HTML Emails wIth Images - getting weird results in gmail - codeigniter

I am sending a multipart email through codeigniter using Amazon simple email service SMTP. I am providing a plain text version of the email along with the HTML version and google show the following [image: ][image:][image:} on all the emails. Is there any way to get around this? I have seen this in any email I have received from another company so I figure I am doing something wrong. Any ideas?
To be clear the first few elements in the email are images, however this is no different than I have seen in many emails I receive as newsletters from other companies.
Let me know if you would like more detail, I don't really know were to keep for this one as any search or debugging has made any changes.


I want to use Image tracker in my Emails to track recipients who opened the mail or not. I use mail merge on outlook, so how can I put tracking image?

We do multiple email marketing activities to numerous recipients every day. Thus, I was looking forward to track how many recipients have opened my email. My development team has given me an API, through which I can generate unique image links for all the recipients and send them through mail merge field. Currently, when I am sending emails to recipients with unique image links, the image is rendering in the email content but I don't get any insight in my backend API.
Usually, I use Mail Merge on Word to run the campaigns. And I use Microsoft Outlook as email operator.
I tried to add the image in my mail content through the "IncludeImage" command on word and in the file URL I called the merge field from the connected datasheet. But when I am running the campaigns the image is appearing but I am not getting any tracking in my backend database.

Receiving emails in Ruby

I'm working with actionmailer. I'm trying to send a mail from email_idA to email_idB, then fetch that email from email_idB, and do some string operations on it to look for specific keywords.
I understood how to send the email. But how do I receive that email from email_idB's inbox? What configurations do I need to do? And how do I extract the email body as plain text?
Did you mean fetch or receive ? Your question uses both these terms and not sure what you mean.
If you just want to do a keyword search on the mails you sent, why not store the outgoing mail in DB and do the search ? (as you said "somehow fetch that email")
To be able to receive emails in your rails app, you would need to implement the receive method in your mailer. Follow this link - link
If you meant fetching emails from your inbox then you have to use POP3. Follow this SO answer - link
Im not sure whats your requirement but I'm sure you will find the above links useful :)


I m using personalized mailer library in Codeigniter for sending emails to customers, mails are going perfectly but how can i get bounced email list. Please help me how to do this...Thanks
Unfortunately servers are not required to send a rejected email request. And those that do, have no standard way of doing so. The gmails and hotmails might, but you cant rely on a response.
If you think about it, it would be a great security concern if that were allowed as you could check for all valid emails at a domain.

Photo uploading via email

I'd like to be able to upload photos via email, which I've seen (and used) on and but I haven't been able to work out how to do this, does anyone have a solution?
Essentially I believe the process should be something like this:
1) user adds picture to email on mobile device then send to a specific email address, say ''
2) email server, cron job or something else looks at the senders address and tells it to add the attachement to that account
3) photo shows up on users profile page
I run Apache servers, with MySQL, PHP, and a JQuery framework. I have email servers running Courier, and I missing anything?
The simplest way to do this is to make a cron job that checks the email account using POP, and parses and process any incoming emails.
To read the image attachments, you'll need a MIME parser.
For more specific advice, please tell us what language you're trying to write the script in.
Here is a PHP POP client.

Contact-Me from webpage without using email client

help out a noob with a simple web development question??
I want to create a Contact-Me form on my website, but I'd like it to not go through the email client that's installed on the user's machine, in case they're at a public terminal. I don't mind if the email comes from "me" to "me", as long as nobody can use it to spam me! Is there a way to get it to safely use the SMTP server it uses when I myself send an email? (This is a Yahoo-hosted website, and I have a Yahoo email account associated with it.)
Sure. You want a simple contact form that posts to some .php/.asp/.whatever script. That script should be able to use the SMTP server from your host (Yahoo!). You may end up sending from a different email than your personal one, but just look up the info for your host.
I Googled "yahoo hosting send email" and the first result looks very relevant:
As for wanting to stop spam from coming in through the form, just implement a captcha. I'd recommend using reCAPTCHA - it's free and has sample code that you can basically just plug in.
