whole file. I then stored the two hashes along with a file size. When I needed to identify a file I would first compare the file length. If the lengths matched then I would compare the hash of the first block and if that matched I compared the hash of the entire file. The first two tests quickly weeded out a lot of non-matching files.

That's what hashing is for. See MessageDigest.
Note that if your file is too big to be read in memory, that's OK because you can feed chunks of the file to the hash function. MD5 and SHA1 for example can take blocks of 512 bits.
Also, two files with the same hash aren't necessarily identical (it's very rare that they aren't though), but two files that are identical have necessarily the same hash.

The usual answer is to use MD5, but I'd like to suggest that there are too many collisions to use MD5 in modern applications:
SHA-1 replaced MD5 over a decade ago.
NIST recommended in 2005 that SHA-2 should be used in place of SHA-1 by the year 2010, because of work that had been done to demonstrate collisions in reduced variants of SHA-1. (Which is pretty good foresight, since it is now known that it takes 2^51 work to find collisions in what should ideally require 2^80 work to find collisions.)
So please, based on what you're trying to do, and which other programs you may need to interoperate with, select among MD5 (please no), SHA-1 (I'd understand, but we can do better), and SHA-2 (pick me! pick me!).

Are you taking into account to use header identification.
If you can design your files in such way, this would be fast and reliable.
Using one byte you can distinguish 255 file types ;)


MD5 vs CRC32: Which one's better for common use?

