SAPI and Windows 7 Problem - windows-7

I'm trying to recognize speech with Windows 7 but it always recognizes a speech as a command or just says "What was that?".
How I can get all speeches?
SpeechRecognizer _speechRecognizer;
public Window1()
// set up the recognizer
_speechRecognizer = new SpeechRecognizer();
_speechRecognizer.Enabled = false;
_speechRecognizer.SpeechRecognized +=
new EventHandler<SpeechRecognizedEventArgs>(_speechRecognizer_SpeechRecognized); }

Perhaps you want to use the .net System.Speech namespace instead of SAPI? There is a very good article that was published a few years ago at It is probably the best introductory article I’ve found so far. It is a little out of date, but very helfpul. (The AppendResultKeyValue method was dropped after the beta.)
Are you trying to use a shared recognizer? That may be why you are seeing commands. Do you have a specific task for recognition? In that case, you would be better served with a task specific grammar and an inproc recognizer.
If you need to handle any words, use the DictationGrammar that comes with System.Speech. See
For fun, I whipped together the simplest .NET windows forms app to use a dictation grammar that I could think of. I created a form. Dropped a button on it and made the button big. Added a reference to System.Speech and the line:
using System.Speech.Recognition;
Then I added the following event handler to button1:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SpeechRecognitionEngine recognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();
Grammar dictationGrammar = new DictationGrammar();
button1.Text = "Speak Now";
RecognitionResult result = recognizer.Recognize();
button1.Text = result.Text;
catch (InvalidOperationException exception)
button1.Text = String.Format("Could not recognize input from default aduio device. Is a microphone or sound card available?\r\n{0} - {1}.", exception.Source, exception.Message);


How do I know when a text-to-speech process starts and ends in Xamarin

I am trying to add animation when the TTS process begins (animation also starts), and when the TTS function ends the animation also ends.
I have this as my code for now:
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TTSEditor.Text))
animationView.Loop = true;
animationView.AutoPlay = true;
//insert TTS function Here
var Text = TTSEditor.Text;
CrossTextToSpeech.Current.Speak(Text, speakRate: (float)0.9, pitch: (float)1.1f);
DisplayAlert("Error", "Text Field Should not be Blank to Use Text-to-Speech Functionality!", "OK");
I am using Xam.Plugins.TextToSpeech as my TTS, it works fine, but I cant seem to find what I want here:
You can wait the speak process:
private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
await CrossTextToSpeech.Current.Speak("Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!", speakRate: (float)0.9, pitch: (float)1.1f);
Refer: programming-guide/concepts/async
Each platform has such a capability, and you can call the native code from each platform using dependency injections if you are using Xamarin.Forms, or even directly if you use just native projects.
You may look if there is another plugin that would have such a capability, but I am not aware of it.
Unfortunately James is not updating that plugin anymore so chances for a new feature are very low.
So in general it is possible but it requires a lot of work and fairly good knowledge, I have provided you with some guidance as the answer cannot go beyond that.

Visual Studio C# VideoCapture

A while ago I wrote some cool vision stuff in c++. Later I found out my code needs to be added into an existing executable that is written in c#. Therefor, I want to write the same vision algorithmes in c# in such a way that my code can be run as an executable.
I have downloaded Emgu 3.3 and I use OpenCV 3.4 and Visual Studio 2017. C# is new for me. I did the tutorial where you make your form, give it some buttons and assign functions to the buttons. That all worked fine.
Then I started to look for ways on how to import a videofeed from my webcam into my form. So I just want to get a live feed from my webcam in my form. After 3 days of frustration I have gotten totally confused with all the references. Which one do I need which one do I not need. Every code that I find and try to implement as a start seems to give a different issue. And all I want is just one clean screen with my camera feed.
So sorry for this super long story, but can someone please help me.
I know I need to create a picturebox. I just want to obtain a VideoCapture from my webcam and send this directly to the picturebox. As as start of course. From there on I can continue figuring stuff out but I need the base.
From there on I would like to perform imageprocessing on the videofeed and display another picturebox with the edited videofeed. But that's all for later!
I hope my question isn't too vague since I also do not supply some code..
Thank you
A example of showing your Webcam in WinForm using VideoCapture of Emgu 3.3 is as below:
public partial class Form1 : Form
VideoCapture _capture;
private Mat _frame;
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_capture != null && _capture.Ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
_capture.Retrieve(_frame, 0);
pictureBox1.Image = _frame.Bitmap;
public Form1()
_capture = new VideoCapture(0);
_capture.ImageGrabbed += ProcessFrame;
_frame = new Mat();
if (_capture != null)
catch (Exception ex)

