I'm using the method outlined in this question to automate the database deploy with Hudson. When I deploy the project from within Visual Studio, everything works fine and it updates the target database. When it runs in Hudson, I get this warning: "Deploy warning TSD01266: The source's object [DBName] is different than the target's version of the object but the target object will not be updated."
Has anyone else run into this?
Is it in both cases the same database? Can you run the commands from command line with the Hudson user?
I am new aspirant of DevOps and working on Oracle ci/cd using Jenkins. What I am looking for is, can I able to execute and deploy only recently changed SQL files using Jenkins CI/CD pipeline?
I have found similar blogs but not appropriate one. My task is to execute only recently changed or newly added SQL files (assume there are no dependencies) using jenkins pipeline.
For executing SQL files I am using flyway free edition and gitlab as SCM.
One of my idea is:
To check-in only recently commited files to Jenkins custom workspace and execute only that particular workspace.
Say for example,in current build if I change 4 files in gitlab, only these files need to be dumped on Jenkins custom workspace and my job should execute only those 4 files and for next build if I change only 2 files it should remove old files and new 2 files should be dumped and executed in that custom workspace.
Is this possible? I am not sure about it. If not this way, is there any other chances that can work for my current scenario?
I am trying to dump files to workspace so that I can able to copy these files from custom workspace to flyway and then flyway will execute them.
Current challenges are:
-To dump only recently changed files to my custom workspace
-To execute only that particular custom workspace (not main workspace)
I am not sure whether I posted it in understandable way😅, if my idea seems to be complex please provide any other related optimal solutions
Thanks in advance
During build msbuild creates deployment packages for several my web projects (and wcf services) which I want to run from command line (as last step of automated build process) to deploy to several different servers.
The structure of IIS application folders is the same on each one.
My problem is that I cannot find how to configure (override default value of IIS application). It is in .SetParameters.xml, like:
which is not what I want.
I read that it is possible to create parameters.xml in the project and put there something like:
or some say
I'm trying this but it does not change content of .SetParameters.xml
Can you advice what am I missing, or/and alternative way to do this.
If you want to deploy the web application package manually—either by running the .deploy.cmd file or by running MSDeploy.exe from the command line—there's nothing to stop you manually editing the SetParameters.xml file prior to the deployment. However, if you’re working on an enterprise-scale solution, you may need to deploy a web application package as part of a larger, automated build and deployment process. In this scenario, you need the Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) to modify the SetParameters.xml file for you. You can do this by using the MSBuild XmlPoke task.
For more information, please refer to: https://www.asp.net/web-forms/overview/deployment/web-deployment-in-the-enterprise/configuring-parameters-for-web-package-deployment
I've got a phonegap project that is getting built via Jenkins via the Xcode plugin. After the project is built, I'm using the TestFlight plugin to upload it there. Everything works great.
Now, I need to add two more versions of this for our different environments so I'll have a Dev and Test version (and also Prod, but not to TestFlight).
In order to do this, I need to change the name of the application so both Dev and Test show up in TestFlight, MyProgram-Dev, and MyProgram-Test. Then the production version would just be MyProgram.
In the xcode section on Jenkins, there's a "custom xcodebuild arguments" field that can be filled out, which I'm assuming is where I need to make my changes. I want to do this at build time because I don't want the program name to change when merging Dev into Test, etc.
I've done alot of googling and can't find any example command line parameters for the xcode build process. Is it the CFBundle that I need to be changing? What is the name of the parameter to change?
Edit: So I was able to change the production name via 'PRODUCT_NAME=MyProject-Test', but that produced the following error:
The following build commands failed:
Ld /Users/buildaccount/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-cpvmaiwadviebmbhkdggxpzejddf/Build/Intermediates/MyProject.build/Release-iphoneos/MyProject.build/Objects-normal/armv7/MyProject-Test normal armv7
Wow, that took alot of googling and testing.
Here's what was the eventual fix for my scenario. It was a combination of this post/answer, as well as this one.
For a sql script file in a database project, is there anything to be gained by using a Build Action of Build or Compile? I usually just use None, but wonder if Build or Compile do anything for a sql script e.g. perhaps some sort of additional syntax checking?
(We use our own custom deployment for scripts, so deployment options are not required.)
When performing a schema compare, only .sql files with their build action set to Build are included.
If you are building the project, creating a dacpac and then using sqlpackage.exe to deploy the dacpac to the server. Then setting the build action to none on a script will ensure that the script is not included in the update to the server. It give you8 a way to control what updates are carried out thru this tooling.
Nope, there is nothing to compile, just use None...
I'm having an issue with TeamCity, which relates to the fact that it runs the source control step before it runs the build steps. My project is a windows service, so there are complications with this.
TeamCity often decides to delete the entire contents of the project directory, even though I have the clean build option unchecked. However, since this is a windows service this does not fly, as when trying to delete the dll's it errors out since they're in use:
Error while applying patch: Failed to delete: F:\PathToService\bin\Release\Library.dll
The most frustrating part is that the dll's aren't even under source control, TeamCity seems to have a mind of its own and decides to delete them anyway.
Is there a way to get around this, to be able to run a build step BEFORE doing the svn checkout so that I can stop the windows service first?
I would try to set up your CI environment so it uninstalls the windows service once you are done testing it. I am not aware of Teamcity pre-checkout hook.
The answer was to split up each service into a separate working directory. That prevents teamcity from deleting the dll's.