Start Process within Windows Container as a domain user - windows

I have a Windows 2019 container started with a valid CredentialSpec from a valid working gMSA account. It currently hosts a .NET 4.x application on IIS with Windows Authentication working just great. I can also execute nltest commands successfully and communicate to the domain controller.
I want to run a Job or Process as a domain user (MyDomain\UserABC). All of my attempts have failed:
Execute start-process with a credential object errors out with:
he security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
Using a scheduled job as NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService fails to access the web because it is not using the gMSA credentials but the Network Service credentials.
Create a scheduled job with a Domain User results in the same error as above:
he security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
Any other ideas?

Sounds like cached credentials. Maybe you can take a look on this link:
Site single Domain


Is it possible to login with an azure ad account, via the azure cli while running as the "NT Authority\Network Service" user?

I work in a team that uses Azure Service Fabric and I want to connect to an Azure SQL database using my Azure AD account instead of using a SQL username/password when running locally.
Service Fabric runs locally on a cluster and runs as the NT Authority\Network Service user. I believe that it's possible to change the user that it runs under, but when I tried it seemed to remove the ability to use Visual Studio to debug the app. It also required having the password in the config which is not ideal.
I'm trying to login to Azure AD with the AzureCli and the az login command and can do this easily with my local user azuread\chester.
A comment on github suggests that I should be able to run a powershell prompt as the network service and use az login to login with my account. When I tried this it failed with a generic error:
Does anyone know if it's possible to login to AzureAD with the NT Authority\Network Service user?
I know it's possible to use an Azure App Registration as a principal, but this method still involves a password and i'm trying to avoid passwords.
It is perfectly possible but, since it's a non-interactive account, the optimal choice is to login as an application. This, however, implies high level permissions so careful attention must be paid when consenting them. Also, it's possible to login as a user using the ROPC flow, however this one is not recommended due security and technical limitations.
Regarding az cli take a look at Sign in with a service principal.

Windows Service account login failure

I installed a custom windows service on a new VM in a new environment and I am unable to ge tit to start using the domain service account. The service in question has been installed successfully on numerous other VMs (using Win server 2008, and recently, Win Server 2012 R2). In all cases, after installing successfully using the default Local System Account, and verifying that the service starts up successfully using that account, I modify the start up account to use a specified domain account as this service needs to be able to communicate with a SQL server as well as read and write from t/from various network shares.
This time, after setting up the new Win Server 2012 R2 VM, installing the service, checking that it starts ok using Local system account, and then changing the start up to use my designated service account, when I try to start the service it fails with an error:
"Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure."
I checked the credentials by using them to RDP into this VM. It was successful, so I have the correct account and password.
I checked the event log, and saw an error in the Windows Application Log:
"Could not write to AD. Error 0x80070032."
When I googled this, it took me to this page Error Page, which seems to be describing a scenario where there was failure saving a changed password, but no one has changed the password on this account as it is a service account it is set to never expire...
Any ideas??

How do I authenticate to a SQL Server database on a domain from a virtual machine off the domain?

I am supporting a .NET 4.0 (Visual Studio 2010) web application that authenticates to a SQL Server 2008 database which resides on my work intranet. The application authenticates to the database using windows authentication. Thats all fine and dandy if Im developing on my host, but I am developing on a virtual machine that is not on the work domain. Thus when the project build and runs, it throws a SqlClient.SqlException
"Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication."
Short of developing on my host and abandoning the VM, what can I do to avoid this error and successfully authenticate to the database so I can build/run the web app? I am willing to store my credentials somewhere locally, though preferably not somewhere that would be under TFS source control (like the web.config) because I couldnt keep the file checked out since there are other developers on the project.
I have tried running Visual Studio as a different user (as the user on my work domain) but I get a "unknown user name or bad password" error.
Note, adding the Virtual Machine to the domain (or connecting to it via VPN) are not options. The VM must remain off the domain. Also note, the virtual machine is running on the computer that is on the domain, and the VM uses a shared connection. So it CAN access the intranet but it can't perform windows authentication to SQL Server.
You can run Visual Studio (or SQL Server Management Studio) as the user on the domain. The trick is, you have to use the “/netonly” option of the “runas” Windows tool, so that you can run as a domain user on a non-domain machine.
Namely, in a command prompt you run this command (filling in your own criteria):
runas /netonly /user:<Domain>\<User_Name> "<Your_Program.exe>"
Alternatively, you can create a shortcut on your desktop, and set this command as the shortcut target. Upon running the shortcut/command, you enter your credentials when prompted and visual studio (or whatever program you like) will run as the domain user.
Join the domain using vpn connection if possible. Vpn can connect you with specific domain credentials. Alternative would be connecting using SQL Server Authentication if SQL Server is configured with mixed authentication.
From what I understand, you have several options:
You could add a user account to the SQL db to allow password authentication
Have the VM join the domain
Create an SSH tunnel to the host SQL server port

how do i run appliaction as service in windows

i created a ruby application and its working fine but when i run it as service it giving trouble. actully i have mysql as a databse in my application and i am using it to store only name of the file and placing the physical file on sambha server now when i run my applioaction as as service it's not able to find the path of sambha server... any hlep...
What user account is running the service? Windows defaults to using the local SYSTEM account, which cannot/should not access the network. If you change the service to run under the "Network Service" or a specific user account, it may succeed.

Impersonated process will not log on to Oracle with Windows Authentication

I am running a asp .net web service on IIS7. The latter is running on a Windows 2008 R2 Server. IIS7/the web service is configured for asp .net impersonation. The worker process owner is set to NETWORK SERVICE.
The web service invokes sqlplus.exe impersonated with his/her domain account on the server. I can see that through the task manager. However, when sqlplus is started, oracle says the username/password is wrong.
sqlplus.exe is started like this: sqlplu.exe / . This works great if I manually log on the server with the user account and type the statement above, everything works great
I believe you're running into the "double hop" issue here.
Your first hop is using impersonation from the client's computer to the web server. The second hop is from the web server to your database server, where you're attempting to pass those same credentials along to the database.
When you manually log on and run the sqlplus statement, it's only a single hop from the web server to the database server.
The following is quoted from MSDN. Notice the recommendation to use basic authentication from the client to the web server.
The double-hop issue occurs when the
ASPX page attempts to use resources
located on a server that is different
from the IIS server. In our case, the
first "hop" is from the web browser
client to the IIS ASPX page; the
second hop is to Active Directory.
Active Directory requires a primary
token. Therefore, the IIS server must
know the password for the client to
pass a primary token to Active
Directory. If the IIS server has a
secondary token, the
credentials are used. This account is
not a domain account and has very
limited access to Active Directory.
The double-hop using a secondary token
occurs, for example, when the browser
client is authenticated to the IIS
ASPX page by using NTLM
authentication. In this example, the
IIS server has a hashed version of the
password as a result of using NTLM. If
IIS turns around and passes the
credentials to Active Directory, IIS
is passing a hashed password. Active
Directory cannot verify the password
for authentication.
If your browser client uses Basic
authentication to authenticate to the
IIS ASPX page, the IIS server has the
client password and can make a primary
token to pass to Active Directory.
Active Directory can verify the
password and authenticate the domain
