2 basic computer questions - caching

Question 1:
Where exactly does the internal register and internal cache exist? I understand that when a program is loaded into main memory it contains a text section, a stack, a heap and so on. However is the register located in a fixed area of main memory, or is it physically on the CPU and doesn't reside in main memory? Does this apply to the cache as well?
Questions 2:
How exactly does a device controller use direct memory access without using the CPU to schedule/move datum between the local buffer and main memory?

Basic answer:
The CPU registers are directly on the CPU. The L1, L2, and L3 caches are often on-chip; however, they may be shared between multiple cores or processors, so they're not always "physically on the CPU." However, they're never part of main memory either. The general principle is that the closer memory is to the CPU, the faster and more expensive (and thus smaller) it is. Every item in the cache has a particular main memory address associated with it (however, the same slot can be associated with different addresses at different times). However, there is no direct association between registers and main memory. That is why if you use the register keyword in C (not that it's often necessary, since the compiler is usually a better optimizer), you can not use the & operator.
The DMA controller executes the transfer directly. The CPU watches the bus so it knows when changes are made "behind its back", which invalidate its cache(s).

Even though the CPU is the central processing unit, it's not the sole "mover and shaker". Devices live on buses, along with CPUs, and also RAM. Modern buses allow devices to communicate with RAM without involving the CPU. Some devices are programmed simply by making changes to pieces of RAM which devices poll. Device drivers may poll pieces of RAM that a device is writing into, but usually a CPU receives an interrupt from the device telling it that there's something in a piece of RAM that's ready to read.
So, in answer to your question 2, the CPU isn't involved in memory transfers across the bus, except inasmuch as cache coherence messages about the invalidation of cache lines are involved. Bear in mind that the scenarios are tricky. The CPU might have modified byte 1 on a cache line when a device decides to modify byte 40. Getting that dirty cache line out of the CPU needs to happen before the device can modify data, but on x86 anyway, that activity is initiated by the bus, not the CPU.


Could multi-cpu access memory simultaneously in common home computer?

