Spring XML file configuration hierarchy help/explanation - spring

When I first started learning about Spring, things were configured in the applicationContext.xml file. Then as I started to read books specifically on more recent versions of spring, they've all done the configuration in separate XML files such as myapp-servlet-xml, myapp-security.xml, myapp-service.xml, etc., by configuring a contextConfigLocation in the web.xml file. So, for instance, the code I've been following along with had this as it's contextConfigLocation:
Anyway, recently I ran into a configuration issue (which the helpful people here at StackOverflow helped me figure out) that was due to this separation. There was no applicationContext.xml file for the examples from these books and later on when I tried adding automatic scanning and annotations to the app this caused issues. I tried moving everything into applicationContext.xml and doing away with the other files and that solved the problem. Nothing else changed, I just put everything in applicationContext.xml.
So, this, along with comments from others, has lead to me sort of understand that even if you don't create an applicationContext.xml, it's still being used and it is the top level of some sort of configuration hierarchy. I'm hoping someone else can explain to me how this all works because I've not come across any explanation on it anywhere.
So for example, if I put certain context:component-scan tags into configuration files that are below applicationContext.xml, it could cause certain classes to not get scanned. Things of that nature. I don't understand the precedence and what has to go where to be sure it's seen application wide and so on. If anyone can clearly explain it or point me to a resource that explains it I would much appreciate it, thank you. Hopefully what I'm asking makes sense.

There's nothing special about the file named "applicationContext.xml" except that it's the name Spring tends to expect as its default configuration file. Using one file named that or multiple files named "dog.xml", "cat.xml", and "alien.xml" will work exactly the same way. The trouble you're having comes from having multiple ApplicationContexts in use at the same time, not from having multiple XML files. I've recently answered a couple of questions from people who had problems caused by not understanding these concepts. Check out those answers, and see what questions you still have:
Declaring Spring Bean in Parent Context vs Child Context
Spring-MVC: What are a "context" and "namespace"?
Edit: In response to your new question:
I had a <context:component-scan base-package="com.myapp"/> tag in my servlet.xml.
I'm guessing this "servlet.xml" file is named like foo-servlet.xml, where the DispatcherServlet configured in your web.xml is named "foo", like
By convention, when this DispatcherServlet starts, it'll create a new ApplicationContext that's configured by the file foo-servlet.xml, derived from the servlet-name. Now, since you put a context:component-scan in there, it's going to recursively scan the given package and create beans for all annotated classes. The package you gave it, com.myapp, looks like it's the base package for your entire app, so Spring will create beans from all of the annotated classes in your app, including the data access ones, in this one ApplicationContext that's associated to the DispatcherServlet. Typically, this context should only have view-layer stuff and beans that directly support the DispatcherServlet in it, so this was something of a misconfiguration.
In my data.xml file I had data source beans and that was it. No other beans, everything else was autowired and annotated.
Presumably, this "data.xml" file is the one you listed in the contextConfigLocation context-param. Assuming you'd also added the ContextLoaderListener to your web.xml, like
then that file will be used to create a second ApplicationContext--the root context. That's what this listener does. Note that it actually builds the context from all the files listed in contextConfigLocation, and if you also included your "servlet.xml" in that list, then you've loaded that config twice: here in the root context as well as in the context associated with the DipatcherServlet. Hopefully you see now how there's a distinct division between the XML configuration files and the ApplicationContexts that they configure. The same XML file can easily be used to configure two different contexts. Whether doing so is correct or not is another question. In this particular case, it isn't.
The order I've described these two contexts in is actually backwards. I was just following your description of what you did. The ContextLoaderListener, being a ServletContextListener, will always execute before any servlet starts up. This means the root context is created first, and the other context second. This is by design so that when the DispatcherServlet creates its context, it can add that context as a child of the root context. I've described this relationship in those other posts. The most important effect of this is that beans in the root context are available to and via the DispatcherServlet's context. That applies to autowired relationships, too. That's important because the DispatcherServlet only looks in its associated context for beans that it needs, like controller instances. Your controllers, though, obviously have to be wired with supporting beans. Thus, traditionally, the controllers live in the DispatcherServlet's context, and the supporting beans live in the root context.
I then tried to add #Transacational to my service bean and it wouldn't persist.
In order for #Transactional to work, you must include the <tx:annotation-driven/> tag in the configuration of the ApplicationContext where the annotated bean lives. The trick is figuring out the "where it lives" part. Beans in a child can override beans in a parent context. Therefore--I'm just guessing here--if you loaded all your beans into the DispatcherServlet context as I described above but put the <tx:annotation-driven/> in the root context, you might have a bean in the root context that's correctly transactional, but it's not the one being used because the duplicate is "closer" to the servlet in the parent/child hierarchy, and the context it's in didn't get a <tx:annotation-driven/> configuration.
When I changed the servlet context:component-scan tag to instead point at com.myapp.web and then added a context:component-scan tag to the data.xml file, everything worked.
It still depends somewhat on exactly which config files you were including in which ApplicationContexts, but at the very least I can say that by doing this, you removed a lot of beans from the DispatcherServlet's context which were causing problems. In particular, your correctly-configured #Transactional beans in the root context would no longer be shadowed by beans in the child context and would be injected into your controllers, so your persistence stuff would work then.
So... the main thing to take away is that you have two related ApplicationContexts. You have to remain aware of that fact and stay in control of which beans go in which context.
Does that cover everything?