Recently I read somewhere that although both CRC32 and MD5 are sufficiently uniform and stable, CRC32 is more efficient than MD5. MD5 seems to be a very commonly used hashing algorithm but if CRC32 is faster/more memory efficient then why not use that?
MD5 is a one-way-hash algorithm. One-way-hash algorithms are often used in cryptography as they have the property (per design) that it's hard to find the input that produced a specific hash value. Specifically it's hard to make two different inputs that give the same one-way-hash. They are often used as a way to show that an amount of data has not been altered intentionally since the hash code was produced. As the MD5 is a one-way-hash algorithm the emphasis is on security over speed. Unfortunately MD5 is now considered insecure.
CRC32 is designed to detect accidental changes to data and is commonly used in networks and storage devices. The purpose of this algorithm is not to protect against intentional changes, but rather to catch accidents like network errors and disk write errors, etc. The emphasis of this algorithm is more on speed than on security.
From Wikipedia's article on MD5 (emphasis mine):
MD5 is a widely used cryptographic hash function
Now CRC32:
CRC is an error-detecting code
So, as you can see, CRC32 is not a hashing algorithm. That means you should not use it for hashing, because it was not built for that.
And I think it doesn't make much sense to talk about common use, because similar algorithms are used for different purposes, each with significantly different requirements. There is no single algorithm that's best for common use, instead, you should choose the algorithm that's most suited for your specific use.
It depends on your goals. Here are some examples what can be done with CRC32 versus MD5:
Detecting duplicate files
If you want to check if two files are the same, CRC32 checksum is the way to go because it's faster than MD5. But be careful: CRC only reliably tells you if the binaries are different; it doesn't tell you if they're identical. If you get different hashes for two files, they cannot be the same file, so you can reject them as being duplicates very quickly.
No matter what your keys are, the CRC32 checksum will be one of 2^32 different values. Assuming random sample files, the probability of collision between the hashes of two given files is 1 / 2^32. The probability of collisions between any of N given files is (N - 1) / 2^32.
Detecting malicious software
If security is an issue, like downloading a file and checking the source's hash against yours to see if the binaries aren't corrupted, then CRC is a poor option. This is because attackers can make malware that will have the same CRC checksum. In this case, an MD5 digest is more secure -- CRC was not made for security. Two different binaries are far more likely to have the same CRC checksum than the same MD5 digest.
Securing passwords for user authentication
Synchronous (one-way) encryption is usually easier, faster, and more secure than asynchronous (two-way) encryption, so it's a common method to store passwords. Basically, the password will be combined with other data (salts) then the hash will be done on all of this combined data. Random salts greatly reduce the chances of two passwords being the same. By default, the same password will have the same hash for most algorithms, so you must add your own randomness. Of course, the salt must be saved externally.
To log a user in, you just take the information they give you when they log in. You use their username to get their salt from a database. You then combine this salt with the user's password to get a new hash. If it matches the one in in the database, then their login is successful. Since you're storing these passwords, they must be VERY secure, which means a CRC checksum is out of the question.
Cryptographic digests are more expensive to compute than CRC checksums. Also, better hashes like sha256 are more secure, but slower for hashing and take up more database space (their hashes are longer).
One big difference between CRC32 and MD5 is that it is usually easy to pick a CRC32 checksum and then come up with a message that hashes to that checksum, even if there are constraints imposed on the message, whereas MD5 is specifically designed to make this sort of thing difficult (although it is showing its age - this is now possible in some situations).
If you are in a situation where it is possible that an adversary might decide to sit down and create a load of messages with specified CRC32 hashes, to mimic other messages, or just to make a hash table perform very badly because everything hashes to the same value, then MD5 would be a better option. (Even better, IMHO, would be HMAC-MD5 with a keyed value that is unique to the module using it and unknown outside it).
CRCs are used to guard against random errors, for example in data transmission.
Cryptographic hash functions are designed to guard against intelligent adversaries forging the message, though MD5 has been broken in that respect.
Actually, CRC32 is not faster than MD5 is.
Please take a look at:
That php script runs several hashing algorithms and measures the time spent to calculate the hashes by each algorithm. It shows that MD5 is generally the fastest hashing algorithm around. And, it shows that even SHA1 is faster than MD5 in most of the test cases.
So, anyway, if you want to do some quick error-detection, or look for random changes... I would always advice to go with MD5, as it simply does it all.
The primary reason CRC32 (or CRC8, or CRC16) is used for any purpose whatsoever is that it can be cheaply implemented in hardware as a means of detecting "random" corruption of data. Even in software implementations, it can be useful as a means of detecting random corruption of data from hardware causes (such as noisy communications line or unreliable flash media). It is not tamper-resistant, nor is it generally suitable for testing whether two arbitrary files are likely to be the same: if each chunk of data in file is immediately followed by a CRC32 of that chunk (some data formats do that), each chunk will have the same effect on the overall file's CRC as would a chunk of all zero bytes, regardless of what data was stored in that chunk.
If one has the means to calculate a CRC32 quickly, it might be helpful in conjunction with other checksum or hash methods, if different files that had identical CRC's would be likely to differ in one of the other hashes and vice versa, but on many machines other checksum or hash methods are likely to be easier to compute relative to the amount of protection they provide.
You should use MD5 which is 128bit long.
CRC32 is only 32 bit long and its purpose is to detect errors not to hash things.
In case you need only a 32bit hash function you can choose 32 bits that are returned by MD5 the LSBs/MSBs/Whatever.
One man's common is another man's infrequent. Common varies depending on which field you are working in.
If you are doing very quick transmissions or working out hash codes for small items, then CRCs are better since they are a lot faster and the chances of getting the same 16 or 32 bit CRC for wrong data are slim.
If it is megabytes of data, for instance, a linux iso, then you could lose a few megabytes and still end up with the same CRC. Not so likely with MD5. For that reason MD5 is normally used for huge transfers. It is slower but more reliable.
So basically, if you are going to do one huge transmission and check at the end whether you have the correct result, use MD5. If you are going to transmit in small chunks, then use CRC.
I would say if you don't know what to choose, go for md5.
It's less probable to cause you a headache.

Ideal hashing method for wide distribution of values?