As far as I know, in modern mult-core cpu system, different cpus share one memory bus. Does that mean only one cpu could access the memory at one moment since there are only one memory bus which could not be used by more than one cpus at a time?
Yes, at the simplest level, a single memory bus will only be doing one thing at once. For memory busses, it's normal for them to be simplex (i.e. either loading or storing, not sending data in both directions at once like gigabit ethernet or PCIe).
Requests can be pipelined to minimize the gaps between requests, but transferring a cache-line of data takes multiple back-to-back cycles.
First of all, remember that when a CPU core "accesses the memory", they don't have to directly read from DRAM. The cache maintains a coherent view of memory shared by all cores, using (a variant of) the MESI cache coherency protocol.
Essential reading for the low-level details about how cache + memory works:
Ulrich Drepper's 2007 article What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory?, and my 2017 update on what's changed and what hasn't. e.g. a single core can barely saturate the memory controllers on a low-latency dual/quad core Intel CPU, and not even close on a many-core Xeon where max_concurrency / latency is the bottleneck, not the DRAM controller bandwidth. (Why is Skylake so much better than Broadwell-E for single-threaded memory throughput?).
All high-performance / multi-core systems use caches, and normally every core has its own private L1i/L1d cache. In most modern multi-core CPUs, there are 2 levels of private cache per core, with a large shared cache. Earlier CPUs (like Intel Core2) only had private L1 caches, and the large shared last-level cache was L2.
Multi-level caches are essential to give low latency / high bandwidth for the most-hot data while still being large enough to have a high hit rate over a large working set.
Intel divides up their L3 caches into slices on the ring bus that connects cores together. So multiple accesses to different slices of L3 can happen simultaneously. See David Kanter's write-up of Sandybridge. Only on an L3 miss does the request need to be sent to a memory controller. (The memory controllers themselves have some buffering / reordering capability.)
Data written by one core can be read by another core without ever being written back to DRAM. A shared last-level cache acts as a backstop for shared data. (Intel CPUs with inclusive L3 cache also use it as a snoop filter to avoid broadcasting cache-coherency traffic to all cores: Which cache mapping technique is used in intel core i7 processor?).
But the writer will have the cache line in Modified state (and all other cores have it Invalid), so the reader has to request it from the writer to get it in Shared state. This is somewhat slow. See What are the latency and throughput costs of producer-consumer sharing of a memory location between hyper-siblings versus non-hyper siblings?, and What will be used for data exchange between threads are executing on one Core with HT?.
On modern Xeon multi-socket systems, I think it's still the case that dirty data can be sent between sockets without writing back to DRAM. But I'm not sure.
AMD Ryzen has separate L3 for each quad-core cluster, so data transfer between core-clusters is slower than within a single core cluster. (And if all the cores are working on the same data, it will end up replicated in the L3 of each cluster.)
Typical Intel/AMD desktop/laptop systems have dual-channel memory controllers, so (if both memory channels are populated) there can be two burst transfers in flight simultaneous, one to each DIMM.
But if only one channel is populated, or they're mismatched and the BIOS doesn't run them in dual-channel mode, or there are no outstanding accesses to cache lines that map to one of the channels, then memory parallelism is limited to pipelining access to one channel.
I know that modern cpu uses cache to achieve low lantency. So my question is based on the scene that when the computer was just started, there are no data in the cache, so cpus will fetch data directly from the memory
Nobody would design a multi-core system with no caches at all. That would be terribly inefficient because the cores would block each other from accessing the bus to fetch instructions as well as data, as you suspect
One fast CPU can do everything that two half-speed CPUs can do, and some things it can't (like run a single thread fast).
If you can build a CPU complex enough to support SMP operation, you can (and should) first make it support some cache. Maybe just internal tags for external data (for faster hit/miss checking), if we're talking about really old CPUs where the transistor budget for the whole chip was too low for much/any internal cache.
Or you could always have fully external cache outside the CPU, as part of an SMP interconnect. But the CPU has to know about it, at least to be able to mark some memory regions uncacheable so MMIO works, and (if it's not write-through) for consistent DMA. If you want private caches for each core, it can't just be a transparent memory-side cache (i.e. caching just the DRAM, not even seeing accesses to physical memory addresses that aren't backed by DRAM).
Multiple cores on a single piece of silicon only makes sense once you've pushed single-core performance to the point of diminishing returns with pipelining, caches, and superscalar execution. Maybe even out-of-order execution, although there are some multi-core in-order x86 and ARM chips. If running carefully-tuned code, out-of-order execution isn't always necessary for some kinds of problems. For example, GPUs don't use OoO exec because they're just designed for massive throughput with simple control.
Pipelining and caching can give huge speed improvements. See http://www.lighterra.com/papers/modernmicroprocessors/
Summary: it's generally possible for a single core to saturate the memory bus if memory access is all it does.
If you establish the memory bandwidth of your machine, you should be able to see if a single-threaded process can really achieve this and, if not, how the effective bandwidth use scales with the number of processors.
now I'll explain further.
it's all depends on the architecture you're using, for now, let's say modern SMP and SDRAM:
1) If two cores tried to access the same address in RAM
could go several ways:
they both want to read, simultaneously:
two cores on the same chip will probably share an intermediate cache
at some level (2 or 3), so the read will only be done once. On a
modern architecture, each core may be able to keep executing µ-ops
from one or more pipelines until the cache line is ready
two cores on different chips may not share a cache, but still need to
co-ordinate access to the bus: ideally, whichever chip didn't issue
the read will simply snoop the response
if they both want to write:
two cores on the same chip will just be writing to the same cache,
and that only needs to be flushed to RAM once. In fact, since memory
will be read from and written to RAM per cache line, writes at
distinct but sufficiently close addresses can be coalesced into a
single write to RAM
two cores on different chips do have a conflict, and the cache line
will need to be written back to RAM by chip1, fetched into chip2's
cache, modified and then written back again (no idea whether the
write/fetch can be coalesced by snooping)
2) If two cores tried to access different addresses
For a single access, the CAS latency means two operations can potentially be interleaved to take no longer (or perhaps only a little longer) than if the bus were idle.

How can an unlock/lock operation on a mutex be faster than a fetch from memory?