Windows Moible 6.5 SDK GPS Sample Bugged

I cannot seem to find a good solution for this issue online. I have a device that is running Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5. I run the solution located at below
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Mobile 6.5.3 DTK\Samples\PocketPC\CS\GPS
I deploy the code to my device, not an emulator, and the code breaks with a null reference exception at
The solution ive seen recommends changing this to below
But now the code breaks at Main with NullRefreceException.
Application.Run(new Form1());
Has anyone found a solution for this?
Did you alter the code? updateDataHandler is initialized in Form_Load:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
updateDataHandler = new EventHandler(UpdateData);
so that object will not be NULL. But there are other annoyances with the code, especially the Samples.Location class. You may instead use as a starting point and the older one:
The main issue with the sample is that it does not use a callback (delegate) to update the UI. If an event handler is fired from a background thread, the handler can not directly update the UI. Here is what I always use to update the UI from a handler:
delegate void SetTextCallback(string text);
public void addLog(string text)
// InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
// calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
// If these threads are different, it returns true.
if (this.txtLog.InvokeRequired)
SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(addLog);
this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });
txtLog.Text += text + "\r\n";

How to Poll For Controller Input In UWP App

I'm unsure about the best practice for obtaining and updating input received from a controller monitored using the GamePad class in UWP.
I've seen a couple of examples of people using Dispatch Timers and async loops inside the GamePadAdded event. In Win32 applications, I would have handled input in the WinMain update/message loop, but in UWP apps I don't know of anything similar.
Is there a loop in UWP apps that input should be collected/handled like in Win32 apps? What is the recommended protocol for polling for input from a input device (nominally a Xbox One controller)?
I'm happy to read more about UWP app development but I'm unsure of any guides that reference something like this.
Edit: It would be productive if, instead of downvoting and moving on, you shared thoughts on why this question deserved a downvote.
I've seen a couple of examples of people using Dispatch Timers and async loops inside the GamePadAdded event
This is the right way in UWP app to read Gamepad data. A little suggestion is, move the loop reading part on UI thread if you need to update UI frequently. See the solution in this blog
Is there a loop in UWP apps that input should be collected/handled like in Win32 apps
You may make a wrapper with custom event, see the open source implementation: XBoxGamepad
public class XBoxGamepad
private List<Gamepad> _controllers = new List<Gamepad>();
private bool _running = true;
Task backgroundWorkTask;
public event EventHandler<GamepadButtons> OnXBoxGamepadButtonPressA;
public XBoxGamepad()
Gamepad.GamepadAdded += Gamepad_GamepadAdded;
Gamepad.GamepadRemoved += Gamepad_GamepadRemoved;
backgroundWorkTask = Task.Run(() => PollGamepad());
private void Start()
_running = true;
public void Stop()
_running = false;
public async Task PollGamepad()
while (true)
if (_running)
foreach (Gamepad controller in _controllers)
if (controller.GetCurrentReading().Buttons == GamepadButtons.A)
OnXBoxGamepadButtonPressA(controller, controller.GetCurrentReading().Buttons);
await Task.Delay(50);
private void Gamepad_GamepadRemoved(object sender, Gamepad e)
private void Gamepad_GamepadAdded(object sender, Gamepad e)

C# - Is there any OnShapeMoved or OnShapeDeleted event in Visio?

I think the title or the question is clear enough. I saw something about the EventSink, but I found it difficult to use. Any hint?
The Visio Primary Interop Assembly exposes these events as C# events therefore you can simply hook the event with a delegate.
See this simple example:
namespace VisioEventsExample
using System;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio;
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Application app = new Application();
Document doc = app.Documents.Add("");
Page page = doc.Pages[1];
// Setup event handles for the events you are intrested in.
// Shape deleted is easy.
page.BeforeShapeDelete +=
new EPage_BeforeShapeDeleteEventHandler(onBeforeShapeDelete);
// To find out if a shape has moved hook the cell changed event
// and then check to see if PinX or PinY changed.
page.CellChanged +=
new EPage_CellChangedEventHandler(onCellChanged);
// In C# 4 for you can simply do this:
// page.BeforeShapeDelete += onBeforeShapeDelete;
// page.CellChanged += onCellChanged;
// Now wait for the events.
Console.WriteLine("Wait for events. Press any key to stop.");
// This will be called when a shape sheet cell for a
// shape on the page is changed. To know if the shape
// was moved see of the pin was changed. This will
// fire twice if the shape is moved horizontally and
// vertically.
private static void onCellChanged(Cell cell)
if (cell.Name == "PinX" || cell.Name == "PinY")
string.Format("Shape {0} moved", cell.Shape.Name));
// This will be called when a shape is deleted from the page.
private static void onBeforeShapeDelete(Shape shape)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Shape deleted {0}", shape.Name));
If you haven't already downloaded the Visio SDK you should do so. Recent versions of the SDK it contains many useful examples include one called "Shape Add\Delete Event". If you have the 2010 version can browse the examples by going to Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2010 Developer Resources\Microsoft Visio 2010 SDK\Microsoft Visio Code Samples Library.
I believe that you have to implement EvenSink to get access to "ShapesDeleted", i.e.
the code above will help you if you are looking for the event "BeforeShapeDelete" not the "after"ShapeDelete ;)
