Rails 3: #template variable inside controllers is nil - ruby

I have the same problem, as in this question. Did anybody find any solutions for this?
So I can't do like this:
flash[:notice] = "Successfully created #{#template.link_to('product', #product)}.
or like this:
#template.title("Page title is here.")
It worked perfectly in Rails 2.3. The main idea is to find out, how to use helper methods directly from conrollers, not from views.

You're doing it wrong.
First, you should setup the title of a page inside the view, not in your controller.
You can simply place a call to the title helper within your view file.
About the link, flash shouldn't contain HTML. However, you can create the link manually.
flash[:notice] = %Q{Successfully created product.}

I ran into this same problem as well and found that you can use the view_context method.
API documentation here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/AbstractController/Rendering.html#method-i-view_context


CarouselView.FormsPlugin get index of specific page

I'm using Carousel View by alexrainman for creating custom wizard.
I need to get index of specific page by its type (I don't know exactly which index would that page have).
Something like this:
var indexAdvanced = MyCarouselView.GetIndex<ContentView>(typeof(AdditionalDefectParametersContentView));
but of course, this code doesn't work. While creating this question, I've got an idea with using CarouselView's ItemsSource. How to do it properly? TIA.
By the way, I've already found an answer. >_<
The resulting code is:
// My CarouselView consists of ContentViews
_indexAdvanced = MyCarouselView.ItemsSource.Cast<ContentView>().
IndexOf(view => view is AdditionalDefectParametersContentView);
So it works!
Don't know what should I do: delete this question or leave? Maybe It would be useful for somebody, so I'll leave it for now.

Vote for comments in posts function with Codeigniter and routing

I am trying to create posts with comments with CodeIgniter and I am trying to add voting for the comments with + and -.
But my problem is not actually this functionallity but more exactly creating the link and the method in controller/model for this.
I understand that there is some kind of link to methods.
If I have something like this:
public function like() {
echo 'Test Function';
and when I create link like this one sitename.com/posts/first-post/like theoritecally I will see blank page with "Test Function" text (and of course if I write proper routing rule but I cannor for now).
I can see a blank page with this working echo 'Test Function', but does this mean I have to load every methods and views for the entire page if I want to display the entire webpage with all the elements? I think that I mistake something very serious here but I don't know what.
The example with the "Create news" tutorial in ellislab.com didnt help me. They show something similar I think with /create/ section in the URL and create() methods.
If I have many links with functionallities do I have to add new routing rules for all of them? I really tried to search in Google and everywhere but I didnt find anything related.
Sorry for this lame question.
You need to use Ajax call and on callback you have to increase or decrease the count. For creating a link , once page is loading render the data and provided the default link like
for + http://<site.com>/<controller>/like?totalLike=<36>
for - http://<site.com>/<controller>/unlike?totalunLike=<3>
Once user will click + link then by using Ajax, call the controller method link/unlike and increase or decrease the count and repopulate the link again with fresh counter.
Hope it will resolve your problem.

ZF2 debugging custom view helper

I a Zend Framework 2 custom view helper I use:
$uri = $this->view->vars()->mainMenu->findById('h');
The mainMenu property is a Zend\Navigation\Navigation object.
The result is that rendering of my view script stops at the point of executing the view helper without any error message. So for all practical purposes: the white screen of death.
In this view helper the line:
$uri = $this->view->vars()->mainMenu;
does work, so apparently the issue is with the findById() method.
But if I use the first line directly in my view script, I do get the expected result, a string containing the url of my home page: '/'.
My question is:
What is the issue with the findById() method in my view helper?
and/or (more importantly):
How can I debug this (and other, it is a recurring problem) issue in the view helper environment?
The Problem is that findById() doesn't exist. Check the Zend\Navigation\AbstractActionContainer which the Zend\Navigation\Navigation extends.
The correct method (i guess) would be findBy(), findAllBy() or findOneBy()
$this->view->vars()->mainMenu->findOneBy('id', 'my-id-to-find');
Found the issue by first addressing the second part of my question, by installing XDEBUG (on Zend Server CE) which finally gave some error output (calling method on non-object).
Where I was focusing on my layout view script, the same view helper also existed in my (final) view script where the navigation object was not available under the reference I used.
What works in both view and layout script is:
$uri = $this->view->layout()->getVariables()->mainNav->findById('h');
I found my solution here:

