String comparison precedence in Bash - bash

The following example will compare all files in a directory to input string ($string) and return matching filename. It is not very elegant and efficient way of accomplishing that. For speed purposes I modified for condition to only compare to files that start start with first word of $string.
Problem with this script is following - I have two files in the directory:
Foo Bar.txt
Foo Bar Foo.txt
and I compare them to string "Foo Bar 09.20.2010". This will return both files in that directory, as both files match. But I need to return only the file that matches the string in most exact way - in our example it should be Foo Bar.txt.
Also if you have better ideas how to solve this problem please post your ideas as I am not that proficient in scripting yet and I am sure there are better and maybe even easier ways of doing this.
string="Foo Bar 09.20.2010"
for file in /path/to/directory/$(echo "$string" | awk '{print $1}')*; do
if [[ $(echo "$string" | grep -i "^$filename") ]]; then
echo $result
Here is breakdown what I want to achieve. Two files in directory to match against two strings, Correct/Incorrect in brackets means if result was as I expected/wanted or not.
2 Files In directory (stripped off extensions for matching):
Foo Bar.txt
Foo Bar Foo.txt
To compare against 2 Strings:
Foo Bar Random Additional Text
Foo Bar Foo Random Additional Text
compare "Foo Bar"(.txt) against Foo Bar Random Additional Text -> Match (Correct)
compare "Foo Bar"(.txt) against Foo Bar Foo Random Additional Text -> Match (Incorrect)
compare "Foo Bar Foo"(.txt) against Foo Bar Random Additional Text -> NOT Match (Correct)
compare "Foo Bar Foo"(.txt) against Foo Bar Foo Random Additional Text -> Match (Correct)
Thank you everyone for your answers.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that your script is equivalent to:
ls /path/to/directory/"$string"*
If you only want one file name out of it, you can use head. Since ls lists files alphabetically you'll get the first one in alphabetical order.
(Notice that when ls's output is piped to another program it prints one file name per line, making it easier to process than its normal column-based output.)
ls /path/to/directory/"$string"* | head -1
For the shortest match try something like the following, which uses an awkward combination of awk, sort -n, and cut to order the lines from shortest to longest and then print the first one.
ls /path/to/directory/"$string"* |
awk '{print length($0) "\t" $0}' | sort -n | head -1 | cut -f 2-

A lot of your echo and awk calls are superfluous. To get all the files that begin with your matching, you can simply evaluate "$string"*.
e.g. both
echo "$string"*
ls "$string"*
Will generate your lists. (In a pipe, echo will have them space-separated, and ls will have them newline-separated).
The next step is to realize that given this, as you have defined it, your extra constraint of "most exact match" is equivalent to the shortest matching filename.
To find the shortest string in a set of strings in bash (I'd prefer perl myself, but let's stick with the constraint of doing it in bash):
for fn in "/path/to/$string"*; do
echo $(echo $fn | wc -c) "$fn"
done | sort -n | head -1 | cut -f2- -d' '
The for loop loops over the expanded filenames. The echo prepends the length of the names to the names. We then pipe the entire output of that into sort -n and head -1 to get the shortest name, and cut -f2- -d' ' strips the length off of it (taking the second field on with a space as the field separator).
The key with shell programming is knowing your building blocks, and how to combine them. With clever combinations of sort, head, tail, and cut you can do a lot of pretty sophisticated processing. Throw in sed and uniq and you are already able to do some quite impressive things.
That being said, I usually only use the shell for things like this "on-the-fly" -- for anything that I might want to re-use and that is at all complex I would be much more likely to use perl.