Norvig claims, that an mutex lock or unlock operation takes only a quarter of the time that is needed to do a fetch from memory.
This answer explains, that a mutex is
essentially a flag and a wait queue and that it would only take a few instructions to flip the flag on an uncontended mutex.
I assume, if a different CPU or core tries to lock that mutex, it needs to wait for
the cache line to be written back into the memory (if that didn't already happen) and its own memory read to get the state of the flag. Is that correct? What is the difference, if it is a different core compared to a different CPU?
So the numbers Norvig states are only for an uncontended mutex where the CPU or core trying the operation already has that flag in its cache and the cache line isn't dirty?
A typical PC runs a x86 CPU, Intel's CPUs can perform the locking entirely on the caches:
if the area of memory being locked during a LOCK operation is
cached in the processor that is performing the LOCK operation as write-back memory and is completely contained
in a cache line, the processor may not assert the LOCK# signal on the bus.
Instead, it will modify the memory location internally and allow it’s cache coherency mechanism to ensure that the operation is carried out atomically.
operation is called “cache locking.”
The cache coherency mechanism automatically prevents two or more processors that have cached the same area of memory from simultaneously modifying data in that area.
From Intel Software Developer Manual 3, Section 8.1.4
The cache coherence mechanism is a variation of the MESI protocol.
In such protocol before a CPU can write to a cached location, it must have the corresponding line in the Exclusive (E) state.
This means that only one CPU at a time has a given memory location in a dirty state.
When other CPUs want to read the same location, the owner CPU will delay such reads until the atomic operation is finished.
It then follows the coherence protocol to either forward, invalidate or write-back the line.
In the above scenario a lock can be performed faster than an uncached load.
Those times however are a bit off and surely outdated.
They are intended to give an order, along with an order of magnitude, among the typical operations.
The timing for an L1 hit is a bit odd, it isn't faster than the typical instruction execution (which by itself cannot be described with a single number).
The Intel optimization manual reports, for an old CPU like Sandy Bridge, an L1 access time of 4 cycles while there are a lot of instructions with a latency of 4 cycles of less.
I would take those numbers with a grain of salt, avoiding reasoning too much on them.
The lesson Norvig tried to teach us is: hardware is layered, the closer (from a topological point of view1) to the CPU, the faster.
So when parsing a file, a programmer should avoid moving data back and forth to a file, instead it should minimize the IO pressure.
The some applies when processing an array, locality will improve performance.
Note however that these are technically, micro-optimisations and the topic is not as simple as it appears.
1 In general divide the hardware in what is: inside the core (registers), inside the CPU (caches, possibly not the LLC), inside the socket (GPU, LLC), behind dedicated bus devices (memory, other CPUs), behind one generic bus (PCIe - internal devices like network cards), behind two or more buses (USB devices, disks) and in another computer entirely (servers).

Cache and scratchpad memories

Could someone explain what is the difference between cache memory and scratchpad memory? I'm currently learning about computer architecture.
A scratchpad is just that a place to keep some stuff. Cache, is memory you talk through normally not talk at. Scratchpad is like a post it note, something you write something on and keep with you. Cache is paper you send off to someone else with instructions like a memo.
Cache can be in various places, layers (L1, L2, L3...). both scratchpad and cache are just sram in some chip, with an address and data bus and read/write/etc control signals. (as are many other things in a computer which may or may not be used for addressable ram). During boot, before the ram on the far side (slower ram side, processor being the near side) is initialized (eventually dram typically if you have a cache otherwise why have a cache) it may be possible to access the cache as addressable ram. It depends very much on the system/design though, there may be a control register that enables it to behave as a simple ram, or there may be a mode, or its normal mode may be such that so long as you dont address more than the size of the ram based on its alignment (perhaps a 32K ram between 32K boundaries) then it may not try to evict anything and generate bus cycles on the dram/slow/far side of the cache allowing you to use it as ram just like a scratchpad.
BUT, the normal use case for a cache is as an ideally invisible pathway to ram. You dont access the cache ram using cache addressing you use the address space of the ram beyond and the cache simply allows the processor to continue without waiting for the slow ram.
Talking about booting again, think about the kinds of things you need to do when booting, namely bringing up the dram controller, which is most definitely a non-trivial thing. Having some on chip memory allows you to if nothing else temporarily have some ram for a small stack and for some variables. You can for example us a compiler on a compiled language like C which needs at a minimum some ram for stack and variables. Depending on space you can put some program there too, likely running there much faster than from flash. The alternative to having no ram is likely having to write the dram init in assembly using only general purpose or other registers in the processor, taking a complicated task and making it that much more difficult. Once the main system ram is up, then you may or may not choose to not use the on chip (scratchpad) ram.
I would and do argue that if you want to test the dram to see if it is working then you need to not use that ram to test that ram, the test program should not run in nor use the ram under test. Having scratchpad ram on chip (or some other ram in the address space, perhaps video card ram for example) could be used for the dram test program. Unfortunately lots of folks will use the ram under test to hold the stack and program and variables and heap from the program doing the test, leaving important parts of the ram untested other than one or a small number of patterns.

