LocomotiveCMS, ajax and pagination - ruby

I'm using LocomotiveCMS on a project and I have some doubts on what's the best approach when dealing with ajax requests to the same site.
I have a Content Type for a model called reviews. There can be plenty of review entries, so I'd like to show 20 per time, then allow fetching other 20s by hitting a button (like a 'load more' button).
What is the best approach for this? I was thinking on making a custom API controller in order to do that. It would have to find the right type of content entries based on the content type for reviews. Then add some regular javascript that hits that controller and add the new set of reviews based on a mustache template. Does it make sense or is there something that LocomotiveCMS has in order to accomplish such type of tasks?
I got an answer from the LocomotiveCMS google group. Basically somebody suggested to create a liquid template that looks like a json. For the full answer go to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/locomotivecms/vJKDtl81v7E/IEwOR9hhLjMJ


Laravel - open popup/modal for each post from list

I have a page with a list of blog posts.
What would be the best way to open the post content on the same page in a modal, without redirecting to the single post page?
What I thought it's to make it in vanilla JS, to have an event on each post, have the data for all the posts in some array or each inside an attribute and when the event is triggered, fill the data for that post in the modal and show it. Maybe I can use AlpineJS for this.
Seems rudimentary to have it in vanilla, is there a better way to do it?
I also thought about Livewire, but I'm afraid it will be slow, have looked on some videos on YT, and when the button was clicked, it was visible when the data was filling in, looked slow.
Have thought also to make API calls, but I'd have to make the authentication work on that specific route, which would complicate it too much I guess, since it's going to be used just for this page.
What are your thoughts, how would you do it?
All your suggestions would work. Just depends on what you prefer and are able to implement. Also, think around opening the Post content in a modal, how much data do you want to load in the modal? Such questions will assist in you deciding the best way to design the post page.

How to load a specific number of records per page and add an more button

On my page I would like to output all records of a specific folder
but the number should initially be limited to a certain quantity (to reduce the loading times). With a "Load more" button further records should be loaded.
Does anyone have a hint on how I can achieve this?
I have already found several approaches on the web in connection with AJAX, but since I'm not familiar with this yet, more questions than answers have emerged ...
For info: I use an own Template Extension / Distribution under Typo3 9.5.8
Thank you in advance for any help!!
The state of the art solution is the AJAX solution, where you load only the required records from the server and modify the page on the fly.
Another option would be an URL parameter which is evaluated by your extension.
With the parameter the full list is shown,
without only the first N and a button with the link to the same URL including the parameter for the full list.
Make sure the paramter is handled correctly and generates another cached version of the page. (keywords: cHash)
As you now have two pages with partially identical content: don't forget to tell the searchengines that the short variant should not be indexed.
You could use the Paginate Widget like documented here: https://docs.typo3.org/other/typo3/view-helper-reference/9.5/en-us/typo3/fluid/latest/Widget/Paginate.html
By overriding the paginate template file and only rendering the pagination.nextPage link, you could load the nextpage via AJAX.

Setting Mailchimp campaign content html not working

I tried to update my campaign html content using mailchimp api:
You can find more information about this api here: https://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/reference/campaigns/content/#
Before sending a campaign, I tried to get campaign content html, modified it and then set campaign content html using above api. I just simply use BeautifulSoup to append a new tag to content body:
content.body.append(BeautifulSoup('<p>Mailchimp is freaking shittttt</p>'))
Then, some interesting things happen, the first campaign I created, it works fine, the tag added appears in my email. But, then the sub-sequence campaigns not working anymore, the tag added not appearing.
I observed something strange on my mailchimp campaign site, even though I set campaign html content, only Plain-Text Email gets changed (HTML Source still the old version) for both working and not working campaign.
Anyone got this issue before?
I had a similar issue and I had to take a slightly different approach to solve it. According to this answer by Joel H., "MailChimp doesn't allow updating the campaign's HTML content because the campaign type is based on a template. In order to update the HTML content, the campaign has to be set to custom HTML instead of a template."
That solution didn't suit me but it led me to another solution: creating a template, creating editable content areas within that template, and then using the API to retrieve and edit the text in those content areas.
Here is an attempt at adapting my code to solve your problem. I'm using Python 3 and the mailchimp3 client.
default_footer_content = client.templates.default_content.all(template_id=TEMPLATE_ID)['sections']['SECTION_NAME']
new_footer_content = default_footer_content.replace(PLACEHOLDER, 'Mailchimp is freaking shittttt')
client.campaigns.content.update(campaign_id=CAMPAIGN_ID, data={'template': {'id': TEMPLATE_ID, 'sections': {'SECTION_NAME': new_footer_contennt}}})
Some pointers on the above code:
You can find TEMPLATE_ID with the API or simply by copying the numbers at the end of the URL when editing the template in the web interface
You define SECTION_NAME by placing 'mc:edit="SECTION NAME"' in the appropriate place in the template
I've used .replace() rather than .append() so you will need to put PLACEHOLDER or similar at the appropriate place in the template
I hope that helps, happy to modify my answer if it needs more clarification. This is my first answer on Stack Overflow so constructive criticism appreciated :)

Retrieve the content of a section via MediaWiki API

I have a MediaWiki page set up in my company's intranet.
I would like to get the content of a section in a specific page using MediaWiki API (through AJAX).
I would like to refer to the section by its title like 'General' and refer to the page by its title as well, like 'Licenses'.
Is it possible somehow?
The only thing I could achieve is referring to the page by its title and refer to the section by a number like this:
But let's say I create a new section before 'General' I would have to update all my AJAX URLs that queries this page. So this isn't good enough.
I couldn't find any working solution for this. Any ideas?
You can do this by first retrieving prop=sections to get the list of sections and their numbers:
Then make your original request, with the section number you figured out based on the previous request.
Keep in mind that two different sections can have the same name.

Ajax driven timeline-style blog (in Drupal)

I have created a blog in drupal using CCK and taxonomy.
I wish to display my posts in a timeline, according to the posted date (using views).
So far I have created a listing of the post titles on a timeline.
I now want to display the posts using ajax, wherein clicking on a post title will load the content of that node on the same page. Going ahead I'll add each fetched node into a ul tag and thus create a carousel kind of display of all fetched posts so far.
Whats the best way of achieving this, considering that I have enough knowledge to create a custom module.
Here's where I got my idea from.
Try the aptly named http://drupal.org/project/timeline project. I used it long time ago... its a nifty module and you can visualize your various posts on a scrollable timeline. Posts that are frequent will be together and posts that are apart (in time) will be apart -- its all scaled accurately. It has integration with views, of course.
I'm not sure about whether it will meet your exact requirements. Check out an example here:
