Could multi-cpu access memory simultaneously in common home computer? - cpu

As far as I know, in modern mult-core cpu system, different cpus share one memory bus. Does that mean only one cpu could access the memory at one moment since there are only one memory bus which could not be used by more than one cpus at a time?

Yes, at the simplest level, a single memory bus will only be doing one thing at once. For memory busses, it's normal for them to be simplex (i.e. either loading or storing, not sending data in both directions at once like gigabit ethernet or PCIe).
Requests can be pipelined to minimize the gaps between requests, but transferring a cache-line of data takes multiple back-to-back cycles.
First of all, remember that when a CPU core "accesses the memory", they don't have to directly read from DRAM. The cache maintains a coherent view of memory shared by all cores, using (a variant of) the MESI cache coherency protocol.
Essential reading for the low-level details about how cache + memory works:
Ulrich Drepper's 2007 article What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory?, and my 2017 update on what's changed and what hasn't. e.g. a single core can barely saturate the memory controllers on a low-latency dual/quad core Intel CPU, and not even close on a many-core Xeon where max_concurrency / latency is the bottleneck, not the DRAM controller bandwidth. (Why is Skylake so much better than Broadwell-E for single-threaded memory throughput?).
All high-performance / multi-core systems use caches, and normally every core has its own private L1i/L1d cache. In most modern multi-core CPUs, there are 2 levels of private cache per core, with a large shared cache. Earlier CPUs (like Intel Core2) only had private L1 caches, and the large shared last-level cache was L2.
Multi-level caches are essential to give low latency / high bandwidth for the most-hot data while still being large enough to have a high hit rate over a large working set.
Intel divides up their L3 caches into slices on the ring bus that connects cores together. So multiple accesses to different slices of L3 can happen simultaneously. See David Kanter's write-up of Sandybridge. Only on an L3 miss does the request need to be sent to a memory controller. (The memory controllers themselves have some buffering / reordering capability.)
Data written by one core can be read by another core without ever being written back to DRAM. A shared last-level cache acts as a backstop for shared data. (Intel CPUs with inclusive L3 cache also use it as a snoop filter to avoid broadcasting cache-coherency traffic to all cores: Which cache mapping technique is used in intel core i7 processor?).
But the writer will have the cache line in Modified state (and all other cores have it Invalid), so the reader has to request it from the writer to get it in Shared state. This is somewhat slow. See What are the latency and throughput costs of producer-consumer sharing of a memory location between hyper-siblings versus non-hyper siblings?, and What will be used for data exchange between threads are executing on one Core with HT?.
On modern Xeon multi-socket systems, I think it's still the case that dirty data can be sent between sockets without writing back to DRAM. But I'm not sure.
AMD Ryzen has separate L3 for each quad-core cluster, so data transfer between core-clusters is slower than within a single core cluster. (And if all the cores are working on the same data, it will end up replicated in the L3 of each cluster.)
Typical Intel/AMD desktop/laptop systems have dual-channel memory controllers, so (if both memory channels are populated) there can be two burst transfers in flight simultaneous, one to each DIMM.
But if only one channel is populated, or they're mismatched and the BIOS doesn't run them in dual-channel mode, or there are no outstanding accesses to cache lines that map to one of the channels, then memory parallelism is limited to pipelining access to one channel.
I know that modern cpu uses cache to achieve low lantency. So my question is based on the scene that when the computer was just started, there are no data in the cache, so cpus will fetch data directly from the memory
Nobody would design a multi-core system with no caches at all. That would be terribly inefficient because the cores would block each other from accessing the bus to fetch instructions as well as data, as you suspect
One fast CPU can do everything that two half-speed CPUs can do, and some things it can't (like run a single thread fast).
If you can build a CPU complex enough to support SMP operation, you can (and should) first make it support some cache. Maybe just internal tags for external data (for faster hit/miss checking), if we're talking about really old CPUs where the transistor budget for the whole chip was too low for much/any internal cache.
Or you could always have fully external cache outside the CPU, as part of an SMP interconnect. But the CPU has to know about it, at least to be able to mark some memory regions uncacheable so MMIO works, and (if it's not write-through) for consistent DMA. If you want private caches for each core, it can't just be a transparent memory-side cache (i.e. caching just the DRAM, not even seeing accesses to physical memory addresses that aren't backed by DRAM).
Multiple cores on a single piece of silicon only makes sense once you've pushed single-core performance to the point of diminishing returns with pipelining, caches, and superscalar execution. Maybe even out-of-order execution, although there are some multi-core in-order x86 and ARM chips. If running carefully-tuned code, out-of-order execution isn't always necessary for some kinds of problems. For example, GPUs don't use OoO exec because they're just designed for massive throughput with simple control.
Pipelining and caching can give huge speed improvements. See