As part of my rhythm game that I'm working, I'm allowing users to create and upload custom songs and notecharts. I'm thinking of hashing the song and notecharts to uniquely identify them. Of course, I'd like as few collisions as possible, however, cryptographic strength isn't of much importance here as a wide uniform range. In addition, since I'd be performing the hashes rarely, computational efficiency isn't too big of an issue.
Is this as easy as selecting a tried-and-true hashing algorithm with the largest digest size? Or are there some intricacies that I should be aware of? I'm looking at either SHA-256 or 512, currently.
All cryptographic-strength algorithm should exhibit no collision at all. Of course, collisions necessarily exist (there are more possible inputs than possible outputs) but it should be impossible, using existing computing technology, to actually find one.
When the hash function has an output of n bits, it is possible to find a collision with work about 2n/2, so in practice a hash function with less than about 140 bits of output cannot be cryptographically strong. Moreover, some hash functions have weaknesses that allow attackers to find collisions faster than that; such functions are said to be "broken". A prime example is MD5.
If you are not in a security setting, and fear only random collisions (i.e. nobody will actively try to provoke a collision, they may happen only out of pure bad luck), then a broken cryptographic hash function will be fine. The usual recommendation is then MD4. Cryptographically speaking, it is as broken as it can be, but for non-cryptographic purposes it is devilishly fast, and provides 128 bits of output, which avoid random collisions.
However, chances are that you will not have any performance issue with SHA-256 or SHA-512. On a most basic PC, they already process data faster than what a hard disk can provide: if you hash a file, the file reading will be the bottleneck, not the hashing. My advice would be to use SHA-256, possibly truncating its output to 128 bits (if used in a non-security situation), and consider switching to another function only if some performance-related trouble is duly noticed and measured.
If you're using it to uniquely identify tracks, you do want a cryptographic hash: otherwise, users could deliberately create tracks that hash the same as existing tracks, and use that to overwrite them. Barring a compelling reason otherwise, SHA-1 should be perfectly satisfactory.
If cryptographic security is not of concern then you can look at this link & this. The fastest and simplest (to implement) would be Pearson hashing if you are planing to compute hash for the title/name and later do lookup. or you can have look at the superfast hash here. It is also very good for non cryptographic use.
What's wrong with something like an md5sum? Or, if you want a faster algorithm, I'd just create a hash from the file length (mod 64K to fit in two bytes) and 32-bit checksum. That'll give you a 6-byte hash which should be reasonably well distributed. It's not overly complex to implement.
Of course, as with all hashing solutions, you should monitor the collisions and change the algorithm if the cardinality gets too low. This would be true regardless of the algorithm chosen (since your users may start uploading degenerate data).
You may end up finding you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist (in other words, possible YAGNI).
Isn't cryptographic hashing an overkill in this case, though I understand that modern computers do this calculation pretty fast? I assume that your users will have an unique userid. When they upload, you just need to increment a number. So, you will represent them internally as userid1_song_1, userid1_song_2 etc. You can store this info in a database with that as the unique key along with user specified name.
You also didn't mention the size of these songs. If it is midi, then file size will be small. If file sizes are big (say 3MB) then sha calculations will not be instantaneous. On my core2-duo laptop, sha256sum of a 3.8 MB file takes 0.25 sec; for sha1sum it is 0.2 seconds.
If you intend to use a cryptographic hash, then sha1 should be more than adequate and you don't need sha256. No collisions --- though they exist --- have been found yet. Git, Mercurial and other distributed version control systems use sh1. Git is a content based system and uses sha1 to find out if content has been modified.

What are the other ways to determine two file contents are identical except for byte-by-byte checking?

To compare byte by byte surely works. But I am wondering if there are any other proven way, say some kind of hashing that outputs unique values for each file. And if there are, what are the advantages and disadvantage of each one in terms of time and memory footprint.
By the way, I found this previous thread What is the fastest way to check if files are identical?. However, My question is not about speed, but alternatives.
Please advise. Thanks.
The only proven way is to do a byte-by-byte compare. It's also the fastest way and you can cut the memory usage all the way down to 2 bytes if you read a byte at a time. Reading larger chunks at a time is beneficial for performance though.
Hashing will also work. Due to the pigeonhole principle there will be a small chance that you'll get false positives but for all intents and purposes it is negligible if you use a secure hash like SHA. Memory usage is also small, but performance is less than byte-by-byte compare because you'll have the overhead of hashing. Unless you can reuse the hashes to do multiple compares.
Anyway if your files are n bytes length, you have to compare n bytes, you can't make the problem simpler.
You can only gain speed on n comparisons when files are not identical, by checking length for exemple.
A hash is not a proven method because of collisions, and to make a hash you'll have to read n bytes on each file aswell.
If you want to compare the same file multiple times you can use hashing, then double check with a byte-to-byte
Hashing doesn't output 'unique' values. It can't possibly do so, because there are an infinite number of different files, but only a finite number of hash values. It doesn't take much thought to realise that to be absolutely sure two files are the same, you're going to have to examine all the bytes of both of them.
Hashes and checksums can provide a fast 'these files are different' answer, and within certain probabilistic bounds can provide a fast 'these files are probably the same' answer, but for certainty of equality you have to check every byte. How could there be any way round this?
If you want to compare multiple files then SHA-1 hash algorithm is a very good choice.