bash for finding line that contains string and including that as part of command

I have a command that will print out three lines:
I would like to include the result of this as part of a command where I search for the line that contains the string "bar" and then include that entire line as part of a command as follows:
vi 1-bar-1
I was wondering what the bash awk and/or grep combination would be for getting this. Thank you.
I had tried the following but I'm getting the entire output. For example, I'd have a file rows.txt with this content:
and then I'd run echo $(cat rows.txt | awk /^1-baz.*$/) and I'd get 1-foo-1 1-bar-1 1-baz-1 as a result when I'm looking for just 1-baz-1. Thank you.
vi $(echo -e "1-foo-1\n1-bar-1\n1-baz-1\n" | grep bar | awk -F'-' '{print $2}')
The above script would equals vi bar
echo -e "1-foo-1\n1-bar-1\n1-baz-1\n" is a demo to mimic your command output.
You update the question... Now your goal becomes:
I'm looking for just 1-baz-1.
Then, the solution would be just
cat rows.txt | grep baz
I search for the line that contains the string "bar":
A naive approach would be to just use
vi $(grep -F bar rows.txt)
However, you have to keep in mind a few things:
If your file contains several lines with bar, say
the editor will open both files. This may or may not what you want.
Another point to consider: If your file contains a line
this would be choosed as well. If you don't want this to happen, use
vi $(grep -Fw bar rows.txt)
The -w option requires that the pattern must be delimited by word boundaries.

How to count the number of files each pattern of a group appears in a file?

I am having problems when trying to count the number of times a specific pattern appears in a file (let's call it B). In this case, I have a file with 30 patterns (let's call it A), and I want to know how many lines contain that pattern.
With only one pattern it is quite simple:
grep "pattern" file | wc -l
But with a file full of them I am not able to figure out how it may work. I already tried this:
grep -f "fileA" "fileB" | wc -l
Nevertheless, it gives me the total times all patterns appear, not each one of them (that's what I desire to get).
Thank you so much.
Count matches per literal string
If you simply want to know how often each pattern appears and each of your pattern is a fixed string (not a regex), use ...
grep -oFf needles.txt haystack.txt | sort | uniq -c
Count matching lines per literal string
Note that above is slightly different from your formulation " I want to know how many lines contain that pattern" as one line can have multiple matches. If you really have to count matching lines per pattern instead of matches per pattern, then things get a little bit trickier:
grep -noFf needles.txt haystack.txt | sort | uniq | cut -d: -f2- | uniq -c
Count matching lines per regex
If the patterns are regexes, you probably have to iterate over the patterns, as grep's output only tells you that (at least) one pattern matched, but not which one.
# this will be very slow if you have many patterns
while IFS= read -r pattern; do
printf '%8d %s\n' "$(grep -ce "$pattern" haystack.txt)" "$pattern"
done < needles.txt
... or use a different tool/language like awk or perl.
Note on overlapping matches
You did not formulate any precise requirements, so I went with the simplest solutions for each case. The first two solutions and the last solution behave differently in case multiple patterns match (part of) the same substring.
grep -f needles.txt matches each substring at most once. Therefore some matches might be "missed" (interpretation of "missed" depends on your requirements)
whereas iterating grep -e pattern1; grep -e pattern2; ... might match the same substring multiple times.

