Ruby library for manipulating XML with minimal diffs? - ruby

I have an XML file (actually a Visual C# project file) that I want to manipulate using a Ruby script. I want to read the XML into memory, do some work on them that includes changing some attributes and some text (fixing up some path references), and then write the XML file back out. This isn't so hard.
The hard part is, I want the file I write to look the same as the file I read in, except where I made changes. If the input file used double quotes, I want the output to use double quotes. If the input had a space before />, I want the output to do the same. Basically, I want the output to be the same as the input, except where I explicitly made changes (which, in my case, will only be to attribute values, or to the text content of an element).
I want minimal diffs because this project file is checked into version control -- and because the next time I make a change in Visual Studio, it's going to rewrite it in its preferred format anyway. I want to avoid checking in a bunch of meaningless diffs that will then be changed back again in the near future. I also want to avoid having to open the project in Visual Studio, make a change, and save, before I can commit my Ruby script's changes. I want my Ruby script to just make its changes, nothing more.
I originally just parsed the file with regexes, but ran into cases where I really needed an XML library because I needed to know more about child elements. So I switched to REXML. But it makes the following undesirable changes to my formatting:
It changes all the attributes from double quotes to single quotes.
It escapes all the apostrophes inside attribute values (changing them to ').
It removes the space before />.
It sorts each element's attributes alphabetically, rather than preserving the original order.
I'm working around this by doing a bunch of gsub calls on REXML's output, but is there a Ruby XML-manipulation library that's a better fit for "minimal diff" scenarios?

You can build your own SAX parser (using Nokogiri, for example, it's very easy and I recommend to use it) to parse your XML file, change some data in it, and flush the processed XML file with your own customized, built from scratch, XML generator. The bad news is, you have to build a tiny XML library and generator routine in this case, so it is not an ordinary task.
Another way: don't build the SAX parser, but write an XML generator. Parse XML with your favourite library, change what you need to change and generate anything you want. You just need to recursively walk through all nodes in your document and output them within your conventions.


Extracting strings for translation from VB6 code

I have a legacy VB application that still has some life in it, and I am wanting to translate it to another language.
I plan to write a Ruby script, possibly utilising a parser, to extract all strings from the three million lines of source, replace them with constants, and move them to a string resource file that can be used to provide translations.
Is anyone aware of a script/library that could be used to intelligently extract the strings?
I'm not aware of any existing off-the-shelf tool that you could use. We created a tool like this at my work and it worked well. The FRM file format is quite simple (although only briefly documented). We wrote a tool that (1) extracted all strings from control definitions and (2) generated the code to reload them at runtime during Form_Load.

Rules for file extensions?

Are there any rules for file extensions? For example, I wrote some code which reads and writes a byte pattern that is only understood by that specific programm. I'm assuming my anti virus programm won't be too happy if I give it the name "pleasetrustme.exe"... Is it gerally allowed to use those extensions? And what about the lesser known ones, like ".arw"?
You can use any file extension you want (or none at all). Using standard extensions that reflect the actual type of the file just makes things more convenient. On Windows, file extensions control stuff like how the files are displayed in Windows Explorer and what happens when you double click on it.
I wrote some code which reads and writes a byte pattern that is only
understood by that specific programm.
A file extension is only an indication of what type of data will be inside, never a guarantee that certain data formatted in a specific way will be inside the file.
For your own specific data structure it is of course always best to choose an extension that is not already in use for other file formats (or use a general extension like .dat or .bin maybe). This also has the advantage of being able to use an own icon without it being overwritten by other software using the same extension - or the other way around.
But maybe even more important when creating a custom (binary?) file format, is to provide a magic number as the first bytes of that file, maybe followed by a file header structure containing a version number etc. That way your own software can first check the header data to make sure it's the right type and version (for example: anyone could rename any file type to your extension, so your program needs to have a way to do some checks inside the file before reading the remaining data).

