Apache 2 - LDAP/eDirectory(Novell) Automatic Login / Authentication - windows

So I've been tasked to develop some enterprise web applications, but our users hate logging in to every site. After our users authenticate to eDirectory, is it possible to provide a Single Sign On feature for them. I know it's possible to do with AD, but I was wondering if anyone has actually done it with Novell?
Currently, I'm testing out solutions on WAMP (Apache 2.2). I was looking into mod_auth_sspi but I'm not sure if it will work with Novell.

The typical issue on these setups is how you are going to pass credentials from the Browser to the Web Application. You can setup Kerberos on eDirectory which should work similar to Microsoft Active Directory using GSSAPI which is vendor independent.
You may need to make some changes to browser settings to make any of these work seamlessly.
However, SPPI is a proprietary variant of GSSAPI with extensions and very Windows-specific data types and AFIK, will not work easily with eDirectory or browsers other than IE.
If possible, look into a Access Manager product that will be (at least nearly) seamless. Most will allow any(?) WEB based application to utilize SSO in one form or another.


What is the modern approach to secure communication between backend and mobile application?

I've read a lot of articles on this subject and they all suggest completely different things that I can't yet structure in my head.
I have one backend app (spring-boot + kotlin). I have nginx and one android (kotlin) mobile app uses backend api and of course Postgres. By the way backend app and postgres are packages in docker containers via docker-compose.
My task is to make the API of my backend service can only be used by this mobile application and no one else. But I also want it to be able to use the API if I have a Web application in the future.
I would be fantastically grateful if you could describe, in a few words, modern technology that could be used to accomplish my task.
For example:
Spring-security: a huge thing that you don't know what to do with, most likely you can use it to solve your problems, but it's overkill. But if you decide to use spring-security, this will help you {...}
By the way, I'm not against spring-security, I just really think it's too much for my task. But I'd be happy to hear your opinion.
Your Problem
My task is to make the API of my backend service can only be used by this mobile application and no one else. But I also want it to be able to use the API if I have a Web application in the future.
You have in hands a very hard task to complete. While not impossible it's very hard to accomplish with code written on your own or by trying to leverage security features on your framework of choice.
To understand why it's so hard you first need to understand the difference between who is in the request versus what is doing the request.
The Difference Between WHO and WHAT is Accessing the API Server
I wrote a series of articles around API and Mobile security, and in the article Why Does Your Mobile App Need An Api Key? you can read in detail the difference between who and what is accessing your API server, but I will extract here the main takes from it:
The what is the thing making the request to the API server. Is it really a genuine instance of your mobile app, or is it a bot, an automated script or an attacker manually poking around your API server with a tool like Postman?
The who is the user of the mobile app that we can authenticate, authorize and identify in several ways, like using OpenID Connect or OAUTH2 flows.
So think about the who as the user your API server will be able to Authenticate and Authorize access to the data, and think about the what as the software making that request in behalf of the user.
After you understand this idea and it's ingrained in your mindset, you will look into mobile API security with another perspective, and you will be able to see attack surfaces that you never though they could exist.
Possible Solution
I would be fantastically grateful if you could describe, in a few words, modern technology that could be used to accomplish my task.
I recommend you to read this answer I gave to the question How to secure an API REST for mobile app?, especially the sections Hardening and Shielding the Mobile App, Securing the API Server and A Possible Better Solution.
The best approach to solve your problem is to go with a Mobile App Attestation solution suggested in the answer I linked. A Mobile App Attestation needs to be able to work in tandem with your mobile app and backend in order for the backend to have a very high degree of confidence that what is making the request is indeed a genuine version of your mobile app, that hasn't been tampered with statically or at runtime, and it's not under a
MitM Attack
The Manipulator-in-the middle attack (MITM) intercepts a communication between two systems. For example, in an http transaction the target is the TCP connection between client and server. Using different techniques, the attacker splits the original TCP connection into 2 new connections, one between the client and the attacker and the other between the attacker and the server, as shown in figure 1. Once the TCP connection is intercepted, the attacker acts as a proxy, being able to read, insert and modify the data in the intercepted communication.
The MITM attack is very effective because of the nature of the http protocol and data transfer which are all ASCII based. In this way, it’s possible to view and interview within the http protocol and also in the data transferred. So, for example, it’s possible to capture a session cookie reading the http header, but it’s also possible to change an amount of money transaction inside the application context
Be aware that solutions to solve your problem that are specific to the backend or to the mobile app will not be able to achieve a very high degree of confidence in securing your API backend from serving requests not originated from your genuine mobile app, but it's better to have them then nothing.
Do You Want To Go The Extra Mile?
In any response to a security question I always like to reference the excellent work from the OWASP foundation.
OWASP API Security Top 10
The OWASP API Security Project seeks to provide value to software developers and security assessors by underscoring the potential risks in insecure APIs, and illustrating how these risks may be mitigated. In order to facilitate this goal, the OWASP API Security Project will create and maintain a Top 10 API Security Risks document, as well as a documentation portal for best practices when creating or assessing APIs.
For Mobile Apps
OWASP Mobile Security Project - Top 10 risks
The OWASP Mobile Security Project is a centralized resource intended to give developers and security teams the resources they need to build and maintain secure mobile applications. Through the project, our goal is to classify mobile security risks and provide developmental controls to reduce their impact or likelihood of exploitation.
OWASP - Mobile Security Testing Guide:
The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security development, testing and reverse engineering.
The easiest way probably is to define a shared secret on the phone and the backend service.
On the mobile phone, with each request, you send the secret, e.g., as an HTTP header.
On the backend, you need to implement a Filter (e.g., OncePerRequestFilter) that checks the request for the secret and compares it to the value stored in the backend.