degenerate positions in motifs -bash

I am new to coding and writing a shell script which searches for motifs in protein sequence files and prints their location if present.
But these motifs have degenerate positions.
For example,
A motif can be (psi, psi,x, psi) where psi=(I, L or V) and x can be any of the 20 amino acids.
I would search a set of sequences for the occurrence of this motif. However, my protein sequences are exact sequences, i.e. they have no ambiguity, like:
Would like the search for the all possible exact instances of the motif in the protein sequence which is present in fasta file.
I have a rough code which I know is wrong.
x=(A C G H I L M P S T V D E F K N Q R W Y)
psi=(I L V)
alpha=(D E)
for f in *.fasta ; do
if grep -q "$motif1" <$f ; then
echo $f
grep "^>" $f | tr -d ">"
grep -v ">" $f | grep -aob "$motif1"
Appreciate any help in finding my way.
Thanks in advance!
The shell is an excellent tool for orchestrating other tools, but it's not particularly well suited to analyzing the contents of files.
A common arrangement is to use the shell to run Awk over a set of files, and do the detection logic in Awk instead. (Other popular tools are Python and Perl; I would perhaps tackle this in Python if I were to start from scratch.)
Regardless of the language of your script, you should avoid code duplication; refactor to put parameters in variables and then run the code with those parameters, or perhaps move the functionality to a function and then call it with different parameters. For example,
scan () {
local f
for f in *.fasta; do
# Inefficient: refactor to do the grep only once, then decide whether you want to show the output or not
if grep -q "$1" "$f"; then
# Always, always use double quotes around file names
echo "$f"
grep "^>" "$f" | tr -d ">"
grep -v ">" "$f" | grep -aob "$1"
case $motif in
1) scan "$SIM_Type_1";; # Notice typo in variable name
2) scan "$SIM_Type_2";; # Ditto
3) scan "$SIM_Type_3";; # Ditto
4) scan "$SIM_Type_4";; # Ditto
5) scan "$SIM_TYPE_5";; # Notice inconsistent variable name
alpha) scan "$SIM_Type_alpha";;
beta) scan "$SIM_Type_beta";;
You are declaring the _*Type_* variables (or occasionally *_TYPE_* -- the shell is case sensitive, and you should probably use the same capitalization for all the variables just to make it easier for yourself) as arrays, but then you are apparently attempting to use them as regular scalars. I can only guess as to what you intend for the variables to actually contain; but I'm guessing you want something like
# These are strings which contain regular expressions
# These are strings which contain sequences of the above regexes
# The ${variable} braces are not strictly necessary, but IMHO help legibility
# You had an empty spot here ^ I guessed you want to permit any character?
If you really wanted these to be arrays, the way to access the contents of the array is "${array[#]}" but then that will not produce something we can directly pass to grep or Awk so I went with declaring these as strings containing regular expressions for the motifs.
But to reiterate, Awk is probably a better language for this, so let's refactor scan to be an Awk script.
# This replaces the function definition above
scan () {
awk -v re="$1" '{ if (/^>/) label=$0
else if (idx = match($0, re, result) {
if (! printed) { print FILENAME; printed = 1 }
print len + idx ":" result[0]
len += 1+length($0) # one for the newline
# Reset printed if we skip to a new file
FNR == 1 { printed = 0 }' *.fasta
The main complication here is reimplementing the grep -b byte offset calculation. If that is not strictly necessary (perhaps a line number would suffice?) then the Awk script can be reduced to a somewhat more trivial one.
Your use of grep -a suggests that perhaps your input files contain DOS newlines. I think this will work fine regardless of this.
The immediate benefit of this refactoring is that we avoid scanning the potentially large input file twice. We only scan the file once, and print the file name on the first match.
If you want to make the script more versatile, this is probably also a better starting point than the grep | tr solution you had before. But if the script does what you need, and the matches are often near the beginning of the input file, or the input files are not large, perhaps you don't actually want to switch to Awk after all.
Notice also that like your grep logic, this will not work if a sequence is split over several lines in the FASTA file and the match happens to straddle one of the line breaks.
Finally, making the script prompt for interactive input is a design wart. I would suggest you accept the user choice as a command-line argument instead.
So you'd use this as ./scriptname alpha to run the alpha regex against your FASTA files.
Another possible refactoring would be to read all the motif regexs into a slightly more complex Awk script and print all matches for all of them in a form which then lets you easily pick the ones you actually want to examine in more detail. If you have a lot of data to process, looping over it only once is a huge win.

