Heroku load error on require? - ruby

My Ruby application runs fine on my nitrous.io box, but when I push it to Heroku and it attempts to run a scheduled process, the logs show this error:
2013-12-23T22:37:11.902160+00:00 heroku[scheduler.4283]: State changed from starting to up
2013-12-23T22:37:12.178751+00:00 app[scheduler.4283]: from /app/vendor/ruby-2.0.0/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:53:in `require'
2013-12-23T22:37:12.178751+00:00 app[scheduler.4283]: from /app/bin/rbtc:3:in `<main>'
2013-12-23T22:37:12.178751+00:00 app[scheduler.4283]: /app/vendor/ruby-2.0.0/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:53:in `require': cannot load such file -- rbtc_arbitrage (LoadError)
2013-12-23T22:37:13.432972+00:00 heroku[scheduler.4283]: Process exited with status 1
2013-12-23T22:37:13.461438+00:00 heroku[scheduler.4283]: State changed from up to complete
This is the code in /app/bin/rbtc:3
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rbtc_arbitrage'
RbtcArbitrage::CLI.start ARGV
File structure link
I tried changing this to require_relative as in a answer to someone else on Stack Overflow to no avail.
I'm kinda at a loss here. Any help is appreciated!

Please, make sure that this file exists: lib/rbtc_arbitrage.rb which loads other files in your repo like this (syntax is valid if you are using bundler):
require 'rbtc_arbitrage/version'
require 'rbtc_arbitrage/file1'
# .. and so on
Now, adding this file should work alone, but if this does not work, try adding your lib directory to the LOAD PATH in your bin/rbtc file before any require statments, like this:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')
This explicitly tells ruby to add the lib directory to the load path, and should solve your problem.


Unable to include file in the spec file

I am trying to write an RSpec test for a ruby project(Sketchup plugin) but I am facing an issue with the require.
Below is how my folder is structured
In my smoke_tests_spec.rb
require "main_folder/subfolder1/file_to_test.rb"
When I run the rspec using rspec-core/rspec from the root directory I get the following error
Failure/Error: require "main_folder/subfolder1/file_to_test.rb"
cannot load such file -- main_folder/subfolder1/file_to_test.rb
You need to change the LOAD_PATH or use require_relative
Here you have more info.

Ruby: Require Fails To Import - Need To Set Root Directory

Forgive my inexperience with Ruby, but I am unable to run a script within a third-party project with the following structure:
˅ alpha
˅ lib
˅ bravo
˅ charlie
˃ delta
˅ echo
require "charlie/delta/echo/__init"
require "bravo/golf"
What should my command-line be to run the script, 'foxtrot.rb', as the following generates an error:
ruby "c:\arby\lib\bravo\charlie\delta\echo\foxtrot.rb"
"'require': cannot load such file -- charlie/delta/echo/__init (LoadError)"
If this is the code inside of __init.rb, it won't work.
require "charlie/delta/echo/__init"
require "bravo/golf"
require tells ruby to load the code inside a ruby file. In order for it to work, the files need to be organized correctly. You can also use require_relative but they still need a relative path from the file calling them. See What is the difference between require_relative and require in Ruby?

Trying to create a proper ruby application (gem) for my Boulder codeschool class: lib classes not communicating correctly ('Uninitialized constant')