Insert a hyperlink to another file (Word) into Visual Studio code file

I am currently developing some functionality that implements some complex calculations. The calculations themselves are explained and defined in Word documents.
What I would like to do is create a hyperlink in each code file that references the assocciated Word document - just as you can in Word itself. Ideally this link would be placed in or near the XML comments for each class.
The files reside on a network share and there are no permissions to worry about.
So far I have the following but it always comes up with a file not found error.
file:///\\\engdisk1\My Tool\Calculations\111-07 MyToolCalcOne.docx
I've worked out the problem is due to the spaces in the folder and filenames.
My Tool
111-07 MyToolCalcOne.docx
I tried replacing the spaces with %20, thus:
but with no success.
So the question is; what can I use in place of the spaces?
Or, is there a better way?
One way that works beautifully is to write your own URL handler. It's absolutely trivial to do, but so very powerful and useful.
A registry key can be set to make the OS execute a program of your choice when the registered URL is launched, with the URL text being passed in as a command-line argument. It just takes a few trivial lines of code to will parse the URL in any way you see fit in order to locate and launch the documentation.
The advantages of this:
You can use a much more compact and readable form, e.g. mydocs://MyToolCalcOne.docx
A simplified format means no trouble trying to encode tricky file paths
Your program can search anywhere you like for the file, making the document storage totally portable and relocatable (e.g. you could move your docs into source control or onto a website and just tweak your URL handler to locate the files)
Your URL is unique, so you can differentiate files, web URLs, and documentation URLs
You can register many URLs, so can use different ones for specs, designs, API documentation, etc.
You have complete control over how the document is presented (does it launch Word, an Internet Explorer, or a custom viewer to display the docs, for example?)
I would advise against using spaces in filenames and URLs - spaces have never worked properly under Windows, and always cause problems (or require ugliness like %20) sooner or later. The easiest and cleanest solution is simply to remove the spaces or replace them with something like underscores, dashes or periods.

Eliminating code duplication in a single file

Sadly, a project that I have been working on lately has a large amount of copy-and-paste code, even within single files. Are there any tools or techniques that can detect duplication or near-duplication within a single file? I have Beyond Compare 3 and it works well for comparing separate files, but I am at a loss for comparing single files.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for all the great tools! I'll definitely check them out.
This project is an ASP.NET/C# project, but I work with a variety of languages including Java; I'm interested in what tools are best (for any language) to remove duplication.
Check out Atomiq. It finds code that is duplicate that is prime for extracting to one location.
If you're using Eclipse, you can use the copy paste detector (CPD)
You don't say what language you are using, which is going to affect what tools you can use.
For Python there is CloneDigger. It also supports Java but I have not tried that. It can find code duplication both with a single file and between files, and gives you the result as a diff-like report in HTML.
See SD CloneDR, a tool for detecting copy-paste-edit code within and across multiple files. It detects exact copyies, copies that have been reformatted, and near-miss copies with different identifiers, literals, and even different seqeunces of statements.
The CloneDR handles many languages, including Java (1.4,1.5,1.6) and C# especially up to C#4.0. You can see sample clone detection reports at the website, also including one for C#.
Resharper does this automagically - it suggests when it thinks code should be extracted into a method, and will do the extraction for you
Check out PMD , once you have configured it (which is tad simple) you can run its copy paste detector to find duplicate code.
One with some Office skills can do following sequence in 1 minute:
use ordinary formatter to unify the code style, preferably without line wrapping
feed the code text into Microsoft Excel as a single column
search and replace all dual spaces with single one and do other replacements
sort column
At this point the keywords for duplicates will be already well detected. But to go further
add comparator formula to 2nd column and counter to 3rd
copy and paste values again, sort and see the most repetitive lines
There is an analysis tool, called Simian, which I haven't yet tried. Supposedly it can be run on any kind of text and point out duplicated items. It can be used via a command line interface.
Another option similar to those above, but with a different tool chain:

What is the best way to edit the middle of an existing flat file?

I have tool that creates variables for a simulation. The current workflow involves hand copying those variables into the simulation input file. The input file is a standard flat file, i.e. not binary or XML. I would like to automate the addition of the variables to the flat input file.
The variables copy over existing variables in the file, e.g.
New Variables:
Length 10
Height 20
Depth 30
Old Variables:
Weight 100
Age 20
Length 10
Height 20
Depth 30
Would like to have the old variables copy over the new variable. They are 200 lines into the flat input file.
Thanks for any insights.
P.S. This is on Windows.
If you're stuck using flat, then you're stuck using the old fashioned way of updating them: read from original, write to temp file, either write the original row or change the data and then write that. To add data, write it to the temp file at the appropriate point; to delete data, simply don't copy it from the original file.
Finally, close both files and rename the temp file to the original file name.
Alternatively, it might be time to think about a little database.
For something like this I'd be looking at a simple template engine. You'd have a base template with predefined marker tokens instead of variable values and then just pass the values required to your engine along with the template and it will spit out the resultant file, all present and correct. There are a number of Open Source template engines available in Java that would meet your needs, I imagine such things are also available in your language of choice. You could even roll your own without too much difficulty.
Note that under Unix, one would probably look at using mmap() because you can then use functions such as memmove() to move the data around and add new data or truncate() the result if the file is then smaller (you may also want to use truncate() to grow the file).
Under MS-Windows, you have the MapViewOfFileEx() function to do the same thing. The API is different, though,
and I'm not exactly sure what happens or how to grow/shrink the file (MSDN also includes a truncate()-like function and maybe that works).
Of course, it's important to use memcpy() or memmove() properly to not overwrite the wrong data or go outside the buffer.