BASH Palindrome Checker

This is my first time posting on here so bear with me please.
I received a bash assignment but my professor is completely unhelpful and so are his notes.
Our assignment is to filter and print out palindromes from a file. In this case, the directory is:
The word lengths range from 3 to 45 and are supposed to only filter lowercase letters (the dictionary given has characters and uppercases, as well as lowercase letters). i.e. "-dkas-das" so something like "q-evvavve-q" may count as a palindrome but i shouldn't be getting that as a proper result.
Anyways, I can get it to filter out x amount of words and return (not filtering only lowercase though).
grep "^...$" /usr/share/dict/words |
grep "\(.\).\1"
And I can use subsequent lines for 5 letter words and 7 and so on:
grep "^.....$" /usr/share/dict/words |
grep "\(.\)\(.\).\2\1"
But the prof does not want that. We are supposed to use a loop. I get the concept but I don't know the syntax, and like I said, the notes are very unhelpful.
What I tried was setting variables x=... and y=.. and in a while loop, having x=$x$y but that didn't work (syntax error) and neither did x+=..
Any help is appreciated. Even getting my non-lowercase letters filtered out.
If you're providing a solution or a hint to a solution, the simplest method is prefered.
Preferably one that uses 2 grep statements and a loop.
Thanks again.
Like this:
for word in `grep -E '^[a-z]{3,45}$' /usr/share/dict/words`;
do [ $word == `echo $word | rev` ] && echo $word;
Output using my dictionary:
As pointed out in the comments, reading in most of the dictionary into a variable in the for loop might not be the most efficient, and risks triggering errors in some shells. Here's an updated version:
grep -E '^[a-z]{3,45}$' /usr/share/dict/words | while read -r word;
do [ $word == `echo $word | rev` ] && echo $word;
Why use grep? Bash will happily do that for you:
is_pal() {
local w=$1
while (( ${#w} > 1 )); do
[[ ${w:0:1} = ${w: -1} ]] || return 1
while read word; do
is_pal "$word" && echo "$word"
Save this as banana, chmod +x banana and enjoy:
./banana < /usr/share/dict/words
If you only want to keep the words with at least three characters:
grep ... /usr/share/dict/words | ./banana
If you only want to keep the words that only contain lowercase and have at least three letters:
grep '^[[:lower:]]\{3,\}$' /usr/share/dict/words | ./banana
The multiple greps are wasteful. You can simply do
grep -E '^([a-z])[a-z]\1$' /usr/share/dict/words
in one fell swoop, and similarly, put the expressions on grep's standard input like this:
echo '^([a-z])[a-z]\1$
^([a-z])([a-z])[a-z]\2\1$' | grep -E -f - /usr/share/dict/words
However, regular grep does not permit backreferences beyond \9. With grep -P you can use double-digit backreferences, too.
The following script constructs the entire expression in a loop. Unfortunately, grep -P does not allow for the -f option, so we build a big thumpin' variable to hold the pattern. Then we can actually also simplify to a single pattern of the form ^(.)(?:.|(.)(?:.|(.)....\3)?\2?\1$, except we use [a-z] instead of . to restrict to just lowercase.
for i in $(seq 1 22); do
grep -P "^${head%|})?$tail$" /usr/share/dict/words
The single grep should be a lot faster than individually invoking grep 22 or 43 times on the large input file. If you want to sort by length, just add that as a filter at the end of the pipeline; it should still be way faster than multiple passes over the entire dictionary.
The expression ${tail+:)?} evaluates to a closing parenthesis and question mark only when tail is non-empty, which is a convenient way to force the \1 back-reference to be non-optional. Somewhat similarly, ${head%|} trims the final alternation operator from the ultimate value of $head.
Ok here is something to get you started:
I suggest to use the plan you have above, just generate the number of "." using a for loop.
This question will explain how to make a for loop from 3 to 45:
How do I iterate over a range of numbers defined by variables in Bash?
for i in {3..45};
* put your code above here *
Now you just need to figure out how to make "i" number of dots "." in your first grep and you are done.
Also, look into sed, it can nuke the non-lowercase answers for you..
Another solution that uses a Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE) with recursion, heavily inspired by this answer:
grep -P '^(?:([a-z])(?=[a-z]*(\1(?(2)\2))$))++[a-z]?\2?$' /usr/share/dict/words

How to remove duplicate phrases from a document?

