Showing Password Prompt Only Once - How to? - cocoa

I'm building an Cocoa application that modifies a file on the user's operating system which requires admin permission. I have a proof of concept working which uses authopen but it doesn't deliver the UX experience I am hoping to achieve. Every time the file is modified it prompts the user to enter their password. Is there a way to have permissions granted to the application for the duration of its life?
Application asks user for password once ever, going forth application does not prompt for password.
Next Best:
Application asks user for password once at application launch, going forth application does not prompt for password until application restart.
I'm aware of Authorization Services and the possibility of creating a Daemon which deals specifically with modifying privileged files, what I'm curious about is if either of my listed goals are even possible before diving too deep into another system.
Really appreciate any suggestions, critiques or helpful links.

Yes, using Authorization Services is the way forward. You get an AuthorizationRef in your application via AuthorizationCopyRights() (which shows the UI if needed), and pass this to your helper (by packaging it up into an external form) which verifies that it actually got the necessary right before performing the privileged task. Authorization Services is able to register rights in the /etc/authorization database, so if you choose a custom right you can choose the default settings for who is allowed to acquire it, what timeout or other conditions exist and so on.
To deploy your privileged helper tool, you should use the Service Management framework, in particular SMJobBless() which verifies that the code signing identities on your client and helper match before deploying the helper as a launchd job. Then your helper can be initiated on demand by the main application.
Feel free to ask if you want clarification on any step in the answer, however I already wrote about both of these aspects of privilege separation in my book Professional Cocoa Application Security so feel free to buy a copy or two ;-).


Is there a way to have 2 Factor Authentication on a specific application running on windows?

I am trying to set up a 2FA system for a third party application. When a user clicks on this application's icon and it starts, it will ask for a PIN, which the user will have to input before being allowed to start the application. I've attached a workflow chart to illustrate.
I'm wondering if there's a way to to do this with any existing 2FA solutions (Authy/WinAuth etc.). If not, what is the best approach to creating an application like this?
Strictly speaking, it is not 2FA as it will only ask for one factor.
In general, if the app itself does not have it, then it will not be possible the way your workflow illustrates. What can be done is the following: you host the app on a different machine, and access to that machine is secured with 2FA (not only the PIN/OTP but also a username+password pair). Citrix XenApp or similar platform can do that.

Connect and make changes to Active Directory - Using vbscript, windows service or javascript?

I'm trying to connect to Active Directory to look for a specific user, edit that user's properties and save the changes. Seems like a simple task, but I'm having a hard time putting this thing together.
I've tried using VBscript, and allthough it seems it can be done, I have to add the administrator username and password in clear text. Which is NOT a good idea. The script is also triggered from regular users which have no access to Active Directory. So the initial script needs to fire a second script that is run as domain admin.
Someone gave me a tip though. Create a web page or a windows service that the script can call. And that service or webpage connects to AD and makes the actual changes. I guess a windows service would be the cleanest way of doing this.
But I only have Visual Studio Express and it seems I cannot create a windows service with that. The initial script needs to be vbscript, because it's being run from a software where only vbscript is supported.
So what would be the ideal solution here? Would it be possible for the first vbscript to collect the data it needs, pass those as arguments to a second vbscript that makes the actual changes? A vbscript would be easier to maintain, if I need to update more user properties than those I need right now.
We do use Sharepoint as well. Perhaps I could create a webpart that uses javascript to collect the data passed from the initial vbscript and connect to AD that way? Just brainstorming here to find the most appropriate solution :)
The fact that you need to have the administrator's username and password in the script should point out to you that what you're asking for is security through obscurity. Somewhere in your solution, there will be a username and password hardcoded or a program that will perform these tasks without authorizing the client. These are security holes that I would avoid at all costs.
Having said that, the service is probably the least vulnerable. Even though VS Express doesn't have the template, it's not hard to create a service manually. Use WCF to communicate. Run the service as a managed service account, and give that managed service account only the rights it needs to perform its task.

How to securely store database credentials for Windows application?

