how do i run appliaction as service in windows - ruby

i created a ruby application and its working fine but when i run it as service it giving trouble. actully i have mysql as a databse in my application and i am using it to store only name of the file and placing the physical file on sambha server now when i run my applioaction as as service it's not able to find the path of sambha server... any hlep...

What user account is running the service? Windows defaults to using the local SYSTEM account, which cannot/should not access the network. If you change the service to run under the "Network Service" or a specific user account, it may succeed.


Start Process within Windows Container as a domain user

I have a Windows 2019 container started with a valid CredentialSpec from a valid working gMSA account. It currently hosts a .NET 4.x application on IIS with Windows Authentication working just great. I can also execute nltest commands successfully and communicate to the domain controller.
I want to run a Job or Process as a domain user (MyDomain\UserABC). All of my attempts have failed:
Execute start-process with a credential object errors out with:
he security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
Using a scheduled job as NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService fails to access the web because it is not using the gMSA credentials but the Network Service credentials.
Create a scheduled job with a Domain User results in the same error as above:
he security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
Any other ideas?
Sounds like cached credentials. Maybe you can take a look on this link:
Site single Domain

Windows Service account login failure

I installed a custom windows service on a new VM in a new environment and I am unable to ge tit to start using the domain service account. The service in question has been installed successfully on numerous other VMs (using Win server 2008, and recently, Win Server 2012 R2). In all cases, after installing successfully using the default Local System Account, and verifying that the service starts up successfully using that account, I modify the start up account to use a specified domain account as this service needs to be able to communicate with a SQL server as well as read and write from t/from various network shares.
This time, after setting up the new Win Server 2012 R2 VM, installing the service, checking that it starts ok using Local system account, and then changing the start up to use my designated service account, when I try to start the service it fails with an error:
"Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure."
I checked the credentials by using them to RDP into this VM. It was successful, so I have the correct account and password.
I checked the event log, and saw an error in the Windows Application Log:
"Could not write to AD. Error 0x80070032."
When I googled this, it took me to this page Error Page, which seems to be describing a scenario where there was failure saving a changed password, but no one has changed the password on this account as it is a service account it is set to never expire...
Any ideas??

IBM Websphere 6.1 start up with limited user access

I have successfully installed IBM websphere on my windows 7 machine as administrator user.
Now, when I am trying to run the server using limited access user login, it is exiting with message .
However, when I try to run it using administrative login, server runs successfully.
Since my user Id is of limited access, what needs to be done for starting successfully the server with user login.
Do I need to first create a profile associated with user login.
If yes, then how to create new user profile.
Since IBM Websphere was installed as administrator user, its installation directory (c:/Program Files/IBM/Websphere/*) was not accessible by limited access user. Since log files were also in the same directory, system was not allowing to start the server.
Also, I needed admin access on my system for starting/stopping the server.
I got read-write access on the installation folder and then again tried to start server using command prompt (serverStatus.bat server1).
The server started successfully on ports 9060/9043.

Installing services as different users

I was installing the filebeat application and I noticed that I needed to run powershell as administrator in order to install them. When I checked the service using wmic service get name,startname,status it showed Local System. I'm wondering what this account is as this is neither the user account or the administrator account. Will this always be the case when I install services as administrator? What is the difference if I install it as a normal user and as administrator?
In any case, I've set this service to start automatically when windows start. Would this service start only when the user I used to install it logs in or will it start regardless of which user logs in?
OK, let's unpack that one by one, in no particular order:
Only a user with administrator rights can install a service.
Services that are configured to start automatically are started as soon as Windows is up and running; Windows does not wait until somebody logs in. It makes no difference to the service who the logged-on user is, or whether anybody is logged in at all, unless the service application itself has been explicitly programmed to check.
The program that installs the service decides what account the service uses to run. Windows doesn't care what user account was used to install the service, it doesn't even keep track.
If the program that installs the service wants it to use an ordinary user account, it must know the password for that account. There are various special accounts that a service can run in, these accounts do not require a password. One of these special accounts is Local System.
Local System is the highest-privilege service account in Windows; it has all the same rights as an administrator, and can do things an administrator can't. Local System is also the account that the user-mode part of Windows itself runs in, roughly equivalent to the UNIX root account except that it doesn't have a password.
Additional notes, for completeness:
One alternative to Local System is for the service to run as Local Service or as Network Service, which are non-administrative service accounts. The only difference between the two is that if the computer is joined to an Active Directory domain, the Network Service account has network access to other machines in the domain and the Local Service account does not.
It is also possible to configure a service to run in a special service account that is unique to that particular service. This is mostly useful if you want the service to have access to a particular file or folder, but do not want to give it administrator rights.
Nitpickers corner:
It is I believe technically possible to reconfigure Windows to allow non-administrators to install services, but this is not supported and would be a Very Bad Idea. If you did, though, it would still make no difference who installed the service. Windows doesn't record this information.

Run Web application as Specific user

On my application server machine ,I have done drive mapping using specific user.
But with web application running on Tomcat I am not able to access this drive because tomcat runs as a windows service and not with user which has the actual access to drive mapped.
So i want know how to run web application on tomcat server with specific user.
Run Tomcat as a Windows Service ( ) and make sure that you set the user to run the service as isn't the standard SERVICE user or whatever.