MailTo link in Razor

How do I make a mailto link using Razor?
I've seen Html.MailTo, but when I try #Html.MailTo nothing comes up.
You should just make a normal hyperlink:
Razor and MVC helper methods are not intended to replace HTML tags; they're intended to make common data-bound elements simpler.
HTML.MailTo() helper is a part of the 'mvc3 futures' project, but there is an alternative to way to do it.
1.)Create a new .cshtml file inside App_Code directory and name it as you want (for example HTMLHelpers.cshtml)
2.)Write the following in the file
#helper EmailTextBox(string email, string title) {
3.)Now in your view you can call your new function. For example write
Email: #HTMLHelpers.EmailTextBox("george#example.com","George Chatzimanolis")
I get to this question when I was trying to do simple
but Razor will treat this as text
I know there are HtmlHelpers and such but so far simple code worked for me
Whether a variable comes from model or ViewBag it's about # sign in href and Razor
The mailto helper is a part of the 'mvc3 futures' project.
The below blog will give you more information on mvc3 futures as well as the link to get it. I believe that it is also available as a NuGet package.
#{var email= new HtmlString( "" mail me ""));}

Dynamic layouts in CakePHP

Sorry about the question title, but I couldn't find a more appropriate way to phrase this.
I am currently building a CakePHP powered website and I'm not quite sure how to approach the following issue. The website looks something like the follwing mockup:
The greyed out areas are part of the layout, because their content does not change between views. In the sidebar, I have a collection of ads who are linked to several models. I need controller logic to determine the picture associated with an ad. Also, the ad list needs to be dynamic. Where should I put the logic for building the sidebar?
I've thought about:
putting the logic into the AppController (beforeFilter / afterFilter) - the problem is I can't use the controller logic I need (the other controllers inherit from AppController, I'm not sure how to use them there).
making a component - is it okay to build components that rely on controllers?
replicating the sidebar code in all controllers that render views - this seems kind of stupid to me.
What is the Cake way for this?
After some reading and experimenting, I've gotten to refactoring most of it.
I obtained the best performance by moving the logic for building my ads in the model (eliminating the component that retrieved the pictures) and not using requestAction. It's almost three times faster and the code looks much better.
I've done something similar for data-driven navigation. I put my logic in AppController::beforeRender and haven't had any problems. I'm not sure I understand your concern related to controller inheritance. I retrieve my menus via:
$menus = $this->NavMenuItem->groupByMenu();
$this->set( compact( 'menus' ) );
I then created an element that renders the menu. It's executed by the layout via:
<?php echo $this->element( 'navigation', array( 'id' => 'secondary', 'menu' => $menus['SECONDARY'] ) ) ?>
If that doesn't help, maybe you can further explain your issue with controller inheritance in a comment.
I guess the answer is requestAction in case the results are cachable:
It can be done in this way:
Create an element that will help in layout of the Ad Block
Create one or more controller that will generate the data required for rendering of the block
Use requestAction for getting the data out of the models and into the element.
Check the cake book, there is an example of an element where data from Post Model is used to display top/latest 5 posts. Your requirement, I feel, is very similar to it.
you're getting a SQL error because the build() function has to be in the Sidebar model, not controller. Also, you don't necessarily need to use $user = array('Sidebar'); you could calling Sidebar in all of your models with this:
$Sidebar = ClassRegistry::init('Sidebar'); and then $Sidebar->find();, $Sidebar->build(); etc.
Or, if you only need to call the build() function from the Sidebar model, you could do this:
$sidebar = ClassRegistry::init('Sidebar')->build();
$this->set('sidebar', $sidebar);
