<context:property-placeholder> properties not accessible to the child (web) context - spring

A typical use-case: I'm having applicationContext.xml and dispatcher-servlet.xml. In the parent context (applicationContext.xml) I have:
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:application.properties" />
However, the properties loaded by it are not accessible to the web context - neither in xml, nor using #Value. (They are just not resolved and the expression (${varName}) is set as value instead)
I worked it around by adding the <context:property-placeholder> to dispatcher-servlet.xml as well, but I wondered whether:
This is expected behaviour
There isn't a better way to expose the properties to the child context.

Yes, this is an expected behaviour. <context:property-placeholder> creates a BeanFactoryPostProcessor which is applied at per-context basis. So, you'll need a postprocessor in the child context anyway.


spring trying to load environment variable

I have a question about trying to inject an environment variable into my spring mvc controller.
I have an environment variable as follows...
In my spring application context I have ...
<bean id="propertyConfigurer"
<bean name="posManagerController"
p:posManagerServer="${POS_MANAGER_SERVER_REPORTING}" />
When I do not define the system variable in websphere the application does not start up properly. When I add the variable it does. But for some reason the value being injected into my controller is null.
Can someone help me with what might be going wrong here? i.e. Why the environment variable is not loaded properly?
Just to give you some more information, the Controller is loaded in the child context (-servlet.xml) using the #Controller annotation but in the parent context (applicationContext.xml) I also have the controller defined as appeared above. My understanding is that spring is smart enough to be able to handle this. I've listed this information just in case this might be the cause of the issue.
Quote from documentation:
Also, BeanFactoryPostProcessors are scoped per-container. This is only relevant if you are using container hierarchies. If you define a BeanFactoryPostProcessor in one container, it will only be applied to the bean definitions in that container. Bean definitions in one container will not be post-processed by BeanFactoryPostProcessors in another container, even if both containers are part of the same hierarchy.
So, you need a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in -servlet.xml file to make it work.

Spring approach for changing configuration source by environment

I'm new to Spring and trying to figure out the best way to handle the following scenario:
We have an application where for local development and testing, all configuration values are pulled from a Properties file. When the app is deployed on to the App Server (Websphere in this case), instead of properties file we use JNDI resource properties.
Is there an accepted way of handling this in Spring? For a non-Spring application I probably would have done something like this using a good ol' factory pattern to decide the config source. For Spring, I've seen examples that use different context XML files per environment (sounds messy), or make use of Spring "Profiles".
Is there a generally accepted practice for this scenario?
Spring profiles are rather new and they were added precisely to address your problems. Moreover they should deprecate all other workarounds like different context XML files you mention.
For the sake of completeness here is an example:
<beans profile="test">
<context:property-placeholder location="/foo/bar/buzz.properties" />
<beans profile="prd">
<jee:jndi-lookup id="properties" jndi-name="foo/bar/name"/>
Depending on which profile you choose during deployment/startup, only one of the beans above will be instantiated.
Another approach I've never tried but seems to fit your case is default-value attribute in jee namespace:
<jee:jndi-lookup id="properties" jndi-name="foo/bar/name" resource-ref="true"
Not sure if this will help you though.
Assuming Spring 3.1, try using profiles like Tomasz suggested, but instead of setting individual JNDI values for production, use
<beans profile="prd">
In Spring 3.1, ContextLoaderListener apparently pulls in JNDI props as a PropertySource by default, so with property-placeholder, when you need to access a value you can just use ${some/jndi/name} in applicationContext.xml or a #Value annotation.
To make sure the webapp gets the values from JNDI, add
to web.xml.
In your tests, set the system property 'spring.profiles.active' to 'test', and you'll get the values from the props file.
one way to go is you use jndi also for local dev and testing. You could define the same jndi name. I don't know what's your testing server, in practice we use jetty, and maven-jetty plugin to test. It is lightweight and can run from your ide.
another way is like what you said in your question. Making use of Spring profile. Then you could declare different transactionManager beans with same id/name. of course they should be in different profiles. At runtime you could decide which profile should be activated, that is, which bean should be used.

