drupal multiple view arguments with PHP code validation for empty arguments - validation

I have a view set up to accept 2 arguments. The url is like this: playlists/video5/%/%/rss.xml
It works fine if I supply the url with 2 arguments like playlists/video5/front/coach/rss.xml.
I have 2 arguments of "Taxonomy: Term"
But I need it to run even if 1 or no arguments are supplied. It looks like you can do this with PHP Code under: Provide default argument options -> Default argument type: -> PHP Code.
I'm using this for the first one:
$arg[0] == 'all';
return 'all';
I'm using this for the second one:
$arg[1] == 'all';
return 'all';
It's working fine in the preview if I enter 1, 2 or no arguments, but in the browser it giving me a "Page not found" error if I use less than 2 arguments in the url.
It woks with these urls:
It does not work with this:
I want it to return all values when no arguments are given, or if only one arg is given, just use the one, etc...

I would rearrange your URL to look like this: playlists/video5/rss/%/% so that way your arguments always come last. Then in your argument settings set:
Action to take if argument is not present: Display all values
This way when you go to playlists/video5/rss you will get every value. When you go to /playlists/video5/rss/term1 you will get all values that have term1 in them. Then the trick for the second argument is to include the wildcard for first argument like this: /playlists/video5/rss/all/term2. I believe that will include just the values that have the second term.
Alternatively, if these are both taxonomy terms, you may want to consolidate these into a single argument and check the box that says: Allow multiple terms per argument. According to the documentation right below the checkbox, it looks like this should allow you something like playlists/video5/rss/term1+term2 and display all values that have the first or second term.

Views will only collapse the %, not the slashes surrounding it. So while you're trying to use playlists/video5/rss.xml, Views is expecting playlists/video5///rss.xml.
To get what you're looking for, you need to duplicate the View display you're using twice.
For the first duplicate, use playlists/video5/%/rss.xml as the path. In your arguments for this view display, make sure the first argument validates for either gridiron or football.
For the second duplicate, use playlists/video5/rss.xml. There will be no arguments for this view display. If you just want all of the records to show up, you shouldn't have to do anything more. But if you want to supply a default argument other than all the records, you'd override the view display and create a filter instead of an argument.
Another (less ideal) option is to treat gridiron/football as one argument and validate it that way.


Shell help text syntax for repeatable group of arguments

I'm writing a help output for a Bash script. Currently it looks like this:
dl [m|r]… (<file>|<URL> [m|r|<index>]…)…
The meaning that I'm trying to convey (and elsewhere describe with words) is that (after a potential "m" and/or "r") there can be an endless list of sets of arguments. The first argument in each set is always a file or URL and the further arguments can each be "m", "r" or a number. After that, it starts over with a file or URL and so on.
In my special case, I could just write this:
dl [m|r]… (<file>|<URL>) (<file>|<URL>|m|r|<index>)…
This works, because listing a URL and then another URL with nothing in between is allowed, as well as listing an arbitrarily long chain of "m"s (it's just useless to do so) and pretty much any other combination.
But what if that wasn't the case? What if I had for example a command like this:
change (<from> <to>)…
…which would be used e.g. like this:
change from1 to1 from2 to2 from3 to3
Would the bracket syntax be correct here? I just guessed it based on the grouping of (a|b), but I wasn't able to find any documentation that uses this for multiple, non-exclusive arguments that belong together. Is there even a standard for this?

ODI KM Option - value from FLEX FIELD

Do you think that it's possible to take a value into an ODI IKM Option (for example) from a flexfield?
You define a flex field on the target table and then pass the value in the IKM.
Then, reading the variable, it's possible to pass it to an option from the IKM?
After searching I found that it's not possible to do it. Conditional Expression can take predefined values. You can find in the next all the combinations:
Condition Expression – It allows you to set the required condition for
the selected option. Double-click the field for editing the condition
expression for the selected option. Click the browse icon Browse icon,
to launch the Edit Expression Editor, which enables you to create or
edit the existing groovy script that determines whether a knowledge
module should be enabled, disabled, displayed or hidden.
Examples are:
This looks at the value of another KM Option called "Cache". If its
value is "false," then the KM Option is hidden, because it's not
This looks at the Mapping isStreaming property. If it's true, then
this option is hidden.
It is very easy to do.
You may use odiRef.getTable(java.lang.String pProperty) in the code of your IKM. One of possible values for pProperty is the code of your FlexField.
If you like to pass if through the option just pas <?…?>-substitution as a value of the option. (Probable you should play with %- or ?-substitutions, which is working.)
Refer to «Substitution API Reference» on Oracle site. Many functions like getTable, getIndex, getAK, getContext and others can obtain flexField value of an object of the corresponding type.
Additionally there is the odiRef.getFlexFieldValue() method. It gets the value of any object of any type, but it is required to pass internal IDs as an argument. So it is not convenient.