Summary: it's generally possible for a single core to saturate the memory bus if memory access is all it does.
If you establish the memory bandwidth of your machine, you should be able to see if a single-threaded process can really achieve this and, if not, how the effective bandwidth use scales with the number of processors.
now I'll explain further.
it's all depends on the architecture you're using, for now, let's say modern SMP and SDRAM:
1) If two cores tried to access the same address in RAM
could go several ways:
they both want to read, simultaneously:
two cores on the same chip will probably share an intermediate cache
at some level (2 or 3), so the read will only be done once. On a
modern architecture, each core may be able to keep executing µ-ops
from one or more pipelines until the cache line is ready
two cores on different chips may not share a cache, but still need to
co-ordinate access to the bus: ideally, whichever chip didn't issue
the read will simply snoop the response
if they both want to write:
two cores on the same chip will just be writing to the same cache,
and that only needs to be flushed to RAM once. In fact, since memory
will be read from and written to RAM per cache line, writes at
distinct but sufficiently close addresses can be coalesced into a
single write to RAM
two cores on different chips do have a conflict, and the cache line
will need to be written back to RAM by chip1, fetched into chip2's
cache, modified and then written back again (no idea whether the
write/fetch can be coalesced by snooping)
2) If two cores tried to access different addresses
For a single access, the CAS latency means two operations can potentially be interleaved to take no longer (or perhaps only a little longer) than if the bus were idle.