I have a python application designed to run as a service on Linux, and I've been asked to install it on a Windows XP box in an office where there are no Linux machines (for me, this makes it a bizarre and confusing place as I have virtually no experience developing for Windows).
On Linux the application has its own user, and the application and database credential file reside in an encrypted folder accessible only by that user. (I'd like to state that I am not a cryptologist, and that if there are already glaring security errors in this set up I'm very happy to have them pointed out to me!)
How can I achieve an equivalent level of security by similar or different means on a Windows XP machine? That is to say, how can I prevent those who have access to the computer or the disk altering the program or reading the credentials?
A little background: the host windows box is a workstation used every day by users with non-administrative privileges. The secure assets are personal data roughly as sensitive as, for example, a school report. The application is intended to be used by about 10 people who authenticate to the application with individual passwords (stored salted and hashed in the database).
There is a very similar question that received the answer:
on Windows you would store the credentials in the registry in a location protected by an ACL
However, it doesn't touch on the aspect of protecting the program files, and further it seems to assume a higher level of Windows experience than I currently enjoy :) I have no idea how to protect registry items with an ACL, nor how I would then be able to access the protected keys from my program. Simple instructions for a developer in an unfamiliar environment would be greatly appreciated!
Your question is unclear about what your application does and what your security requirements are. I'm going to make some assumptions, and provide an answer based on them. If these assumptions are incorrect, please clarify in a comment and I'll update.
I'm assuming you have an application that:
stores sensitive data in a database stored in a DBMS installed on the workstation
is installed on a shared workstation
each user has their own login (non-admin)
allows different users to log on and interract with their data
user runs applicaiton which connects to a service
service connects with database, delivers data to users
service runs under its own user account
If this is correct, then you shouldn't have much issue.
The service can run under any account, but it would be easy enough to have it run under one of the standards (Local Machine or Network Service). Configure the database so that only this account can access it. In Sql Server, I'd only grant that user account (and admins on the box) login and access rights to the database.
This is the only security you need, if the users aren't admins. Now, when the frontend connects to the service, the user can provide the username/password and the service can authenticate against salted and hashed passwords stored in the database. All this is secure as long as 1) each user has their own login 2) communications are secure (using named pipes or SSL) and 3) no virii or keyloggers are running under an admin's credentials.
You can configure your service as to what account it runs under by running services.msc (or right-clicking on MyComputer and selecting Manage or clicking on Services under the Admin tools menu in Control Panel or probably in a number of different ways).
Bring up the list of services, right click on your app and hit Properties. From there, make it look like this:

WIN32 Logon question

We have developed a ASP.NET 3.5 web application with Web Server 2008 and has implemented a custom authentication solution using active directory as the credentials store. Our front end application uses a normal login form to capture the user name and password and leverages the Win32 LogonUser method to authenticate the user’s credentials. When we are calling the LogonUser method, we are using the LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK as the logon type.
The issue we have found is that user profile folders are being created under the C:\Users folder of the web server. The folder seems to be created when a new user who has never logged on before is logging in for the first time. As the number of new users logging into the application grows, disk space is shrinking due to the large number of new user folders getting created.
I need to get the token back after the authentication (authenticated \ password locked \ wrong password ) its futher use and based on logic showing different web pages
Has anyone seen this behavior with the Win32 LogonUser method?
Please answer the following issue:
Is it possible to disable this behavior to create the folder as taking 2.78 MB of space for every new user and it eating my disck space?
I have tried LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH but it was giving an error 1385 in authentication user.
For any solution related to LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH, can you please confirm if that will stop creating the folders at location C:\users.
Also for any possible solution I need either
I am able to disable the folder to be created at C:\user or
Any other option to authenticated user which will not creat folders.
Pass LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH and grant the users permission to log on as a batch job on that machine using Group Policy.
The MSDN documentation for LogonUser recommends LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH as the logon type for web services:
This logon type is intended for batch
servers, where processes may be
executing on behalf of a user without
their direct intervention. This type
is also for higher performance servers
that process many plaintext
authentication attempts at a time,
such as mail or Web servers. The
LogonUser function does not cache
credentials for this logon type.
Have you tried that?
You don't write any information about the version of products (.NET, Windows Server which you use) and the best answer on your question can depend on this. Moreover the best way for your solution depend on what you want to do with the users token after logon. Do you really want to use this token or you want only verify the user? So I try to answer most general on your question.
In general, error 1385 (ERROR_LOGON_TYPE_NOT_GRANTED) means following (see
A user has requested a type of logon,
such as interactive or network, that
was not granted. An administrator has
control over who may logon
interactively and through the network.
There are SE_BATCH_LOGON_NAME and SE_DENY_BATCH_LOGON_NAME (NTSecAPI.h) privileges which can be disabled/enabled in your case (see for description). Use Process Explorer started with administrator rights (see to see which privileges has a process and which from there are enabled (see "Security" tab of a process). If your account used for the application pool don't have SE_BATCH_LOGON_NAME granted or this privilege is not enabled before call of LogonUser, you should add the corresponding code in your program.
By the way sometimes you don't really want to do much with an user account and want only verify a password. To do this you can use an old way with SSPI (see which are used inside of LogonUser implementation. This way is the most smart and quick way to verify an user account which I know.
You can look at "The SSPI Workaround" (see for more information of usage SSPI in .NET 2.0.

Can I Change the Logged-In (Windows) User While an Application is Running?

Let's say we have an application that has a number of features and each feature as a permission set of users that are allowed to use that feature. The application is designed to be always-on, but at different times during the day we want different users to log on and use it.
Rather than reinvent the wheel and create yet another user account and password system, we'd like to use built-in Windows user accounts (for authentication) and Windows groups (for feature access).
Is it possible to leave the application running but have different users come along and log in and log out of the application without logging out of the Windows session?
There is a mechanism called Impersonation (link points to .NET documentation, but the core Windows APIs provide similar features). It allows you to programmatically run code in a context of a different user than the one currently being logged in. There are, however, other security implications to the model you describe. In particular: how do you protect the rest of the workstation your program is running on?
Well, you could certainly have the application get the user's windows credentials. You could also simply query for group membership without requesting any credentials. More specific information will help with a more specific answer. For instance, what language are you working in?
