dot notation equivalent for JOIN - linq

string[] names = { "Burke", "Connor", "Frank",
"Albert", "George", "Harris", "David" };
peoples[] people = {
new peoples("Connor",20),
new peoples("John",22),
new peoples("Merry",33),
new peoples("Frank",65),
new peoples("Frank",34),
new peoples("George",19)
var query = from n in names
join p in people on n equals p.Name into matching
select new { Name = n, Count = matching.Count() };
Please tell me dot notation of this query.

The dot notation for a join depends on what follows it and whether or not you've got an "into" clause (for a group join). In this case it would be:
var query = names.GroupJoin(people, n => n, p => p.Name,
(n, matching) => new { Name = n, Count = matching.Count() });
If you didn't use "into" it would use Join instead of GroupJoin
If you had anything other than just "select" afterwards, it would introduce a new transparent identifier to keep "(n, matching)" as a tuple, effectively.


Linq to SQL conversion...unable to add second COUNT

I'm trying to convert my SQL statement to a Linq statement and I'm not sure how to add the second COUNT to it. This is my SQL statement
SELECT l.Campus_Name, Labs = COUNT(*), LabsWithSubnets = COUNT(s.Lab_Space_Id)
FROM vw_Lab_Space l
LEFT JOIN vw_Subnet s on l.Lab_Space_Id = s.Lab_Space_Id
GROUP BY l.Campus_Name
and this is my LINQ statement so far:
from l in Vw_Lab_Space
from s in Vw_Subnet
.Where(s => s.Lab_Space_Id == l.Lab_Space_Id)
.DefaultIfEmpty() // <=- triggers the LEFT JOIN
group l by new { l.Campus_Name } into g
orderby g.Key.Campus_Name
select new {
Campus_Name = g.Key.Campus_Name,
Labs = g.Count()
So I have everything but the LabsWithSubnets part in there. I'm just not sure how to add that in as I can't just do an s.Lab_Space_id.Count() in the select statement.
If you need table structure and sample data please see Need help creating an OUTER JOIN to count spaces.
Using your query as a basis, you need the groups to include s so you can count when non-null (I also removed the unnecessary anonymous object around the grouping key):
from l in Vw_Lab_Space
from s in Vw_Subnet
.Where(s => s.Lab_Space_Id == l.Lab_Space_Id)
.DefaultIfEmpty() // <=- triggers the LEFT JOIN
group new { l, s } by l.Campus_Name into g
orderby g.Key
select new {
Campus_Name = g.Key,
Labs = g.Count(),
LabsWithSubnets = g.Count(ls => ls.s != null)
However, rather than translate the SQL, I would probably take advantage of LINQ's group join to handle the query slightly differently:
var ans = from l in Vw_Lab_Space
join s in Vw_Subnet on l.Lab_Space_Id equals s.Lab_Space_Id into sj
group new { l, sj } by ls.Campus_Name into lsjg
select new {
Campus_Name = lsjg.Key,
NumLabs = lsjg.Count(),
LabsWithSubnets = lsjg.Sum(lsj =>
PS Even in your query, I would use join...from...DefaultIfEmpty rather than from...from...where but depending on your database engine, may not matter.

c# group by alphabets

I need to show list of authors group by last name first letter.
Kim, Ami
Dim, Amaiar
jin, Amairaz
Bin, Bom
Kin, Bomo
Cin, Ci
Con, Co
Could some one please help me what's the best way to solve the above problem?
If you want to group by, use GroupBy, I assumed you want the output to be ordered (OrderBy), Change the GroupBy expression to match your exact requirment:
List<String> names = new List<String>{"Bill", "Mark", "Steve", "Amnon", "Benny"};
foreach(var g in names.GroupBy(name => name.First()).OrderBy(g => g.Key)){
g.OrderBy(name => name).ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine);
Will output:
You can use GroupBy extension method over Linq object to get the desire result.
List<string> firstNames = new List<string>(){ "Ami", "Amaiar","Amiraz","Bom","Bomo","Ci","Co" };
var groups = firstNames.GroupBy(x=>x[0]);
foreach (var element in groups)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", element.Key);
foreach (var word in element)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", word);