Explanation for why effective DRAM bandwidth reduces upon adding CPUs

This question is a spin-off of the one posted here: Measuring bandwidth on a ccNUMA system
I've written a micro-benchmark for the memory bandwidth on a ccNUMA system with 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8168:
24 cores # 2.70 GHz,
L1 cache 32 kB, L2 cache 1 MB and L3 cache 33 MB.
As a reference, I'm using the Intel Advisor's roof-line plot, which depicts the bandwidths of each CPU data-path available. According to this, the bandwidth is 230 GB/s.
Strong scaling of bandwidth:
Question: If you look at the strong scaling diagram, you can see that the peak effective bandwidth is actually achieved at 33 CPUs, following which adding CPUs only reduces it. Why is this happening?
This answer provides probable explanations. Put it shortly, all parallel workload does not infinitely scale. When many cores compete for the same shared resource (eg. DRAM), using too many cores is often detrimental because there is a point where there are enough cores to saturate a given shared resource and using more core only increase the overheads.
More specifically, in your case, the L3 cache and the IMCs are likely the problem. Enabling Sub-NUMA Clustering and non-temporal prefetch should improve a bit the performances and the scalability of your benchmark. Still, there are other architectural hardware limitations that can cause the benchmark not to scale well. The next section describes how Intel Skylake SP processors deal with memory accesses and how to find the bottlenecks.
Under the hood
The layout of Intel Xeon Skylake SP processors is like the following in your case:
Source: Intel
There are two sockets connected with an UPI interconnect and each processor is connected to its own set of DRAM. There are 2 Integrated Memory Controller (IMC) per processor and each is connected to 3 DDR4 DRAM # 2666MHz. This means the theoretical bandwidth is 2*2*3*2666e6*8 = 256 GB/s = 238 GiB/s.
Assuming your benchmark is well designed and each processor access only to its NUMA node, I expect a very low UPI throughput and a very low number of remote NUMA pages. You can check this with hardware counters. Linux perf or VTune enable you to check this relatively easily.
The L3 cache is split in slices. All physical addresses are distributed across the cache slices using an hash function (see here for more informations). This method enable the processor to balance the throughput between all the L3 slices. This method also enable the processor to balance the throughput between the two IMCs so that in-fine the processor looks like a SMP architecture instead of a NUMA one. This was also use in Sandy Bridge and Xeon Phi processors (mainly to mitigate NUMA effects).
Hashing does not guarantee a perfect balancing though (no hash function is perfect, especially the ones that are fast to compute), but it is often quite good in practice, especially for contiguous accesses. A bad balancing decreases the memory throughput due to partial stalls. This is one reason you cannot reach the theoretical bandwidth.
With a good hash function, the balancing should be independent of the number of core used. If the hash function is not good enough, one IMC can be more saturated than the other one oscillating over time. The bad news is that the hash function is undocumented and checking this behaviour is complex: AFAIK you can get hardware counters for the each IMC throughput but they have a limited granularity which is quite big. On my Skylake machine the name of the hardware counters are uncore_imc/data_reads/ and uncore_imc/data_writes/ but on your platform you certainly have 4 counters for that (one for each IMC).
Fortunately, Intel provides a feature called Sub-NUMA Clustering (SNC) on Xeon SP processors like your. The idea is to split the processor in two NUMA nodes that have their own dedicated IMC. This solve the balancing issue due to the hash function and so result in faster memory operations as long as your application is NUMA-friendly. Otherwise, it can actually be significantly slower due to NUMA effects. In the worst case, the pages of an application can all be mapped to the same NUMA node resulting in only half the bandwidth being usable. Since your benchmark is supposed to be NUMA-friendly, SNC should be more efficient.
Source: Intel
Furthermore, having more cores accessing the L3 in parallel can cause more early evictions of prefetched cache lines which need to be fetched again later when the core actual need them (with an additional DRAM latency time to pay). This effect is not as unusual as it seems. Indeed, due to the high latency of DDR4 DRAMs, hardware prefetching units have to prefetch data a long time in advance so to reduce the impact of the latency. They also need to perform a lot of requests concurrently. This is generally not a problem with sequential accesses, but more cores causes accesses to look more random from the caches and IMCs point-of-view. The thing is DRAM are designed so that contiguous accesses are faster than random one (multiple contiguous cache lines should be loaded consecutively to fully saturate the bandwidth). You can analyse the value of the LLC-load-misses hardware counter to check if more data are re-fetched with more threads (I see such effect on my Skylake-based PC with only 6-cores but it is not strong enough to cause any visible impact on the final throughput). To mitigate this problem, you can use software non-temporal prefetch (prefetchnta) to request the processor to load data directly into the line fill buffer instead of the L3 cache resulting in a lower pollution (here is a related answer). This may be slower with fewer cores due to a lower concurrency, but it should be a bit faster with a lot of cores. Note that this does not solve the problem of having fetched address that looks more random from the IMCs point-of-view and there is not much to do about that.
The low-level architecture DRAM and caches is very complex in practice. More information about memory can be found in the following links:
What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory
Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing (Section 1.3)
Lecture: Main Memory and the DRAM System
Short lectures: Dynamic Random Access Memory (in 7 parts)
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual (Volume 3)

Why can't be provided a direct access from one processor to the cache of another processor?

