sms to map location - sms

does anyone know how to extract the location data from a sms? So someone's location could be marked on Google maps.
Basically they'd text a Google voice number: 'team 1: message'. Then it would email the server with the message and it would pull the lat and long from the sms.
All the info I could get was, It's done using Drupal, the Mailsave and GMap modules, some custom code to extract the lat/lon data from the message, and AQL's SMS to email service.

There is no location data included with standard SMS. This would be a huge privacy problem. You might be able to look up a location for where the number is based, but not live location.

Basically a way to do this without cold fusion and twilio?
Or are there any tags you can include with a text to send the towers location?


I want to use Image tracker in my Emails to track recipients who opened the mail or not. I use mail merge on outlook, so how can I put tracking image?

We do multiple email marketing activities to numerous recipients every day. Thus, I was looking forward to track how many recipients have opened my email. My development team has given me an API, through which I can generate unique image links for all the recipients and send them through mail merge field. Currently, when I am sending emails to recipients with unique image links, the image is rendering in the email content but I don't get any insight in my backend API.
Usually, I use Mail Merge on Word to run the campaigns. And I use Microsoft Outlook as email operator.
I tried to add the image in my mail content through the "IncludeImage" command on word and in the file URL I called the merge field from the connected datasheet. But when I am running the campaigns the image is appearing but I am not getting any tracking in my backend database.

Logic Apps Email Trigger - Get original Alias

Found a very similar question here: Email aliases not returned as "To" address in logic app
TLDR: From within a logic app "When a new email arrives" trigger, How do I get the original alias that the email was sent to?
I have a logic app that creates a ticket based off an email sent to an outlook box. Now I want to be able to choose aspects of the ticket based off of whether or not the email was sent to the mailbox itself or an alias of the mailbox. The problem I'm having is that by the time logic apps gets a hold of the email, the alias address has already been replaced with the actual box's address ("" -> "").
The actual mail in the inbox has the original email's alias information in the headers, but I can only get them by looking at the properties in outlook. I've tried to get the original "To" internetheader information both within logic apps (by exporting the email to blob storage and looking at headers there) and with the Microsoft Graph API. Sadly, the email exported by logic apps doesn't have the alias information and Graph API has pretty much every header but "To". At least one other person has lamented the lack of To
That said, the actual email still has the original alias information. Can someone help me get that information in logic apps without jumping through too many hoops? A many hoop solution is welcome if none other can be found though.
Use the Export email (V2) action from the Office 365 Outlook connector. This will give you the full message with original headers (including the actual To address)!
The flow here is, trigger on the incoming email, as you already are, then add the export email action providing the message id from that trigger to pull this specific email.
From there, you you'll have one big "body" property which you'll need to interrogate to find the To address.
Caveat on this though, it doesn't work when emails are sent between mailboxes in the same Office 365 tenant. Exchange Online will "helpfully" go, "I know that address... this is the address you wanted!"
What API are you using? In Outlook Object Model / MAPI / EWS, you need to retrieve the PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS MAPI property (DASL name
We arrived at a many hoop solution.
The "Primary" email box now has some rules that look at the internet headers mentioned above (Message -> Properties -> look for 'To:').
If it finds an alias there, it will put the email in a corresponding folder for each alias.
Then we have logic apps listening to each of the alias folders which will then send the email's information to the _Core logic app that does the actual processing.

Mobile Value Added Services with SMS

I'm new comer in mobile value added service field. I searched & read other company's presentation for mobile value added service with sms platform. But I can't find the right way. I don't know where to start, which platform or server should use for it. I will explain road map first. I will provide content with sms. If you wanna get the contents from me, you need to subscribe first. Then, I will sent contents to all subscribed numbers daily. Then, I will charge for content daily. Please help me which platform or server should I use?
You can use a short code for that, in which country are you in?

HTML Emails wIth Images - getting weird results in gmail

I am sending a multipart email through codeigniter using Amazon simple email service SMTP. I am providing a plain text version of the email along with the HTML version and google show the following [image: ][image:][image:} on all the emails. Is there any way to get around this? I have seen this in any email I have received from another company so I figure I am doing something wrong. Any ideas?
To be clear the first few elements in the email are images, however this is no different than I have seen in many emails I receive as newsletters from other companies.
Let me know if you would like more detail, I don't really know were to keep for this one as any search or debugging has made any changes.

What on earth is this serial-number google is sending me?

I am using the google checkout api to process orders in an online store that i am building.
i ran into an issue today that i cannot move past! oi i am getting such a huge headache from this! So here is the problem:
when i send google an xml-based order, they send me back a grip of information that looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<checkout-redirect xmlns=""
I have been able to use this in the past, and i have just passed in <merchant-private-data> tags in my order request to specify unique orders. i just use the redirect-url above to send them to a page where they complete their order, and google sends me a notification with a serial-number. I pass back the serial-number along with my merchant_id and merchant_key and they send me back a bunch of xml with my order data.
I have already gotten my application working like this. the problem is that now i am trying to make my application so that you can plug in your google merchant id and key and my application will handle the order processing for you. the problem here is that when they send me the serial number in the notification, I don't know which merchant-key or merchant-id to send back to them. And now we have come full-circle to the basis of my question, which is this:
what is this serial-number that google is sending me??? it is definitely not the serial number that the notification api is sending me (unless i have to decode somehow?). Google gives no explanation in their documentation about this and all of the other questions regarding it can be answered by simply using merchant-private-data tags.
Please somebody! some wizard out there! Please help me!!!
The serial number is only relevant to a specific merchant - based on your post, you can equate this to a "specific callback api url" (in serial number notification).
If/when you ask a merchant to give you their mid/key, you'll have to provide them (merchant) the (unique) url they have to provide to Google.
So the "relationship" will be "mid/key/callback api url".
