Jenkins Xcode build arguments to change the application name - xcode

I've got a phonegap project that is getting built via Jenkins via the Xcode plugin. After the project is built, I'm using the TestFlight plugin to upload it there. Everything works great.
Now, I need to add two more versions of this for our different environments so I'll have a Dev and Test version (and also Prod, but not to TestFlight).
In order to do this, I need to change the name of the application so both Dev and Test show up in TestFlight, MyProgram-Dev, and MyProgram-Test. Then the production version would just be MyProgram.
In the xcode section on Jenkins, there's a "custom xcodebuild arguments" field that can be filled out, which I'm assuming is where I need to make my changes. I want to do this at build time because I don't want the program name to change when merging Dev into Test, etc.
I've done alot of googling and can't find any example command line parameters for the xcode build process. Is it the CFBundle that I need to be changing? What is the name of the parameter to change?
Edit: So I was able to change the production name via 'PRODUCT_NAME=MyProject-Test', but that produced the following error:
The following build commands failed:
Ld /Users/buildaccount/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-cpvmaiwadviebmbhkdggxpzejddf/Build/Intermediates/ normal armv7

Wow, that took alot of googling and testing.
Here's what was the eventual fix for my scenario. It was a combination of this post/answer, as well as this one.


Building a Xamarin app using a Dev-Ops pipeline, build completes, publish fails,

I have the following configured Azure DevOps pipeline which is building the Windows version of the Xamarin App, was going to try and get that one working first and the build works, but I'm getting an error in the publish, path not found, the 2 paths look fine but I guess this is down to me not building one of these before.
Build step which works fine
Publish artifact step which fails
The error that I get is as follows
Still trying to work out what I have got wrong, so I will keep going at it but if anyone
has any hints would be greatly apprecaited.
This thread as posted by Hongxin Sui was the solution for me, this is the thread.
Publishing build artifacts failed with an error: Not found PathtoPublish: D:\a\1\s\$(buildStagingDirectory)
However, what I did need to do was create a new YAML pipeline and I copied all the working steps in from the previous classic pipeline, I used the "Copy YAML" functionality and then I used the different Task as stated in that thread. Just make sure you change the case of the "Build" and "ArtifactStaging.." variable names as they need to be lower case not upper case.

Automatic version management using agvtool

Xcode 11 has changed the way that versions are handled.
So far I had two targets, Dev & Prod, each with a separate versions. Prod version would be entirely manual, Dev would be automated:
During a build, a script would run, which then would fetch git tags. One tag would contain information about the latest Dev version. If it's newer, it would update version inside Info.plist just for the Dev target
When Dev would be deployed using a script (create an ipa, resign for in-house distribution, upload), the build version would then be increased. Remote tag containing version information would then be updated
In this way everyone's dev version would get automatically synchronized and managing multiple dev builds would be be easy. Prod would be updated relatively infrequently so it can be managed manually.
However, in Xcode 11 whenver version (or build) is updated inside the General tab, entries in Info.plist are replaced with $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) and $(MARKETING_VERSION) and Current Project Version and Marketing Version inside the build settings tab is used instead.
So far I would use PlistBuddy in order to read and update versions inside Info.plist, but from what understand now I'd have to use agvtool. However, there are two issues with it:
If it's ran as a Run Script phase, it causes the build process to cancel
It is unable to handle separate versions for two targets (so I cannot just automatically manage Dev, while leaving Prod alone)
I know that theoretically I can still use Info.plist for versioning, but the moment someone changes version manually in the General tab, the whole thing will get messed up (from experience I know that this will happen).
I have two questions:
Is my understanding of the process correct?
Can still have a version management system using agvtool similar to what I had before?

Checked Out New Project in XCode 6.1 but XCTest and other libraries are missing

Today I checked out a new copy of stable project from gitHub to my home computer using Xcode 6.1. After doing so, I see that many of the frameworks and libraries, including XCTest, are missing (shown in red). I have added Framework and Header Search Paths, but they are still not found.
To make things stranger, I can build the project to a simulator or device, but when I try to run an individual test, I get clang or missing file error for the libraries/frameworks shown in red.
As it turns out, the reason for my errors was that I had not run "Build for Testing" before trying to run the individual Unit Tests. As such, the proper library dependencies had not been generated.

TeamCity Dependency not sticking around

I'm sure this is a dumb mistake on my part but I can't find the right answer.
I have a project that has a snapshot dependency on another project. For sake of discussion website is dependent on toolkit.
Monitoring the build folder:
I see the toolkit get built and the folders all exist as expected:
Then the website build kicks off and the folder above gets deleted before the website build starts.
This results in the website saying the reference couldn't be found. What setting am I missing?
Using TeamCity 7.1.2, working on getting it upgraded to 8.1 but it requires some internal evaluation first.
Don't think its a version issue. How do both of your builds know where to put the artefacts at . For ex teamcity normally builds stuff at c:\programs\teamcity\buildagent\work****\toolkit , not at c:\programs\teamcity\buildagent\work\toolkit ?
Also, if your targets are dependent upon each other across builds, (1) have you setup any artefact dependencies or (2) any process that does not read of a shared agent workspace ? or (3) forcing both builds to run from the same directory
See if both your builds are running on the same target "folder name". In case they are , deselect any option that "cleans up build targets" before they run.
Also, you might want to check your build files to see if they have any code to clean directories before they start to run

Run TeamCity Build Step on a specific Agent

I've got TeamCity installed and working, and I need to have a build step run on a particular build agent (everything's running on Windows, but we have a Mac portion I need to build as well).
How do I tell the build step what agent I want it to run on? I've seen this, but that references an entire build; I just want a particular step to run on a given agent.
Is this even possible?
From what I am aware of, it is not possible. You may want a separate build configuration to build for mac.
Sharma is somewhat correct, and KIR has it completely correct.
I needed a build configuration for each server, Mac and Windows. Then I set a snapshot dependency from the Windows build on the Mac build (to make sure the Mac version builds completely first) and a artifact dependency from the same (to copy the resulting build output from the Mac to the Windows box). Then I modified the build process on the Windows box to include the artifacts, and voila, works like a charm.
