Ajax driven timeline-style blog (in Drupal) - ajax

I have created a blog in drupal using CCK and taxonomy.
I wish to display my posts in a timeline, according to the posted date (using views).
So far I have created a listing of the post titles on a timeline.
I now want to display the posts using ajax, wherein clicking on a post title will load the content of that node on the same page. Going ahead I'll add each fetched node into a ul tag and thus create a carousel kind of display of all fetched posts so far.
Whats the best way of achieving this, considering that I have enough knowledge to create a custom module.
Here's where I got my idea from.

Try the aptly named http://drupal.org/project/timeline project. I used it long time ago... its a nifty module and you can visualize your various posts on a scrollable timeline. Posts that are frequent will be together and posts that are apart (in time) will be apart -- its all scaled accurately. It has integration with views, of course.
I'm not sure about whether it will meet your exact requirements. Check out an example here:


LocomotiveCMS, ajax and pagination

I'm using LocomotiveCMS on a project and I have some doubts on what's the best approach when dealing with ajax requests to the same site.
I have a Content Type for a model called reviews. There can be plenty of review entries, so I'd like to show 20 per time, then allow fetching other 20s by hitting a button (like a 'load more' button).
What is the best approach for this? I was thinking on making a custom API controller in order to do that. It would have to find the right type of content entries based on the content type for reviews. Then add some regular javascript that hits that controller and add the new set of reviews based on a mustache template. Does it make sense or is there something that LocomotiveCMS has in order to accomplish such type of tasks?
I got an answer from the LocomotiveCMS google group. Basically somebody suggested to create a liquid template that looks like a json. For the full answer go to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/locomotivecms/vJKDtl81v7E/IEwOR9hhLjMJ

Joomla 3 Article alternative layout

I've created an alternative layout for one of my articles which can be applied successfully, but as has been highlighted in various forums: if you view the article using the Single Article menu type the alternative layout doesn't get applied because of an XML override.
I have a Joomla site that is setup for Sales and Support where the article info such as date, hits etc is useful but on the marketing side none of that is needed, hence an alternative layout would work well.
I want to know how to enable my alternative layout using the Single Article menu type - I've already got the layout how I want it (testing it by having it overwrite default.php) but want to set it up as marketing.php instead and only have it applied to what is needed.
You're probably not going to like this answer because you have already written you're alternate view. If you were rewriting it to begin with, why would you not write in a way that the side bar parameters (date, hits, ect) are within a container that is only loaded conditionally. This way you would only have one view to worry about and a lot less headaches.

Wordpress NextGen Slider in Post

I am configuring an image slider for a wordpress page's individual blog posts. Wanted to do this quickly so looked at incorporating the NextGen slider, but it seems like it is more geared towards putting images on wordpress 'pages' rather than wordpress 'posts'.
I want to create individual posts, each with a different NextGen slider. Whats the best way to organize this using the wordpress framework?
Currently, my slider lives at 'mysite.com/slider'. Can I set up NextGen so that different galleries point to 'mysite.com/post1', 'mysite.com/post2', etc.? If not, is there another way that you have found to perform this task?
Thank you.
Use the following shortcode in the body of your post.
[slideshow id,width,height]
Where the variable names have the intuitive meaning. You have to go to the plugin settings to retrieve the slideshow ids. This also means you can have different slideshows for different posts.
Building on Srijans answer, but the correct syntax is [nggallery id=x] , where 'x' equals the id of your gallery. Insert this shortcode the body of your post and go from there.

Drupal 7 - Views, loaded by Ajax

Two years ago I made a website to learn Flash, but these days Flash is loosing it's popularity. (the website never went online, was just for testing) Now I want to try making this test website with Drupal + Ajax...
Take a look at the Flash website
I have a collection of handbags, with different types and sizes. So I use taxonomy for that. (content type: handbag, with taxonomy terms "type" and "size" - small, medium and large)
The visitor should choose a type in the navigation. (Silver Medallion or Silver Jewel) Then he sees a page (made with views) that shows all available sizes. (The type 'Jewel' doesn't have sizes, so this type should show all bags.)
After the visitor clicks a size, he sees all available items of that type and size. With views, this is quite simple... But now I want to do this with Ajax, so the page doesn't have to reload... I also want the path to change, so people can add a page to the favortites.
I found an answer that helped me a bit further, but I have no idea where to put the code...
Code that helped me out... a bit
I think you need to create a custom module to create the view and add the configuration in setting file, then create a js file and add to drupal project.
Take a look at this. It seems to provide what you want: http://drupal.org/project/quicktabs/

Joomla: display of articles using RAXO All-mode PRO and JXtended labels

I'm currently working on a site that uses the 'RAXO All-mode PRO' module to display a list of articles on the home page, and the 'JXtended labels' component to display pages containing a list of articles associated with given labels. The front-end functionality in both is very similar - get a list of articles and display them.
Ideally, I'd like both lists to display articles in the same format. However, since each component/module has its own way of fetching the data, and its own template, they're currently inconsistent. What's the best way of going about resolving this?
I can envisage a common bit of code (a module? plugin? component?) that deals with the display of a list of articles, and has its own template for that purpose. I guess I'd then need to hack the existing module and component to hand over to this common piece. There's also the question of getting the same set of data - e.g. RAXO All-mode PRO currently gets an article's category; JXtended labels doesn't.
Has anyone come across this issue before?
The issue of the modules pulling different data sets can only be remedied by hacking the core to get the data that is missing.
Everything else can be accomplished by a simple override. You can modify the module template files then save the new version in JOOMLA/templates/YOUR TEMPLATE/html/MODULE NAME/default.php. You can make the override files match pretty much exactly so the display will be consistent across both modules.