<context:load-time-weaver/> dynamically

I am looking for a way to enable aspectJ load time weaving dynamically, say based on whether a JNDI property is true.
Basically, (context:load-time-weaver) have this tag conditionally.
Any quick way to do this?
Have a look at Spring profiles:
<beans profile="production">
<context:load-time-weaver />
If the profile name is production, LTW will be enabled. Otherwise the whole inner block is ignored. I am not sure if profile can be set using JNDI variable, but there are multiple other approaches, e.g.: JVM property, environment variable, web context parameter or you can set them programmatically.

Spring XML file configuration hierarchy help/explanation

When I first started learning about Spring, things were configured in the applicationContext.xml file. Then as I started to read books specifically on more recent versions of spring, they've all done the configuration in separate XML files such as myapp-servlet-xml, myapp-security.xml, myapp-service.xml, etc., by configuring a contextConfigLocation in the web.xml file. So, for instance, the code I've been following along with had this as it's contextConfigLocation:
Anyway, recently I ran into a configuration issue (which the helpful people here at StackOverflow helped me figure out) that was due to this separation. There was no applicationContext.xml file for the examples from these books and later on when I tried adding automatic scanning and annotations to the app this caused issues. I tried moving everything into applicationContext.xml and doing away with the other files and that solved the problem. Nothing else changed, I just put everything in applicationContext.xml.
So, this, along with comments from others, has lead to me sort of understand that even if you don't create an applicationContext.xml, it's still being used and it is the top level of some sort of configuration hierarchy. I'm hoping someone else can explain to me how this all works because I've not come across any explanation on it anywhere.
So for example, if I put certain context:component-scan tags into configuration files that are below applicationContext.xml, it could cause certain classes to not get scanned. Things of that nature. I don't understand the precedence and what has to go where to be sure it's seen application wide and so on. If anyone can clearly explain it or point me to a resource that explains it I would much appreciate it, thank you. Hopefully what I'm asking makes sense.
There's nothing special about the file named "applicationContext.xml" except that it's the name Spring tends to expect as its default configuration file. Using one file named that or multiple files named "dog.xml", "cat.xml", and "alien.xml" will work exactly the same way. The trouble you're having comes from having multiple ApplicationContexts in use at the same time, not from having multiple XML files. I've recently answered a couple of questions from people who had problems caused by not understanding these concepts. Check out those answers, and see what questions you still have:
Declaring Spring Bean in Parent Context vs Child Context
Spring-MVC: What are a "context" and "namespace"?
Edit: In response to your new question:
I had a <context:component-scan base-package="com.myapp"/> tag in my servlet.xml.
I'm guessing this "servlet.xml" file is named like foo-servlet.xml, where the DispatcherServlet configured in your web.xml is named "foo", like
By convention, when this DispatcherServlet starts, it'll create a new ApplicationContext that's configured by the file foo-servlet.xml, derived from the servlet-name. Now, since you put a context:component-scan in there, it's going to recursively scan the given package and create beans for all annotated classes. The package you gave it, com.myapp, looks like it's the base package for your entire app, so Spring will create beans from all of the annotated classes in your app, including the data access ones, in this one ApplicationContext that's associated to the DispatcherServlet. Typically, this context should only have view-layer stuff and beans that directly support the DispatcherServlet in it, so this was something of a misconfiguration.
In my data.xml file I had data source beans and that was it. No other beans, everything else was autowired and annotated.
Presumably, this "data.xml" file is the one you listed in the contextConfigLocation context-param. Assuming you'd also added the ContextLoaderListener to your web.xml, like
then that file will be used to create a second ApplicationContext--the root context. That's what this listener does. Note that it actually builds the context from all the files listed in contextConfigLocation, and if you also included your "servlet.xml" in that list, then you've loaded that config twice: here in the root context as well as in the context associated with the DipatcherServlet. Hopefully you see now how there's a distinct division between the XML configuration files and the ApplicationContexts that they configure. The same XML file can easily be used to configure two different contexts. Whether doing so is correct or not is another question. In this particular case, it isn't.
The order I've described these two contexts in is actually backwards. I was just following your description of what you did. The ContextLoaderListener, being a ServletContextListener, will always execute before any servlet starts up. This means the root context is created first, and the other context second. This is by design so that when the DispatcherServlet creates its context, it can add that context as a child of the root context. I've described this relationship in those other posts. The most important effect of this is that beans in the root context are available to and via the DispatcherServlet's context. That applies to autowired relationships, too. That's important because the DispatcherServlet only looks in its associated context for beans that it needs, like controller instances. Your controllers, though, obviously have to be wired with supporting beans. Thus, traditionally, the controllers live in the DispatcherServlet's context, and the supporting beans live in the root context.
I then tried to add #Transacational to my service bean and it wouldn't persist.
In order for #Transactional to work, you must include the <tx:annotation-driven/> tag in the configuration of the ApplicationContext where the annotated bean lives. The trick is figuring out the "where it lives" part. Beans in a child can override beans in a parent context. Therefore--I'm just guessing here--if you loaded all your beans into the DispatcherServlet context as I described above but put the <tx:annotation-driven/> in the root context, you might have a bean in the root context that's correctly transactional, but it's not the one being used because the duplicate is "closer" to the servlet in the parent/child hierarchy, and the context it's in didn't get a <tx:annotation-driven/> configuration.
When I changed the servlet context:component-scan tag to instead point at com.myapp.web and then added a context:component-scan tag to the data.xml file, everything worked.
It still depends somewhat on exactly which config files you were including in which ApplicationContexts, but at the very least I can say that by doing this, you removed a lot of beans from the DispatcherServlet's context which were causing problems. In particular, your correctly-configured #Transactional beans in the root context would no longer be shadowed by beans in the child context and would be injected into your controllers, so your persistence stuff would work then.
So... the main thing to take away is that you have two related ApplicationContexts. You have to remain aware of that fact and stay in control of which beans go in which context.
Does that cover everything?