Confusion regarding ApplicationContext in Spring MVC

I was referring to Spring configuration related blogs and came across some information on applicationContext. One article it is mentioned:
"In most simple cases, the ApplicationContext(defaule name for file is applicationContext.xml) is unnecessary. It is generally used to contain beans that are shared between all servlets in a webapp. If you only have one servlet, then there's not really much point, unless you have a specific use for it."
Where it is also mentioned:
"If you are not explicitly declaring the context configuration file name in web.xml using the contextConfigLocation param, Spring will search for the applicationContext.xml under WEB-INF folder and throw FileNotFoundException if it could not find this file."
Above two statements seems to be contradicting (though it is not). Can you please help clarifying above or suggests me link that clarifies above points?
From : http://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring/spring_applicationcontext_container.htm
The Application Context is spring's more advanced container.
Similar to BeanFactory it can load bean definitions, wire beans together and dispense beans upon request.
Additionally it adds more enterprise-specific functionality such as the ability to resolve textual messages from a properties file and the ability to publish application events to interested event listeners. This container is defined by the org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext interface.
That means Application Context is a container and it can load beans from xml files and from #Bean annotations from your java code. With recent spring versions you can configure all of your beans in java code and not use xml files.

Spring MVC - code based servlet container initialization

I am a newbie and going through spring learning curve and i have a question to understand what cases i will be using code based servlet container initialization against xml initialization in web descriptor file.
The reason for my question is, at this time i wanted to spend time in learning what is used most of the time rather overloading many concepts which might be provided with the framework just for flexibility.
Any advice?
Thanks for reading
The main reason you'd want to use Java based container initialization is when you want to register Spring managed Servlet, Filter, and XxxListener objects.
For example, when you want to register a ServletContextListener, you specify
in the deployment descriptor. The container takes that fully qualified class name and uses reflection to find the corresponding Class object which it instantiates to get an instance. In other words, the object is uniquely managed by the container. You can't have Spring inject fields easily.
On the other hand, with a ServletContainerInitializer, or the corresponding Spring class, you can specify Servlet, Filter, or Listener beans in your Spring context (either through XML or #Configuration classes) and register those Spring-managed instances directly through the ServletContext.
Note that there are still some configurations for which you need to use the deployment descriptor.

Spring-MVC: What are a "context" and "namespace"?

From XmlWebApplicationContext javadoc:
By default, the configuration will be taken from "/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml" for the root context, and "/WEB-INF/test-servlet.xml" for a context with the namespace "test-servlet" (like for a DispatcherServlet instance with the servlet-name "test").
What does it mean a Spring context?
What is the root context? What other kinds of Spring context are there?
What is a namespace?
Some follow-up questions:
What is a Spring ApplicationContext - is it some "thing" that holds the beans that are defined in a configuration XML file?
Looking at the code of ContextLoaderListener, it looks like it loads the data defined in the config XML file(s). But my Spring web app works without defining this listener or any other listener. How could it be?
In what scenarios would it make sense to have more than one instance of Spring's DispatcherServlet?
Is the root context (data from applicationContext.xml) applicable to every instance of DispatcherServlet, while other contexts (e.g. data from test-servlet.xml) applicable only to the relevant DispatcherServlet (i.e. test)?
"Spring context" = a Spring ApplicationContext.
"root context", in terms of a web application, means the main context that's loaded and used by the webapp. Typically, you'll start the root context with a ContextLoaderListener.
The root context isn't really a "kind" of context. It's just a role that a context plays. You have one root context in a webapp. Other contexts are not the root context. They're usually children of the root context.
A namespace here refers to the scope of an instance of Spring's DispatcherServlet. All it's saying right there is that if you name your servlet "test" in your web.xml, then by convention, Spring will look for a file named "test-servlet.xml" to use as that dispatcher's context. Incidentally, each context like this which is created for a dispatcher becomes a child of the root context.
Edit: To answer your new questions:
Follow the link in the first line of my answer to learn about the ApplicationContext. If you have questions not answered there, I'd suggest posting a new SO question.
The root context is optional. If you don't have the ContextLoaderListener defined, then you just don't have a root context. When you use a DispatcherServlet, it starts its own ApplicationContext, and it will get the beans it needs from there.
I don't know of one off the top of my head. I suppose if there were a need for drastically different configurations between some of the URL resources in your app, that might drive you to do it.
Yes. To state it in the proper terms, the root context is the parent context of any context started for a DispatcherServlet. Beans in a parent context are accessible through and by the child context, but the reverse isn't true.
In a web application, the architecture is usually divided into layers like the popular MVC structure.
So a web app comprises basically of a layer that handles the client requests i.e HTTPRequests
and a layer that services those requests .
To summarize : classes that are meant to handle the Http requests i.e the controllers which are mapped to urls come under the test-servlet.xml. This is called as WebapplicationContext containing only the beans that are required mainly to handle the client requests.
Now the next part is the Service/Dao layer that comprises of your business logic. Beans that perform such logic are loaded under ApplicationContext object.
Now you may ask why have they separated these things in to files or two different objects.
Its because, an application have the same business logic that can be used by multiple clients working on different protocol. You may use the same service layers to handle RMI as well as HTTP calls.
So Spring created a parent context that is started us as an ApplicationContext. And then if your applicationhandles web requests, you can create a dispathcher servlet which has its own Webapplicationcontext and initialized as a child of the parent context.
So all the parent beans can be referenced in the child and can be overiden but not vice versa

Spring Instantiation and 'unused beans'

I'm working on a project which means customising an existing application (JasperServer 3.7.1) which is implemented in Spring 2.5.6 (plus a host of other Spring frameworks).
The application consists of a host of applicationContext*.xml containing the bean definitions which when wired together by Spring bring the app to life - I think it's a typical Spring app configuration as although it my first experience using Spring, it seems all quite well put together and follows a lot of the examples I have seen on the web and in books..
Because I'm actually modifying an existing application, changing beans like filterChainProxy (because we have our own security model ,for example) I'm wary of changing the actual config files that come with the product - instead, where possible, I'd prefer to add extra appContext config files to the existing ones which override existing beans (ie leave the original config in tact, as much as possible).
This I've managed to do by creating beans implementing BeanFactoryPostProcessor which on pre-bean initialisation allow me to change the existing property values/bean references to custom ones. This all seems to be working fine.
My query is, say I had a bean with a property that referred to another bean, and my overrider bean changed that reference to my own version of bean, will Spring still instantiate the bean that is no longer referred to ? The reason for asking obviously is that some of these unused beans may be taking up resources, which may be an unwanted overhead.
Thanks in advance
I'm not sure I follow your example, but it might help to clarify a few things.
Generally, Spring will instantiate a bean for every non-abstract bean definition in the context (this is ignoring things like non-singleton bean scopes, but I'll ignore that for the purposes of this explanation). If multiple bean definition files are used, and some bean names are duplicated, then some definitions will be overridden by others. so far, so good, this seems to be what you wanted.
Once the bean definitions have been established, and any duplicated dealt with, then Spring will then instantiate a bean for each of those definitions. If you have changed the definition of BeanA so that it no longer refers to BeanB, but instead refers to BeanC, but the definition of BeanB still exists, then BeanB will still be instantiated, even if it's not being used.
If that example is not representative of your question, then please elaborate.

Where do Spring bean configuration files go in a Maven WAR module?

I've looked at a bunch of sample projects and I can't seem to tease out a common best practice. I've seen Spring bean config files sometimes go in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory. I've seen this in conjunction with with a Servlet definition in web.xml like this:
But I've also seen bean config files included within web.xml top level -- i.e. outside of a Servlet. What does this mean? Is this for cross-Servlet beans? Sometimes it's in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory and sometimes it's in src/main/resources. Also I've seen other bean config files defined in WAR modules with just about everything in src/main/resources.
I've read and re-read the Spring documentation, but the only convention I found is that by default a Servlet context config file should be in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory named {servlet-name}-servlet.xml.
So what's the best practice and why?
Application contexts in Spring can form hierarchies where child context has access to beans defined in parent context.
A typical Spring MVC web application contains a hierarchy with two levels:
Root web application context loaded by ContextLoaderListener.
Config location of this context is applicationContext.xml by default and can be configured using <context-param> named contextConfigLocation, i.e. at the top level of web.xml. This context usually contains a core application logic.
Servlet-specifc context loaded by DispatcherServlet. Its config location is by default <servletname>-servlet.xml and can be configured using <init-param> named contextConfigLocation, i.e. at servlet level. This context usually contains a Spring MVC-related stuff (controllers, etc) since DispatcherServlet is a part of Spring MVC.
The latter context is a child of the former.
If web application doesn't use Spring MVC as a presentation framework, it doesn't have DispatcherServlet and its context. Some extremely simple Spring MVC samples doesn't have ContextLoaderListener and the root context (however, you need root context for cross-servlet functionality such as Spring Security).
Config files of web application are by default located in webapp's root folder. However, they can be placed in the classpath (i.e. in src/main/webapp), in this case they are accessed via classpath: prefix. This may be useful if you are going to use some of these files in integration tests without servlet container. Also classpath: prefix may be useful when you want to load a config file from a separate artifact, i.e. from a jar file in /WEB-INF/lib.
I think it is often good style to keep the code, its spring configuration an in a separate JAR that is included into the WAR, such that the WAR is basically empty but for web.xml and the like. This saves you from even asking this question. :-) You can reference those spring configurations with classpath: prefix.
One advantage of this layout is that you can easily write Unittests that instantiate the complete Spring configuration of the WAR within the JAR. I would not necessarily recommend to use this for actual tests (although you can do integration tests this way), but you get a quick feedback when you accidentially break the overall structure of the config files without having to redeploy the application.
If you really need to put spring configuration files into the WAR (perhaps since it also references beans that are implemented in the WAR itself) I would also put them into the normal resources path /WEB-INF/classes, for the reasons discussed above.