Algorithm for determining a file's identity

For an open source project I have I am writing an abstraction layer on top of the filesystem.
This layer allows me to attach metadata and relationships to each file.
I would like the layer to handle file renames gracefully and maintain the metadata if a file is renamed / moved or copied.
To do this I will need a mechanism for calculating the identity of a file. The obvious solution is to calculate an SHA1 hash for each file and then assign metadata against that hash. But ... that is really expensive, especially for movies.
So, I have been thinking of an algorithm that though not 100% correct will be right the vast majority of the time, and is cheap.
One such algorithm could be to use file size and a sample of bytes for that file to calculate the hash.
Which bytes should I choose for the sample? How do I keep the calculation cheap and reasonably accurate? I understand there is a tradeoff here, but performance is critical. And the user will be able to handle situations where the system makes mistakes.
I need this algorithm to work for very large files (1GB+ and tiny files 5K)
I need this algorithm to work on NTFS and all SMB shares (linux or windows based), I would like it to support situations where a file is copied from one spot to another (2 physical copies exist are treated as one identity). I may even consider wanting this to work in situations where MP3s are re-tagged (the physical file is changed, so I may have an identity provider per filetype).
Related question: Algorithm for determining a file’s identity (Optimisation)
Bucketing, multiple layers of comparison should be fastest and scalable across the range of files you're discussing.
First level of indexing is just the length of the file.
Second level is hash. Below a certain size it is a whole-file hash. Beyond that, yes, I agree with your idea of a sampling algorithm. Issues that I think might affect the sampling speed:
To avoid hitting regularly spaced headers which may be highly similar or identical, you need to step in a non-conforming number, eg: multiples of a prime or successive primes.
Avoid steps which might end up encountering regular record headers, so if you are getting the same value from your sample bytes despite different location, try adjusting the step by another prime.
Cope with anomalous files with large stretches of identical values, either because they are unencoded images or just filled with nulls.
Do the first 128k, another 128k at the 1mb mark, another 128k at the 10mb mark, another 128k at the 100mb mark, another 128k at the 1000mb mark, etc. As the file sizes get larger, and it becomes more likely that you'll be able to distinguish two files based on their size alone, you hash a smaller and smaller fraction of the data. Everything under 128k is taken care of completely.
Believe it or not, I use the ticks for the last write time for the file. It is as cheap as it gets and I am still to see a clash between different files.
If you can drop the Linux share requirement and confine yourself to NTFS, then NTFS Alternate Data Streams will be a perfect solution that:
doesn't require any kind of hashing;
survives renames; and
survives moves (even between different NTFS volumes).
You can read more about it here. Basically you just append a colon and a name for your stream (e.g. ":meta") and write whatever you like to it. So if you have a directory "D:\Movies\Terminator", write your metadata using normal file I/O to "D:\Movies\Terminator:meta". You can do the same if you want to save the metadata for a specific file (as opposed to a whole folder).
If you'd prefer to store your metadata somewhere else and just be able to detect moves/renames on the same NTFS volume, you can use the GetFileInformationByHandle API call (see MSDN /en-us/library/aa364952(VS.85).aspx) to get the unique ID of the folder (combine VolumeSerialNumber and FileIndex members). This ID will not change if the file/folder is moved/renamed on the same volume.
How about storing some random integers ri, and looking up bytes (ri mod n) where n is the size of file? For files with headers, you can ignore them first and then do this process on the remaining bytes.
If your files are actually pretty different (not just a difference in a single byte somewhere, but say at least 1% different), then a random selection of bytes would notice that. For example, with a 1% difference in bytes, 100 random bytes would fail to notice with probability 1/e ~ 37%; increasing the number of bytes you look at makes this probability go down exponentially.
The idea behind using random bytes is that they are essentially guaranteed (well, probabilistically speaking) to be as good as any other sequence of bytes, except they aren't susceptible to some of the problems with other sequences (e.g. happening to look at every 256-th byte of a file format where that byte is required to be 0 or something).
Some more advice:
Instead of grabbing bytes, grab larger chunks to justify the cost of seeking.
I would suggest always looking at the first block or so of the file. From this, you can determine filetype and such. (For example, you could use the file program.)
At least weigh the cost/benefit of something like a CRC of the entire file. It's not as expensive as a real cryptographic hash function, but still requires reading the entire file. The upside is it will notice single-byte differences.
Well, first you need to look more deeply into how filesystems work. Which filesystems will you be working with? Most filesystems support things like hard links and soft links and therefore "filename" information is not necessarily stored in the metadata of the file itself.
Actually, this is the whole point of a stackable layered filesystem, that you can extend it in various ways, say to support compression or encryption. This is what "vnodes" are all about. You could actually do this in several ways. Some of this is very dependent on the platform you are looking at. This is much simpler on UNIX/Linux systems that use a VFS concept. You could implement your own layer on tope of ext3 for instance or what have you.
After reading your edits, a couplre more things. File systems already do this, as mentioned before, using things like inodes. Hashing is probably going to be a bad idea not just because it is expensive but because two or more preimages can share the same image; that is to say that two entirely different files can have the same hashed value. I think what you really want to do is exploit the metadata of that the filesystem already exposes. This would be simpler on an open source system, of course. :)
Which bytes should I choose for the sample?
I think that I would try to use some arithmetic progression like Fibonacci numbers. These are easy to calculate, and they have a diminishing density. Small files would have a higher sample ratio than big files, and the sample would still go over spots in the whole file.
This work sounds like it could be more effectively implemented at the filesystem level or with some loose approximation of a version control system (both?).
To address the original question, you could keep a database of (file size, bytes hashed, hash) for each file and try to minimize the number of bytes hashed for each file size. Whenever you detect a collision you either have an identical file, or you increase the hash length to go just past the first difference.
There's undoubtedly optimizations to be made and CPU vs. I/O tradeoffs as well, but it's a good start for something that won't have false-positives.

