Require path errors thrown - ruby

I wrote a ruby class that I want to use in other applications that I have. I put it in the same directory c:\apps that I have my other applications in. When I require my class it says that:
`require': no such file to load --
Even though the file is in the same directory as the application I am running. I am simply doing a :
require 'fileformat'

ok, so I did /apps/fileformat and it worked


Use Ruby Class In A Different Directory

I have written a few ruby classes. However, when trying to access one from another directory I am getting the following error:
uninitialized constant Main::AppVersion
This is what the directory structure looks like:
home --> a --> app_version.rb
home --> b --> c --> lib --> main.rb (and other classes)
Everything within "lib" can see each other. However, when trying to access app_version, it fails. I added the path to app version (home/a) to the $LOAD_PATH. So it should be available from there. I have also tried "requiring" my other class, but when I do that I get the following error:
LoadError: no such file to load -- AppVersion
Any idea on what I could be doing wrong here would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
Can try using require_relative:
require_relative '../../../a/app_version'
You error is:
LoadError: no such file to load -- AppVersion
So require is looking for a file AppVersion.rb. And you said the file name is app_version.rb. Try to load it with:
require 'app_version'
after setting up the $LOAD_PATH.
When you define Main::AppVersion class it's supposed to reside in main folder (i.e. main/app_version.rb)
So it doesn't depend on $LOAD_PATH.
You will have to require the file.
LoadError: no such file to load -- AppVersion
Do you require "app_version" ? Or require "AppVersion"? (first one is correct, and consider to require_relative)
Another option is to run ruby and give the include path like
ruby -Ia -Ib/c/lib b/c/lib/main.rb

Heroku load error on require?

My Ruby application runs fine on my box, but when I push it to Heroku and it attempts to run a scheduled process, the logs show this error:
2013-12-23T22:37:11.902160+00:00 heroku[scheduler.4283]: State changed from starting to up
2013-12-23T22:37:12.178751+00:00 app[scheduler.4283]: from /app/vendor/ruby-2.0.0/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:53:in `require'
2013-12-23T22:37:12.178751+00:00 app[scheduler.4283]: from /app/bin/rbtc:3:in `<main>'
2013-12-23T22:37:12.178751+00:00 app[scheduler.4283]: /app/vendor/ruby-2.0.0/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:53:in `require': cannot load such file -- rbtc_arbitrage (LoadError)
2013-12-23T22:37:13.432972+00:00 heroku[scheduler.4283]: Process exited with status 1
2013-12-23T22:37:13.461438+00:00 heroku[scheduler.4283]: State changed from up to complete
This is the code in /app/bin/rbtc:3
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rbtc_arbitrage'
RbtcArbitrage::CLI.start ARGV
File structure link
I tried changing this to require_relative as in a answer to someone else on Stack Overflow to no avail.
I'm kinda at a loss here. Any help is appreciated!
Please, make sure that this file exists: lib/rbtc_arbitrage.rb which loads other files in your repo like this (syntax is valid if you are using bundler):
require 'rbtc_arbitrage/version'
require 'rbtc_arbitrage/file1'
# .. and so on
Now, adding this file should work alone, but if this does not work, try adding your lib directory to the LOAD PATH in your bin/rbtc file before any require statments, like this:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')
This explicitly tells ruby to add the lib directory to the load path, and should solve your problem.

Ruby including files

I have a Ruby app that runs on a server with no web interface. It is run using the command line(ruby path/to/file.rb).
I have classes in different files that I want to be accessible. The files are located in the "app/classes" directory.
I put this in the application.rb file:
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/classes"]
and I get an uninitialized constant error.
I can put in "require_relitive 'somefile'" but I would rather not have to do this for every class that is used. How do I create an autoload path and where should it be located at?
Use require_all
It basically allows you to write this:
require 'require_all'
require_all 'app/classes'
And all ruby files in app/classes will be loaded.

Ruby separate large source files into multiple files

I am writing a Ruby script which was supposed to be a small thing but has grown quite large, way to large to have everything crammed into one source file. So I am trying to separate the project into different files. I have four classes and I want to put each in its own separate source file.
What I did:
I moved all of the classes into their own files so now I have this
Now that they are in other files I am getting uninitialized constant GoogleChart (NameError) in all of my subclasses on the line where I inherit from GoogleChart, i.e.
require 'GoogleChart'
BarChart < GoogleChart
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
Using ruby version 1.8.4
Also I have tried using the absolute path:
require 'C:/Documents and Settings/proj/GoogleChart.rb' and this is still producing a NameError
In Ruby 1.8.x, the . is part of your load path. So you should at least try to debug that by including something like:
puts $:
require 'GoogleChart'
class BarChart < GoogleChart
and load that in an IRB session:
Open the session in your directory proj.
Enter there require 'BarChart'
Look at the result.
For me it is:
irb(main):001:0> require 'BarChart'
=> true
So the require is successful for me, and the . is part of the path (as it should). As you can see, I am working with Ruby 1.8.7, I don't know if anything has changed since 1.8.4 that is relevant here.
So please describe exactly how you run your file:
Have you opened a shell to run the file?
What is the current working directory of that shell?
Do you run by double-clicking it?
It only works when you are in your proj directory and run there (with ruby in your shell path) ruby BarChart.rb.

How do I require a file from inside a directory with Ruby?

I think I'm missing something here. I have a directory like this:
From an irb console I'm trying to test the library before I add it to my real project (a Rails app). However, typing this:
require 'lib/package1/dostuff'
returns an error saying it can't find the file to load. I added the lib directory to the load path but I'm not able to load the file.
What am I forgetting? The two filenames don't have to be the same but that's how they are to begin with (they are auto-generated from some web services I need to call using soap4r; each package represents a different web service API group)
If the directory "lib" is in the load path, the argument to require must be relative to lib. So require 'package1/dostuff' without the lib, otherwise it will look for lib/lib/package1/dostuff.rb.
In Ruby 1.9 there's the new require_relative method, which would let you do require_relative "../package2/dostuff" from within package1/dostuff.rb.