kmalloc'ed memory is slow

We have an app that requires ~1MB buffers for a hardware device to fill, therefore we wrote a kernel module that allocates buffers using kmalloc(). We did not use dma_alloc_coherent() as we need to manipulative the buffers and therefore wanted them to be cached (we flush the cache when needed). One of the manipulations that is done is the kernel module copies one buffer to another buffer. In timing these copies we see it takes about ~2ms to copy a buffer. The time does not include any cache flushing.
As this seemed slow we wrote a standard userspace test app, that used malloc() to create 1MB buffers and copied them. The userspace copies took about .5ms, which is about the correct time to move this amount of memory on the processor/memory config we are using.
Thinks we tried: To make sure it wasn't a different memcpy() in kernel space and user space we wrote our own NEON optimized copy, but made no difference. Changed the buffer size from 100KB to 10MB and made no difference. All times were over 10 copies, but always very very consistent. Time routine used gettimeofday() in userspace.
Only thing we can think of is that the data cache is setup up different for kmalloc()'ed memory then malloc()'ed memory???
We are working on iMX6 ARM, Linaro kerne.
The kmalloc() memory will be contiguous in physical space. The user space will definitely not (mlock() may result in closer to contiguous). If you have several SDRAM chips, it is possible that your memory controller allow pipelining or multiple issue reads/writes to different chips simultaneously. It may even be faster with multiple banks. vmalloc() will not use contiguous pages.Ref You should be able to write a test to swap kmalloc() with vmalloc(). If something has changed with the newer ARMs and the cache is not VIVT, the difference in physical addresses could cause cache (aliasing?) effects on some processors.
I do not think that the cache are setup differently for kernel memory versus user memory; at least with 2.6.34 variants; but they may come from different pools. Also, for a memcpy() a large cache is not needed; you just need enough to make sure the SDRAM will burst.
Another issue is peripherals. For instance, a large graphics buffer on one chip maybe stealing cycles via DMA. If you can change your machine file or device table to disable as many drivers as possible, this can be eliminated. This combined with the pipelining could account for the type of slow-down observed.
I believe this is a platform issue. If it was strictly Linux, I think that one of the millions of users may have encountered it. However, you haven't given a specific version of Linux. It could be an ARM based issue; so I tagged it as such. I think it is your platform/ARM combination; simply because others would observe this. Can you also provide a specific machine file or device table that your design was based upon and the Linux version.

DMA vs Cache difference

Probably a stupid question for most that know DMA and caches... I just know cache stores memory to somewhere closer to where you can access so you don't have to spend as much time for the I/O.
But what about DMA? It lets you access that main memory with less delay?
Could someone explain the differences, both, or why I'm just confused?
DMA is a hardware device that can move to/from memory without using CPU instructions.
For instance, a hardware device (lets say, your PCI sound device) wants audio to play back. You can either:
Write a word at a time via a CPU mov instructions.
Configure the DMA device. You give it a start address, a destination, and the number of bytes to copy. The transfer now occurs while the CPU does something else instead of spoon feeding the audio device.
DMA can be very complex (scatter gather, etc), and varies by bus type and system.
I agree fully with the first answer, and there are some common additions...
On most DMA hardwares you can also set it up to do memory to memory transfers - there are not always external devices involved. Also depending on the system you may or may not need to sync the CPU-cache in software before (or after the transfer), since the data the DMA transfers into/from memory may be done without the knowledge of the CPU-cache.
The benefit of doing any DMA is that the CPU(s) is/are able to do other things simultaneously.
Of course when the CPU also needs to access the memory, only one can gain access and the other must wait.
Mem to mem DMA is often used in embedded systems to increase performance, or may be vital to be able to access some parts of the memory at all.
To answer the question, DMA and CPU-cache are totally different things and not comparable.
I know its a bit late but answering this question will help someone like me I guess, Agreeing with the above answers, I think the question was in relation to cache.
So Yes a cache does store information somewhere closer to the memory, this could be the results of earlier computations. Moreover, whenever a data is found in cache (called a cache hit) the value is used directly. when its not found (called a cache-miss), the processor goes on to calculate the required value. Peripheral Devices (SD cards, USBs etc) can also access this data, which is why on startup we usually invalidate cache data so that the cache line is clean. We also flush cache data on startup so that all the cache data is written back to the main memory for cpu to use, after which we proceed to reset or initialize the cache.
DMA (Direct Memory Access), yes it does let you access the main memory. But I think the better definition is, it lets you access the system register, which can only be accessed by the processor. #Ronnie and #Yann Ramin were both correct in that DMA can be a device hardware, so it can be used by your serial peripheral to access system registers, but it can also be used for memory to memory transfers between two cores.
You can read up further on DMA from wikipedia, about the modes in which DMA can access the system memory. I ll explain it simply
Burst mode: DMA takes full control of the bus, CPU is idle during this time. Data is transferred in burst (as a whole) without interruption.
Cycle stealing mode: In this data is transfered one byte at a time, transfer is slow, but CPU is not idle.