Any caveats to generating unique filenames for random images by running MD5 over the image contents?

I want to generate unique filenames per image so I'm using MD5 to make filenames.Since two of the same image could come from different locations, I'd like to actually base the hash on the image contents. What caveats does this present?
(doing this with PHP5 for what it's worth)
It's a good approach. There is an extremely small possibility that two different images might hash to the same value, but in reality your data center has a greater probability of suffering a direct hit by an asteroid.
One caveat is that you should be careful when deleting images. If you delete an image record that points to some file and you delete the file too, then you may be deleting a file that has a different record pointing to the same image (that belongs to a different user, say).
Given completely random file contents and a good cryptographic hash, the probability that there will be two files with the same hash value reaches 50% when the number of files is roughly 2 to (number of bits in the hash function / 2). That is, for a 128 bit hash there will be a 50% chance of at least one collision when the number of files reaches 2^64.
Your file contents are decidedly not random, but I have no idea how strongly that influences the probability of collision. This is called the birthday attack, if you want to google for more.
It is a probabilistic game. If the number of images will be substantially less than 2^64, you're probably fine. If you're still concerned, using a combination of SHA-1 plus MD5 (as another answer suggested) gets you to a total of 288 high-quality hash bits, which means you'll have a 50% chance of a collision once there are 2^144 files. 2^144 is a mighty big number. Mighty big. One might even say huge.
You should use SHA-1 instead of MD5, because MD5 is broken. There are pairs of different files with the same MD5 hash (not theoretical; these are actually known, and there are algorithms to generate even more pairs). For your application, this means someone could upload two different images which would have the same MD5 hash (or someone could generate such a pair of images and publish them somewhere in the Internet such that two of your users will later try to upload them, with confusing results).
Seems fine to me, if you're ok with 32-character filenames.
Edit: I wouldn't use this as the basis of (say) the FBI's central database of terrorist mugshots, since a sufficiently motivated attacker could probably come up with an image that had the same MD5 as an existing one. If that was the case then you could use SHA1 instead, which is somewhat more secure.
You could use a UUID instead?
If you have two identical images loaded from different places, say a stock photo, then you could end up over-writing the 'original'. However, that would mean you're only storing one copy, not two.
With that being said, I don't see any big issues with doing it in the way you described.
It will be time consuming. Why don't you just assign them sequential ids?
You might want to look into the technology P2P networks use to identify duplicate files. A solution involving MD5, SHA-1, and file length would be pretty reliable (and probably overkill).
ImageMagick and the PHP class imagick, that access it are able to interpret images more subjectively than hashing functions by factors like colour. There are countless methods and user-preferences to consider so here are some resources covering afew approaches to see what might suit your intended application:
Any of the hashing functions like MD5 will only attempt to determine if the files are identical - bit-wise, not to check visual similarity (with a margin-of-error for lossy compression or slight crops).