Is there a simple way to remove duplicate contents from a large textfile? It would be great to be able to detect duplicate sentences (as separated by "." or even better to find duplicates of sentence fragments (such as 4-word pieces of text).
Removing duplicate words is easy enough, as other people have pointed out. Anything more complicated than that, and you're into Natural Language Processing territory. Bash isn't the best tool for that -- you need a slightly more elegant weapon for a civilized age.
Personally, I recommend Python and it's NLTK (natural language toolkit). Before you dive into that, it's probably worth reading up a little bit on NLP so that you know what you actually need to do. For example, the "4-word pieces of text" are known as 4-grams (n-grams in the generic case) in the literature. The toolkit will help you find those, and more.
Of course, there are probably alternatives to Python/NLTK, but I'm not familiar with any.
Remove duplicate phrases an keeping the original order:
nl -w 8 "$infile" | sort -k2 -u | sort -n | cut -f2
The first stage of the pipeline prepends every line with line number to document the original order. The second stage sorts the original data with the unique switch set.
The third restores the original order (sorting the 1. column). The final cut removes the first column.
You can remove duplicate lines (which have to be exactly equal) with uniq if you sort your textfile first.
$ cat foo.txt
$ sort foo.txt
$ sort foo.txt | uniq
Apart from that, there's no simple way of doing what you want. (How will you even split sentences?)
You can use grep with backreferences.
If you write grep "\([[:alpha:]]*\)[[:space:]]*\1" -o <filename> it will match any two identical words following one another. I.e. if the file content is this is the the test file , it will output the the.
(Explanation [[:alpha:]] matches any character a-z and A-Z, the asterisk * after it means that may appear as many times as it wants, the \(\) is used for grouping to backreference it later, then [[:space:]]* matches any number of spaces and tabs, and finally \1 matches the exact sequence that was found, that was enclosed in \(\)brackets)
Likewise, if you want to match a group of 4 words, that is repeated two times in a row, the expression will look like grep "\(\([[:alpha:]]*[[:space]]*\)\{4\}[[:space:]]*\1" -o <filename> - it will match e.g. a b c d a b c d.
Now we need to add an arbitrary character sequence inbetween matches. In theory this should be done with inserting .* just before backreference, i.e. grep "\(\([[:alpha:]]*[[:space]]*\)\{4\}.*\1" -o <filename>, but this doesn't seem to work for me - it matches just any string and ignores said backreference
The short answer is that there's no easy method. In general any solution needs to first decide how to split the input document into chunks (sentences, sets of 4 words each, etc) and then compare them to find duplicates. If it's important that the ordering of the non-duplicate elements by the same in the output as it was in the input then this only complicates matters further.
The simplest bash-friendly solution would be to split the input into lines based on whatever criteria you choose (e.g. split on each ., although doing this quote-safely is a bit tricky) and then use standard duplicate detection mechanisms (e.g. | uniq -c | sort -n | sed -E -ne '/^[[:space:]]+1/!{s/^[[:space:]]+[0-9]+ //;p;}' and then, for each resulting line, remote the text from the input.
Presuming that you had a file that was properly split into lines per "sentence" then
uniq -c lines_of_input_file | sort -n | sed -E -ne '/^[[:space:]]+1/!{s/^[[:space:]]+[0-9]+ //;p;}' | while IFS= read -r match ; do sed -i '' -e 's/'"$match"'//g' input_file ; done
Might be sufficient. Of course it will break horribly if the $match contains any data which sed interprets as a pattern. Another mechanism should be employed to perform the actual replacement if this is an issue for you.
Note: If you're using GNU sed the -E switch above should be changed to -r
I just created a script in python, that does pretty much what I wanted originally:
import string
import sys
def find_all(a_str, sub):
start = 0
while True:
start = a_str.find(sub, start)
if start == -1: return
yield start
start += len(sub)
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.exit("Usage: some_textfile.txt")
text=text.replace('\n','') # remove newlines
table = string.maketrans("","")
text=text.translate(table, string.punctuation) # remove punctuation characters
text=text.translate(table, string.digits) # remove numbers
text=text.upper() # to uppercase
while text.find(" ")>-1:
text=text.replace(" "," ") # strip double-spaces
spaces=list(find_all(text," ")) # find all spaces
# scan through the whole text in packets of four words
# and check for multiple appearances.
for i in range(0,len(spaces)-4):
if len(duplist)>0:
print len(duplist),': ',searchfor
BTW: I'm a python newbie, so any hints on better python practise are welcome!