Inject Spring beans into EJB3

I'm trying to inject Spring beans into an EJB using #Interceptors(SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.class) but I cannot get it working with the beanRefContext.xml examples I've seen.
Here's my EJB:
public class AlertNotificationMethodServiceImpl implements
AlertNotificationMethodService {
private SomeBean bean;
I've provided a beanRefContext.xml as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="...">
<!-- Have also tried with ClassPathXmlApplicationContext -->
<bean id="context"
<property name="configLocations" value="/config/app-config.xml" />
But, it seems to be recreating the beans instead of obtaining the existing ApplicationContext. I end up with the following exception because one of my beans is ServletContextAware.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot resolve ServletContextResource
without ServletContext
When using the SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor, shouldn't it obtain the ApplicationContext instead of create a new one?
I also tried changing my web.xml so the contextConfigLocation points to the beanRefContext.xml, hoping it'd load my Spring config but I end up with the same exception as above.
Does anyone know how to do this properly? The examples I've seen seem to use the same method I'm using which I assume means the beans are being recreated when the Interceptor is invoked (or is that how it's supposed to work and I've misunderstood).
When using the SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor, shouldn't it obtain the ApplicationContext instead of create a new one?
Yes, and this is in fact what it does. It uses the ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator mechanism, which in turn manages a number of ApplicationContext instances as static singletons (yes, even Spring has to resort to static singletons sometimes). These contexts are defined in beanRefContext.xml.
Your confusion seems to stem from the expectation that these contexts have any relation to your webapp's ApplicationContext - they don't, they're entirely separate. So your webapp's ContextLoader is creating and managing a context based on the bean definitions in app-config.xml, and the ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator creates another one. They won't communicate unless you tell them to. The EJBs cannot get hold of the webapp's context, since EJBs sit outside of that scope.
What you need to do is to move the beans that need to be used by your EJBs out of app-config.xml and into another bean definition file. This extracted set of bean definitions will form the basis of a new ApplicationContext which will (a) be accessed by the EJBs, and (b) will act as the parent context of your webapp's context.
In order to activate the parent-child link between your webapp's context and the new context, you need to add an additional <context-param> to your web.xml called parentContextKey. The value of this parameter should be the name of the context defined in beanRefContext.xml (i.e. context, in your example).
The beans that stay behind in the webapp's context will be able to reference the beans in the parent context, as will the EJBs. However, the EJBs will not be able to reference anything in the webapp's context.
Also, you cannot use XmlWebApplicationContext in beanRefContext.xml, since that class requires awareness of the webapp, and ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator cannot supply that awareness. You should stick with ClassPathXmlApplicationContext there.