LINQ create multiple new entities using a single ID field

I have a newbie LINQ question. I need to create two objects of same type from a list of strings. I need to append a text 'Direct' & "Indirect' to the string and use them as ID to create the two unique objects.
var vStrings = new List { "Milk", "Eggs", "Cheese" };
var vProducts = (from s in vStrings
select new Product { ID = s + "-Direct" })
from s in vStrings
select new Product { ID = s + "-InDirect" });
You can see in the example above, I am using a Union to create two different objects, Is there a better way to rewrite this LINQ query?
Thanks for your suggestions
If you ever needed more suffixes, this might be a better way:
var strings = new List<string> { "Milk", "Eggs", "Cheese" };
var suffixes = new List<string> {"-Direct", "-InDirect"};
var products = strings
.SelectMany(_ => suffixes, (x, y) => new Product() {ID = x + y});
And it would only iterate over the original set of strings once.
This way isn't much shorter but I think it would be a little better such as there is only one Concat instead of many Union:
var vProducts2 = (from s in vStrings
select s + "-Direct").Concat(
from s in vStrings
select s + "-InDirect");

How can I define a List to add results of a query in a loop?

I have an array filled with long type values and for each value in the array I need to implement a query. I used foreach loop as you can see from the code below:
var result;
foreach(long id in PrdIdArr)
var mainQuery = (from o in db.OPERATIONs
join u in db.UNITs on o.OP_UNIT_ID equals u.UNIT_ID into smt
from s in smt
join x in db.XIDs on s.UNIT_ID equals x.UNIT_ID
where o.OP_OT_CODE == OtCode
where x.IDTYP_CD == "BSN"
where s.START_PRD_ID == id
where o.OP_UPD_DATE >= _StartDate
where o.OP_UPD_DATE <= _EndDate
select new
//var result = mainQuery.ToList();
data = this.Json(result);
data.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;
return data;
However, I have a problem in my code; I have to define a main list just before the foreach loop so that I could add results of each query to the that main list. my question is: How can I define this list as you can see at the beginning of my code? Thanks for the help...
How can I define this list as you can see at the beginning of my code?
new {
into a concrete type (say QueryResult, although something a little more specific than that), and then just declare
var result = new List<QueryResult>();
Also, you should consider turning
foreach(long id in PrdIdArr)
where s.START_PRD_ID == id
where PrdIdArr.Contains(s.Start_PRD_ID)
var result = new List<object>();
foreach(long id in PrdIdArr)
You could do this:
var result = PrdIdArr.Select(id =>
from o in db.OPERATIONs
join u in db.UNITs on o.OP_UNIT_ID equals u.UNIT_ID into smt
from s in smt
join x in db.XIDs on s.UNIT_ID equals x.UNIT_ID
where o.OP_OT_CODE == OtCode
where x.IDTYP_CD == "BSN"
where s.START_PRD_ID == id
where o.OP_UPD_DATE >= _StartDate
where o.OP_UPD_DATE <= _EndDate
select new
I highly recommend performing some Extract Method refactorings, as the code is pretty complex and hard to understand/mange this way.
Just create the anonymous type outside with the same property names and the correct type
var result = Enumerable.Range(0, 0).Select(x => new
OP_ID = 1,
OP_UPD_DATE = DateTime.Now,
OP_START = DateTIme.Now,
And in your loop call AddRange

LINQ count in group from join

I have a LINQ statement I am trying to get right, so maybe going about this all wrong. My objective is to query a table and join in another table to get counts.
ID, Display
ID, PlaceID, Talk, Hear
Basically Places have ProfilePlaces in a one to many relationship. I want to get the number SUM of ProfilePlaces that have Talkand Hear. Talkand Hear are bit fields.
The following gives me a unique list of Places, so I need to add in the Talkand Hear counts.
var counts = from p in db.Places
join pp in db.ProfilePlaces on p.ID equals pp.PlaceID
group new { Place = p } by p.Display;
I thought something like this, but not having any luck
var counts = from p in db.Places
join pp in db.ProfilePlaces on p.ID equals pp.PlaceID
group new { Place = p,
Talk = pp.Count(t => t.Talk == true),
Hear = pp.Count(t => t.Hear == true)
} by p.Display;
Thanks for any help.
You want to do a GROUP JOIN to get the counts for each Place.
var counts2 = from p in places
join pp in profilePlaces on p.ID equals pp.PlaceID into g
select new
Place = p,
CountMeet = g.Count(a => a.Meet),
CountTalk = g.Count(a => a.Talk)
Here's the documentation on the different joins from MSDN:
