Android Emulator Development - windows-vista

We are new to android and trying to develop a emulator…
Can I have any information about how to start uo to develop an emulator.
We were trying to search for some resources online but couldn’t find any for emulator development
Online stuff is all related to application development…Please suggest us some tutorials which would help us.

since the android environment is all open source, it would seem that the emulator should be also. find the people who do that dev and you've found your answers.


Opentok for android - Phonegap plugin

Is there any pointers available to start with Phone Gap and Android.??
I looked into Hello - World but thats Native and could not figure out heads or tails.
Tried searching for any step by step guide for android but couldnt find any..
My doubts (all related to Android)-
Any guide to help me connect between Android and OpenTok. i need documentationor something
Can i use Phone Gap plugin for Android ..or any other way to use Phone Gap with OpenTok for android..??
Your help is really appreciated.Thanks
Here's a detailed answer for your question about phonegap on Android: How to get opentok + flash running on phonegap despite lack of flash support for android?
In short, no. There is no OpenTok PhoneGap plugin Android.
Regarding an Android OpenTok guide, it helps to know the basics of how OpenTok. It follows the simple pub/sub model.
The reason why there is no detailed guides for OpenTok Android is because OpenTok Android is still very new in beta, and there will be many changes to come (some of them maybe breaking changes).

Pre Requisites to start development for windows phone Mango

I am an android developer and now I am trying to learn Mango too. What are the SDK, system requirements, IDE required to start development?
Also I am from a Java background so I know that apps for windows phone can be developed using C#. So please guide me how to set up a development environment and start development on Mango.
Everything you need to know is right here at Microsoft App Hub. Click on "Download the free tools. Get started now."
An important thing to know is that you have to be registered with App Hub which takes some time (they will be checking your ID) and costs some money (99$ the last time I checked). You need this to debug on your device and to publish to the Marketplace.
For you as an Android developer the Windows Phone Guide for Android Developers will be helpful.
The Channel 9 jump start sessions are also quite good as well as their training course for beginners. Apart from that there is plenty of information in the web right now and the MS documentation and tutorials are really good. Keep googling, you'll find them.
Regarding the xp question, I think the emulator requires at least Windows Vista, so if your employer limits you to xp, you are out of luck (in this respect also :-)

Windows Phone app Approval process

How strict/loose are Microsoft on approving Windows Phone apps submitted to the marketplace? I know there are tonnes of stories of developers having their iphone apps rejected on unreasonable grounds, and I know Google let you publish just about anything to the Android are your experiences with WM platform?
Any comments are appreciated so thanks in advance
In my experience, nothing has been removed or rejected unexpectedly. As long as you follow the guidelines set out in the Application Certification Requirements, you should be fine. If an app is rejected, they give guidelines on how to reproduce the problem as well as explain what they expected the app to do, so it's a helpful response.
Read the docs on the Windows Phone site.
I have found them to be VERY strict but only for things in their guidelines. Like anything follow them and you can't go wrong!

Can i know the site that is web-based android emulator?

Now I need to share outputs executed by android apk files. But co-workers don't have android emulator on PC/Mac. I heard there are some web-sites that enable emulate apk files on the web. so does anybody recommend these web sites?
Do u need this to test for your android application?
Then, i dont think there is any.
The closest thing available today is :
Go to and click emulator where u can have a look and feel of android.
But this is more of a marketing demo.
For testing your application no alternative to local emulator that comes along with SDK.

WP7 Application deployment for presentation

How could I go about presenting a Windows Phone 7 application with a laptop?
Do I need to install Visual Studio on the laptop with which I will be making the presentation? I've read somewhere about a stand-alone emulator but I haven't found any info on how to load the app to the emulator (total MS-anything newbie here).
Thanks in advance!
If demonstrating via the emulator you'll need to install the tools including VS.
Assuming you have an actual device.
Using an actual phone and a webcam can help give people a better idea about what the app will look like.
If you're showing it to people unfamiliar with the phone then the fact that the UI is so different to what they may have seen on phones before is likley to be a distraction. If you have a real phone then you can better demonstrate your app in context and in comparison with the other apps on the phone.
Tip. Try and use a HD camera if possible as this will make it easier to see the details on the screen.