In NUMA architecture (Non-uniform memory access) each processor has it's own first level cache, so there's a protocol (MESI) for processor communication. But why can't each processor be connected to other's caches directly? I read that "The connection simply isn't fast enough", but that didn't explain too much.
First, having a L1 cache doesn't imply a NUMA architecture, the motherboard topology is still the primary element that make a machine UMA or NUMA.
Second, the Cache Coherence protocol in use is architecture dependent and may differ from MESI (Actually MESIF is a better fit for NUMA machines).
Turning to your question
Each processor can be connected to each other processor cache. Indeed every cache coherence protocol do this, just not by allowing direct read/write as it would take a lot of efforts with poor reusability.
However it is possible to connect directly a CPU to another CPU cache and actually it is implemented in a way on the Intel CPUs.
Logical cores (i.e. HyperThreading cores) may share L2 cache and some physical core in the same package may share L3 cache.
However there two important aspect here: first, the number of CPUs sharing a cache is low and second they are in the same core/package.
Connecting all the caches directly would lose the boundary between what is inside the CPU (as a whole) and what is outside of the CPU.
Isolating the CPU let us create very customizable and modular systems, an external protocol is an interface that let us hide the implementation details, this worth more than the gain in speed given by closely connected caches.
When we need such a speed, we build dedicated integrated system components, like a coprocessor.
There are various reasons why caches are not directly connected, I cannot speak for industry leaders but here some generic thoughts.
It doesn't scale.
2 processors means 1 link, 3 processors means 3 links, 4 processors means 6 links and so on.
n processors need C(n, 2) links that is n * (n-1) / 2 links.
Also you could connect only CPUs with compatible cache interfaces, and this may imply that you could connect only identical CPUs. Cache architecture is something that change frequently, lines may be made bigger, associativity may change, timings of the signals can be faster.
Lastly, if a CPU has enough pins to connect to only four more CPUs, you can create only quad-cpu systems.
It requires a lot of pins.
Givin access to the caches require a lot of pins, there are two or three caches per core and each one need to be addressed and controlled, this requires to expose a lot of pins, serial interface is not an option as it would be too slow.
If you add that each processor must be connected to each other than the number of pins explodes quadratically.
If you use a shared bus between caches, you are actually using a protocol like MESI, a protocol that try to avoid congestionating the bus, because if you have even few CPUs the traffic on the shared bus is quite intense and the time spent waiting for its turn to use it will slow down the CPU (even with store buffers and invalidation queues).
It is slow.
The cache is highly integrated with the core, it may support multiple read/write ports and other interfaces that increase parallelization. All this cannot be exposed out of the package/core without a large numbers of pins (and a huge increase in size and cost).
The cache is physically close to the core, this minimize the propagation delay, consider that the period of a 3GHz CPU is 1/3 * 10^-9, in that time the light can travel at most 10 cm, or 5 cm for a round-trip, and the signal doesn't propagate at the speed of light.
Furthermore when a cache is accessed only by a core, the designer can make some optimizations based on the internal architecture of the core. This is not possible if the core belongs to another, possibly different, CPU.
It is complex.
Letting a cache being accessed by multiple CPU require replicating a lot of circuitry, for example being the caches associative, it means that when an address is requested, a tag must be verified between a set of possible candidates and this circuit must be replicated to allow others CPUs to read/write the cache asynchronously.
So briefly: It could be possible to connect caches directly, it is just not worth for discrete components. It is done for integrated components.

How are the modern Intel CPU L3 caches organized?

Given that CPUs are now multi-core and have their own L1/L2 caches, I was curious as to how the L3 cache is organized given that its shared by multiple cores. I would imagine that if we had, say, 4 cores, then the L3 cache would contain 4 pages worth of data, each page corresponding to the region of memory that a particular core is referencing. Assuming I'm somewhat correct, is that as far as it goes? It could, for example, divide each of these pages into sub-pages. This way when multiple threads run on the same core each thread may find their data in one of the sub-pages. I'm just coming up with this off the top of my head so I'm very interested in educating myself on what is really going on underneath the scenes. Can anyone share their insights or provide me with a link that will cure me of my ignorance?
Many thanks in advance.
There is single (sliced) L3 cache in single-socket chip, and several L2 caches (one per real physical core).
L3 cache caches data in segments of size of 64 bytes (cache lines), and there is special Cache coherence protocol between L3 and different L2/L1 (and between several chips in the NUMA/ccNUMA multi-socket systems too); it tracks which cache line is actual, which is shared between several caches, which is just modified (and should be invalidated from other caches). Some of protocols (cache line possible states and state translation):,,
In older chips (epoch of Core 2) cache coherence was snooped on shared bus, now it is checked with help of directory.
In real life L3 is not just "single" but sliced into several slices, each of them having high-speed access ports. There is some method of selecting the slice based on physical address, which allow multicore system to do many accesses at every moment (each access will be directed by undocumented method to some slice; when two cores uses same physical address, their accesses will be served by same slice or by slices which will do cache coherence protocol checks).
Information about L3 cache slices was reversed in several papers: Reverse Engineering Intel Last-Level Cache Complex Addressing Using Performance Counters Systematic Reverse Engineering of Cache Slice Selection in Intel Processors Cracking Intel Sandy Bridge’s Cache Hash Function
With recent chips programmer has ability to partition the L3 cache between applications "Cache Allocation Technology" (v4 Family):
Modern Intel L3 caches (since Nehalem) use a 64B line size, the same as L1/L2. They're shared, and inclusive.
See also
Since SnB at least, each core has part of the L3, and they're on a ring bus. So in big Xeons, L3 size scales linearly with number of cores.
See also Which cache mapping technique is used in intel core i7 processor? where I wrote a much larger and more complete answer.

