FTP / File Manager system required - ftp

I am looking for a third-party FTP/File Management system to integrate into a website that will allow:
-User accounts
-Ability to create folders and upload / download various types of files
Simple as that really, I am not sure on the terminology that helps searching for a system like this. If anyone has used a decent service / script that would provide this type of functionality to integrate into an existing site then please let me know, many thanks.

Many web browsers have FTP capabilities built in. If you redirect the user to an ftp:// address, it will prompt for a username and password and display the contents of the associated FTP folder. IIRC, some older browsers (IE6, in particular) don't have upload capabilities, but more recent versions might.
Using the built-in FTP functionality would save some effort on that front, but you would still have the problem of user management. Solving that problem might depend on your FTP server. What FTP server software and OS are you running?


Apache 2 - LDAP/eDirectory(Novell) Automatic Login / Authentication

So I've been tasked to develop some enterprise web applications, but our users hate logging in to every site. After our users authenticate to eDirectory, is it possible to provide a Single Sign On feature for them. I know it's possible to do with AD, but I was wondering if anyone has actually done it with Novell?
Currently, I'm testing out solutions on WAMP (Apache 2.2). I was looking into mod_auth_sspi but I'm not sure if it will work with Novell.
The typical issue on these setups is how you are going to pass credentials from the Browser to the Web Application. You can setup Kerberos on eDirectory which should work similar to Microsoft Active Directory using GSSAPI which is vendor independent.
You may need to make some changes to browser settings to make any of these work seamlessly.
However, SPPI is a proprietary variant of GSSAPI with extensions and very Windows-specific data types and AFIK, will not work easily with eDirectory or browsers other than IE.
If possible, look into a Access Manager product that will be (at least nearly) seamless. Most will allow any(?) WEB based application to utilize SSO in one form or another.

using your own ftp server to receive uploaded files on my website

Im looking for an out of the box solution to be able to add an upload form so that my users can upload large files from my website onto my own FTP server.
Has anyone found a good service to accomplish this? Again I want to be able to use my own server in my office and i also need a form attached to the uploaded file.
I run a graphics printing company and need to be able to receive large files that my designers send to me.
I want my user experience to be painless and not complicated as possible so i would prefer if they did not have to download any FTP clients like filezilla or transmit.
I just want them to fill out the form
upload their files
click send
then i receive it on my server
If there is any off the shelves solution for this that would be amazing.
Thank you!
I guess this is an "out of the box" web app. It allows you to brand the app to look like your own web site by modifying a couple of files. All the functionality is built in. It is called Simple2FTP and can be found at www.Simple2ftp.com
Maintaining a ftp server is not trivial. There are various dropbox-type services on the
web that are very easy to use.

FTP access on Windows Azure

Quick question. I'm currently moving a asp.net MVC web application to the Windows Azure platform. Everything is working out okay apart from one thing.
In the application at the moment, we make use of FTP accounts for each user to import large quantities of files to our database.
I understand FTP on Azure is not as straightforward.
I've googled and found this article: Ftp on Azure
This seems to be what I need except obviously we'll need to be able to add new users with their own separate FTP account. Does anyone know of an easy workaround for this?
Thanks in advance
Did you consider running a (FTP) service that's not IIS based, and you could add users programatically? Also, how are you going to solve data sync issues when the role recycles or when you upgrade it? Make sure to backup to blob on a somewhat regular basis!
Personally, I'd mount a VHD drive (Azure Drive) which is actually hosted on blob storage, and have my FTP server point to that drive. However, make sure you only have one instance of the server (problem #1) unless you don't need higher than 99,9% reliability you can solve this by running a single instance. Step 2 is I'd implement user management in relation to that program.
It's not straightforward, and I'd advise against it though. But I understand that sometimes you have to do this. I would solve it like I described above.

FTP/SFTP Server thats scriptable

I am looking for a windows FTP/SFTP server software that I can administrate (partly) by scripting against it, or if it has a .NET or COM API but at the end of the day I need to execute scripts/tasks against it that adds accounts and such.
I have considered building my own c# implementation but it seems unneccecary to do that by my self when there probably are tons of great ftp and sftp software out there.
Anyone has any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
You could use solt_sftp, that is a SFTP server developed in Python based on Paramiko and running under Gevent greenlets. Users can be managed in Redis and there is a Redis channel to notify the SFTP server for user add/modify dynamically.
CompleteFTP is a lightweight and fast Windows FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP server. At times we've considered adding the ability to do various admin things via a script. If you contact us and let us know what your requirements are, maybe we can help.

How can a web application synch a folder of text files on the client's PC?

I want to be able to synchronize several text files on a user's PC in real time from my web application. Basically I want a few data files on the local PC to mirror the state of a user's data in my web application so if the web application or the user's internet connection is lost he can use those data files to get some critical info (possibly using html/javascript code stored in with those files that would run in offline mode on those data files.)
I know that google gears has a lot of interesting tools for working with offline state, but I'd prefer an even simpler application in html/javascript that wouldn't be as reliant on google gears. I'd rather use google gears to just create those files and slowly keep them in synch with the web application's version of data throughout the day.
Update on answers:
PersistJS is a good suggestion I will look into, but I was hoping people would direct me towards really good Google Gears tutorials resources.
You can save data on the browser using PersistJS, which uses the best client-side persistent storage mechanism it can find, supporting:
Google Gears
HTML 5 storage specs
browser-specific extensions
When your app reconnects, you can resync. Creating and reading text files is something the browser will generally block your web site from doing.
Risking of stating the obvious; if you want to store user state locally, isn't cookies the standard way?
maybe more then one cookie will be needed, but that sounds like the simplest of ways.
You're going to need to make an ActiveX control and a FireFox plugin to get these permissions. Short of that I agree with orip try using PersistJS
You can ask the user to download a subversion client that is predefined to interface with your subversion server only. Then write your web application to interface with the subversion service from your side only.
There is a good deal of security harm associated with granting access to a user's file system so you will want to lock down all possible points of exploitation. You will want to ensure that the user cannot access the subversion server except through the client that you ask them to install. You will want to ensure the connection between the application server and the subversion server is extremely secure so that the transmission path cannot be compromised and that malicious logic that may be loaded onto the application server cannot access the subversion server. I would say to encrypt the transmission path between those two servers and put the subversion server behind the firewall separating your network DMZ. I would also suggest use a challenge/response mechanism between the application server and the subversion server to prevent malicious code from appearing to be legitimate decisions made on the application server. Also, ensure that data only flows form the application server to the subversion server in a unidirectional fashion only, because if there is malicious logic planted on your application server then any data that comes from the subversion server is compromised without even accessing that server.
you could use the File System Object FSO through javascript, however it is dependant on Microsoft as it is an ActiveX control, it would also require permissions in the browser, or perhaps a HTA (HTML Application).
Its a real security issue so most avenues are closed down inhrentley.
Inherently the web model was designed not to authorize upstream from server to client. Now things are changing slowly maybe could you do this with Websocket ?