From windows authentication to token based authentication, keeping .net framework 4.6 and active directory in use

My enterprise application is developed in .net framework 4.5 and is using windows authentication. In which case, as we all understand, it is the underlying AD(active directory) that authenticates the user.
I have to replace windows authentication with token based authentication, keeping the .net framework 4.6 and AD(active directory). I guess oAuth is a possible solution, could you please share some thoughts on other possible solutions and as how could I get started.
It was common some years ago for apps to be developed for a corporate intranet, in which case Windows Authentication was a good solution. When token based authentication came along the benefits typically were:
Extend reach so that apps could be used over the internet
Support cross domain scenarios, eg APIs in a different domain
Support multiple authentication methods / policies depending on user location and device type
Write less security code and make new security features available to multiple apps
An OAuth migration is a major architectural change and needs to be managed in terms of costs and benefits, though once done your apps will be quite cutting edge. Here is how Windows Authentication typically works in an OAuth 2.0 / Open Id Connect world, which requires a more complex setup:
Your UI redirects to a Cloud Authorization Server (AS), such as Azure Access Control
The AS redirects to an identity provider - such as an on premise version of ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) - that is configured to use Windows authentication
When in the corporate intranet the user is automatically signed in and ADFS posts tokens to the AS
The AS posts different tokens to your UI
Your UI calls the API with the AS token and the API validates it
If you decide that the effort is worthwhile then there are 2 parts to the job. Note that your application code will only ever interact with the AS and doesn't need to know or care about the authentication method:
Infrastructure migration
Updating the code in your UIs and APIs
If it helps, my blog and code samples are designed to help people deal with some of the challenges of OAuth tech. Maybe have a look at my first tutorial to get set up.

Need suggestions on security design for a web application

i'm designing a security module for a web application using spring security . There are 3 separate wars(3 Apps)using separate login, deployed in a JBOSS Server.
The requirement is , If the user is authenticated in one app then he should be able to access other applications without login . Is it possible to share the security context between the web application( different wars not in a single EAR ).
We discussed about the SSO , but we are trying to achieve this with spring security and with support of the App server . Is there any way ? Please provide your valuable suggestions and inputs.
If you need more information, please let me know.
The easiest way is to employ usual Spring Security authentication (e.g. form-based with username/password) and enable the remember-me feature.
As long as all three applications are deployed on the same domain (and can therefore share their cookies), the remember-me feature will work seamlessly for all of them, i.e. once user authenticates at any of the applications she will be able to access the others without need for re-authentication.
This of course doesn't address issues like single logout, but that doesn't seem to be your aim anyway.
You can set this up in a short time and don't need and third party SSO components. Although relaying on standard SSO protocols and dedicated technologies tends to be a more secure option.
I've done this recently with SSO and Spring Security however I wrote our own security filter to be used which grabs the HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser() value provided by the SPNEGO filter. One thing with SSO: most mechanisms use Kerberos which only really works in local desktop environments. It is possible to write a fallback mechanism which will redirect the user to a login page but then you still have your issue at hand.
Another option would be to repackage your applications as an EAR (see here).

How do I know if I need Full IIS in my Azure web role?