Which architecture to call Non-uniform memory access (NUMA)?

According to wiki: Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) is a computer memory design used in multiprocessing, where the memory access time depends on the memory location relative to a processor.
But it is not clear whether it is about any memory including caches or about main memory only.
For example Xeon Phi processor have next architecture:
Memory access to main memory (GDDR) is same for all cores. Meanwhile memory access to L2 cache is different for different cores, since first native L2 cache is checked, then L2 cache of other cores is checked via ring. Is it NUMA or UMA architecture?
Technically, NUMA should probably only be used to describe non-uniform access latency or bandwidth to main memory. (If the NUMA factor [latency far/latency near or bandwidth far/bandwidth near] is small [e.g., comparable to dynamic variability due to DRAM row misses, buffering, etc.], then the system might still be considered UMA.)
(Technically, the Xeon Phi has a small but non-zero NUMA factor since each hop on the ring interconnect takes time [a core might be only one hop from one memory controller and several hops from the most distant one].)
The term NUCA (Non-Uniform Cache Access) has been taken to describe a single cache with different latency of access for different cache blocks. A shared cache level with portions more closely tied to a core or cluster of cores would also fall under NUCA, but separate cache hierarchies would (I believe) not justify the term (even though snooping might find a desired cache block in a 'remote' cache).
I do not know of any term being used to describe a system with variable cache latency associated with snooping (i.e., with separate cache hierarchies) and a small/zero NUMA factor.
(Since caches can transparently replicate and migrate cache blocks, the NUMA concept is a little less fitting. [Yes, an OS can migrate and replicate pages transparently to application software in a NUMA system, so this difference is not absolute.])
Perhaps somewhat interestingly, Azul Systems claims UMA across sockets for its Vega systems:
Azul builds are gear as ‘UMA’ because our programs do not have well understood access patterns. Instead, the patterns are mostly random (after cache filtering) and so it makes sense to have uniform mediocre speeds instead of 1/16th of memory fast and 15/16ths as slow.
I would definitely go for UMA on that one. Having looked at the NUMA Wiki as yourself, the Wiki page for UMA actually gives a little more detail:
In the UMA architecture, each processor may use a private cache. WIKI
This is why I would go for UMA, also because, as you state, once L2 is missed, it goes to a general Memory Directory link and finds the correct physical page using the Memory Controller (MC in your picture)

How are cache memories shared in multicore Intel CPUs?