You can see everything in the file structure at github.com/ddd1600/simple_angel
I'm getting alot of errors while trying to create a ruby application (soon to be a gem) "the correct way", viz. by thoroughly dividing the logic into classes and "loader files" and all of that. Point is, I know how to do this code the simpler way, without obeying OO principles, but I want to do it "correctly".
So, first of all, the file structure is as follows---
root folder = ~/Develop/simple_angel
inside /simple_angel
- /lib
- Gemfile
- Rakefile
- simple_angel.gemspec
inside /lib
- simple_angel.rb
- /simple_angel
inside /lib/simple_angel
- company.rb
- search.rb
- version.rb
But, here are some basics.
Here is what I'm calling to run this program from the terminal (PATH when running is ~/Develop/simple_angel)
ruby -Ilib lib/simple_angel/search.rb
Here is search.rb
#these 'requires' are supposed to be loaded in lib/simple_angel.rb, so here I show
#them commented out
#require 'rubygems'
#require 'httparty'
#require 'json'
#require 'company'
module SimpleAngel
class Search
SEARCH_URL = "http://api.angel.co/1/startups"
def search(user_input)
response = HTTParty.get("#{SEARCH_URL}/#{user_input}")
parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
s = SimpleAngel::Search.new
s = Search.new
x = s.search(6702)
p x
Here is the "loader" file, lib/simple_angel.rb (PS: what is a more formal title for this sort of file?)
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
require 'simple_angel/search'
require 'simple_angel/version'
require 'simple_angel/company'
module SimpleAngel
Lastly, when I (again), run "ruby -Ilib lib/simple_angel/search.rb" (with all of search.rb's 'requires' commented out (^&^), this is my error message:
[ddouglas#coders:~/Develop/simple_angel on master]
% ruby -Ilib lib/simple_angel/search.rb
lib/simple_angel/search.rb:15:in `search': uninitialized constant SimpleAngel::Search::HTTParty (NameError)
from lib/simple_angel/search.rb:24:in `<module:SimpleAngel>'
from lib/simple_angel/search.rb:8:in `<main>'
^&^ - now that we're all up to speed here, I might as well include the error that happened when I left search.rb's "requires" in place
% ruby -Ilib lib/simple_angel/search.rb ✹
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- company (LoadError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require'
from lib/simple_angel/search.rb:6:in `<main>'
I can't say I understand the point the class is trying to make regarding splitting up your files.
The first error (uninitialized constant SimpleAngel::Search::HTTParty) is because from within SimpleAngel::Search, you call HTTParty. Try changing that to ::HTTParty to specify the root namespace.
The big picture issue, looking back on this issue, was that I probably just needed to activate my /lib folder within rails via this addition to config/application.rb
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib/**/"]
from there, code can be directly loaded via the file_name.rb => FileName class system from anywhere within rails

Ruby separate large source files into multiple files

I am writing a Ruby script which was supposed to be a small thing but has grown quite large, way to large to have everything crammed into one source file. So I am trying to separate the project into different files. I have four classes and I want to put each in its own separate source file.
What I did:
I moved all of the classes into their own files so now I have this
Now that they are in other files I am getting uninitialized constant GoogleChart (NameError) in all of my subclasses on the line where I inherit from GoogleChart, i.e.
require 'GoogleChart'
BarChart < GoogleChart
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
Using ruby version 1.8.4
Also I have tried using the absolute path:
require 'C:/Documents and Settings/proj/GoogleChart.rb' and this is still producing a NameError
In Ruby 1.8.x, the . is part of your load path. So you should at least try to debug that by including something like:
puts $:
require 'GoogleChart'
class BarChart < GoogleChart
and load that in an IRB session:
Open the session in your directory proj.
Enter there require 'BarChart'
Look at the result.
For me it is:
irb(main):001:0> require 'BarChart'
=> true
So the require is successful for me, and the . is part of the path (as it should). As you can see, I am working with Ruby 1.8.7, I don't know if anything has changed since 1.8.4 that is relevant here.
So please describe exactly how you run your file:
Have you opened a shell to run the file?
What is the current working directory of that shell?
Do you run by double-clicking it?
It only works when you are in your proj directory and run there (with ruby in your shell path) ruby BarChart.rb.

Require path errors thrown

I wrote a ruby class that I want to use in other applications that I have. I put it in the same directory c:\apps that I have my other applications in. When I require my class it says that:
`require': no such file to load --
Even though the file is in the same directory as the application I am running. I am simply doing a :
require 'fileformat'
ok, so I did /apps/fileformat and it worked