I need to migrate an ASP.NET application to Azure. The application needs database access and access to temporary files and also using out-proc COM objects. Turns out there's "Full IIS" mode that offers some rather vaguely phrased advantages (from here):
However there are a number of useful capabilities that only exist in IIS, including support for multiple sites or virtual applications and activation of WCF services over non-HTTP transports through Windows Activation Services.
Now obviously using Full IIS forces me to deal with the ASP.NET part and role part working in different processes and that's a big deal so I need to know whether I need Full IIS mode in the first place.
How do I decide if I need Full IIS mode? Is there a full checklist?
I think your default answer should be use Full IIS in Windows Azure capabilities. The hosted web core offering is really there for backwards compatibility as it was the original model prior to 1.3 SDK. Full IIS is the default and you must explicitly opt to go back to HWC.
The reasons that most people wanted full IIS were around a few, but important limitations:
Better support for IIS extensions (e.g. Smooth Streaming, Web Farm, ARR, etc.). HWC did not always support the modules and combined with a missing admin permission, made it really hard if not impossible to use all the modules that folks wanted to use.
Support for multiple web sites, vdirs, and application pools. HWC is a single app pool (the hosting process) and no way to support multiple web sites. There was a serious concern about needing to dedicate 1 entire role to a single web site. With Full IIS, you can have multiple sites and use host headers to get more bang for buck out of web role (especially with small web sites)
Support for standard tooling - Web Deploy, AppCmd, etc. don't work really well (if at all) with HWC. Anything that modified the applicationHost.config usually had issues with HWC.
WAS support. This allows you to use WCF with IIS as a host in non-HTTP transports.
In general, with Full IIS you have parity with what you do on-premises so it makes it much easier to configure and setup.
Regarding the RoleEntryPoint/HWC process model versus the RoleEntryPoint and separate Full IIS process, I am not sure that is really an issue. There were a few quirks perhaps initially, but what concerns you the most about this?

How can a web application synch a folder of text files on the client's PC?

I want to be able to synchronize several text files on a user's PC in real time from my web application. Basically I want a few data files on the local PC to mirror the state of a user's data in my web application so if the web application or the user's internet connection is lost he can use those data files to get some critical info (possibly using html/javascript code stored in with those files that would run in offline mode on those data files.)
I know that google gears has a lot of interesting tools for working with offline state, but I'd prefer an even simpler application in html/javascript that wouldn't be as reliant on google gears. I'd rather use google gears to just create those files and slowly keep them in synch with the web application's version of data throughout the day.
Update on answers:
PersistJS is a good suggestion I will look into, but I was hoping people would direct me towards really good Google Gears tutorials resources.
You can save data on the browser using PersistJS, which uses the best client-side persistent storage mechanism it can find, supporting:
Google Gears
HTML 5 storage specs
browser-specific extensions
When your app reconnects, you can resync. Creating and reading text files is something the browser will generally block your web site from doing.
Risking of stating the obvious; if you want to store user state locally, isn't cookies the standard way?
maybe more then one cookie will be needed, but that sounds like the simplest of ways.
You're going to need to make an ActiveX control and a FireFox plugin to get these permissions. Short of that I agree with orip try using PersistJS
You can ask the user to download a subversion client that is predefined to interface with your subversion server only. Then write your web application to interface with the subversion service from your side only.
There is a good deal of security harm associated with granting access to a user's file system so you will want to lock down all possible points of exploitation. You will want to ensure that the user cannot access the subversion server except through the client that you ask them to install. You will want to ensure the connection between the application server and the subversion server is extremely secure so that the transmission path cannot be compromised and that malicious logic that may be loaded onto the application server cannot access the subversion server. I would say to encrypt the transmission path between those two servers and put the subversion server behind the firewall separating your network DMZ. I would also suggest use a challenge/response mechanism between the application server and the subversion server to prevent malicious code from appearing to be legitimate decisions made on the application server. Also, ensure that data only flows form the application server to the subversion server in a unidirectional fashion only, because if there is malicious logic planted on your application server then any data that comes from the subversion server is compromised without even accessing that server.
you could use the File System Object FSO through javascript, however it is dependant on Microsoft as it is an ActiveX control, it would also require permissions in the browser, or perhaps a HTA (HTML Application).
Its a real security issue so most avenues are closed down inhrentley.
Inherently the web model was designed not to authorize upstream from server to client. Now things are changing slowly maybe could you do this with Websocket ?