I have a few questions regarding Cache memories used in Multicore CPUs or Multiprocessor systems. (Although not directly related to programming, it has many repercussions while one writes software for multicore processors/multiprocessors systems, hence asking here!)
In a multiprocessor system or a multicore processor (Intel Quad Core, Core two Duo etc..) does each cpu core/processor have its own cache memory (data and program cache)?
Can one processor/core access each other's cache memory, because if they are allowed to access each other's cache, then I believe there might be lesser cache misses, in the scenario that if that particular processors cache does not have some data but some other second processors' cache might have it thus avoiding a read from memory into cache of first processor? Is this assumption valid and true?
Will there be any problems in allowing any processor to access other processor's cache memory?
In a multiprocessor system or a multicore processor (Intel Quad Core,
Core two Duo etc..) does each cpu core/processor have its own cache
memory (data and program cache)?
Yes. It varies by the exact chip model, but the most common design is for each CPU core to have its own private L1 data and instruction caches.
On old and/or low-power CPUs, the next level of cache is typically a L2 unified cache is typically shared between all cores. Or on 65nm Core2Quad (which was two core2duo dies in one package), each pair of cores had their own last-level cache and couldn't communicate as efficiently.
Modern mainstream Intel CPUs (since the first-gen i7 CPUs, Nehalem) use 3 levels of cache.
32kiB split L1i/L1d: private per-core (same as earlier Intel)
256kiB unified L2: private per-core. (1MiB on Skylake-avx512).
large unified L3: shared among all cores
Last-level cache is a a large shared L3. It's physically distributed between cores, with a slice of L3 going with each core on the ring bus that connects the cores. Typically 1.5 to 2.25MB of L3 cache with every core, so a many-core Xeon might have a 36MB L3 cache shared between all its cores. This is why a dual-core chip has 2 to 4 MB of L3, while a quad-core has 6 to 8 MB.
On CPUs other than Skylake-avx512, L3 is inclusive of the per-core private caches so its tags can be used as a snoop filter to avoid broadcasting requests to all cores. i.e. anything cached in a private L1d, L1i, or L2, must also be allocated in L3. See Which cache mapping technique is used in intel core i7 processor?
David Kanter's Sandybridge write-up has a nice diagram of the memory heirarchy / system architecture, showing the per-core caches and their connection to shared L3, and DDR3 / DMI(chipset) / PCIe connecting to that. (This still applies to Haswell / Skylake-client / Coffee Lake, except with DDR4 in later CPUs).
Can one processor/core access each other's cache memory, because if
they are allowed to access each other's cache, then I believe there
might be lesser cache misses, in the scenario that if that particular
processors cache does not have some data but some other second
processors' cache might have it thus avoiding a read from memory into
cache of first processor? Is this assumption valid and true?
No. Each CPU core's L1 caches tightly integrate into that core. Multiple cores accessing the same data will each have their own copy of it in their own L1d caches, very close to the load/store execution units.
The whole point of multiple levels of cache is that a single cache can't be fast enough for very hot data, but can't be big enough for less-frequently used data that's still accessed regularly. Why is the size of L1 cache smaller than that of the L2 cache in most of the processors?
Going off-core to another core's caches wouldn't be faster than just going to L3 in Intel's current CPUs. Or the required mesh network between cores to make this happen would be prohibitive compared to just building a larger / faster L3 cache.
The small/fast caches built-in to other cores are there to speed up those cores. Sharing them directly would probably cost more power (and maybe even more transistors / die area) than other ways of increasing cache hit rate. (Power is a bigger limiting factor than transistor count or die area. That's why modern CPUs can afford to have large private L2 caches).
Plus you wouldn't want other cores polluting the small private cache that's probably caching stuff relevant to this core.
Will there be any problems in allowing any processor to access other
processor's cache memory?
Yes -- there simply aren't wires connecting the various CPU caches to the other cores. If a core wants to access data in another core's cache, the only data path through which it can do so is the system bus.
A very important related issue is the cache coherency problem. Consider the following: suppose one CPU core has a particular memory location in its cache, and it writes to that memory location. Then, another core reads that memory location. How do you ensure that the second core sees the updated value? That is the cache coherency problem.
The normal solution is the MESI protocol, or a variation on it. Intel uses MESIF.
Quick answers
1) Yes 2)No, but it all may depend on what memory instance/resource you are referring, data may exist in several locations at the same time. 3)Yes.
For a full length explanation of the issue you should read the 9 part article "What every programmer should know about memory" by Ulrich Drepper ( ), you will get the full picture of the issues you seem to be inquiring about in a good and accessible detail.
To answer your first, I know the Core 2 Duo has a 2-tier caching system, in which each processor has its own first-level cache, and they share a second-level cache. This helps with both data synchronization and utilization of memory.
To answer your second question, I believe your assumption to be correct. If the processors were to be able to access each others' cache, there would obviously be less cache misses as there would be more data for the processors to choose from. Consider, however, shared cache. In the case of the Core 2 Duo, having shared cache allows programmers to place commonly used variables safely in this environment so that the processors will not have to access their individual first-level caches.
To answer your third question, there could potentially be a problem with accessing other processors' cache memory, which goes to the "Single Write Multiple Read" principle. We can't allow more than one process to write to the same location in memory at the same time.
For more info on the core 2 duo, read this neat article.