Getting multiple Configuration Values into a Command Line script

Using TeamCity 9.1.4.
I'm trying to get some server hostnames into a Command Line script with Configuration Parameters. I want each option to contain multiple hostnames.
My configuration:
vanmain => rad-ecr1,rad-ecr2,rad-ecr3,rad-myecr,rad-balancer
tor => rad2-bal,rad2-ecr1,rad2-ecr2,rad2-myecr
fvcdc => rad-fvcdc,rad-balancer
bccfa => rad-bccfa
When I select fvcdc in a build, I receive the following error message:
One of entered values 'rad-fvcdc' is not one of valid select item values: rad-ecr1,rad-ecr2,rad-ecr3,rad-myecr,rad-balancer,rad2-bal,rad2-ecr1,rad2-ecr2,rad2-myecr,rad-fvcdc,rad-balancer,rad-bccfa
How do I get the values into my script?
I successfully reproduced your issue and was able to find out the root cause of it.
On my virtual installation I created a build with select type parameter, let's name it HostValue. Next, in Items field I copy/pasted values from your initial post and tried to reproduce the problem -- but executing the build was successful. Then I decided to reconfigure parameter and toggled Allow multiple checkbox, and viola, same error message as you got!
If you read small text below Value separator field, you will see, that default value is comma: , and as your values contain this symbol you got an error.
So, to solve this problem I can suggest you these variants:
If you don't need multiple choices, you can just turn off this feature and everything should work.
Replace default Value separator with custom one, for example <SEP>. Then whenever you will select multiple values for this parameter you will get something like:
Replace comma in your values with some other separator, for example | or :. In this case it would look like:
After that you can use the value of this parameter as usual %HostValue% and parse depending on which variant you choose.
Maybe the error message from server could be a little bit clearer. Hope it will help you.
Also I would like to recommend you my plugin teamcity-web-parameters. It will allow you to create dynamic select values from external web service.
Take a look at this thread: https://teamcity-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206843785-How-to-specify-empty-value-for-Typed-Parameter -- looks very similar to your question.

Access to iterated controls in repeated sections in Orbeon

When setting repeated content in a section in Orbeon each control is repeated and the their names are the same. How do I access the the control from the first, second...etc instance of a control from each iterated section? I'm thinking along the lines of $control-name[instance#] or something similair.
The following works, given this form:
$name[2]: return the second value
string-join($name, ', '): join all values with commas
count($name): return the number of values
See also the relevant documentation.
To access this value in "bind" section, you can use a relative path , like ../name=''.
TO access this value in "body" section, then you can use context()/../name.
If you are trying to make anything different, be more specific and this answer can be edited to be according to what you want.

Laravel Error on Repopulating: htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in

I noticed that whenever I am redirecting back to the input form on error using withInput(), there is a very common error that will arise some times. ie
htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given (View:[path])
I had realised that this only(usually) occurs whenever i redirect using withInput() but if i dont use it, the error does not occur, and neither are the firlds repopulated. I had however not known why this occurs until I thought avout it yesterday, and this is my view of it.
One of the input fields in my form was a text box array, hence it had the same name like provinces[] in all the fields. Remember that Laravel's Input facade will get it as a variable and on redirecting, it will 'come back' with this variable (which in essence is an array) and load it with the first fields called like the array(provinces). When repopulating, Laravel will (i think) pass the original field value to the e() helper function (htmlentities() in reality), which expects parameter 1 as string but the array is given.
How i solved it: i renamed the fields so that i do not use an array for their names, so that all the fields have a distinct name. That worked for me.
In case my reasoning is flawed, you may correct me with love (and respect for Taylor) ;-)
(Well, as alexrussel had said in htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given , this can also occur when in the Form::input() only three parameters are given instead of four.)
I have the same problem but when i searches on this error i found that Laravel Input fields expects parameter 2 to be the value, and parameter 3 to be the array of attributes. So when you pass the attributes where the value should be, htmlspecialchars will flip out. or otherwise just remove the withInput option from the redirecting from controllers method it will work
